��at Wellesley Coll., 1901-07; sec. Miss Sayward's School, Overlook, Pa., 1910-11; ass't sec. to the pres. Wellesley Coll., 1911- . Congregationalist. Mem. Boston College Club, Boston Wellesley College Club, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. STODDARD, Anna Elizabeth (Mrs. J. N. Stod- dard), 560 Columbus Av., Boston, Mass. Boin Greensboro, Vt., Sept. 19, 1S.52; -lau. David and Betsey F. (Thompson) Rollins; cd. public schools, Cambridge, Mass.; m. (1st) Bos- ton, 1880, John Tanner (died Sept. 13, 1883); (2d) Chicago, 1885, Rev. J. N. Stoddard, general agent of Nat. Christian Ass'n. Was for several years prominent in the Good Templars of Mass., but becoming opposed to secret societies left that order and became active in W.C.T.U. Estab- lished mission school for negro children in Washington, D.C. ; resident of Boston since 1890. Published The Home Light, a monthly paper in opposition to secret societies. Interested in work among girls; has served as treas. of the New England Helping Hand Home (for working girls) and vice- pres. of The Ingleside. Favors woman suffrage. Active in suffrage work for years. United Presbyterian. Active in church and Sun- day-school work and leader of a circle of Queen's Daughters. Mem. W.C.T.U. (pres. Roxbury District).
STODDARD, Cora Frances, 23 Trull St., Boston, Mass.
Secretary Scientific Temperance Federation; b. Irvington, Neb., Sept. 17, 1872; dau. Eimerson H. and Julia F. (Miller) Stoddard; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '96 (The Agora). Representative ,pf U.S. Government at Twelfth International Con- gress on Al-coholism, London, 1909; addressed this congress on National Value of Juvenile Temperance Instruction; organized Exhibit in Alcohol and Public Health for International Hygiene Congress, Washington, 1912; lecturer and writer for general press on scientific aspects of alco'nol question. Editor Scientific Temperance Journal. Mem. Wellesley College Club, Boston; Nat. Conference of Charities and Correction. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage.
STODDAUD, Emura Kr«abct3i L&ne (Mrs.
George C. Stoddard), 226 W. 122d St., N.Y.
Born Westminister, Vt., May 28, 1855; daughter of Henry C. and Mary P. (Nutting) Lane; ed. Westrr-inistsr, Vt. ; m. Westmiii;st«r, Vt., Dec. 8, 1887 George C. Stoddard; one son: I-rawrence Clark Stoddard, b. May 19, 1891. Mem. Holy Trinity CburoSi, Harlem; Guild of Holy Trinity Church; cor. sec. Washington Heights Chapter D.A.R. ; mem. Mothers' Auxiliary Y.M.C.A., also Wash- ington Headquarters Ass'n.
STODDARD, Florence Jackson (Mrs. Edward
Learned Stoddard), 142 A Sterling Place,
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Writer, lecturer; b. New Orleans, La.; dau. Thomas J. and Fannie (Wright) Jackson; ed. Rutgers Female Coll., N.Y. City; went abroad and studied in Paris, and lived abroad, in Eu- rope, Argentina and Cuba, for about fifteen years; m. 1885, Edward Learned Stoddard, of Pittsfield, Mass. Engaged in journalism in Buenos Ayres as correspondent of N.Y. Evening Post from IgSl; mem. staff of the Review of River Plata, 1691, and later of The Arrow; was after that a correspondent in Europe and Cuba of several American newspapers until 1897, when returned to N.Y. City, becoming mem. of staff of N.Y. Tribune; editor of Overland Monthly, San Fran- Cisco, 1902-03, and afterward of McCall's Maga- zine and the Pictorial Review. Mem. of lecturo sUff of N.Y. Board of Education. Favors woman suflragu. Mf^m. Anna Shaw League of Brooklyn. Author: As Old as the Moon, 1909; contributor to newspapers and magazines. Mem. Itutgcra Al'.niu:c .Vss'n. STODDARD, Helen M. (Mrs. S. L. Stoddard),
La Mesa, San Diego, Cal.
