��People's Institufe; mem. Municipal Art Soc. ; director MacDowell Club; mem. Peterborough Memorial Ass'n, Barnard Club, Cosmopolitan Club.
BPRAY, Buth Hinsbaw (Mrs. Samuel J. Spray), 245 W. Eighth St., Salida, Colu. Born Muoresville, Ind. ; dau, Benjamin and Nancy (Carter) Hinshaw; ed. public schools at Indianola, la. and as student there in Simpson Coll.; grad. Sarlham Coll., Richmond, Ind., B.S. '74; m. Indianola, Dec. 28, 18«0, Samuel J. Spray of Indianapolis; one daughter: Mrs. Mary E. Spray Moon, Baltimore, Md, Was preceptress and teacher in Raisin Valley Sem., Adrian, Mich., 1874-77; teacher of history and English in Penn Coll., Oskaloosa, la., 1877-80. Has been vice-pres. of American Peace Soc. for 16 years, activelj working for international peace. State sup't ol Peace and Arbitration for the Colo. W.C.T.U. Mem. of Universal Peace Union; since 19(X) an officer of Colo. State Bureau of Child and Ani- mal Protection, working with marked results in the interest of neglected and abused children; pres. Tuesday Evening Club, during the yoars the club built the Salida Public Library, and leader of movement. Mem. Colo. Woman Suf- frage Ass'n. Mem. Society of Friends. Inde- pendent in politics. Mem. of the Board of Trus- tees of the Salida Public Library; dist. pres. 12th Colo. Di.st. W.C.T.U. Delegate to Internat. Peace Congress, held in Boston, 1904; has worked con- tinuously for internat. peace, getting hundreds of petitions before U.S. Congress and other petitions sent to U.S. delegates to each of the two Hague Conferences and by wide distribution of peace literature; since 1902 has worked to get the tf^achers of Colo, to take up the subject and u.any schools ot Colo, have thus been induced to teach the subject and to observe May 18 as Inter- national Peace Day.
SPRINGER, Carlie McClure (Mrs. John Frank- lin Springer), 625 W. 135th St., N.Y. City. Born Girard, Pa. ; dau. Thomas and Carlile (Foster) McClure; ed. Girard public schools; Swarthmore Coll., A.B. '93; correspondence course with Oxford Univ., England, in logic; m. Girard, Pa., Dec. 28, 1903, John Franklin Springer (inventor and magazine -writer) ; one son: Maurice Gilbert. Principal of private school, Waynesville, N.C., 1894-96; principal of Friends School, Salem, N.J., 1896-99; vice-pres. Friends Acad., Locust Valley, L.I., 1899-1901; connected with Erie (Pa.) Acad., 1901-03. Inter- ested and active in religious matters. Pres. Agassiz Ass'n. Recreations: Out-door sports. Mem. United Brethren Church. SPRINGER, Gertrude Lynch (Mrs. Ruter W. Springer), Fort Caswell, N.C. (Southport, N.C., P.O.).
Born Shelbyyille, Ind., June 2, 1869; dau. Au- gustus D. and Laura V. (Hitt) Lynch; ed. In- dianapolis Classical School; Mt. Vernon Sem., Washington, D.C.; student of Bryn Mawr Coll.; m. Washington, D.C., June 5, 1895, Ruter W. Springer; cliildren: Constance Lynch, Eustace Lynch. Several of her articles have been pub- lished under title Memories of the Holy Land, SQUIER, Rosie Gardner, Monson, Mass.
Teacher; b. Monson, Mass., May 11, 1876; dau. D-wight E. and Sophrona (Stowell) Squier; grad. Wellesley, B.A. '99; graduate student in zoology, Welleslev, 1902-03; Univ. of Chicago, 1907; scholar in biology, Clark Univ., 1911-12, M.A. '12. Science teacher, Oregon (111.) High School, 1903- 04; Belvidere High School, 1904-07; Oconto (Wis.) High School, 1908; Junction City, Kan., 1909-11. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Nat. Geographic Soc, Nat. Child Labor Com. and Wellesley Branch of the College Settlements Ass'n. SQUIRE, Carrie Ranson (Mrs. William N. Squire), 6131 Greenwood Av.. Chicago, III. Former teacher, now business woman; b. Man- tonville, Minn., Jan., 1869; dau. Dr. Stephen W. and Mary E. (Foster) Ranson; grad. Hamline Univ., Ph.B. '89; Univ. of Minn., M.S. '98; Cor- nell Univ., Ph.D. '01; studied In German univer- sities of Leipzig and WUrzburg In 1900; m. 1890, William N. Squire (died 1891)). Principal train- Ine school. State Normal Coll.. Alabama, 1901-
��02; prof, of education, State Normal Coll., Mon- tana, 1902-06; principal training dep't. State Nor- mal School, Superior, Wis., 1906-10. Interested in industrial education and in several movements of similar nature; sec. Woodlawn Mothers' Round Table. Author: Genetic Study of Rhythm; Graded Mental Tests. Mem. Sigma Xi. Recrea- tions: Travel, reading. Mem. Chicago College Clab, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Woodlawn Wom- an's Club.
