��Soc, and organizations connected with the Man- hattan Congregational Church, of which husband is pastor. Against woman suffrage. Mem. Exec. Com. and chairman Organization Com. of N.Y. State Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suffrage. Author of magazine articl&s, principally on educational topics. CongregationaliPt. Mem. Sorosis and Barnard Club.
STTMSON, Julia Catherine, 4905 Forest Park Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo.; permanent, 159 W. ElKhty-slxth St., N.Y. City. Hospital social service; b. Worcester, Mass., May 26, 1881; dau. Henry A. &timson, D.D., and Alice (Bartlett) Stimson; ed. Brearley School, N.Y. City; Vassar Coll., B.A. '01; grad. N.Y. Hosjpital Training School for Nurses, '08; re- ceived R.N. (registered nurse) from Board of Regents of N.Y., 1909. Sup't Nurses' Harlem Hospital, N.Y. City, September, 1908, to October, 1911; headworker social service dep't Washing- ton Univ. Hospital and St. Louis Children's Hos- pital, St. Louis, Mo., since October, 1911. Mem. Nat. League for Nursing EMucation; director Nat. Organization for Public Health Nursing; director St. Louis Pure Milk Commission. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Nurse's Handbook of Drugs and Solutions. Congregational ist. Mem. College Club (St. Louis).
STIMSON, Male EUzabeth French (Mrs. George W. Stimson), 5721 Elmer St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Born Pittsburgh, May 1, 1888; dau. Philo Nel- son and Bessie (Dabbs) PYench; grad. Thurston Preparajtory School, June, 1906; m. Pittsburgh, April 12, 1909, George W. Stimson; one daughter: Phyllis, b. June 5, 1912. Episcopalian. Recrea- tions: Dancing, tennis, bridge, golf. STIMSON, Mary EsteUa Courtright Davis (Mrs. S. Cary Stimson), 721 Maple Av., Terre Haute, Ind.
Bom Oxford, O., Sept. 15, 1862; dau. Calvin W. and Sarah B. (Albach) Courtright; grad. McConnellsville (0.) High School, '78; Weliesley Coll., 1882-84; m. (1st) Haysville, O., Dec. 21, 1886, Charles M. Davis (died Mar. 20, 1892; (2d) Chicago, Sept. 27, 1896, S. Cary Stimson; children: Charles Miller Davis, Dorothy Davis (died), Mar- garet Elizabeth, Stuart Oiurtright. Taught in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Chicago prepara- tory schools; Wichita (Kan.) High School; Coates' Coll., Terre Haute, Ind. Mem. of Terre Haute School Board, Y.W.C.A. Beard, Soc. of Organized Charities Board, Fresh Air Mission Board; pres. W.C.T.U. Pres. of Terre Haute Florence Crit- tenton Board and of the Indiana State organiza- tion; rec. sec. of Inter-State League of Crittenton Work. Mem. Terre Haute suffrage organization and of State suffrage organization. Presbyterian. Mem. Terre Haute Art Section of Woman's Club. Mem. Saturday Circle of Terre Haute.
8TINSON, Anna Carroll (Mrs. Edgar Stlnson), Harveysburg, O.
Teacher; b. Clinton Co., O.; dau. Joseph and Mary (Bailey) Carroll; ed. Wilmington Coll., O., A.B. '87; A.M. '90; Bryn Mawr graduate student, '90; m. Dover, Clinton Co., O., Sept. 1, 1892, Ed- gar Stinson; one son: Carroll Stlnson. Works in Sabbath-school (su[>erintendent) and in Home Mission. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Friends Church. Recreation: Painting.
8TIX, Erma Kingsbacher (Mrs. Ernest William Stix), 5112 Waterman Av., St. Louis, Mo. Born Pittsburgh. Pa., July 29, 1884; dau. Morris and Sophie (Friedenheit) Kingsbacher; grad. Bryn Mawr (3oll., 1906; m. Pittsburgh, Jan. 7, 1907, Ernest William Stix; children: Elizabeth K., William. Mem. Consumers' League of Mo., Social Service Conference. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. Exec. Board Elqual Suffrage League of St. Louis; chairman Literature Com. Equal Suffrage League of St. Louis. Jewish. Recrea- tions: Golf, dancing. Mem. College Club of St. Louis, the Westwood Country Club; pres. of Bryn Mawr Club of St. Louis.
8TOCKHAM. Alice B. (Mrs. G. H. Stockham), Alhambra, Cal.
