��STEWART, Georgrlana, Des Moines, Iowa.
Physician; b. Forcstville, Ky., Apr. 10, 1870; dau. Jonathan and Mary (Wilson) Stewart; ed. Des Moines, 1891; selective course, '97, Drake Univ., M.D., '97. Pres. State Soc. of Iowa Med. Women, 1912-13. Interested In Free Dispensary for Women and Children of Des Moines, Hospital for Women and Children. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Disciples of Christ Church; Women's Church Soc. of Des Moines, Women's Club, Des Moines.
BTEWABT, Jane Ajrnee, The Kenneth, 5101 Willow Av., West Philadelphia, Pa. Author, editor; b. Boston, Mass.; dau. Alexan- der Paton and Mary Davidson (Denyven) Stewart; ed. public and private schools, Glasgow, Scotland; Boston, Mass. ; Toledo, O. Contributor to Toledo Blade; assoc. editor Union Signal, Chicago, 111.; editor Oak and Ivy Leaf, Chicago; editorial writer, Boston Transcript, Boston Beacon; press correspondent in Europe; on editorial staff Am. Sunday-school Union, Philadelphia, since 1909. Chairman Nat. Press Com., Nat. Congress of Mothers and Am. School Peace League; treas. Pa. State Woman's Press Ass'n; director Pa. Arbitra- tion and Peace Soc; leader Christian Civic Club (children) ; mem. Central Congregational Church, Philadelphia Favors woman suffrage; mom. Philadelphia Co. Suffrage A-ss'n; helped edit their monthly News Letter; contributor on suffrage to various periodicals. Author: The Kindergarten, What Is It? The Frances WUlaj-d Book; The Christmas Book; Birthday Calendar Suffrage Wo- men; Birthday Calendar Temperajsce Women. Congregatlonaliat. Mem. Am. Acad. Political and Social Science, Pa. Soc. of New England Women, Nat. Geog. Soc. Pa. Arbitration and Peace Soc, Nat. Congress of Mothers, Pa, State Women's Press Ass'n, Philadelphia W.C.T.U., Philadelphia League of Home and School Ass'ns, Philadelphia Woman's Suffrage Soc, Philadelphia Public Edu- cation Ass'n. Recreations: Gardening, painting, music. Clubs: New Centiu'y, Civic.
STEWART, Jennie E. Don^las (Mrs. John Stewart), 54 E. Fifty-third St., N.Y. City. Born N.Y. City, Aug. 24, 1854; dau. David and Sarah E. (Stuart) Douglas; ed. Mrs. Hoffman's School, N.Y. City and by private collegiate pro- fessors after graduating; m. N.Y. City, 1872, John Stewart. Mem. Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. Has crossed the Atlantic Ocean over eighty times.
STEWART, Lillian Kimball (Mrs. Frank C.
Stewart), 110 Fulton St., Oshkosh, Wis.
Born Superior, Wis., Dec. 4, 1860; dau. Charles Dean and Caroline (Howe) Kimball; grad. Osh- kosh High School, Vassar Coll., and special stu- dent of Chicago Univ.; m. Oshkosh, Aug. 24, 1910, Frank C. Stewart. Teacher of English literature in Oshkosh High School, and for ten years head of English dep't in State Normal School at Oshkosh. Pres. Parish Guild of Trin- ity Church; regent Oshkosh Chapter D.A.R. ; director Ladies' Benevolent Soc Author; Struc- ture of the English Sentence; Elementary Eng- lish (book one), Elementary English (book two); Kimball's English Grammar. Episcopalian. Rec- reation: Study of genealogy. Mem. Twentieth Century Club and Study Class (Oshkosh).
STEWART, Margarita Abraliam (Mrs. Milton A.
Stewart), 404 S. First St., Mount Vernon,
Physician; b. Smlthfleld, Pa., Mar. 9, 1853; dau. Aaron Jones and Eliza (Jackson) Abraham; ed. district schools, Georges Creek Acad., Smith- field, Pa.; Woman's Hospital Training School, Philadelphia; N.Y. Dental School, N.Y. City, D.D.S. ; Woman's Medical Coll. Hospital, N.Y. City, M.D.; m. Smithfleld, Pa., Dec. 9, 1870, Dr. Milton A. Stewart; children: Harry Jones, William James, Guy Albert, Jones Abraham. Active in temperance and social purity work. Author: The Great Deliverance; God's Ways in Marriage; Religion and the Family. Mem. W.C.T.U., Alumnae Ass'n of the N.Y. Med. Coll. and Hospital for Women, Nat. Christian League for the Promotion of F*urity, the Woman's Re- public. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage. So- cialist.
