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��ter Woman's Club and founder and for years ctairman of its Art and Literature Class; also member Thursday Morning Fortnightly Club, Elm Hill Shakespeare Club, Bostoner Deutsche G€sellshaft (all of Boston), and MacDowell Club, N.Y. City; is chairman of the newly organized Students' Dep't of the National Federation of Musical Clubs. Besides teaching piano, devotes much time to giving lecture recitals on various musical subjects and illustrated talks to classes on modern composers of the different countries. Is a student of art and languages; has worked with The Associated Charities and is much in- terested in social service movements, whicn tend toward the gradual evolution of fairer con- ditions of life for the poorer classes and otner needed reforms, and an ardent advocate of the Universal Peace Movement. Resides now in N.Y. City.

STEVENSON, Sara Torke (Mrs. Cornelius Stevenson), 237 South Twenty-first St., Phila- delphia, Pa.

Literary editor. Public Ledger; b. Paris, Feb. 19, 1847; dau. EdTvard Yorke (of Philadelphia and New Orleans) and Sarah (Hanna) Yorke (of Louisiana); ed. Institution Descauriet, Cours Remy, Paris; m. Philadelphia, June 30, 1870, Cornelius Stevenson (mem. of Philadelphia Bar) ; one son: William Yorke Stevenson, financial edi- tor of Evening Bulletin, Philadelphia. First wo- man whose name was printed on Harvard Calen- dar (having delivered lecture on Egypt at Pea- body Museum, Harvard, 1894). Among first women jurors appointed by Congress on Internat. Jury for Anthropology, Columbian uJxposition, 1893. Elected vice-pres. of jury by colleagues. Hon. degree Sc.D., Univ. of Pa., 1S94 (first degree conferred by that institution on a woman), con- ferred for services rendered to the cause of an- thropology work done at university in taking initiative in erecting of museum building, send- ing out expeditions, raising funds, etc. Pres. of Pa. Soc. of the Archeological Inst, of America, 1898-1902; sec. of Dep't of Archeology of Univ. of Pa., 1890-1904 (pres. 1903-05). Pres. Acorn Club since 1894; first pres. and one of the organizers of Civic Club of Philadelphia, 1895-99 (now vice- pres.);' one of the eight trustees appointed by City Councils to Board of Philadelphia Museums, 1893-1900; lecturer and ass't curator of Pa. Mu- seum and School of Industrial Art, 1905—. First pres. and one of organizers of Equal Suffrage Soc. of Philadelphia (now vice-pres). Author: Maximilian in Mexico— A Woman's Reminiscences of the French Intervention, 1898; The Book of the Dead (edited with notes), 1901. Joint author (with Ferdinand Justi and Morris Jastrow Jr.) : Egypt and Western Asia in Antiquity, 1905. Also author of reports and papers on archeological subjects and on civics in various scientific periodicals, several articles in magazines, in- numerable articles on miscellaneous subjects. Only resident mem. of Am. Philosophical Soc; mem. Am. Oriental Soc, Oriental Club of Phila- delphia; fellow of the American Ass'n for the Advancement of Science. Recreations: Reading, social intercourse. Hon. life mem. New Century Club of Philadelphia, and hon. mem. of College Club of Philadelphia. At fourth biennial meeting of the Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs held at Denver, 1898, organized first section of civios for federa- tion. Served on com. apixiinted by Mayor War- wick of Philadelphia to advise as to the ex- penditure of municipal loan of $12,000,000. Has delivered many lectures in State and country. Has been appointed chairman of reception com. to do honors of the city to the President, Cabinet and Diplomatic Corps, 1836-98, and on many other occasions when congresses or conventions have been entertained by the city.

STEWART, Agrnes Torrlson (Mrs. Charles Craw- ford Stewart), 5753 Washington Av., Chicago, 111.

Bom Manitowoc, Wis., 1876; dau. Isuld and Martha (Findal) Torrlson; grad. Wellesley Coll., B A '99; m. Manitowoc, Wis., 1908, Charles Crawford Stewart. Favors woman suffrage. Lutheran. Mem. Ass'n of Collegriate Alumnae, Chicago Wellesley Club, Archfe Club.

��STEWART, Caroline Taylor, Columbia, Mo.

