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��College Preparatory School, Englewood, N.J., 1878-91; mem. Board of Education, Englewood, N.J., 1S97-1905; lecturer on history and literature; editor and newspaper writer. Interested in genealogical research and patriotic work. Has written short stories, reviews and special articles In various magazines. Mein. D.A.R. (ex-pres. general). Women's Club of Englewood. N.J., and Woman Suffrage Study Club of N.Y. City. Epis- copalian. Mem. Women's Political Union, Woman Suffrage Party of N.Y. (leader 19th Assembly District).

STERLrVG, Sara Hawks, 5409 Spruce St.,

Philadelphia, Pa.

Author, teacher; b. Philadelphia; dau. John and Mary D. (Eldredge) Sterling; ed. Girls' High and Normal School, Philadelphia; M. M. Jones' School, Philadelphia; Heinze School of Music, Philadelphia; Univ. of Pa. (mem. Alpha Phi Chi). Teacher of English in Philadelphia High School for Girls, 1905-12; teacher of English, West Philadelphia High School for Girls, 1912—. Author: Shakespeare's Sweetheart, 1905; A Lady of King Arthur's Court; The Queen's Company. Episcopalian. Recreations: Music, amateur the- atricals, walking, boating. Mem. Browning Soc, Shakespeare Company, Dickens Fellowship, Women's Press Ass'n. Against woman suffrage.

8TERNBERGEE, Bertha Strauss (Mrs. Emanuel

Sternberg-er), Greensboro, N.C.

Philanthropist; b. Mayesville, S.C, Oct. 27, 1877; dau. Alfred A. and Amelia (Weinberg) Strauss; ed. Woman's Coll., (Columbia, S.C; Univ. of S.C; Winthrop, Roek Hill, S.C; m. Mayesville, S.C, April 25, 1900, Emanuel Stern- berger; children: Blanche Strauss, b. May 15, 1901; Emelia Strauss, b. May 13, 1906. Pres. Play- ground and Kindergarten Asj'n; chairman Litera- ture Dep't Vi'oman's Ciub; second vice-pres. Wo- man's Club; pres. Woman's Aid Soc. (synagogue). Against woman suffrage. Jewess. STETSON, Augusta E., 7 West Ninety-sixth St.,

N.Y. City.

Christian Science practitioner; b. Waldsboro, Me.; dau. Peabody and Salome (Sprague) Sim- mons; ed. Damariscotta (Me.) High School, Lin- coln Acad.. Ne-wcastle, Me.; Blish School of Oratory, Boston, Mass.; Metaphysical Coll., Boston. Christian Science doctor (C.S.D.); m. Damariscotta. Me., Capt. F. J. Stetson (now deceased). Practitioner of Christian Science since 1884; preached in Chickering Hall, Boston, 1885; sent to N.Y. City by Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, 1886, and with others organized, 1887. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 1887; mem. of its B'd of Trustees 23 years; pastor, 1887-95; First Reader from 1895-1902, when rotation in reader- ship was established. Principal N.Y. City Christian Science Inst. since incorporation, 1891. With students and church members raised over $1,250, COO and built First Church of Christ. Scientist, N.Y. City, which she dedi- cated ifree of debt Nov. 30, 1903. Author: Poems, 1901. STETSON, Katharine Beecher, 623 W. 136th

St., N.Y. City.

Artist; b. Providence, R.I., 1885; dau. Charles Walter and Charlotte (Perkins) Stetson; ed. pri- vate schools, art schools in Rome, Academia liaffaelo Sanzo, Slgnor da Pozzo, Cour Frangaise, Am. Acad, in Rome, Pa. Acad, of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Exhibitor Am. Pavilion of Roman Internat. Exposition, 1911; Pa. Acad, of the Fine Arts, Baltimore Water Color Club, R.I. School of Design, etc. Favors woman suffrage. STl^VENS, Adeline Chapman (Mrs. Frank Lin- coln Stevens), College of Agriculture, Maya-

guez, Porto Rico.

