��Myron Whitney. Served ten years on Nat. Board of Nat. Fed. of Musical Clubs; studied and sang in church and concert in all the leading cities of the U.S. Has held numerous offices of high standing in the city. State and nation; well known as musician and teacher In the South- west. Interested in social and church work; pres. of literary, musical, social and civic clubs; pres. Muskogee City Federation of Women's Clubs. Has written many articles on musical subjects, which have been published by the leading musical journals and magazines; regular contributor to N.Y. Musical Courier. Mem. Order Eastern Star; charter mem. the Musicians' Club, N.Y. City; mem. Nat. Ass'n of Organists, Soc. for Promotion of Opera in English, Ladies' Saturday Music Club (hon. pres.); pres. Study Club; mem. Shakespeare Club, New Century Club, Muskogee Art Club.
STEKLMAN, Fannie Lawrence (Mrs. Mathlas Steelman), 18 Prichard St., Elizabeth, N.J. Born N.Y. City, 1867; dau. Benjamin L. and Mary (Applegate) Lawrence; ed. Prof. Lansley's private school, Elizabeth, N.J. ; m. Dec. 21, 1887, Mathias Steelman. Active in interests of the -Methodist Episcopal Church and of Southern Industrial and Educational Ase'n. Favors woman suffrage. State pres. for N.J. and nat. corr. sec. of Nat. Soc. of U.S. Daughters of the War of 1812; mem. Boudinot Chapter D.A.R. ; charter mem. U.S. Daughters of the Union, Daughters of the EJmpire State, Minerva Post Parliament of N.Y. City and Contemporary Club of Newark, N.J.
STEERS, Edna Louise, 1251 Pacific St., Brook- lyn, N.Y.
Teacher of biology; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Mar. 20, 1883; dau. William C. and Margaret (Oault) Steers; ed. Girls' High School, Brooklyn; Cor- nell Univ., A.B. ; mem. Alpha Phi Sorority. Teacher of biology in Girls' High School, Brook- lyn, N.Y. Mem. N.Y. Ass'n of Biology Teachers. Recreations: Riding, skating, swimming, dancing. Mem. Cornell Alumnae Club, Alpha Phi Club. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.
STEIN, Blanche Harnish (Mrs. J. Rauch Stein), 359 E. Broad St., Bethleliem, Pa. Teacher; b. Alexandria, Pa., Nov. 24, 18G8; dau. Joseph and Minerva Ellen (Robb) Harnish; ed. public schools of Huntington Co., Pa., 1874- 83; Indiana State Normal School, 1884-85; Bryn Mawr Preparatory, 1894; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1894- 97; m. Lancaster, June 14, 1898, Rev. J. Rauch Stein; children; Joseph H., Caroline R., Eleanor R., J. Rauch Jr. and George H. (twins). Teacher in public schools of Pa. and La., Overbrook (Pa.), Miss Sayward's School, and Bryn Mawr High School. Mem. Ladles' Literary League, W.C.T.U., Bryn Mawr Coll. Christian Union, Women's Needlework Guild of North Am., Clas- sical Missionary Societies of Reformed Church, Harrlsburg College Club, Teachers' (civic) Five O'clock Tea Club (vice-pres.). Mem. Reformed Church in the U.S. Favors woman suffrage.
STEIN, Evaleen, 708 Hltt ftt., Lafayette, Ind.
Writer; b. Lafayette, Ind.; dau. John A. and Virginia (Tomlinson) Stein; ed. public schools of Lafayette; Art Inst, of Chicago. Author (poems): One Way to the Woods, 1897; Among the Trees Again, 1902. Stories for children: Troubadour Tales, 1903; Gabriel and the Hour- Book, 1906; A Little Shepherd of Provence, 1910; The Little Count of Normandy, 1911. Clubs: Parlor, Current Topic. Has had her decorative work shown in the Arts and Crafts E.xhibitions of Chicago, In Rochester, N.Y. ; Indianapolis, and elsewhere. Favors woman suffrage.
STELNEM, Pauline (Mrs. Joseph Steinem),
222S Scottwood Av., Toledo, O.
Born Radzlcwo (Russian Poland); dau. Hay- man and Bertha (Slisower) Perlmutter; grad. Teachers Sem., Memmingen, Bavaria, Germany; m. in Germany, 1884, Joseph Steinem (then resi- dent of Fostoria, O.); chiluren: Edgar, Chester, Clarence, Leo. Mem. Theosophlcal Soc. ; trustee Toledo Public Library; treas. Nat. Council of Women; pres. Toledo Council of Women. Fa- vors woman suffrage; served ttiree years as pres.