Lecturer; b. Sheboygan Falls, Wis., July 27, 1850; dau. Hawley and Esther (Ladd) Gerrells; ed. Genesee Coll. and Genesee Wesleyan Sem., Lima, N.Y., grad. 1871 (valedictorian); m. in Wisconsin. April 9. 1873, S. L. Stoddard; children:
��R. W., b. Jan. 15, 1874; O. C, b. Oct. 10, 1876. Taught 15 years, occupying chair of mathematics in Nebraska Conference Sem., 1879-81; Ck>manche (Texas'! CoU., Fort Worth Univ., Texas, 1883-91. Pres. Texas W.C.T.U., 1891-1907. Favors woman suffrage. Active in spoken and written word, particularly in home district, in securing suffrage for California women. Has written various ad- dresses, articles for magazines, papers, etc. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Prohibi- tionist. Mem. church societies, W.C.T.U., D.A.R., Order Eastern Star, Woman's Relief Corps, La Mesa Woman's Club, Am. Woman's League, Am. Woman's Republic; sec. Board of Regents of College of Industrial Arts, 1902-07. Successful in legis'lative work in Texas, securing many good laws, raising age of protection for girls to 15 years in 1895; scientific temperance instruction law in 1893; anti-tobacco law in 1899, estatolishing Coll. of Industrial Arts in 1901; can- didate for Congress in the Eleventh District of Cal., 1912, and polled 4,842 votes, highest number received by any candidate for Prohibtion in Cali- fornia. Made active campaign, touring district, etc. STODDARD, t^ilian Northrop, Cheshire, Conn.
Born South Windsor, Conn., 1858; dau. Rev. Judson Burr and Sarah E. (Northrop) Stoddard; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '80 (Zeta Alpha). Teacher at Hampton Normal and Agricultural Inst., Hampton, Va., one year; at Young Ladies' Inst., Windsor, Conn., three years; at Abbott Acad., Andover, Mass., one year. Pres. of Wo- man's Club of Cheshire, 15 years. Sunday-school Junior Endeavor sup't, vice-pres. Foreign Mis- sionary Soc. Favors woman suffrage. Congrega- tionalist. Recreation: Reading.
STODDARD, Lucy, 22 W. Sixty-eighth St., N.Y. City.
Born Aug. 15, 1874; dau. Francis Hovey Stod- dard (dean College of Arts, N.Y. Univ.) and Lucy M. (Smith) Stoddard; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '97, and New York University, A.M. '02. Active in church work. Missionary Association work, philanthropic v/ork, social organizations. Pres- byterian. Mem. Astronomical Soc. and Philo- sophical Soc., Smith Coll. Recreations: Rowing, climbing. Mem. Women's University Club, Smith College Club (both N.Y. City).
STODDARD, Mary Perkins (Mrs. John L. Stod- dard), 14 Pleasant St., Dorchester, Mass. Born South Boston, Oct., 1857; dau. Seth and Eliza M. (Ripley) Perkins; ed. Boston schools and Tilton, N.H.; m. Winchester, Mass., June 12, 1882, John L. Stoddard; children: Edith M. (now Mrs. William A. King), Seth Perkins. In- terested in social and philanthropic work. Uni- tarian. Mem. Clifton Literary Club of Dorches- ter, Woman's Book Review Club, Dorchester. STOES, Katherlne Doughty (Mrs. Henry Her- man Stoes), Court St., Las Cruces, N.M. Teacher; b. Lake City, Minn.; dau. J. Coleman and Mary Caroline (Herron) Doughty; ed. Lake City High School and Winona (Minn.) State Normal; m. Las Cruces, New Mex., 1899, Henry Herman Stbes; children: Phillip Edward, Paul Henry. Instructor in New Mex. Agricultural Coll. Helped to organize first federated club in Southwest, also the New Mex. State Federation; organized teachers and taught first county nor- mal in Southern New Mex. ; started and held together first music club in Southern New Mex.; organized Women's Aids; was delegate for good roads, etc. ; active in charity work, civic, and educational work. Has written for papers In New Mex. on local questions, also for educa- tional journals, published in papers weekly a column on women's interests in New Mex.; several short stories, local history articles. Mem. Eastern Star, Ladies' of the Grand Army of the Republic, Woman's Improvement Ass'n. Clubs: Wednesday Literary, Las Cruces Music. Recreations: Music, horseback riding, camping. Favors woman sulirage; has written for local papers, and worked in locality for suffrage. STOKES, Elizabeth Ayres (Mrs. John H. Stokes), Washington, D.C.
Born Freehold, N.J. ; dau. James McChesney and Ellen (Hale) Ayres; grad. FYeehold High