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��STICKiEY, Marj- Louise (Mrs. Benjamin F.

Stickley), Leadville, Colo.

Born Newark, 0. ; dau. Robert B. and Anne E. (Philips) Wilkin; ed. Newark High School; m. Denver, Colo., 1884, Benjamin F. Stickley; chil- dren: Walter Charles, Don Wilkin. Has been primary teacher in schools of Ohio and Colo. Actively engaged in wcfmen's club work. Was instrumental in securing the Carnegie Public Library for Leadville, and aid«d in establishing traveling libraries in Colo. Favors woman suf- frage. Democrat. STIEBEL, Frances (Mrs. Isaac Stiebel), 251 W.

Ninety-second St., N.T. City.

Bom Cincinnati, 0.; dau. Julius and Johanna (Lyons) Deitsch; ed. Cincinnati High School; m. N.Y. City, May 8, 1872, Isaac Stiebel; chil- dren: Samuel Jay, Rosebel G. Schiff, Mildred J. F. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's Health Protective Ass'n, Free Industrial School for (>ippled Children, Woman's Fcrum, Inter- nat. Pure Milk League, Rainy Day Club, Press Club, Nat. Soc. of Patriotic Women of America. STITLEK, Cloyd Burnley (Mrs. James Madison

Stifler), 1029 9rove St., Evanston, III.

Born Williamsport, Pa., Nov. 7, 1876; dau. Charles W. and Sallie H. (XJpdegraS) Burnley; ed. Williamsport, Dickinson Sem., Goucher Coll., A.B. '97; fellow in chemistry, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1897-98; instructor in chemistry, Vassar Coll., 1898-1908; research fellow in chemistry, Bryn Mawr Coll., Feb., 1908-June, 1909 (Phi Beta Kappa) ; m. July 28, 1909, Rev. James Madison Stifler; one daughter: Lucy, b. May 29, 1911. Mem. Executive Board of Woman's Baptist Foreign Missionary Soc. of the West, 1910-11, and associate mem. of same board, 1911-12. Author (with E. P. Kohler): Reaction Between Unsatu- rated Compounds and Organic Magnesium Com- pounds; 'Thirteen Derivatives of Cyclohexane (Am. Chemical Journal); The Friedel and Crafts Reaction with Chlorides of Unsaturated Acids (with E. P. Kohler and G. Heritage, Am. Chemi- cal Journal). Baptist. STIGER, Cornelia Harter (Mrs. William Dexter

Stiger), Hewlett, L.I., N.T.

Born Brooklyn, Nov. 21, 1S77; dau. Frederick A. and Isabella Taylor (Sherman) Harter; ed. Brooklyn Heights Sem., Miss Bodman's School, Smith Coll., B.L. '98; m. Nov. 26, 1904, William Dexter Stiger; children: Sophia Capwell, Isabella Taylor. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Smith College Club of N.Y. City. STILES, Eliza Huestis (Mrs. Frank Lawrence

Stiles), 211 S. Parsons Av., Flushing, N.T.

Born Troy, N.Y., Mar. 3, 1879; dau. George Albert and Mary (Dorrance) Huestis; ed. Troy schools, (^rnell Univ. A.B. '02; mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma; m. Troy, N.Y., Dec. 31, 1908, Frank Lawrence Stiles. Episcopalian. STILL, Ardella Dockery (Mrs. George Still),

Kirksville, Mo.

Born Kirksville, April 10, 1880; dau. Thomas J. and Julia (Linder) Dockery; ed. North Missouri State Normal School, B.S.D.; Mo. State Univ., A.B. (Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Des Moines, Iowa, Mar. 10, 1906, Dr. George Still. Studied law. Mem. D.A.R., Sojourners' Club of Kirks- ville; pres. Third Dist. Mo. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1908-12; vice-chairman of Dep't of Lit- erature and Reciprocity, 1910-12; State chairman Dep't of Legislation and Civil Service Reform, 1912-13; field chairman for Mo. of Endowment Fund of General Federation. STILLE. Mary I., West Chester, Pa.

Historian, temperance leader, journalist; b. West Chester, Fa., July 1, 1844; dau. Abraham and Hannah Jcfferies (Hutchinson) Stille; ed. Pine Hall Sem. and Allen's Select School, West Chester, Pa., and Bucknell Univ. Favors woman suffrage; served under the old regime under Susan B. Anthony. Orthodox Friend by birth; attends Presbyterian Church. Democrat. Char- ter mem. Chester County Historical Society, State historian and charter mem. D.A.R. ; also charter mem. of Chester Co. Children's Aid Soc, Chester Co. Hospital, W.C.T.U., Hist. Pageant Ass'n, and Paoli Memorial Ass'n; mem. Bucknell Alumna; Club. Reorganized the State W.C.T.U.

