��STONE, Isabelle, Needham, Mass.
Teacher, student; b. Needham, Mass. Sept 19, 1884; Jau. Henry C. and Mary Isabel (Sibley) Stone: ed. Wellesley Coll., A B. '05 .student 1901-05); Cornell Univ., Ph.D. 'C8 (student 19u5- 08); charter mem. of Phi Beta Kappa at Wel- lesley; fellow in Greek and Latin, Cornell, 1907- 08 (mem. sorority of Alpha Omicron Pi); Alice Freemian Palmer fellow of Wellesley uoll., and student m Greece and Italy in 1908-09; instructor fn Greek at Eryn Mawr Coll 1909-^10 ^second semester). Author of Ph.D. Thesis: The Life of Simonides.^of Ceos from the Sources Congrega- tionalist. Mem. Classical Ass'n of New England. Favors woman suSrage. STONE, Isabelle, 3352 Indiana Av., Chicago,
Educator; b. Chicago, , Oct. 18, 1870; dau Lean- der and Harriet (LeonaVd) Stone; e_d. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '90; Univ. of Chicago, M.;:. 9b; Ph-J- ■97- studied at Columbia UniT. Taught at Vas- sar Coll 1898-1906; since 1907 principal, together with sister, Harriet, of the Misses Stones School for Am. Girls In Rome, Italy. H.eader m physics. College Entrance Examination Board 1901 Author: Electrical Resistance of Thin Films (result of investigations carried on at Univ. of Chicago); Color la Platinum Films (re- sult of investigation carried on at Columbia Univ ) • Properties of Thin Films when Depos- ited in a Vacuum (result of investigation earned on at Columbia Univ.). Baptist. ?Aem. Welles- ley Coll. Alumna Ass'n, Ass'n of Doctors of Philosophy of the Univ. of Chicago; charter mem Am Physical Soc; fellow A.A.A.S.; mem Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae; charter mem. of the V/omen's University Club a.. N.Y. City. STONE, Jane Dransaeld (Mrs. Clarence De-
Lano Stone), "Sunny Seat," Crugers-on-Hud-
son NY
Born 'Rochester, N.Y., 1875; dau. Thomas and Elizabeth (Bell) Dransfield; ed^ Vassar Coll., two and one-half years; m. Rochester N.Y., 1899 Clarence DeLano Stone; children: DeLano, Catherine Dransfield. Author of poems dra- matic criticism and fiction m magazines; Brand, an interpretation (poet lore), 1906; Peer Gynt an interpretation (poet lore). 1907; Plays: The Spirit of Christmas; A Christmas Tree Fairy (produced many times for church entertam- rnents)- The Romance of Melrose Hall, an nis- Sfl play produced in Flatbush, 1908; The lx)st Pleiad, a poetic fantasy, produced at the Brooklyn Acad, of Music, 1910. Recreations: Walking swimming. Christian Scientist. Favors woman suffrage. STONE, Jennie Woodbury (Mrs. Ralph J. Stone),
Jefferson, O. ,, ^ o i. m io;;7-
Librarian; b. Kelloggsville, 0., Sept^ 10 18.o7, dau Judge n. B. and Mary (Kervey) Wc^-bury ; ed Jefferson Educational Inst.; New England Conservatory of Music, for piano and voice; m. JeSlrson O . Oct. 27, 1880, Ralph J. Stone; one daughter: Abby Elizabeth. Librarian Citizens Ubrary ; worthy matron Sunshine Chapter Order of Eastern Star; mem. Ladies' Literary Class (pres. two years); mem. Friday Bridge Club, East End Club. Episcopalian. STONE, Marilla I.ee (Mrs. John L. Stone), Rush
EdiW and' publisher; b. Juneau, Wis July 27 1868- dau. Charles A. and Addie L. (Goodnow) Upright; ed. public schools of Des Moines Iowa; m (St) Omaha, Neb., Dec. 28, 1886, Franklyn W. Lee (2d) Rush City, Minn., Sept. 9, 1902 John L Stone; children: Colice Mildred Lee, Jerome Addison Lee. Active in church, social and local civic work. Favors woman suffrage, fc-pisco- palian Mem. Order Eastern Star (worthy grand matron), Royal Neighbors, Ladies of the Grand Army Mmn. Fed. Women's Fraternities, Ladies Musical Club. Sole editor and proprietor of Weeklv newspaper. Rush City Post, conducted since 1838; took publication at death of literary husband, late Franklyn W. Lee. STONE, Martha M. (Mrs. W. T. Stone), Park
Rapids, Minn. „ , „ ...