University professor; b. Memphis, Tenn. ; dau. Jonathan Deckard and Nancy Maria (Taylor) Stewart; grad. Kansas State Univ., A.B. '92; Univ. of Mich., A.M. '95; scholarship to Bryn Mawr, '95; fellowship, '96; fellowship from Nat. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae and from Nat. Educa- tional Ass'n of Boston, 1898-1900; Ph.D. in Ger- manics, Univ. of Berlin, Germany, 1901. Ass't prof. Germanics Univ. of Mo. since 1905. Author: The Nominative Singular of the Weak Substan- tive in Old High German, 1897; Die St. Pauler Glossen, 1901; Grammatical Treatise on the Alemannic Psalms, 1904; The Origin of the Names of the Numerals, 1906; Class Room German, 1906; The Pronunciation of Modern German, 1908; Die Entstehung des Werwolf glaubens, 1909; The Origin of the Werwolf Superstition, 1909; also monographs in Monatshefte fiir Deutsche Sprache and Padagogik; Translating from Ger- man into English; Something About Accentua- tion; Something About Synonyms; More About Translation; Syllabication. Episcopalian. Rec- reations: Writing, music. Favors woman suf- frage. STEWART, Cora L,., Boston Public Library,

Boston, Mass.

Social worker, custodfan of Branch Library; b. Boston, Feb. 5, 1867; dau. John Brigham and Nancy (Parker) Stewart; ed. Newton High School, Wellesley Coll., 1886-1901; one year at Boston Univ. Law School, '97 (mem. Zeta Alpha). Social worker, pastor's ass't, research work for State board on unemployed, for overseers of poor. Resident at Denison House, Boston Public Library Branch in foreign district. Favors woman suffrage; precinct chairman Woman Suffrage Party of Mass. Independent in politics. STEWART, Cora Wilson (.Mrs. A. T. Stewart),

Morehead, Ky.

Superintendent of Rowan Co. schools; b. Jef- fersonville, Ky., Jan. 17, 1875; dau. Dr. Jeremiah and Annie Eliza (Haliey) Nelson; ed. Morehead Normal School; Nat. Normal Univ.; State Univ. of Ky. ; m. Sept. 23, 19€1, A. T. Stewart; one son: William HoUey, died in infancy. Principal Morehead public school, 1906-07; princinal Model School, Morehead Normal School, 1908. Elected sup't Rcwan Co. schools, 1901-05; re-elected for term 1909-13. Pres. Ky. S-ducation Ass'n, 1911-12. Originator of moonlight schools, 1912. President Rowan Co. Schools Ass'n, 16th Dist. Christian Woman's Board of Missions. Favors woman suffrage. Author of mountain articles: The Wo- men of Peudland; The Mountain Girl; The Breathitt CJounty Vendetta. Mem. Christian Church. Democrat. Recreation: Horseback rid- ing; has record of having ridden thousands of miles horseback over the mountains of Ky. Pres. Morehead Woman's Club. Collaborator U.S. Bureau of Education, 191-2. STEWART, Eliza H. B. (Mrs. Orlando V. Stew- art), 4716 St. Lawrence Av., Chicago. III.

Bom Youngstown, O., Mar. 23, 1^6; dau. Martyn and Mary (McCurdy) Bentley; grad. Rayen High School, Youngstown, O. ; Vassar Coll., A.B. '79; m. Youngstown, O., 1881, Rev. Orlando V. Stewart (died Nov. 12, 1894); chil- dren: Robert Bentley, b. July 10, 1S82; James Wilbur, b. Oct. 22, 1893. Identified with various philanthropies and clubs after marriage. After graduation from Vassar, taught in the Rayen High School. Interested in woman suffrage. Presbyterian. STEWART, Ella Seass (Mrs. Oliver W. Stewart),

5464 Jefferson Av., Chicago, III.

Bom Arthur, 111., Feb. 22, 1871; dau. Levi and Elizabeth A. (Powell) Seass; ed. Decatur (111.) High School, Eureka (111.) Coll., A.B. '90, A.M. '92; Univ. of Mich., A.B. '92; m. Aug. 20, 1890, Oliver W. Stewart. Pres. 111. Equal Suffrage Ass'n, 1906-11 (still director) ; oflScer Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1907-11; trustee Eureka Coll. Was connected oflacially with W.C.T.U. and missionary organization several years. Com- piled Guest Book. Mem. Disciples of Christ. Recreation: Walking. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Chicago Branch of Michigan Univ. Alumnae, Political Equality League.


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