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��SPLFNT, Sarah Field, 132 E. Nineteenth St.,

N.Y. City.

Editor; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1883; dau. Thomas G. and Sarah Field (Weldin) Splint; ed. Normal Coll.. City 0! N.Y., B.A. '02. Teacher in N.Y. public schools, 1902-07; editor juvenile dep't De- lineator, 1907-11; editor Woman's Magazine, 1911 — . Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman's Political Union, N.Y. City (mem. Exec. Board, 1909-11). Recreation: Walking. Mem. Pen. and Brush Club, Writers' Club.

SPOFFORD, Harriet Prescott (Mrs. Richard S.

Spofford), Newburyport, Mass.

Writer; b. Calais, Me., April 3, 1835; dau. Joseph Newmarch and Sarah (Bridges) Prescott; ed. Putnam Free School, Newburyport, Mass.; Pinkerton Acad., Derry, N.H.; m. Newburyport, Mass., 1865, Richard S. SpolTord; one son: Rich- ard Spofford Spofford, b. Jan. 30, 18G7. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Sir Rohan's Ghost; The Amber Gods, and other stories; Azarian; In Titian's Garden; New England Legend.-i; The Servant Girl Question; Poems; Old Washing- ton; Old Madame; The Thief in the Night; The Marquis of Canabbas: Hester Stanley at -St. Mark's; Hester Stanley's Friends; A Lost Jewel; The Great Procession; Ballads About Authors; The Chevalier; The Fairy Changeling; Four Days of Gcd; The Scarlet Poppy; Art Decoration Applied to Furniture; The Making of a Fortune; Honor and Health; A Master Spirit; An Inherit- ance; Priscilla's Love Story; The Maid He Mar- ried; also various articles, stories and poem:S. Unitarian.

SPOONER, Florence Garrettson (Mrs. Henry T.

Spooner), 96 Pinckney St., Boston, Mass.

Reform worker and writer; b. Baltimore, Md. ; dau. J. Aquila and Eleanor (Dorsey) Garrettson; ed. in academy in Baltimore, and made a special study of music; m. Henry T. Spooner of Brook- lyn, N.Y. (now deceased). In girlhood and early womanhood devoted to music, having a rare voice which she gave to many choirs and belonging to the most exclusive musical clubs. Later inter- ested in philanthropies and particularly in prison reforms, in which field has long been a leader; now pres. Massachusetts Prison Reform League; has devoted much time to the study of the prison system. In 1894 induced Gov. Greenhalge to pre- side at a meeting at which were proposed the abolition of dark cells, the adoption of the in- determinate sentence, and the supplanting of houses of correction by reformatories. This and other conferences of the Prison Reform League brought about the abolition of dark cells in city prisons. In 1896-97 engaged in the movement to abolish capital punishment which resulted in the substitution of the death chair for the scaffold; organized the Anti-Death Penalty League which has secured thousands of signatures favoring its objects. Delegate from State (by Gov. Green- haige's appointment) to the Cotton States Expo- sition at Atlanta, Ga. ; awarded gold medal and diploma by Louisiana Purchase Exposition and by Lewis and Clark Exposition at Portland, Ore.

SPOONER, Inez Grant Davis (Mrs. Charles

Horace Spooner), 5 Main St., Northfield, Vt.

Artist, lecturer and teacher of art; b. Cincin- nati, Mar. 23, 1859; dau. David Grant and Martha Elizabeth (Shields) Davis; ed. in public schools of Galesburg and Lombard Univ.; studied art N.Y. City; received prizes in various exhibitions; m. Nov. 15, 1882, Charles Horace Spooner (pres. of Norwich Univ.); one son: James Davis Spooner, b. Oct. 11, 1898. Had charge of art dep't, Vt. Acad., for seven years; chairman of art, Vt. Fed., three years; mem. Art Com. Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; pres. Union Club, North- field, Vt. Pres. Nat. Soc. U.S. Daughters of 1812 of Vt., three years;- mem. Colonial Dames through descent from John Alden, Tristram Coffyn and Alice Bradford, second wife of Gov. Bradford; mem. D.A.R. ; mem. Alden Kindred; hon. vice- pres. Vt. Peace Ass'n; vice-pres. Vt. Child Wel- fare Ass'n. Mem. Ladies' Reading Circle; first vice-pres. Vt. Fed. of Women's Clubs. SPOTTISVVOODE, Sara, 64 Cleveland St.,

Orange, N..T.

Pnysician; b. Orange, N.J., Jan. 1, 1857; dau.

