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��SrAlLDIXG, Francesca di Maria (Mrs. Gale Spaulding), Pierpont-on-Hudson, N.Y. Writer; b. Turin, Italy; ed. in Philadelphia by private tutors; m. (1st) Ripley, N.Y., Aug. 28, 1S8G, ChauDcey Edward Palmer, youngest son of Ex-Comm'r Garner Palmer, of Pennsylvania (died 1S92); children: Garner, Frederic; m. (2d) N.Y. City, Jan. 1, 1909, Gale Spaulding. Connected with art di?p't of Everybody's Magazine since January, 1904. Contributor of verse to leading magazines and N.Y. City newspapers. Author (under name "Francesca di Maria Palmer): The Mad Violinist. Mem. Nat. Arts Club, The New Yorkers.

SPAULDING, Leila Clement, Colorado College,

Colorado Springs, Colo.

Teacher; b. Morristown, N.J., Aug. 23, 1878; dau. Wayland and Mary Mead (Peck) Spaulding; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '99 (Phi Beta Kappa); Columbia Univ., A.M. '01; Ph.D. '11; Agnes Hoppin Memorial Fellow in Am. School of Archaeology, Athens, 1902-03; student in Am. School of Arch-eology, Rome, 1910-11. Instructor in Greek and archaeology, Vassar, 1903-07; lec- turer in art and archeeology, Bryn Mawr, 1908- 09; instructor m Greek and L^tin, Colorado Coll., 1911 — . Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Camillus Type in Sculpture, 1911; also articles in Am. Journal of Archaeology and CLasaical Weekly. Congregationalist. Progressive voter.

SP.\UI.DI>'0, Marj- Klizabeth Trow (Mrs. Frank Ellsworth Spaulding), 95 Highland Av., New- tonville. Mass.

Born Haydenville, Mass.; grad. Smith, B.A. '89; student in Germany, 1891-92; m. Northamp- ton, Mass., Oct. 17, 1895, Frank EUsrworth Spauld- ing, A.M., Ph.D., educator, author, now sup't of schools of Newton, Mass.; children: Francis Trow, b. Nov. 23, 1896; William Ellsworth, b. Feb. 5, 1898; Mary, b. Apr. 16, 1899; Catherine, b. Aug. 21, 1904. Teacher Morgan School, Clinton, Conn., 1SS9-91; Cortland (N.Y.) Normal School, 1892-95.

SPEAR, Rachel Cooper (Mrs. Franklin B. Spear,

Jr.), Marquette, Mich.

Born Camden, N.J., Jan. 18, 1879; dau. Ben- jamin C. and Mary R. (Carpenter) Reeve; ed. Friends Select School, Philadelphia, '95; Welles- ley Coll., 1900 (Agora); m. Camden, N,J., Franklin B. Spear Jr.; children: Mary Reeve, Dorothy Kennedy. Mem. D.A.R. (chairman of com. for tag day held June 22, 1912, for sane Fourth). Agent for Red Cross seals, Christ- mas, 1912; mem. Ladies of the Round Table (mem. relief com.); vice-pres. Wellesley Coll. Alumnae Ass'n; mem. Visiting Nurse Ass'n (relief com.), Marquette Town and Country Club, Friday Reading Club, Dickens Club. Recrea- tions: Automobiling, motor boating, partridge and rabbit hunting. Mem. Soc. of Friends.

SPEED, Bessie Frances, 911 E. State St., Ithaca,


Bom Slaterville Springs, Tompkins Co., N.Y.; dau. Robert Goodloe Harper and Romelia (Van Pelt) Spe«d; ed. Ithaca High School, Cortland Normal, Cornell Univ., A.B. '06 fPhi Beta Kappa). For several years teacher in public schools of Gloversville, N.Y., and Ithaca, N.Y. Mem. Associated Charities Organization; pres. Cornell Women's Club of Ithaca; delegated mem. City Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage.

SPEER, Theodora Armstrong: (Mrs. Carl W.

Speer), Bellevue, Wash.

Born Louisville, Ky. ; dau. James C. and Marilla (Teeter) Armstrong; ed. at home under father and tutors; m. Birmingham, Ala., June 25, 1889, Carl W. Speer; children: Alice W., b. July 22, 1S91 (died 1900); Julian J., b. June 15, 1893. Interested in prison reform; active in gen- eral philanthropy. Recreation: Writing short stories. Pres. of the Emerson Club, LaJceside Study Club; mem. Writers' Club, the Queen Anne Fortnightly Club.

