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��STEPHENS, Agnes I.avima (Mrs. Stephen Dover

Stephens), 204 Richmond Terrace, New

Brighton, S.I., N.T.

Born N.Y. City, Nov. I, 1S56; dau. Sigismond and Frances Waldo (Pitkin) L.asar; ed. N.Y. City and Brooklyn, N.Y.; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., April 17, 1884, Stephen Dover Stephens; children: Stephen Dover, Richmond. Pres. Staten Island Diet Kitchen; mem. Nat. Soc. New England Women, Mary Desha Memorial Chapter D.A.R., Gen. Federation sec. of N.Y. State Federation of Women's Clubs; mem. Rainy Day Club; hon. mem. Port Richmond Literary Club; mem. St Andrew's Church Choir Guild. Episcopalian. STEPHENS, Alice Barber (Mrs. Charles Hallo- well Stephens), Moylan, Pa.

Artist; b. near Salem, X.J., 1858; dau. Samuel C. and Mary (Owen) Barber; ed. public school, Philadelphia; Philadelphia School of Design for Women; Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts; Julien Acad, and Carlo Rossi Acad., Paris; m. Philadelphia, 1890, Charles Hallowell Stephens; one son, b. 1893. Engraver on wood, illustrator, portrait painter, teacher in Philadelphia School of Design for Women; for a few years head of life class. Interested in Civic Club of Philadelphia; former head of com. ol art dep't for decoration of public schools. Recreation: Gardening. Clubs: Civic, Plastic and New Century of Philadelphia (hon. mem.). STEPHENS, Frances Ramsay (Mrs. G. W.

Stephens), 39 3 Dorchester St., West, Montreal,


Born Montreal; dau. Nicholas Carnegie and Margaret (Brown) Macintosh; ed. by private tu- tors; m. 1878, Hon. G. W. Stephens; children: Elizabeth May, Marguerite Claire, Francis Chat- tan. Interested in Soc. of Decorative Art. Uni- tarian. Clubs: Women's Canadian of Montreal, Ladies' Morning Musical, Royal Montreal Golf. STEPHENS, Kate, 420 W. 12 4th St., N.T. City.

Bom Moravia, N.Y., Feb. 27, 1853; dau. Nelson Timothy and Elizabeth (Rathbone) Stephens; ed. Univ. of Kansas, A.B. '75; A.M. '78; graduate study under private instructors in Cambridge, Mass., and in Germany. Ass't prof, of Greek, 1878-79; prof, of Greek, 1879-85, Univ. of Kansas. Wrote articles on the legal, educational and general social status of women in American Sup- plement of Encyclopasdia Britannica, Forum, At- lantic Monthly, etc. Consulting and constructive editor of several series of books; editor of John- son's Life of Pope, 1897; Stories from Old Chron- icles, 1909. Author: American Thumb Prints; Mettle of Our Men and Women, 1905; A Woman's Heart, 1906; Delphic Kansas, 1911; The Greek Spirit, 1913. Mem. Phi Beta Kappa. Favors woman suffrage. STEPHENS, Marietta Lonlse (Mrs. David Stu-

bert Stephens), 802 N. Seventh St., Kansas

City, Kan.

Born Sharpsburg, Pa., Oct. 10, 1850; dau. Thomas H. and Ann Harland (Stewart) Gibson; ed. Pittsburgh Female Coll.; Adrian (Mich.) Coll.; m. Sharpsburg, Pa., Oct. 7, 1874, David Stubert Stephens; children: Thoonas C, b. Mar. 6, 1876; Stubert Blddle, b. Mar. 20, 1880; Emerson Gibson, b. Mar. 24, 1883; Mary Louise, b. April, 1889 (died July 20, 1889). Nat. corr. sec. Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. for 18 years. Interested and active in philanthropic and civic work for many years. Mem. Board of Welfare in Kansas City, Kan. ; Traveler's Club, Kansas City, Kan. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Kan- sas Suffrage Ass'n. Progressive. STEPHENS, Marion Beam (Mrs. Redmond

Davis Stephens), 1365 Aster St., Chicago, 111.

Born Chicago, 111., Jan. 9, 1877; dau. Thomas Bruce and Caroline (Putnam) Ream; ed. Holman- Dickerman School, Chicago; Miss Baldwin's School at Bryn Mawr; grad. Bryn Mawr Coll., B.A. '99; m. Chicago, Feb. 18, 1903, Redmond Davis Stephens. Second vice-pres. of Woman's Board of Chicago Hospital; director of Home for Destitute Crippled Children in (Chicago; director of Convalescent Home for Destitute Crippled Children at Prince's Crossing, 111.; mem. Auxil- iary Board of Children's Memorial Hospital; director oi Woman's Athletic Club, 1913. Pres-

��byterian. Mem. Service Club, Anti-Cruelty Soc., Woman Suffrage League of 111., Fortnightly Club of Chicago, Woman's Athletic Club, Bryn Mawr Club of Chicago, Chicago College Club. STEPHENS, Minnie, Yorkville, 111.

