��Donnelly, for two seasons; then became mem. of Alcazar" Stock Compauy, San I'ranclsco, for a season; K^tunied Kast and joined the Castle Square Theatre Co., Boston, and during season of l»0,'.-06 appeared with Charles Richman In Gal]op.s: after that was under David Bclabco'a managumunt. playing tln^ leading woman part in Th* Music Master, v/ith David Warfield. 1906, r.nd later in same year became the star in David Dol.isco's play The Rose of the llaucho. in w'nlch she continued for three or four seasons, ,^-:ird appL^aring in other plays under the L'elasco management; in 1912 created role of "Dorothv" in The Case of Becky, at the Bclasco Theatre, X.Y. City. STARRETT, Kmma L. (Mrs. Samuel B. Star-
rett). Central City, Neb.
Superintendent National W.C.T.U. Christian Citizenship Dep't; b. Altoona, 111.; dau. John and Christine (Hedburg) Linderhohn; ed. Dayton and Essex (Iowa) High School; m. Omaha, Neb., Oct. 5, 18S7, Samuel B. Starrett; children: Samuel B. Jr., Josephine, Pauline Sophia, John Vincent. State corr. sec. W.C.T.U., 1905-09; nat. sup't W.C.T.U.; in penal, reformatory and police sta- tion work, 1910; is taking active part in cam- paigns for Nation-Wide Prohibition Day, 1920; active in philanthropic movements. Has written numerous leaflets in the interest of the Chris- tian Citizenship Dep't work. Mem. Home and Foreign Missionary Soc, Woman's Relief Corps, Library Board. Clubs: Woman's (pres. two years): State auditor Neb. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage.
Sl'.VRRETT, Helen Ekin (Mrs. William Allien ••^larrett), 4707 Vincennes Av., Chicago, 111. Elucator. author; b. near Pittsburgh, Pa., Sep;. 19, 1S40; dau. Rev. .lohn and Esther Fell" fT cp) Kkin; ed. Pittsburgh High School: m. Feb. Irj, 1S61, Rev. William Aiken Starrett. Long en- g;iccd in educational work in '."hicago. founding' In ■'..Ss-! the Kenwood Inst., and m 1.S93 Mrs. Ptar- T'tt's Classical School for Girls, of which she is ITincipsl. Author: Future of Educated Womeir, Letters to a Daughter, Letters to Elder Daugh- ters. Married and Unmarried; Gyppis. an Oblt- u.i'-y; Aftar College, What? Letters to a Little Girl; Crocus and Wintergreen, poems (in col- labo-aiion with her sister, Mrs. Frances Ekin Al-i.son): The Future of Our Daughters, and <niur Educational Essays, also magazine con- tributions.
STARRING, Anna Mullett Farrar, 82 Common- wealth Av., Detroit, Mich.
Physician; o. Detroit, Mich., Mar. 29, 1861; dau. Jerome B. and Huldah Mullett (Farrar) Starring; ed. in Detroit, Mich.; grad. Mieh Coll. of Medicine and Surgery, M.D. '96. Treas. and vice-pres. Mich. Coll. of Medicine and Surgery AlumuK; sec. Mich. Surgical and Pathological Soc; sec. and treas, Detroit Free Dispensary for Women and Children, Detroit; mem. Wayne County Med. Soc, Mich State Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n Favors woman suffrage; treas. College Equal Suffrage League; auditor Mich. State Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Spiritualist. Rec- reation: Travel in home and foreign lands. STARRING, Helen Swing (Mrs. Mason Bray- man Starring), The Plaza. N.Y. City. Born Fairhaven, Ohio, Jan. 9, 1862; dau. David and Elizabeth (Porter) Swing; ed. Miss Kirk- land's School, Chicago; m. Chicago, Oct. 27, 1886, Mason Brayman Starring; children: David Swing, Mason Brayman. Mem. Woman's Ath- letic Club of Chicago. Director Illinois Humane Soc, Chicago, 111.
STA^IT, Cora Angeline, 58 Fruit St., Worcester, Mass.
Born Worcester, Mass., Oct. 14, 1867; dau. Rolla N. and Angeline (Lamb) Start; ed. Worcester public schools. Vassar, A.B., A.M.; graduate student at Radcliffe; fellow Univ. of Chicago, 1893-94. Teacher at Vassar Coll., 1896-98. Active In committee work in various civic, educational and charitable societies. Chairman Legislative Com. Worcester Equal Franchise Club, Massa- chusetts Political Equality Union. Author: Nat- uralization in the English Colonies in America. Mem. Am. Historical Ass'n, Nat. Geographic
��Ass'n, Worcester Public Education Ass'n, Wor- cester Memorial Hospital Aid Soc, Vassar Alum- nse Ass'n, Drama League (Boston), Nantucket Maria Mitchell Memorial Ass'n, Soc. for Preven- tion of Cruelty to Animals, College Club (Bos- ton), Worcester County Vassar Club, Friday Morning Club. STATON, Sally Baker, Tarboro, N.C.
