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��SNYDER, Grace Lesta (Mrs. Robert William

Snyder), Cawker City, Kan.

Born Hancock Co., 111., July 19, 1863; dau. George and Angeline (Yates) Sears; ed. Normal School, Macomb, 111.; m. Cawker City, Kan., Sept. 12, 1886, Robert William Snyder; children: Ronald Wayne, Ona Marie. Taught in public schools at Seneca, Kan.; Clyde, Kan., and Bush- nell. 111. Mem. of State Board of Education of Kansas. Has delivered lectures on forestry be- fore women's clubs and on life insurance for women before fraternal societies. Favors woman suffrage, with educational qualification. Has done newspaper and magazine work of various kinds. Mem. Methodist EJpiscopal Church. Re- publican. Interested in Editorial Ass'n, D.A.R., Order Eastern Star, church and public library work. Recreations: Skating, driving, etc. Has held offices in State and Dis't Federations of Clubs.

SNYDER, Kate Anor Cosad (Mrs. William H.

Snyder), 22 Grand St., Newburgh, N.T.

Born Junius, N.Y., Dec. 2, 1877; dau. Charles Whiting and Anor (C!olamore) Cosad; ed. Water- loo (N.Y.) Acad., Geneseo (N.Y.) Normal School, Cornell Univ., A.B. (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Waterloo, N.Y., 1904, Dr. William H. Snyder; one son: Harold Hasbrouck. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Newburgh Political Study Club. Ossoli Club of Newburgh.

SNYDER, Mary J. Dnnlap (Mrs. Clarence Sny- der), 1711 Wisconsin St., Racine, Wis. Physician, neurologist; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. Charles and Anne (Young) Dunlap; ed. in Philadelphia; grad. Woman's Med. Coll., M.D. '86; m. Treijton, N.J., May 1, 1909, Clarence Snyder. Practiced medicine in Philadelphia until invited to assist in Dr. Joseph Parrish's private sani- tarium, Burlington, N.J. Prominent as physi- ologist and especially as neurologist; Interna- tionally distinguished for care and training of feeble-minded, and for success she made as med. director and superintendent from its or- ganization, 1888, until her marriage in 1909, of the N.J. State Institution for Feeble-Minded Girls and Women, at Vineland, N.J., of which all employees (except the engineer and farmer) are women. Mem. (pres. 1899) Nat. Ass'n of Med. Officers of Institutions for Feeble-Minded, Nat. Ass'n for Training and Care of Epileptics, Cumberland Co. ^Med. Soc. of N.J., Am. Med. Ass'n, N.J. State Charities Aid Ass'n, Nat. Ass'n of Charities and Correction (chairman section on feeble-minded, Nat. Conference, 1899), charter pres. Woman's Club of Vineland, organizer Vine- land Public Library Ass'n. Has written many papers on care and training of feeble-minded. Protestant Episcopalian.

SNVDER, Sibyl Thurston (Mrs. DeWltt Snyder), Liberty, Ind.

Born Eugene, Ore., Sept. 7, 1876; dau. George Henry and Marietta (Henderson) Thurston; ed. Univ. of Oregon, A.B., summS. cum laude, '98; A.M. '02; fellow in French, 1901-02; received graduate scholarship at Yale, 1902, but did not accept; graduate student Bryn Mawr Coll., 1902- 03; m. Covington, Ky., July 16, 1906, DeWltt Snyder; children: Corrington and Violet (twins), b. Liberty, Ind., Aug. 22, 1909 (both died a few days later); Thurston, b. Mar. 21, 1912. Taught public schools in Oregon at North Bend, 1898; Alpha, 1899; Eugene, 1899-1901; ass't in modern languages, Univ. of Oregon, 1903-06. Interested in church societies and interests (mem. Presby- terian Church), in* scientific farming (husband being a farmer), and also takes interest in poll- tics. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Clytie Club (literary). Recreations: Music, riding, driving. 80LIS, Jeanne Cady, 403 E. Liberty St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

Physician; b. Mooretown, Can.; dau. Edwin Tyler and Harriet E. (Woodruff) Soils; ed. St. Clair (Mich) public schools, Somerville school and Univ. of Mich., M.D. (mem. Alpha EpsUon Iota). Assistant to the chair of Diseases of Mind and Nervous System and Electro-Therapeutics, Dep't Medicine and Surgery, Univ. of Mich., 1892-97; demonstrator of nervous diseases and electro-therapeutics, Univ. of Mich.. 1897-1907;