SQUIRE-POTTER, Frances (Mrs. Frances Board- man Squire-Potter), 4581 Oakenwald Av., Chi- cago, 111.
Lecturer and writer; b. Elmira, N.Y., Nov. 12, 1867; dau. Dr. Truman H. and Grace (Smith) Squire; ed. Elmira Coll., N.Y., A.B. '87, A.M. '89; rssearch work, Cambridge . (Eng.) Univ., 1906; Univ. of Minn., A.M. '09; instructor Elmira Coll., 1890; instructor East High School, Minneapolis, ItKKj; instructor old English, 1901-02; ass't prof. Elngiish literature, 1903-07; prof. 1907-09, Univ. of Minn.; extension lecturer, Ck>ll. of Education, Univ. of Minn., 1908-09. Mem. Univ. Lecturers' Ass'n since 1910; corresponding sec. Nat. Am. Woman Stfirage Ass'n, 1909; chairman Literary and Library Extension Dep't of General Fed. of Women's Clubs, and general lecturer Nat. Wo- man's Trade Union League since 1910; editor dep't in Life and Labor since 1910; dep't in Twentieth Century Magazine, 1912. Mem. Mod- ern Language Ass'n, Am. Acad. Political and Social Science, Western Economic Ass'n. (Dlubs: Woman's University (N.Y. City), Lyceum (Lon- don). Author: (play) Germershausen (collabora- tion), 1904; The Ballingtons (novel), 1905; Jamieson (play), 1909; contributor to magazines under pen- name "Frances Boardman," 1890-98; under pen- name "BYances Squire" or "Frances Squire- Potter" since 1905.
SQUIRES, Mary Smyth (Mrs. George Clarke
Squires), 699 Oakland Av., St. Paul, Minn.
Bom San Antonio, Texas; dau. Henry M. and Louise (Gregory) Smyth; ed. St. Paul High School; m. St. Paul, Apr. 29, 1886, George Clarke Squires; children: Mary Rebecca, Cameron, George Clarke Jr. Chairman permanent com. of one hundred captains for tag-day (proceeds support anti-tuberculosis nurses and general anti-tuberculosis fight in St. Paul), Civic League; State Regent D.A.R. ; pres. Sibley House Ass'n, Mendota, Minn. Mem. St. Paul Chapter D.A.R. and Colonial Dames; vsrith five other women started the art class, which worked for 23 years steadily. Mem. White Bear Yacht Club, New (Century Club of St. Paul (charter mem.). Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. STAFFORD, Maude Humes (Mrs. H. Ernest
Stafford), 211 Waldo St., Providence, R.I.
Born Bridgeport, Conn., Apr. 12, 1884; dau. Henry John and Jennie Ellen (Thatcher) Wright; ed. public schools in Providence, R.I., and R.I. Business (3oll. ; m. Providence, Jan. 29, 1910, H. Ernest Stafford; one son: George Frederick, b. July 25, 1911. President of the Jynko Club, hos- pital and district nurses and general philanthropic work for aged and children. Recreation: Auto- mobiling. Congregationalist. STAGE, Miriam Gertrude Kermish (Mrs. Cnarles
Willard Stage), 3304 Carnegie Av., Cleveland,
Physician; b. Cleveland, Ohio; grad. Smith Coll., B.A.-'92; medical dep't, Univ. of Wooster, Cleveland, M.D. '95; m. Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 27, 1903, Charles Willard Stage; children: Charles Willard Jr., b. June 19, 1904; William Sheldon, b. Apr. 14, 1906; Edward Whitney, b. Mar. 27, 1908. Interne Cleveland General Hospital, 1895-96; prac- tising physician, 1895-1902; ass't prof, medical dep't of Wooster, 1896-1902; visiting physician, Cleveland City Hospital, 1900-02. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse, Smith College Alumna Ass'n. STAGG, Stella Robertson (Mrs. Amos Alonzo
Stagg), ,o704 Jackson Av.. Chicago, III.
Born Albion, N.Y:, Aug. 7, 1875; dau. Peter and Mary A. (Chester) Robertson; grad. high school, Albion, N.Y., '91; Univ. of Chicago, B.A. '96; m. Albion, N.Y., Sept. 10, 1894, Amos Alonzo Stagg; children: Amos Alonzo E., b. Apr. 11, 1899; Ruth, b. July 17, 1903; Paul, b. Mar. 18, 1909. Re>:rea-