Born Tarboro, N.C, June 17. 1875; dau. Lycur- gus Lafayette, M.D., and Catherine (Baker) Staton; ed. private schools of Tarboro; Vassar Coll., A.B. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Lit- erary and Historical Ass'n of N.C, Southern Ass'n of College Women. Recreations: Driving, basketball, dancing, tennis, golf. Mem. Maga- zine Club of Tarboro. STAUKFT, Hannah Ophelia, Elkhart, Ind.
Physician, surgeon; b. in Nebraska, 18C8; dau. Christian and Barbara (Berkey) Staufft; ed. Mt. Pleasant (Pa.) Classical Inst.; Bucknell Un:\., A. P. '92; A.M. '95; Univ. of M:ch., M.D. '02; post-grad, work six months in Vienna Univ., 1909-10. Engaged in general practiC'j of medicine since 1902; studied and traveled abroad. 1909 10. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Indiana State Med. Ass'n, Elkhart Acad, of Medicine; mem. Woman's Civic League of Elkhart, Ind.
STEADWELL, Clara Oswald (Mrs. B. S. Stead- well), care of The Light, La Crosse, Wis. Reform and social service worker; b. Rochester, Minn., Nov. 20, 1875; dau. Charles W. and Martha (Wrought) Oswald; ed. public schools of Minn.: m. Rochester, Minn., Nov. 20, 1895. B. S. Steadwell; one son: Forrest Carleton, h. Feb. 3, 1890 (died Jan. 2, 1901). Sec. Northwestern Purity Ass'n; ba.r traveled widely in the interest of the movement for social, civic and moral reform. Assisted her husband, B. S. Steadwell, in reform as head of the World's Purity Fed. and in the editing and publication of The Light, the well-known social purity magazine, and nu- merous books. Favors woman suffrage. STEARNS, Anna E. (Mrs. Charles A. Stearns), 116 Clay St., Central Falls, R.I. Born Providence, R.I., Sept. 12, 1862; dau. Warren A. and Anna E. (Potter) Greene; ed. public schools of Providence, including Classical High School; Smith Coll., A.B. (Alpha Soo; m. Pawtucket, R.I.. Oct. 22. 1889, Charles A. Stearns, M.D. (Harvard). Mem. D.A.R., Paw- tucket Chapter (regent 1908-10). Mem. Pawtucket Woman's Club, R.I. ; Smith College Club and a musical club, Der Dilettantenkreis. Congrega- tlonalist.
STEARNS, Helen Elizabeth Sweet (Mrs. Fred- erick Kimball Stearns), 16S5 Jefferson Av., Detroit, Mich.
Born Buffalo, N.Y. ; dau. Allen Slocum and Helen (Olcott) Sweet; ed. Detroit, Mich.; m. Detroit, Oct. 16, 1878, Frederick Kimball Stearns; childrin: Helen Louise, Frederick Sweet, Mar- jory, Alan Olcott. Interested in suffrage ques- tion. Mem. Indoor Athletic Club, Grosse Pointe Hunt Club, Drama League. Favors woman suf- frage and much interested in question. STE.4.RNS, I>utle Eugenia, 5 47 Prospect Av., Milwaukee, Wis.
Librarian; b. Stoughton, Mass.; dau. Isaac H. and Catharine (Guild) Stearns; cd. public schools, high school and normal school, Milwaukee, Wis. Taught Milwaukee public schools; sup't circulat- ing dep't, Milwaukee Public Library; now chief of Traveling Library Dep't, Wis. State Library Commission, Madison, Wis. Mem. Milwaukee Soc. for the Care of the Sick, Children's Outing Soc. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Wisconsin Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Vice-pres. Wis. branch Am. Peace Soc; chairman Tower Hill Congress; mem. Am. Library Ass'n, Am. Library Inst., Milwaukee State Normal Alumnae Ass'n; pres. Down Town Club; mem. City Club; hon. mem. Kalmia Club (Milwaukee). Milwaukee Social Economics; chairman Library Reference Com. Wis. Fed. of Women's Clubs; chairman Library Extension Com. Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Author: Essentials of Library Administration; Reading for Courage; Old and New In Education; contributor to library periodicals, etc. Congre-