Author, physician; b. Caj<dington, C, Nov., 1833; dau. Slocum H. and Matilda (Wood) Bunker; ed. Olivet, Mich., and in medicine. Eclec-
��tic Coll., Cincinnati; m. 1856, Dr. G. H. Stock- ham; children: Cora, William H. Practised medicine in La Fayette, Ind., and Chicago. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Author: Tokology; Lovers' World; Koradine; Karezza; A Visit to a Gnani; Creative Life; Boy Lover; Parenthood. STOCKING, Harriet Bliss (Mrs. William A. Stocking). 37 East Av.. Ithaca, N.Y. Born Ovid, N.Y., Dec. 11, 1871; dau. John B. and Sarah E. (Warne) Bliss; ed. Cornell Univ., Ph.B. '98 (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Binghamton, N.Y., June 27, 1900, William A. Stocking Jr.; children: John, Robert, William, Elizabeth De- lanoy. Taught in Fairfield Sem., 1893-95; in Metzgar Inst., Carlisle, Pa., 1895-96; in Bing- hamton (N.Y.) High School, 1898-1900. Presby- terian. Mem. Cornell Woman's Club (Ithaca), Child Study Club, Campus Club. STOCK3IAN, Dora Hall (Mrs. F. M. Stockman), Lansing, Mich.
Born Marilla, Mich., Aug. 4, 1872; dau. L. F. and Lucy (Bennett) Hall; ed. Benzonia and at Hillsdale CoU., also a teacher's life certificate; m. Marilla, Mich., Aug. 8, 1889, F. M. Stockman; children: Lee, Lucy, Verne. Farmers' institute speaker. State grange speaker, lecturer at Bay View Assembly. Interested in Sunday-school ani Christian Endeavor worker. Favors woman suf- frage. One of the grange State speakers for suffrage. Author: Books; A Bountiful Harvest: Farmerkins Farm Rhymes; Book of Dialogs. Regularly furnishes all the special day programs for Moderator-Topics, the Mich. State teachers' paper; occasional contributor to several other publications. Presbyterian. Mem. Grange Soc, W.C.T.U. Recreations: Tennis, croquet, walk- ing, fishing. Hon. mem. Farmers' Club. STOCKTON, Jessie D. A. (Mrs. Lincoln C. Stockton), 3325 W. Thlrty-flrst Av., Denver, Colo.
Elocutionist; b. La Crescent, Minn., Sept. 22, 1866; dau. Hon. John A. and Louise (Rich) Ander- son; ed. public schools of Hamilton and Quincy, 111.; grad. of Western Normal Coll., Bushnell, 111.; m. Hamilton, 111., Oct. 16, 1887, Lincoln C. Stock- ton; children: Roscoe K., b. 1889; Hugo M., b. 1895. Has given programs in 111., Minn., Mich., Iowa., Neb., Wyo., Colo., Wash. Teacher of expression for eight years in Denver, Colo. Mem. of Divine Silence congregation (New Thought). Author of several monologues and recitations, also poems and songs. Independent :n politics. Mem. Woman's Club of Denver, North Side Wo- men's Club of Denver (pres. 1910-12); honorary mem. of Lansing (Mich.) Unity Club. STOCKTON, Mary Alice, 512 W. 122d St., N.Y. City.
Teacher and secretary; b. Bucyrus, Ohio, Sept. 26, 1867; dau. Rev. Joseph Rea and Eleanor (Barnes) Stockton; ed. Pa. College for Women, A.B. '88, cum magna laude; graduate schools of Univ. of Chicago, 1899-1900; Columbia Univ., 1911-12. Teacher in Pa. College for Women, Pittsburgh, and sec. to president, 1890-1902; sec. of Miss Dana's School, 1903-11; head of English dep't in Miss Bettelheim's School. N.Y. City, 1912-13 Active in literary and social work; club sec. of Colloquum, a woman's dub of Pitts- burgh, 1900-02. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.
STOCKWELL, Fay MacCracken (Mrs. Frederick Emerson Stockwell), Newburgh, N.Y. Bom Toledo, O., May, 1873; dau. Henry Mitchell and Catherine (Hubbard) MacCracken; ed. Miss Grp.ham's School, N.Y. City; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '94; Now Yortc Univ., A.M. '98; m. N.Y. City, Dec, 1899, Rev. Frederick Emerson Stock- well;, children: Catherine MacCracken, Martha Munn, Frederica Mayhew, Charlotte March (deceased). Eunice Le Baron. Director Wom- en's Legal Education Soc. Pres. North River Presbyterlal Soc; vice-pres. Church Missionary Soc. Presbyterian. Recreation: Tennis. Club: Ossoli.
STOCKWELL, Marie Louise, 23 Orkney Road, Brookllne, Mass.
Secretary; b. Boston, June 7, 1875; dau. Stephen N. and Martha E. (Webb) Stockwell; ed. Weliesley Coll., B.A. '97. In secretarial work