��gationalist. Democrat. Recreations: Golf, row- ing, walking, driving.
STEARNS, Nellie George (Mrs. George Frederic Stearns), Hotel Canterbury, Back Bay, Bos- ton, Mass.
Artist and teacher of art; b. Warner, N.H. ; Jau. Gilm.an C. and Nancy B. George; grad. Simonds Free Higli School, Warner, N.H. ; art .=;tudent Boston Museum of Fine Arts and under Kniilio Longino; m. Warner, N.H., Dec. 24, 1882, George Frederic Stearns. Exhibited at New Orleans Exposition, 1884, and at World's Colum- bian Exposition, Chicago, 1893, also at various lowns In New England. Located in Boston since 1S94. Congregationalist. Mem. Order o£ the Kastern Star.
STEBBIN8, Edith Endicott (Mrs. Roderick Stebbins), 96 Morton Road, Mllton, Mass. Born Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 31, 1876; dau. Joseph Mason and Emma (Endicott) Marean; ed. Radcliffe Coll., A.B. '99; m. Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 2, 1901, Roderick Stebbins; children: Rod- erick Jr., b. Feb. 2, 1903; Henry Endicott, b. June 16, 1905. Favors woman suSrage. Uni- tarian. Mem. College Equal Suffrage Club, Mil- ton Woman's Club, Radcliffe Alumnae Ass'n and Radcliffe Union.
STEBBINS, Ethel, 33 W. Ntath St., N.T. City. Teacher; b. N.Y. City, Feb. 1, 1873; dau. Charles H. and Minnie C. (Vail) Stebbins; ed. N.Y. Normal Coll., B.A. '92; Cornell Univ., B.S. '95 (Kappa Kappa Gamma). Director lor Cornell on board and sec. Intercollegiate Bureau of Occu- pations; mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae Ass'n. Director of the Cornell Women's Club of N.Y. City. Favors w^man suffrage; mem. Wo- man Suffrage Party, N.Y. City.
STEBBrVS, Eunice, 1230 Park Wild Av.,
Omaha, Neb.
Teacher in high school; b. Omaha, Dec. 24, 1872; dau. C. S. and Sara A. (Stubbe) Stebbins; ed. public schools, Omaha; Cornell Univ., B.S. '97 (Sigma Xi) ; post-grad. Cornell and Univ. of Neb. Identified through the Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae with Social Settlement work; interested in charities. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae and Country Club. Recreations: Travel, theatre, physical exercise. Mem. Society of Friends. Favors woman suffrage.
STEBBINS, Frances Bussell Palmer (Mrs. Ed- ward Fitzellyn Stebbins), Lock Box 251, Le- banon, Mo.
Born Ypsilanti, Mich., Sept. 20, 1850; dau. Charles Lewis and Emeline Cook (Russell) Pal- mer; ed. public schools, Detroit; high school; St. Mary's Acad., Windsor, Ont. ; m. May 21, 1873, Edward Fitzellyn Stebbins; children: Charles Edward, Mary Emeline, Frances Eleanoire, Char- lotte Elizabeth, Grace Winnifred. Mem. cf Epis- copal Church guilds, literary and philanthropic clubs, amusement clubs in Detroit, Kansas City and Lebanon, Mo. Mem. Lebanon Shakespeare Club, Domestic Science Club. Recreations: Read- ing, travel. Episcopalian.
STECKEK, Margaret Loomis, 270 First Av., Mt.
Vernon, N.T.
Teacher, Mt. Holyoke Coll.; b. Mt. Vernon, N.Y., Apr. 8, 1885; dau. Charles H. and Mary Louise (Bates) Stecker; ed. public schools of Mt. Vernon, N.Y. ; Cornell Univ., A.B. '06; graduate work, 1910-11; School for Social Workers, Boston, Mass., 1906-07 (Kappa Kappa Gamma). Fellow in Economic Research. Women's Educational and Industrial Union, Boston, 1906-07; special agent U.S. Bureau of Labor, 1907-09; instructor in economics, Mt. Holyoke Coll., 1911 — . Interested in National C'nild Labor Com., National Con- sumers' League, College Settlements Ass'n. Writer of short stories in current magazines." Mem. Am. Economic Ass'n, Am. Ais'n for Labor Legislation. Clubs: Westchester Woman's (Mt. Vernon, N.Y.), Cornell Women's (N.Y. City), N.Y. Alumnas Ass'n of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Women's Political Union, N.Y. City; College Equal Suffrage League, Mt. Holyoke.
��STECKEB, Mary Bates (Mrs. Charles H
Stecker), 270 First Av., Mount Vernon, N.Y.