��Ohio Woman Suffrage Ass'n; chairman Com. on Education. Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; chairman of Com. on Organization Lucas Co. Equal Suffrage League during Equal Suffrage campaign of 1912, when Toledo gave majority of 2,000 for suffrage. Has written magazine articles and addresses. Theosophist. Mem. Nat. Education Ass'n, Toledo Woman's Ass'n, Ohio Newspaper Women's Ass'n, Ohio Library Ass'n, Woman's Educational Club, Toledo Writers' Club, Council of Jewish Women, Toledo Woman Suffrage Ass'n. First woman elected to the Board of Education of Toledo, 0.; elected in 1904, served five years; ejected on non-partisan ticket, leading all candi- dates.
STELNFELD, Martha L. (Mrs. Maurice Egbert StelnfeW), 4253 W. Pine Boulevard, St. Louis,
6orn Bariville, 111., July 3, 1880; dau. Maurice J. and Isabel (Baker) Levy; ed. Newark (N.J.) High School; Woman's Coll. of Baltimore; Barn- ard Coll.; Columbia Univ., A.B. 1900; m. Wheel- ing, W.Va., Jan. 26, 1904, Maurice Egbert Stein- feld; children: Harry Levy, Isabel Caroline. Contributor to New International Encyclopedia; associate editor of Translation Dep't, Jewish En- cyclopaedia. Favors woman suffrage. Head of Literature Bureau of Equal Suffrage League of Mo. Co-author at Solomon's Judgment, pageant play produced in St Louis, 1913. Jewess. Gov- ernor of Consumers' League; mem. Pioneer Club, St. Lonls, Mo.
STEINHEIMEB, Anna Scott (Mrs. John Gray Stelnhetmer), 30 Carswell St., Waycross, Ga. Bom Newton Highlands, Mass. ; dau. George Franklin and Anna Louise (Russell) Scott; ed. Asheville, N.C.; grad. Asheville Female Coll.; m. ABhevUle, N.C., July, 1898, John Gray Steln- heimer. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R., Fed. of Women's Clubs, church societies and Card Club.
STELLE, Lucy Page (Mrs. Oliver Benjamin Stelle), 1627 Nineteenth St., N.W., Wash- ington, D.C.
Journalist, editorial writer; b. Baltimore, Md.; dau. Rev. Henry Wayman and Harriet Lang (Page) Woods; ed. in private school in Philadel- phia (Mrs. Chisman's) and Young Ladies' Sem., Springfield, Ohio; m. Chicago, Dec. 15, 1868, Oliver Benjamin Stelle; children: Grace Harriet (Mrs. Byron N. Caples), Harry Wilson, Clarence Manning. Mem. Woman's Welfare Dep't of Nat Civic Fed. (Washington branch). Author of short stories m Harper's, McClure's; mem. staff of Philadelphia Inquirer as Washington corre- spondent. Has been writer on Baltimore Sun, New York Herald, Chicago Tribune. Protestant Episcopalian. Recreations: Pianist, musical lec- tures, walking, motoring.
STENZEL, Lnla Vinett© (Mrs. Charles F. A. Stenzel), 139 Kentucky Av., S.E., Washing- ton, D.C.
Author; b. Washington, D.C, Jan. 1, 1872; dau. Jacob W. and Elizabeth A. (Childs) Kerper; ed. Washington public schools; m. Washington, D.C Aug. 9, 1900, Charles F. A. Stenzel. Author: Breta's Double; The Darkwood Tragedy.
STEPHEN, Laura Rose (Mrs. William F.
Stephen), Huntingdon, Que., Canada.
Lecturer and demonstrator in home economics; b. Georgetown, Out., Can., Jan. 15, 1866; dau. Lawrence Rose, native of Oxfordshire, England, and Hannah (Phin) Rose, of Scotch ancestry; ed. public school, Georgetown, Ont. ; Guelph (Ont.) Collegiate Inst.; Alma Ladies' Coll., St. Thomas, Ont.; honor graduate of the first Dairy School In connection with the Ont. Agricultural Coll.; m. 1911, William F. Stephen, sec. Canadian Ayrshire Breeders' Ass'n. Engaged on staff of Ont. Agri- cultural Coll. Dairy School, 1897-1911; also con- ducted traveling dairy schools. Lecturer and demonstrator in Home EJconomics at women's and farmers' institutes and fall fairs In Canada aud in N.Y. State. W.C.T.U. worker; also ac- tive in Woman's Missionary Soc. of the Meth- odist Church. Author: Farm Dairying (Chicago, 1911); editor Home Department In Canadian Farm. Recreations: Horticulture, driving.