Proprietor and manager of Park Sanitarium; b Vienna Wis., July 6, 1858; dau. Robert and
��Harriet (Warner) Mann; ed. Wisconsin Univ., B.S. (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Windsor, Wis., June 28, 1883, Dr. W. T. Stone; children: Jay Whiting, Allen V/arner, Herbert Bradley. Interested in religious, social and philanthropic work to some extent. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Progressive in politics. Pres. of Park Rapids Improvement Club for eight years. STONE, TiUie McGUl (Mrs. Herbert Bela Stone), 9 Emmett St., Evansville, Ind. Born Newburg, Ind., Oct. 7, 1874; dau. James Alexander and Sarah Maria (Hazen) McGill; ed. Evansville public schools, Evansville Classical School; m. June 29, 1897, Herbert Bela Stone. Was teacher In public schools for six years be- fore marriage. Rec. sec. Woman's Board of Missions of Cumberland Presbyterian Church since 1906; ass't sup't of Jefferson Av. (Cumber- land) Presbyterian Sunday-school. Favors woman suffrage. Mom. Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mem. Nat. Purity League, Sewing Club, Domes- tic Science Club, Local Federation of Clubs. Recreations: Music, choir work. STONEMAN, Bertha, Wellington, Cape Prov- ince, South Africa.
Professor of philosophy and botany; b. Chau- tauqua (3o., N.Y., Aug. 18, 1866; dau. Byron and Mary Jane (Markham) Stoneman; grad. Cornell Univ., Ph.B. '94, D.Sc. '97; holder of Schuyler fellowship, 1896; elected to Soc. of Sigma Xi, '94; class poet senior year (mem. Delta Gamma). Went to South Africa, 1897, admitted (ad eundem gradum) to the Univ. of the Cape of Good Hope, 1898; served as examiner In botany for that university; chosen mem. of assessors of Univ. Chosen mem. of Y.W.C.A. untemat.) for South Africa; mem. of the Huguenot Missionary Soc., and takes great interest in the South African missionary problem. Favors woman suf- frage. Author: A Study of Authracnoses, A Text Book of South African Botany. Congregation- alist. Recreations: Traveling, botany collections, modern art and eugenics.
STONEROAD, Rebecca, 2606 Garfield St., Washington, D.C.
Physical training director; b. Pittsburgh. Pa., Jan. 1, 1865; dau. Dr. Jackson D. and Jane A. (McKee) Stoneroad; grad. Oswego (N.Y.) Normal School; Allegheny Coll.; National Univ., Wash- ington. D.C, M.i). Director of physical training in public schools of Was-hington, D.C, since 1889. Visited work in schools of Sweden and Germany. Sec. of Physical Education Dep't of the Nat. Educational Ass'n, 1899. Favors woman suffrage. Authrr: Gymnastic .Stories and Plays for Primary Schools. Mem. Am. Ass'n for Ad- vancement of Physical Education, Am. School Hygiene Ass'n, Internal. Ass'n of Hygiene and Demography.
STORER, Elizabeth Drinker, care Central Trust
and Safe Deposit Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Born Cincinnati, Ohio; dau. Judge Bellamy and
Elizabeth (Drinker) Storer; grad. Vassar Coll.,
A.B. '70; elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Teacher in
Swarthmore Coll., 1871-73: Cincinnati, 1872-75 and
1877-78; Vassar Coll., 1878-81; Cincinnati, 1881-88.
STORER, Grace Ayrault (Mrs. Malcolm TStorer,)
302 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.
Born Oxford, N.Y. ; dau. Rev. Walter Ayrault,
D.D., and Elizabeth (Fitz Hugh) Ayrault; ed.
St. Agnes' School, Albany, N.Y. ; m. Geneva,
N.Y., 1899, Dr. Malcolm Storer; one daughter:
Muriel F. Interested especially in rescue work
among girls; sec. of Ass'n for the Work of
Mercy (Boston), and mem. Board of Directors of
New England Moral Reform Soc. (Boston).
F>rotestant Episcopal. Against woman suffrage.
STORER, Katharine DeLamater (Mrs. John
Hudson Storer). 30 Edgecombe Av., N.Y. City.
Born N.Y. City, Feb. 25, 1870; dau. Orrlu
Dwight and Clara Josephine (Butts) Person; ed.
N.Y. City; m. N.Y. City. Oct. 13, 1895, J. H.
Storer, M.D.; children: Egbert D. H., b. Aug. 15,
1895 (died April 5, 1896); Gertrude, b. Nov. 15,
1896 (died Aug. 23, 1907); Douglas Frederick, b. Feb. 23, 1899; Florence Isabel, b. Oct. 6, 1904. Pres. Flower Hospital Auxiliary from reorgani- zation in 1908 until fall of 1912. Episcopalian.