Born New Haven, Conn. ; dau. Charles and Cor- nelia (Loomis) Bates; ed. New Haven High School; West End Inst. (Mrs. S. L. Cady), New Haven; m. New Haven, Oct. 31, 18S3, Charles H. Stecker; ohildrtn: Margaret Loomis, Charles Bates. Pres. Woman's Union First Congrega- tional Church; rec. sec. N.Y. State Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs; rec. sec. Westchester Woman's Club; sec. and chairman of renting com. West- chester Woman's Club Realty Company; board mem. State Anti-Suffrage Com. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Congregationalist. Mem. Fri- day Night Club. Has been sec. People's Insti- tute; sec. and acting pres. and treas. Woman's Auxiliary to the Mt. Vernon Hospital; mem. Y.M.C.A. Auxiliary; vice-pres. Woman's Repub- lican Club of Mt. Vernon.
STEEDMAN, Carrie Howard (Mrs. George Fox Steedman), 35 Westmoreland Place, St. Louis, Mo.
Born St. Louis, Sept. 8, 1874; dau. Thomas and Kate M. (Robb) Howard; grad. Mary Inst. '92 (with honor) ; one year Misses Ely's School for Girls; m. (jhrist (3hurch Cathedral, St. Louis, June 27, 1903. George Fox Steedman; children: Katherine, b. 1904; Medora, b. 1909. Mem. Alli- ance Frangaise, St. Louis Protestant Orphan Asylum, St. Louis Woman's Club. Recreations: Golf, sailing. Episcopalian.
STEEDMAN, Virgrinia Chase (Mrs. J. Harrison Steedman), 401 N. Newstead Av., St., Louis, Mo.
Born Edina, Mo. ; dau. Edwin Elisha and Vir- ginia (Atkinson) Chase; grad. Annie Brown's School for Girls, N.Y. City, '94; m. N.Y. City, Mar. 8, 1900, J. Harrison Steedman, Vice-pres. Board of Managers of St. Louis Maternity Hospital; mem. of Social Service Conference, and of Wednesday Club of St. Louis.
STEELE, Alice Bradbury (Mrs. Charles W.
Steele), Farmington, Me.
Teacher of stenography and typewriting; b. Greene, Me.; dau. Charles A. and Lillias (Barrell) Bradbury; grad. Hebron Acad., Hebron, Me., June, 1887; m. Greene, Me., Oct. 23, 1901, Charles W. Steele, of Portland, Me.; children: two girls (died in infancy). Mem. D.A.R. (now regent of Colonial Daughters Chapter), Fai^ington, Me. Mem. Every Monday Club (pres.). Baptist.
STEELE, Annie FoUansbee (Mrs. John H.
Steele), Peterborough, N.H.
Born Peterborough, N.H., Jan. 29, 1S50; dau. George W. nnd Mary C. (Pierce) Follansbee; ed. Peterborough, N.H. ; m. Peterborough, 1867, Hon. John H. Steele; children: Mary A., Harry Leon, Kathleen, John Dana. Mem. Order of Eastern Star; charter mem. of Themis Chapter. Pres. F. and F. Club of Peterborough. Unitarian.
STEELE, Katharyn Albani (Mrs. Walter W.
Steele), 580 ^\ Ferry St., Buffalo, N.Y.
Born Kirksville, Mo., Oct. 28, 1871; dau. Rob- ert Harris and Ann Rebecca (Porter) Harris; ed. Kirksville (Mo.) State Normal School and Smith's Coll., Mo. ; m. Kirksville, Mo., June 3, 1SS9, Walter W. Steele. Chairmap Membership Com. of Children's Aid Soc. and mem. Board of Di- rectors; as mem. of Board of Directors and Exec. IBoard of Women's Industrial and Educa- tional Union and chairman established the Up- town Women's Exchange and Tea Room. Mem. Political EJquality Club, Consumers' League, Soc. of Artists, Guild of Allied Arts and Open Reading Club. Favors woman suffrage; chairman 23d Ward Women's Progressive Club of Buffalo, N.Y. Author: How God Created the West In- dies (a fable). Unitarian. Owns and is super- intending scientifically the management of two farms. Recreations: Literature, writing verse and usual social diversions.
STEELE, Leda Crawford (Mrs. Claude Luman Steele), 513 W. Court St., Muskogee, Okla. Music teacher; b. Osage Mission, Kan.; dau. Edson H. and Misha (Sutherland) Crawford; ed. public schools of Kansas and New England Con- servatory of Music, Boston; m. Parsons, Kan., 1895, Claude Luman Steele; children: J. Russell,