��STEWART, Mary, Craig Hall, Missoula, Mont.
Dean of women; b. Utica, O. ; dau. Frank and Laura (Forest) Stewart; grad. Univ. of Colo., B.A. 1900. Dean of women, Univ. of Mont., since 1907. Lectures before clubs and other organiza- tions. Chairman County Central Com. Suffrage Party. Lectures on suffrage. Author (i>en-name "Mary Stuart"): The Collect for Club Women; writes verse occasionally for newspapers and magazines. EJplscopalian. Mem. Consumers' League, Nat. Educational Ass'n, Y.W.C.A. Rec- reations: Walking, mountain climbing, horse- back riding, cross-country tramping. Mem. Woman's Club (Missoula), Denver Woman's Press Club, Cosmos Club (Missoula). STEWART, Robina Lament, General Hospital,
Toronto, Can.
Superintendent of nurses; b. Guelph, Ont. ; dau. Robert and Anne (MacGregor) Stewart (both of Scottish descent); ed. Guelph (Ont.) schools; Guelph Collegiate Inst.; Johns Hopkins School of Nurses, Baltimore, Md., grad. 1901; registered nurse. Head nurse Johns Hopkins Hospital, four years; studied in hospitals of Chicago, N.Y. City and in Pennsylvania; three years superin- tendent of nurses in the Allegheny General Hos- pital at Pittsburgh, Pa.; since Septemoer, 1910, sup't nurses, Toronto (jeneral Hospital School for Nurses. Presbyterian. Mem. Johns Hopkins Nurses' Alumni Ass'n, Associated Alumnae of U.S., Soc. of Superintendents of Training Schools for Nurses of America, State Ass'n of Nurses of the State of Maryland. STKWART, Kuth Lincoln Phelan (Mrs. Dugald
A. Stewart), Bowman, N.Dak.
Born Brainerd, Minn., Aug. 13, 18S4; dau. James E. and Clara (Lincoln) Phelan; ed. Univ. of Wis., B.A. '05 (Kappa Alpha Theta) ; m. Dick- inson, N.Dak., Mar. 23, 1898, Dugald A Stewart; one daughter: Jean. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's Club of Bowman. Unitarian. STEWART, Sarah A., 134 E. Sixtieth St., N. Y.
City; summer home, Avon-by-the-Sea, N.J.
Teacher; b. Madison Co., N.Y., 1839; dau. Isaac and Huldah (Clark) Stewart; ed. N.Y. public schools. Portage Inst., Wis. ; Marengo (111.) Coll., Mt. Morris (111.) Coll., Milwaukee (Wis.) Female Coll., Baraboo (Wis.) Female Coll.; grad. Holyoke (Mass.) Coll., '67 (mem. Nat. Mt. Holyoke Alumn» Ass'n). Principal normal dep't Milwaukee High School; prin. pri- vate school, Philadelphia, Pa. These schools helped to make the kindergarten an organic part of the public school in their cities, the second and third cities in the U.S. to take the step. Hostess of Pa. Educational Exhibit at World's Fair, 1893; founder of Internal. Kindergarten Union, 1892. Spent one year in Europe looking up re- ligious, social and philanthropic matters as well as educational subjects. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Mrs. Belmont's Political Equality Club. Wrote addresses on educational subjects at con- ventions, conferences, etc. Life mem. Nat. Education Ass'n; life mem. Internal. Kindergar- ten Union; mem. Mt. Holyoke Alumnae, both N.Y. and Philadelphia. Mem. Philadelphia New Century Club, Contemporary Club, (geographical Soc, the University Extension Work, Browning Soc., Fed. of Women's Clubs, Avon Culture Club. STEWART, Sarah E. (Mrs. William M. Stew- art), 1133 E. Third South St., Salt Lake City,
Born Salt Lake City, Utah.. Sept. 24, 1858; dau. Abram and Charlotte (Tabberer) Taylor; ed. Univ. of Utah, norma) graduate, valedictorian of class (first girl ever chosen); m. Salt Lake City, Dec. 17, 1884, William M. Stewart; children: Charlotte, Gladys, W. M. Jr., Clara, Ralph, Mary. School teacher. Sabbath-school worker also in Mutual Improvement and Primary (two religious societies of young people and r-hildren), Nat. Relief Society of Women^ Nat. Council of Women. Favors woman suflfrage. The only woman delegate In county convention chosen ass't sec. Democratic. Latter Day Saint. Mem. Industrial and Legislative Com. of the State Fed. of Women's Clubs, City Ass'n of Women's Clubs. Recreations: Theater, dancing, concerts, lectures, reading. Mem. Authors' Club, Ensign Club, Women of the Univ. of Utah (pree.).