��in 1889. Family has served in every war since

the French and Indian.

STILLMAN, Emma Poniplitz (Mrs. Thomas B.

Stillman), 532 River St., Hoboken, N.J.

Born Baltimore, Md., Feb. 4, 1858; dau. August and Louise (Otto) Pompldtz; ed. Baltimore, Md., private schools; grad. high school; Peabody Inst.; m. Thomas B. Stillman; children: Albert C, b. June 14, 1883; Anita Mary, b. Dec. 13, 1887; Thomas B. Jr., b. June 11, 1890. Soprano soloist in Baltimore (Md.) church, 1878-81; delegate to the Biennial Convention of the Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs at San Francisco, Cal., 1912; devoted to philanthropic work. Ex-pres. Wom- an's Club of Hoboken; dist. vice-pres. N.J. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Recreations: Music, traveling. Episcopalian. Favors woman suf- frage. Democrat. STILL5IAN, Mary Wight (Mrs. Charles Chaun-

cey Stillman), 9 E. Sixty-seventh St., N.T.


Born Windsor, Me. ; dau. Amos Merrill and Martha Devereux (King) Wight; grad. Cony High School, Augusta, Me.; St. Catherine's Hall, class '91 (private church school) ; Boston City Hospital, '96; mem. Unity (Literary) Club, Au- gusta, Me.; m. Augusta, Me., 1903, Charles Chauncey Stillman (son of James Stillman) ; children: Elizabeth Goodrich, Chauncey Deverr eux, Eliot Wight. Before marriage was en- gaged for six years in social settlement work. Episcopalian. Interested in child welfare, educa- tion, sanitation. Favors woman suffrage. STILSON, Mary E. (Mrs. William W. Stilson),

1048 West Kensington Road, Los Angeles, Cal.

Born Evansville, Ind., October, 1854; dau. Fielding and Mary M. (Veule) Johnson; grad. Glendale Coll., Cincinnati, Ohio; m. "Toipeka, Kan., 1876, William W. Stilson; children: Field- ing J., Helen E., William W., Carroll A. Busi- ness manager of her own estate twelve years. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Republi- can. Recreation: Travel. Mem. Ruskin Art Club, Friday Morning Club. Corr. sec. Southern California Landmarks Club, 1892-1906. Club mem. in 1S74; organized Art Club in 1882; pres. Univ. Extension. 1899-1900; State sec. of Federated Clubs, 1900-02; State vice-pres. and chairman of convention, 1902-03; State regent California D.A.R. , 1910-12.

STILWELL, Laura Jean Libbey (Mrs. Van Ma- ter Stillwell), 916 President St., Brooklyn, N.T.

Author; b. N.Y. City, Mar. 22, 1862; dau. Thomas and Elizabeth Libbey; m. Sept. 23, 1898, Van Mater Stilwell. Became prominent after the publication of her novel: Miss Middleton's Lover. For many years contributed, under contracts, to the N.Y. Ledger, Fireside Companion and Family Story Paper; was special writer for the N.Y. Evening World, editing at the same time the N.Y. Fashion Bazaar; more recently has edited a woman's dep't for the Chicago Tribune. Author: A Forbidden Marriage; That Pretty Young Girl; Lovers Once, but Strangers Now; Oliver's Courtship; When His Love Grew Cold, and many other novels. STIMPSOX, Helen Josephine, 19 Sever St.,

Worcester, Mass.

Teacher; b. Wcrcester, Mass., Feb. 28, 1872; dau. Joseph N. and Helen E. (Green) Stimpson; grad Wellesley Coll., B.A. '95 (mem. Alpha Kappa Chi). Teacher in Ashby, Mass., 1896; Holden High School, 1896-99; teacher of mathe- matics, English High School, Worcester, since 1899. Mem. Woman's Auxiliary of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Girls' Friendly Society. Fa vors woman suffrage. Mem. Wellesley College Club, Levana Club. STIMSON, Alice Sartlett (Mrs. Henry A. Stim-

son), 159 W. Eighty-sixth St., N.T. City.

Born Manchester, N.H., Sept. 20, 1854; dau. Samuel C. Bartlett (D.D., LL.D., pres. Dartmouth Coll.) and Mary B. (Learned) Bartlett; grad. Bradford (Mass.) Acad., '74; m. Chicago. Rev. Henry A. Stimson, D.D., S.T.D.; children: Alice Mary (now Mrs. Wilson Smith), Julia Catherine, Lucile (now Mrs. Elbert A. Harvey), Henry Bartlett (lawyer), Philip M., Dorothy, Barbara. Mem. Woman's Municipal League, League ol Political Education, Civic League, Missionary


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