Teacher; b. Bureau Co., 111.; dau. David and Adeline (Sparling) Stephens; ed. Henry (111.) High School, 111. State Normal and private school. Teacher in village and grammar schools; since 1909 teacher of mathematics and science in the Oregon and Yorkville (111.) High Schools. Mem. Epworth League, American Woman's League and local dramatic club. Methodist Episcopal. Recreations: Riding, walking, tennis, basketball. Mem. Yorkville Woman's Club and Delphian Club of Oregon, 111. Favors woman suffrage. STEPHENS, Nanna J. Wilson (Mrs. Leroy

Stephens), 307 S. Sixth St., Lewisburg. Pa.

Bom New Brighton, Pa., Oct. 25, 1860; dau. Jef- ferson and Elizabeth K. (Couch) Wilson; ed. in schools of Pa. ; North Sewickley Acad. ; Beaver Coll.; Geneva Coll.; Bucknell Univ., grad. 18S7, took elocution and essay prizes; m. Beaver Falls, Pa., Dec. 25, 1895, Rev. Leroy Stephens, D.D.; chUdren: Elizabeth W., b. April 23, 1898; Leslie Wilson Stephens, b. Nov. 13, 1903 (died Sept. 25, 1906). Went to India as Baptist missionary in year of graduation; was transferred to Japan (Yokohama), engaged 'in Bible Woman's Train- ing School work; health failed and returned to U.S. Teacher in Sunday-school; Sunday-school work. Pres. W.C.T.U.; active mem. Bucknell Alumnffl Club, Lewisburg Civic Club, Board of Student Loan Ass'n of Bucknell Univ.; active in State and local missionary work. Favors woman suffrage. Has written articles for papers. Ba,ptist. STEPHENSON, Margraret Elizabeth Coulter

(Mrs. Henry Lee Stephenson), 412 Marguerite

Av., Portland, Ore.

Born Oxford, Ohio., Mar. 11, 1881; dau. Thomas and Caroline (Cooper) Goulter; grad. Oxford Col- lege, A.B. '02 (with second honors); Miami, B.Ph. '03; Cornell, A.M. '08 (Delta Zeta); m. Oxford, Ohio, 1910, Henry Lee Stephenson. Au- thor of translation of Hermann Paul's Concep- tion of Germanic Philology; collaborated with others in Concordance to Wordsworth by Lane Cooper. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Girls' Friendly Soc. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. STEPHENSON, Sarah, 129 Columbia Heights,

Brooklyn, N.Y.

Lawyer; b. Toronto, Can., 1876; dau. James and Sarah J. (Stevenson) Stephenson; ed. To- ronto. Can., and Brooklyn Law School of St. Lawrence Univ., LL.B. and LL.M.; mem. Alumna of Brooklyn Law School. Admitted to practice in 1906. Naturalized citizen of U.S., Dec. 11, 1905. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman Suffrage Party, Woman's Political Union, College Equal Suffrage League, Brooklyn Woman Suffrage Club. Congregationalist. Mem. Central Congregational Church of Brooklyn, N.Y. Rec- reations: Walking, skating, hockey, rowing, canoeing. Mem. Imperial Order of Daughters of the British Empire, St. George Chapter; the Women Lawyers' Club, First Assembly District Progressive Club of Kings County. STERLING, Ada, 58 W. Fifty-seventh St., N.Y.


Author, editor; b. Holyoke, Mass.; ed at home, high school, Meriden, Conn.; languages, music, etc., abroad. Associate editor. Harper's Bazaar, 1898,1904; rejoined Harper Bros, editorial staff, 1906. Author: Belle of the Fifties, 1904; The Man's Friend, 1S06; also of a play: A Lucky Man. Translator of George Sands' Histoire de ma Vie, 1908 (Paul Elder). Contributor to Atlantic Monthly, North Am. Review, Independent, etc. Mem. Am. Acad. Dramatic Art. Mem. College Women's Club. STERLING, -■Vdaline Wheelock, 195 Claremont

Av., N.Y. City.

Teacher, writer, lecturer; b. Brooklyn, N.Y. ; dau. Sherman Horace and Anne A. (Joyce) Ster- ling; ed. Brooklyn Heights Sem., Brooklyn, N.Y. ; subsequent study in Germany. Principal of


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