��George and Elizabeth Eleanor (Jones) Spottls- woode; ed. Orange High School; N.Y. Medical Coll. and Hospital for Women, M.D. Practised 16 years. Sec. Orange Orphan Home; mem. of Charities Conference of Orange; engaged in civic work through Woman's Club. Mem. Nat. Suf- frage Soo. and Equal Franchise League of N.J. Congregatiuualist. Mem. Woman's Club of Orange, N.J. (ex-pres.).

SPU.-iGGE, Ellen Elizabeth, (Mrs. Arthur G. M.

Spragge), 17 Willcocks St., Toronto. Can.

Writer, artist; b. "The Meadows," Toronto, Can.; dau. Hon. John Ilillyard Cameron, Q.C., M.P., and Ellen M. de B. C. (Mallett) Cameron; cd. in London, England; m. Occobt-r, 1878, Ar- thur G. M. Spragge (died June, 1898). Went to British Columbia on opening up of the Canadian Pacific Railway and has since made summer home at Golden, B.C., and has made several .sci'ios of sketches in water color of scenery in the Rocky Mountain regions, which have been extensively sold. Organized The Woman's King- dom dep't in the Mail and Express, Toronto, and has contributed many articles to Canadian news- papers and magazines, many of them illustrated by herself. Anglican. Mem. Woman's Art Ass'n. Mem. Toronto Hunt Club, Heliconian Club.

SPRAGUE, Charlotte (Mrs. Henry Harrison Sprague), 33 Fairfieldr St., Boston, Mass. Born Cambridge, Mass., April 30, 1859; dau. George Lee and Caroline P. (Jenkins) Ward; m. Boston, June 3, 1S97, Henry Harrison Sprague. Mem. Women's Municipal League, Exec. Com. of the Boston City History Club; sec. Ladies' Visiting Com. of the Mass. General Hospital; historian Mass. Soc. of Colonial Dames. At one time was associated with sister. Miss A. N. Ward, in conducting a school for older girls in Boston. Against woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Chilton Club of Boston.

SI'UAGUE, Ella M. (Mrs. Randolph A. Sprague), Grand Forks. N.Dak.

Pure food inspector; b. Osage, la., Jan. 19, 1865; dau. Peter and Sarah C. (Long) Fritcher; ed. Osage, la.; m. Osage, la., Dec. 2, 1SS2, Ran- dolph A. Sprague. Chairman Public Health Com., Nprth Dakota Fed. of Women's Clubs; first pure food inspector for city of Grand Forks, N.Dak.; appointed by the mayor Aug. 10, 1910, now serving second term. Also holds appointment from the State Pure Food Commission, Prof. E. F. Ladd, as pure food inspector. First woman to hold the oflice of State Pure Food Inspector in the U.S. Favors v/oman suffrage. Methodist. Republican. Mem. Grand Forks Crittenton Home Circle; past State pres. of Woman's Relief Corps of N.Dak; pres. Ward Club, Woman's Civic League of Grand Forks, N.Dak. SPRAGUE, Mary Adelaide, 2S3 Grove St., Jer- sey City, N.J.

Teacher; b. Milo, Me., 1S84; dau. Dr. Seth B. and Adelaide L. (Billington) Sprague: ed. Has- brouck Inst.; High School (honor roll), Jersey City; Mt. Holyoke Coll., A.B. ; Inst, of Art and Sciences, Cold Spring Harbor; Cornell Univ. Founder of Girls' Glee Club in Bayonue, N.J., 1906. Active in settlement work. Against wo- man suffrage. Methodist. Mem. Delphian Soc. of Jersey City; Mt. Holyoke Coll. Alumna> Ass'n: Epworth League (pres. 1912-13). Recreations: Tennis, golf; mem. College Club of Jersey City (vice-pres., 1909-10), Woman's Musical and Lit- erary Study Club (pres. 1D09-11). SPRAGUE-SMITH, Isabelle D wight (Mrs. Charles Spra. ue-Smlth), 29 W. Sixty-eighth St., N.Y. City.

Principal Veltin School: b. Clinton, Oneida Co., N.Y., Nov. 11, 1861; dau. Benjamin W. and Wealthy J. (Dewey) Dwight: ed. in Dwig'ht School, Clinton, N.Y. (of which her father was principal), and studied art in the Art Students' League, N.Y. City and in Paris; m. Clinton. N.Y., Nov. 11, 1884, Charles Sprague-Smith (died Mar. 29, 1910); one daughter: Hilda. En- gaged as artist painter, with studio In N.Y. City, and as art teacher; later art teacher in Plain- field (N.J.) Sem. for three years; since 1898 with art dep't, 1898-1900; since 1900 as principal, the Veltin School, N.Y. City; director of the


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