��lions: Tennis, horseback riding. Favors woman
suitragfe. Baptist.
STAHI,, Bernice Margaret, 11 Grace St., East.
Richmond, Va.
National secretary Beta Sigma Omicron; b. Detroit, Mich., Dec. 6, 1886; dau. N-orman Arthur and Henrietta E. (Mills) Stahl; ed. Hollins (Va.) (nst. ; Hamilton Coll., Lexington, Ky., 1905-07; won university scholarship (mem. Beta Sigma Omicron); vice-pres. of Grand Council ot Beta Sigma Omicron. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Christian (Disciples) Church. STANARD, Mary Mann Page Newton (Mrs.
William Glover Stanard), 1010 Floyd Av.,
Richmond, Va.
Historical writer; b. in Virginia; dau. Rt. Rev. John Bro<;kenbrough and Roberta Page |William- Bon) Newton; ed. private schools, Norfolk, Va. ; m. Apr. 17, 1900, William Glover Stanard, editor of Virginia Magazine of History. Author: The Story of Bacon's Rebellion, 1907; The Dreamer — A Romantic Rendering of the Life of Edgar Allan Poe, 1909; John Marshall, An Address, 1913. Protestant Episcopalian. Mem. Soo. for Preservation of Virginia Antiquities (historian), Soc. of Colonial Dames in Virginia; mem. and ex-pres. Richmond Woman's Club; mem. Coun- try Club of Virginia. STANDIfEB, Sarah Blanche (Mrs. J. E. Stan-
difer). Elk City, Okla,
Born Walnut Springs, Texas. ; dau. B. L. and Lucy (Russell) Brown; ed. Central Coll., Walnut Springs, Tex.; m. Eolian, Tex., Dec. 18, 1894, Dr. J. E. Standifer; children: Iris M., Orion C, Fannie F., Dorothy B. Active in church and club work for several years. Christian (Disci- ples) Church. Mem. Order of Eastern Star. Against woman suffrage. Removed from Texas to Oklahoma in 1899. STANDISH, Clara May, Talladega, Ala.; home,
Segreganset, Mass.
Science teacher; b. Dighton, Mass., Mar. 13, 1882; dau. James Carver and Ekiith (Wheeler) Standish; ed. Taunton (Mass.) High School; Tufts Coll., A.B. '04, Phi Beta Kajppa; summer courses at Mass. Agricultural Coll. and Univ. of Wis. Teacher in Mass. high schools, 1904-08; teacher in schools of Am. Missionary Ass'n, 1008-13; science teacher in Talladega Coll., 1910-13. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. STANDT, Ruth WelU (Mrs. Louis C. Standi),
02 S. Fourth St., Aurora, 111.
Born Quincy, 111.; ed. in schools of Quincy, 111.; Vassar Coll., A.B. 1900, A.M. '01; m. Sept. 9, 1908, Louis C. Standt; one son. Teacher in high schools, Quincy, 111., 1901-03; Hinsdale, 111., 1903- 04; Aurora, 111., 1904-08.
STANFORD, Mrs. Henry — see Burt, Laura. STANIAK, Kthel Ball (Mrs. William Staniar),
Twentieth and Harrison St., Wilmington, Del.
Born Wilmington, Del., May 12, 1885; dau. Hon. J. Frank Ball, Judge of the Municipal Court, and Ida M. (Perkins) Ball; ed. Friends school, Wilmington; grad. Wilson Coll., Chambersburg, Pa., A.B. '06, giving the presentation oration on class day (Mem Schin) ; m. Wilmington, Del., Feb. 17, 1911, William Staniar; one daughter: Jean, b. Aug. 1, 1912. Under the auspices of the Y.W.C.A. of Wilmington formed the first club for working women in the State and has been in charge of that "work for three years; sec. Board Directors Y.W.C.A.; sec. Alumnae Ass'n of Wil- son College. Has had two or three stories pub- lished in the New Amsterdam Magazine (now the Delaware). Clubs: New Century, College (Wil- mington), Wilson College (Philadelphia), Wil- mington Yacht. Recreations: Tennis, out-door sports. Presbyterian.
STANLEY, Alice Dana Kno.v (Mrs. Rolof Benck-
ert Stanley), Femnine Road, Scarsdale, N.Y. ;
P.O. Box 13, Hartsdale, N.Y.
Born Utica, N.Y., April 29, 1877; dau. John
Henry and Mary Brantley (Dana) Knox; grad.
