��Pittsburgh, A.B. '02. Private sec. for pres. of Denison Univ. and treas. of Shepardson Coll. (woman's dep't of Denison), Granville, 0., 1903- OS; since 1908 sec. of the Nat. Board of the T.W.C.A. of the U.S. (secretarial dep't). Takes general interest in religious and philanthropic activities. B'avors woman suffrage. Baptist. STAXTOX, Lucy >!., 552 Cott St., Athens, Ga.
Artist (portrait painter): b. Atlanta, Ga., May 22, 1S75; dau. William Uewis and Frances L. (Megee) Stanton; grad. Cox Coll., Lagrange, Ga., and College Park, Ga., A.M.; studied painting in Paris. Mem. Am. Soc. of Miniature Painters, Pennsylvania Soc. of Miniature Paint- ers. Regular exhibitor for some years at Salon, Paris. Exhibits occasionally in Pennsylvania Soc. Fine Arts and Nat. Acad, of Design. Painter portrait for House of Representatives at Washington, also portraits owned by City Coun- cil in Atlanta, Ga. Pres. Woman Suffrage League of Athens; chairman of City Beautiful Com. of Civic Club; sec. of University Club. Baptist. Mem. Humane Soc. Recreations: Gardening, golf, horseback riding. Mem. Uni- versity Club, Woman's Club, United Daughters of the Confederacy, Am. Fed. of Arts. STAXWOOD, Cornelia SIcKiciie (Mrs. Edward
Babson Stanwood), Marysville, Cal.
Born Stockton, Cal., Oct. 5, '1ST5; ed. prepara- tory school. Lowell High School, San Francisco; Univ. of Cal., grad. "98 (fraternity, Kappa Kappa Gamma) ; m. 1911, Edward Babson Stanwood. Taught English, High School, San Rafael, and Miss Hamlin's Schocl, San Francisco. Traveled in Mexico, iKi, and abroad 1S06 and 1911. Pres. Ass'n Collegiate Alumna, California branch, 1907-09, chairman of art, Cal. State Fed. cf Wo- men's Clubs, 1311-12; vice-pres. Coll. Equal Suf- frage League Xorihern Cal. branch, 1912. Clubs: Century, Town and Country, Sierra (San Fran- cisco). STAXWOOD, Louise Brockway (Mrs. Thaddeus
P. Stanwood), 1637 Chicago Av., Evanston,
Born Waterford, Wis., Apr. 11, 1858; dau. Will- iam and Ruth (Chapman) Brockway; ed. public schools of Rockford, 111.; Yassar Coll., A.B. '80; m. Boston, Mass., July IS, U&Z, Thaddeus P. Stanwood: children: Elizabeth, Henry Chapman, Ruth. Teacher of natural sciences in Cha'-incy Hall Schocl, Boston, 1380-83. Sunday-school teacher; leader of Settlement Vv'oman's Club; in- terested in establishing juvenile court in Ch_icago, Visiting Nurse Ass'n in Evanston; mem. School Board in Evanston for 15 5 ears. Favors woman suffrage. Congregaticnalist. Mem. Yassar Alumnae Ass'n, Needlework Guild, Woman's Club Evanston (pres. 1S37-S9); Woman's Club of Beth'esda House; pres. 111. State Fed. Woman's Clubs, 1900-02. STAPLES, Beraice Durjc-ng (Mrs. Edmund M.
Staples), Northeast Harbor, Me.
Born Tcnsham, Me., Sept. 4, 1SS2; dau. William and Lizzie" S. (Cox) Dunning; ed. Topsham High School Farmington State Normal School; m. Topsham, Me., Oct. 17, 1906, Edmund Mayo Staples. ' Active in church work. Charter mem. and pres. Wo-nan's L-terary Club; mem. Current Events Club of Brewer, Me. Baptist. Against woman suffrage. STAPLES, Helen M., Hanover, Me.
Teacher; b. Hanover, Me., Oct. 5, 1845; dau. Joseph and Betsey A. (Howe) Staples; ed. He- bron Acad., Me., supplemented by private tutors. Preceptress at Hepburn Acad, several years, at Bridgton Acad, and one year at Fryeburg (Me.) Acad. Interested in city missions and in all sociological questions; was active in mission work in Chicago; several years sup't of Girls' Industrial School in Me.; was mem. Board of Lady Managers, representing Maine at World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1S93. Author of stray poems in school publications. Universalist. Recreations: Travel, reading. Has been mem. of local literary clubs in various places. STARBUCK, A. A., 174 State St., Springfield,
Physician; b. Riverside, Mass., Nov. 3, 1878; dau. George and Elizabeth J. (Holmes) Starbuck; ed. public schools. Turners Falls, Mass; special
��student Tufts Coll., 1897-98; Boston Univ., A.B. '02, M.D. '06 (mem. Phi of Kappa Kappa Gamma). Interne Mass. Homoeopathic Hospital, 19a6-07; sup't Wesson Memorial Hospital, 1908-09. Unitarian. Mem. Mass. Homoeopathic Med. Soc, Western Mass. Homeceopathic Med. Soc, Mass. Surgical and Gynecological Soc, Springfield Acad, of Medicine, Tuberculosis Soc of Spring- field. Mem. D.A.R. ST.ARK, Mary (Mrs. Albert P. Stark), 216 S.
