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��SOULK, Elizabeth Helena, 484 Massacbusetta

Av., Boston, Mass.

Lecturer and teacher; b. Pownal, Me.; dau. Daniel and Mary True (Merrill) Soule; ed. Westbrook Sem., Me.; Tufts Coll., Mass.; grad. School of Oratory, New England Conservatory of Music. Has lectured and read In the East, West, North, South, coached plays. Principal of Frank- lin School, Boston, five years. Author: Shake- speare Delineations; Mere Man and Mere Woman; Primitive Woman and Women of the Twentieth Century; Physical and Esthetic Training for Health and Grace; The Ideal Woman in the Ideal Home. Congregatlonalist. Recreations: Dancing, gymnastics, golf. Mem. New England Women's Press Ass'n, Professional Woman's Club; prea. Daughters of Maine; mem. Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs, Mass. Fed. Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage.

SOUTHARD, Lydla, Whlttler Hall, 1230 Amster- dam Av., N.Y. City.

Dormitory administration and teaching; b. Fair Haven, N.Y., Aug. 27, 1S75; dau. Rev. James L. and Jane W. (Dayton) Southard; ed. Albany Female Acad, for seven years ending 1894, Wellesley Coll., B.A. '99; fellow at School of Housekeeping, Boston, 1900-02. Sec. Walnut Hill School, Natick, Mass., 1902-03; sup't Wilder Hall, Wellesley Coll., 1903-08; house director of Whittier Hall, and instructor at Teachers' Coll., Columbia, 1908—. Favors woman suffrage. Author of magazine articles on home economics and other subjects. Mem. Association of Collegiate Alumnae, College Settlement Ass'n, Nat. Geographic Soc, Y.W.C.A., Betsey Foot Chapter of Alumnae Ass'n of Albany Acad, for Girls. Mem. Women's University Club of Colum- bia Univ., N.Y. Wellesley Club. Mem. Dutch Reformed Church.

SOUTHERLAXD, Susan George (Mrs. Augustus P. Southerland), 1066 Bergen St., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Physician; b. Shaftsbury, Vt, Jan. 19, 1862; dau. Judge Dennis Jewell and Selinda (Mattison) George; ed. Wesleyan Acad., Wilbraham, Mass.; Cornell Univ. Med. Coll., '99; m. Wilbraham, Mass., May 3, 1881, Augustus P. Southerland; children: Adelaide, Marion, Frederic, Dora. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Recreation: Farming. Engaged in practice of medicine from graduation.

SOUTHGATE, Iconise, 124 Garrard St., Coving- ton, Ky. Office, 38 Glenn Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Physician; b. Walton, Ky., Feb. 20, 1857; dau. Bernard and Eleanor (Fleming) Southgate; ed. Western Coll., Oxford, Ohio; grad. medicine at Laura Memorial Coll., Cincinnati, Ohio, fol- lowed by two years' study in hospitals, Europe and N.Y. Started in practice, Cincinnati, 1893; Europe, 1895-96. Prof, materia medica in Laura Memorial Coll., 1894; prof, surgical pathology, 1897. Clinician to Presbyterian Hospital, 1893-95, 1897 — . Has made numerous addresses on hy- giene, eugenics. Care of the GroTVipg Girl, Women's Duties in Civil Affairs, Sociological Status of Women, etc. Also before Women's Club, Mothers' meetings, W.C.T.U., etc. Favors woman suffrage. Corr. sec. Covington (Ky.) Equal Rights Ass'n; spoke In cause of suffrage in Cincinnati in campaign of 1912 for suffrage amendment of Ohio Constitution. Contributor to State Medical Journal of Kentucky and suffrage papers. Mem. Acad, of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio; Kentucky Equal Rights Ass'n, Nat. Equal Rights Ass'n, Kentucky State Fed. Women's Clubs, Ohio State Fed. Women's Clubs, Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs. Mem. Woman's Club of Cincin- nati; pres. Emergency Ass'n of Covington, Ky. Her maternal grandmother was Dinah Kennedy, whose grandfather, Thomas Kennedy, was one of the earliest settlers on the banks of the Ohio opposite Cincinnati, ran the ferry between Kentucky and Cincinnati when the town was a Government fort, and built a three-story stone bouse on the bank of the Ohio, 1791, on a lot which is now owned by Dr. Southgate and her sister Virginia.

��80UTHWICK, Elsie Whitmore, 24 Gramercy

Park, N.Y. City.