SPENCE, Fannie (Mrs. C. J. Spence), Mllford, Clermont Co., O. Born Loveland. O., Aug. 4, 1864; dau. John and

��Isabella (Swank) Spence; grad. Lebanon, C, B.S. '84; m. Cincinnati, 1886, Dr. C. J. Spence; children: Melville Dewitt, b. 1890; James Carle- ton, b. 1893. Formerly teacher. Trustee and treas. First Presbyterian Church of Milford. Interested in home missions and betterment of public schools. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Mothers' Club, Library Board, Milford (O.) Progress Club, Walnut Hills (Cincinnati) Club, Literary Club.

SPENCER, Anna Garlin (Mrs. William Henry Spencer), 7 High St., White Plains, N.Y. Writer and lecturer; b. Attleboro, Mass., 1851; dau. Francis N. and Nancy M. (Carpenter) Gar- lin; ed. public sciool and did private collegiate work. Providence, R.I. ; m. 1878, Rev. William Henry Spencer, Unitarian minister; children: Fletcher Carpenter, Lucy. Teacher in public schools of Providence, R.I., 1869-71; classes in social service, 1896-1900. Associate director New York School of Philanthropy, 1903-06 (staff lec- turer 1906-12); ethics classes in Ethical Culture School of New York, 1903-09; special lecturer on social service in State Univ. of Wis., 1908-12. Director Summer School Ethics at Madison, Wis., under ths auspices of American Ethical Union, 1908-11. Director Milwaukee Inst, of Social Service under auspices E.xteniiion Division Univ. of Wis., 1909-10. General l^turer on social, edu- cational and ethical topics for clubs, churches, schools and Institutes. Ordained as Unitarian minister, and was associated with husband at Haverhill and Florence, Mass., Troy, N.Y. In charge of Independent Religious Soc. of Bell St. Chapel, Providence, R.I., 1888-1902. Since then occasional preacher in pulpits of liberal churches. Speaker at World's Parliament of Religions; staff lecturer for several ethical societies; served fre- quently on committees and programs of Nat. (Conferences of Unitarians; served on Unitarian Sunday-School Ass'n, United Temperance Ass'n and social committees of that fellovpship. Mem. and early officer in the Unitarian Woman's Alli- ance. Associate leader of N.Y. Soc. for Ethical Culture, 1903-09. Mem. Nat. Conference of Chari- ties and Correction since 1887; B'd of Control of Rhode Island State Home and School for De- pendent Children, 1891-97; W.C.T.U., Anti-Saloon League, 1884-94; pres. Local Council of Women of Rhode Island, 1850-1902; mem. and officer in Nat. Council of Women of the U.S. from inception until 1906, patron since 1906; patron Internal. Council of Women since 1900; mem. and officer. Am. Purity Alliance from 1890 to absorption of this society in the American Vigilance Ass'n in 1912; local charity organization societies in Providence, R.I.. Florence, Mass., and else^vhere. Mem. Free Religious Ass'n of America since 1886; Congress of Religious Liberals since 1909; Am. Ethical Union since 1903; hon. sec. for U.S. of the United States of the Moral Instruction League of Great Britain since 1911; served as chairman of the Second Section of Internat. Con- gress of Charities and -Correction in connection with the Columbian Exposition at Chicago in 1893 (the only woman In charge of a section) and served as one of tbe woman judges. Joined pio- neer Woman Suffrage Soc. of Rhode Island at age of 17, and served as sec., 1870-78, vice-pres. and acting pres., 1890-1902. Mem. and officer of the New England Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1872- 190O. Mem. and frequent speaker for the Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n tor many years. Mem. N.Y. State Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Exec. B'd of Westchester Co. Ass'n; now pres. White Plains Woman Suffrage Ass'n; mem. Women's Political Union. Hon. mem. Sorosis Club of New York; hon. mem. Rhode Island Woman's Club. Pioneer in many educational movements. Associate editor Woman's Internal. Review.

SPENCER, Elizabeth C, State Hospital, Norris-

town, Pa.

Physician; b. New Bruns-nick, N.J., July 1, 1878: dau. Charles Eldridge and Sarah Augusta (Conover) Spencer; grad. Woman's Mtd. Coll. of Pa.. M.D. '03. Interne, Woman's Hospital. Phil- adelphia, 1903-04: ass't physician, Norristown State Hospital, 1904-06; In private practice Water- bury Conn., 1906-09; chief resident physician,


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