Professor in University of Porto Rico; b. Par- kersburg, W.Va. ; dau. John H. and Christina iGltchell) Chapman; ed. Marietta (O.) H;gh School, '88; Cook Co. Normal School, Chicago, '92; Univ. of Chicago, '94; student of education, Germany, 1900-01 ; student of home economics in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, 1909; m. June 16, 1897, Frank Lincoln Stevens. Training teacher, Columbus (O.) Normal School; Instructor In zoology. North Carolina Coll. of Agriculture and Mechaulcal Arts; teacher of biology. North Caro-

��lina State Summer Schools; lecturer on Home Economics In women's Institutes, North Carolina, Alabama and Delaware; since then prof. Home Economic Coll. of Agriculture, Univ. of Porto Rico, at Mayaguez. Club pres.; chairman Wom- an's Com. Nat. Ass'n of Farmers' Inst. Workers (mem. exec. com.). Mem. Education Com. Fed. Women's Clubs. B>ditor Woman's Dep't of Progressive Farmer. Joint author: A Prac- tical Arithmetic and Primary Arithmetic; con- tributor to magazines; author of a collection of children's stories. Congregationallst. STEVENS, Alice Bartlrtt (Mrs. Levi Hubbard

Stevens, 640 W. 139th St., N.Y. City; summer,

Nyack-on-Hudson, X.Y.

Writer; b. South Landaff, N.H. ; dau. Adna and Sarah (Hastings) Bartlett (descendant from Joslah Bartlett, the first signer, after John Han- cock, of the Declaration of Independence); m. South Landaff, Mar. 5, 1878, Levi Hubbard Stevens. Newspaper woman and magazine writer; social correspondent, Washington, during Roose- velt administration. For years interested and identified in the Associated Charities of Minne- apolis as an active worker; visitor among the poor and writer on that subject. Against woman suffrage. Wrote a sketch of the Life and Serv- ices of Josiah Bartlett, published in the Granite Monthly (N.H. publication). Unitarian. Mem. Nat. Soc. of New England Women of N.Y. STEVENS, Cornelia Antoinette, care of W. E.

IHeek, Antloch, Cal.

Pianiste; b. Rock Island, 111.; ed. in schools of Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Vassar Coll.; musical education in Chicago. Engaged for several years past as concert pianiste, chiefly on the Pacific Coast.

STEVENS, Daisy McLaurin (Mrs. William For- rest Stevens), Brandon, Miss.

Orator; b. Raleigh, Miss., June 21, 1875; dau. Hon. Anselm Joseph McLaurin (Governor and U.S. Senator) and Laura (Rauch) McLaurin (of Scotch (paternal) ancestry, traced to sixth cen- tury); grad. Brandon Female Coll. (valedic- torian); Belmont Coll., Nashville Tenn. ; editor- in-chief of College Annual; m. in Executive Man- sion, Jackson, Miss., Dec. 15, 1S96, William Forrest Stevens; children: Daisy McLaurin, Ann McLaurin, Delta McLaurin. Ex-pres. Miss. Division United Daughters of Confederacy; re- gent for Miss. Room of Confederate Museum at Richmond; Miss. pres. of Southern Commercial Congress. Recreations: Riding, driving. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Against woman suffrage. STEVENS, Edith Ames (Mrs. Charles Brooks

Stevens), R.F.D. No. 1, Lowell, Mass.

Born Washington, D.C, Mar. 4, 1873; dau. Gen- eral Adelbert and Blanche (Butler) Ames; ed. private study and Bryn Mawr CoU., 1891-93; m. Lowell, Mass., June 17, 1S96, Charles Brooks Stevens; children: Ames, Edith, Harriet L>Tnan. Brooks Jr. Trustee of Tewksbury Public Li- brary; officer Lowell Day Nursery Ass'n, 1904-OC; manager of a farm. Mem. Lowell Guild, Bryn Maiwr Alumnae Ass'n, Woman's Welfare Dep't of Nat. Civic Fed., Fortnightly Club of Lowell, Mass. Unitarian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Lowell Equal Suffrage League. STEVENS, family Hnntingrton (Mrs. William

Stanford Stevens), 53 Devonshire St., Boston,


Born St. AJibans, Vermont; daughter of Silas Huntington and Harriet (Safford) Lewis; m. St. Albans, Vt., Dec. U, 1895, Dr. William Stanford Stevens; children: William Stanford Jr., Stanford Huntington, Philip Greeley. Volunteer social worker Mass. Gen. Hospital, Mass. Women's Trade Union League. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Ways and Means Com. of Mass. Woman Suffrage Aee'n; field sec. Equal Franchise Leag^je of St. Albans, Vt.; mem. Mass. Political Equality League. Congregationallst. Mem. Twentieth Century Club of Boston.

STEVENS, Grace, 32 Bedford Terrace, North- ampton, Mass.

Physician; b. Meriden, Minn., 1868; dau. Fred- erick J. and Lucy P. (Wheeler) Stevens; ed. Mt. Holyoke Coll., B.L. '93; Boston UaJv. School of


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