Dwiglit School tor Girls, Englcwood, N.J., '96;
Welleslcy Coll., B.A. 1900; mem. Shakespeare
Soc, Welle.'loy; m. Englewood, N.J., Oct. 17,
1903, Dr. Rolof Benckcrt Sianley; children:
Uoiof Btnckcrt Jr., Donald Dana, (jeorge Dana,
��Helen Gardiner. Interested in Stony Wold Sani- tarium and Wesley House Settlement. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. N.Y. Wellesley Club.
STANLEY, Caroline Abbot (Mrs. Elisha Stanley), 1S72 Newton St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Author; b. Callaway County, Mo., Aug. IG, 1849; dau. Dr. Rufus and Mary Rebecca (Hart) Abbot; ed. in private schools; grad. Kalamazoc Training School, '79; m. Pleasant Hill, Mo., Oct. 31, 1871, Elisha Stanley (died); one son, Lester Abbot. Connected with Kalamazoo Train- ing School as critic teacher, 1879-82; principal, 1882-96; since 1896, contributor to magazines and v/iiter. Author: Order No. 11; A Modern Ma- donna; The Master of "The Oaks;" The First Church's Christmas Barrel; The Keeper of the Vineyard; Their Christmas Golden Wedding. Presbyterian. Hon. mem. Ladies' Literary Club of Salt Lake, Utah. Favors woman suffrage. STANLEY, Emma E. (Mrs. Otis M. Stanley). 13 Vine St., Manchester, Mass. Born Manchester, Mass., Sept. 25, 1853; dau. Daniel L. and Atarah P. (Burnham) Crafts; m. Manchester, Mass., Nov. 15, 1877, Otis M. Stan- ley; children: Howard K., Otis W., Walter M., Luella C. Mem. Liberty Rebekah Lodge, No. 78, I.O.O.F. ; Auxiliary Soc. of the church, the State Rebekah Assembly. Clubs: Manchester Woman's (ex-prea.). Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage. STANLEY, Louise, Columbia, Mo.
College professor; b. June 8, 1883; dau. G. A. and Eliza (Winston) Stanley; ed. Peabody Coll., Nashville, Tenn., B.S. '03; Univ. of Chicago, B. of Ed., '06; Columbia Univ., M.A. '07; Yale Univ., Ph. D. '11 (Pi Lamba Theta). Assistant prof, in home economics, Univ. of Mo. Has writ- ten various articles on home economics. Presby- terian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Columbia (Mo.) Equal Suffrage League. STANNABD, Julia lone, 520 Rose St., Petoskey, Mich.
Physician; b. Dexter, Mich,, Dec, 1869; dau. Henry D. and Julia Gordon (Dexter) Stannard; ed. Univ. of Mich., M.D. '92; post-graduate course, Univ. of Mich., 1893; post-graduate course, N.Y. Post-Graduate Med. School and Hospital, N.Y. City, 1897-98. Engaged in general practice, 1894-96; house physician Philadelphia Maternity Hospital, 1898-99; resident physician Minneapolis Bethany Home and Hospital, 1902-03; med. mis- sionary to Navajo Indians, New Mexico, 1904-05; resident physician Iowa State Industrial School for Girls, 1905-11. Interested in questions of social purity and reclamation of wayward girls, as well as 4h other sociological questions and the prohibition of the liquor traffic. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage. Recreations: Tennis, boating, horseback and bicycle riding. STANNARD, Margaret J. (Mrs. James Howard Stannard), 19 Chestnut St., Boston, Mass. Born Andover, Mass., Dec. 12, 1861; dau. Ben- jamin and Phebe (Worcester) Jenkins; ed. New England, public and private schools: m. Oct. 22, 1SS4. James Howard Stannard; children: James Howard Jr., Dorothy. Associated with Mary J. Garland, a pioneer in kindergarten training, 1893-1901. Director the Garland Kindergarten Training School. 1901-09; director the Garland School of Homemaking since 1902. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. Women's Municipal League, Women's Education Ass'n, Women's Educational and Industrial Union, Internat. Kindergarten Union (vice-pres.), Eliza- beth Peabody House Ass'n, Garland Kindergarten Alumn;e Ass'n (vice-pres). New England Home Economics Ass'n (pres.). Am. Home Economics Ass'n, Twentieth Century Club, Boston Froebel Club, Homemaking Club of Boston, Half Century Club.
STANSBURY, Ellis Meredith (Mrs. Howard S. Stansbury) — see Meredith, Ellis.
STANTON, Edith N., 135 E. Fifty-second St.,
N.Y. City.
Born Quincy, 111., Apr. 11, 1882; dau. Rev. William A. Stanton (D.D.) and Sarah Louise (Rogers) Stanton; grad. Pa. Coll. for Women,