Portrait painter; b. Providence, R.I., Dec. 31, 1881; dau. James Mortimer and Charlotte An- thony (Jackson) Southwick; student at Art Students' League In N.Y. City and with Prinet and Dauchez at the Acad. Colorosal and with Ceclle Chennevlere in Paris. Exhibited at the Salon, Paris; Nat. Acad, of Design, Pa.; Minia- ture Soc, N.Y. Water Color Club and Water Color Soc., Chicago Art Inst., and many other prominent exhibitions In this country and abroad; has painted many celebrities, both American and foreign. Mem. Pen and Brush Club. 80UTHW0RTH, Alice Berry (Mrs. Franklin

Chester Southworth), 502 Chestnut St., Mead-

vllle. Pa.

Born Forestville, N.Y., Oct. 15, 1863; dau. James Hervey and Abba S. (Dlx) Berry; ed. Forestville Free Acad., Vassar Coll., A.B. '87; m. Sept. 5, 1893, Franklin Chester Southworth; children: Constant, William Berry, Franklin C. Interested in church work, health of the com- munity, playground movement, library extension, and all movements for the betterment of con- ditions of children. Unitarian. Mem. Drama League of America, Consumers' League, Vassar Alumnae Ass'n, Am. Unitarian Ass'n, MeadvUle Art Ass'n, Associated Charities. Recreations: Walking, reading. Mem. Women's Literary Club, Women's Civic League, Country Club, German Club (Meadville).

SOUTHWORTH, Gertrude Van Duyn (Mrs. Ed- ward Franklin Southworth), 314 Highland Av.,

Syracuse, N.Y.

Born Syracuse, N.Y.; dau. John and Sarah (Faulks) Van Duyn; m. Apr. 19, 1900, Edward Franklin Southworth; children: John Van Duyn, Nancy. Author: The Story of the Empire State; Builders of Our Country, Book I; Builders of Our Country, Book II; A First Book In American History. SOUTHWORTH, Inez M. Southworth (Mrs.

Winthrop M. Southworth), 314 Safford St.,

Wollaston, Mass.

Born West Stoughton, Mass., Feb. 26, 1880; dau. Massena B. and Ellen E. (Eaton) South- worth; grad. Wellesley Coll., B.A. '92; m. Stoughton, Mass., June 12, 1907, Winthrop M. Southworth (Brown '01); children: Morton Lor- ing, b. Feb. 7, 1909; Charles Eaton, b. May 12, 1910. Teacher in academy, worker in Associated Charities having charge of one of the five dis- tricts (cnaritable) of Washington, D.C., until marriage. Mem. Wollaston Ladies' Aid Alliance, Quincy Woman's Club, Current Events Class, Modern Literature, Class. Against woman suf- frage. Mem. Universalist Church, but attends Unitarian. SPAPrORD, Emily Hazard Dakin (Mrs. Joseph

H. Spafford). 152 W. Fifty-seventh St., N.Y.


Born Freeport, HI., Sept 17, 1866; dau. Francis E. and Emily (Hazard) Dakln; ed. Miss Howard's School, Springfield, Mass.; Miss Porter's School, Farmington, Conn.; grad. of Lucy Wheelock's Kindergarten Normal Class, Boston, Mass. ; m. Springfield, Mass., June 13, 1893, Joseph H. Spafford; children: Katharina Hazard, Ruth Josephine, Emily Madeline. Unitarian. Mem. Browning Soc, Ckinsumers' League, Municipal League, Kindergarten Soc, Woman's Alliance, Barnard Club (N.Y. City). SPAFFORD, Jessie I., Rookford, 111.

Born Rockford, 111.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '85. Teacher In Rockford Coll., 1885-1905. Pres. Woman's Club of Rockford. SPAHR, Jean Gurney Fine (Mrs. Charles Bar-

zillal Spahr), 3S Stockton St., Princeton, N.J.

Born C^hambersburg, Pa.; dau. Lambert Suy- dam and Mary Ely (Burchard) Fine; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '83; m. Princeton. N.J.. July 5, 1892, Charles BarzUlai Spahr, Ph.D., author, associate editor of the Outlook (died Aug. 30, 1904); chil- dren: Margaret, b. Apr. 10, 1893 (Smith '14); Eliz- abeth Fine, b. Aug. 17, 1894; Mary Burchard, b. Aug. 31, 1896; Jean Gurney, b. Nov. 12, 1899; Helen Thayer, b. Aug. 31, 1902. Teacher Clinton


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