Third St., Livingston, Mont.
Born Berlin, Ont. ; dau. C. J. and Elizabeth (Gingrich) Fleischhauer; ed. Reed City (Mich.) High School, Ferris Normal School, Big Rapids, Mich.; m. Read City, Mich., 1894, Albert P. Stark; children: Albert P. Jr., Irma, Russell. Mem. Montana Fed. Women's Clubs, Order Eastern Star. Clubs: Yellowstone Literary, Nineteenth Century, Luncheon. Mem. M.E. Church. ST.ARKWEATHER, Amelia Minena (Mrs.
Jacob Flint Starkweather), 215 W. Main St.,
Norwich, Conn.
Author, educator; b. Starkville, Town of Stark, Herkimer Co., N.Y. ; dau. Merritt and Hannah (Saunders) Starkweather; ed. Gary Collegiate Sem., Oakfield, N.Y., in 1S58 and other years; grad. Chautauqua Literarv and Scientific Circle, in pioneer class of 1SS2; m. Oct. 6, 1910, Jacob Flint Starkweather. Teacher; later trav- eling financial agent for Children's Home and Old People's Home. Seven years sup't of Sun- day-school of 400 in Titusville, Pa. Has given lectures and been engaged in evangelistic work. Active in Sunday-school, literary societies, church and prayer meetings, getting up literary entertainments for church and Sunday-school and reading at such places. Writer of words of many hymns which appear in Sunday-school song books and temperance songs (music by Edna G. Young). Author of child's book: Tomtits and Other Bits; recently wrote a volume of poems: Leaves from the City Beautiful, and two leaflets. Inasmuch, and His Eye Is On Me; also has an- other book ready for press. Mem. Baptist Church since marriage. Favors woman suffrage. Prohibitionist. STARKWEATHER, Louise Jennie, 31 Barry
Av., Mamaroneck, N.Y.
Teacher, writer; b. Elba, N.Y. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '84, A.M. '01. Teacher Penn Yan, N.Y., 1887-90; East Orange, N.J., 1891-1905; Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 1906-07; Mamaroneck, N.Y., since 1907. Writer of short stories published in various periodicals. STARK, Clara Eilene (Mrs. John G. Starr),
Deshler, O.
Born Bellevue, O., 1878; dau. Emanuel and Kathryn (Quigley) Minnick; ed. Liberty Centre, Napoleon, Waterville and Wooster, Ohio; m. September, 1S98, John G. Starr. Mem. Ladies' Literary Club, Needlecraft Club, Tennis Club. Recreation: Travel. Catholic. Favors woman suffrage.
STARK, Emma Blacche Tiliingh!>.=t (Mrs. Fred- erick William Starr), 174 Prospect Place,
BVooklyn, N.Y.
Born Morrisville, N.Y., Dec. 1, 1£50; dau. Brad- ley and Rebecca (Smith) Tillinghast; ed. Hough- ton Sem., Clinton, N.Y. ; liivingtton Park Sem., Rochester, N.Y.; m. Morrisville, N.Y., Oct 15, 1S72, Frederick William Starr; children: Russell Tillinghast, Frederick Bradley. Interested in i/ongregational Home for the Aged (mem. Board of Managers) ; mem. Long Island Soc. Daughters of the Revolution, Brooklyn Woman's Club. Mem. Fort Greene Chapter D.A.R., Brooklyn Soc. of New England Women, Colony No. 8. Con- gregationalist. STARR, Frances, Albany, N.Y., and care of
Dela.sco Theatre, N.Y. City.
Actress; b. Oneonta, N.Y., June 6, 1SS6; dau. Cbarles 10. and Emma (Giant) Starr; her father died when she was a small child, and her mother moved to Albany; educated in Albany public schools. First stage appearance was with an Albany stock company conducted by Frederic Uoiid, in which she played ingenue roles for ten wctk.«=, Juue-.\ugust, 1901; afterward in Murray Hill Stock Co. under management of Henri' V,