��chairman for Mich, of Com. on Public Health Education Among Women of Am. Med. Ass'n. Translator: Diagnosis of Diseases of the Spinal Cord by Grasset. Among her published medical papers are: Treatment of Exophthalmic Goitre; Electro-Therapeutic Treatment of Endometritis; Treatment of Dysmenorrhosa; Neurasthenia; The Treatment of Neuritis. Favors woman suffrage; member Ann Arbor (Mich.) Equal Suffrage Soc. Congregationaiist. Mem. Blackwell Med. Soc. of Detroit, Washtenaw Co. Med. Soc, Mich. State Med. Soc, Am. Med. Soc. Recreations: Walking, fishing. SOLOMON, Hannah G. (Mrs. Henry Solomon),

4406 Michigan Av., Chicago, 111.

Born Chicago, Jan. 14, 1868; dau. Michael and Sarah (Spiegel) Greenbaum; ed. Chicago public schools and private tutors; m. Chicago, 1879, Henry Solomon; children: Herbert (deceased), Helen, Frank. Established in 1895 the Bureau of Personal Service, for giving free medical, legal and other service to the Jewish poor; organized Congress of Jewish Women under the World's Fair (Congress of Religions and the Council of Jewish Women. Favors woman suffrage. On Democratic ticket for trustee of 111. State Univ. In campaign of 1904. Has published collected papers and contributions to ^>eriodica!s under the title of Sheaf of Leaves, 1910. Jewish. Demo- crat Mem. 111. Industrial School (pres. 1906-09), Chicago Woman's Club, Woman's City Club, Ass'n of Jewish Women, Mothers' Aid, Chicago Women's Aid. Interested in civics and philan- thropy. SOMEBVTLLE, Ethel Blackmore (Mrs. Charlea

William Somerville), Glen Ellyn, III.

Bom Chicago, May 19, 1883; dau. Dr. J. S. and Charlotte Ann (Bovett) Young; ed. Chicago High School, Lewis Inst., Univ. of Chicago (mem. Alpha Pi Phi) ; m. Chicago, Apr. 20, 1904, Charles William Somerville, D.D.S. Ckingregationalist. Recreation: Automoblling. Has served two years as sec. and now in third term as pres. of Glen Ellyn Woman's Club. SOMMEBS, Katharine Higgins (Mrs. Edgar Paul

Sommers), 4473 Berlin Av., St. Louis, Mo.

Born Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 27, 1878; dau. Thomas C. and Honora (O'Flarerty) Higgins; ed. Maryville (Convent Acad, of the Sacred Heart (with honors), St. Louis, Mo.; mem. Maryville Alumnae; m, Apr. 17, 1906, Capt. Edgar Paul Sommers; children: Edgar Paul Higgins, Honore Thomas. Has written several poems and pai>ers on ethical and artistic subjects for clubs, and some have been published. Recreations: Dancing, theater, concerts, etc. Gives dramatic readings and musical recitations.

SOMMEBS, May A. C. (Mrs. William A. Som- mers), 6962 Maple Av., St. Louis, Mo.

State pres. Liadies of the Maccabees for Mo. ; b. Buffalo, N.Y. ; dau. Thomas J. and Mary (Driver) (!!ooper; ed. Chicago public schools, Armt)ur Inst.; m. St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 2, 1907, William A. Sommers; one son: Gordon B. Busi- ness woman for twenty years; has lectured on life Insurance for women in nearly all the large cities of the U.S. One of founders of Order of Ladles of the Maccabees 20 years ago (was Nat auditor 10 years and now State pres. for Mo.). Interested in church and social settlement work; works among young women. Mem. Mothers' Club. Recreations: Reading, theater, walking, church. Baptist Favors woman suffrage. SOPER, Mabel Browning:, State Normal School,

Bridgewater, Mass.

Art director; b. Boston, Mass.; dau. John Ed- ward and Octavia (Butman) Soper; ed. Smith Coll., Boston Museum of Fine Arts School of Drawing and Painting, Salem (Mass.) Normal School. Supervisor of art, public schools, Wel- lesley, Mass.; supervisor of art. State Normal School, Bridgewater, Mass.; ass't of art, Chi- cago Univ. Summer School. Favors "voman suffrage. Contributor to educational magazines and papers: School Arts Book, Primary Educa- tion, Popular Educator, Eastern Art and Manual Training Teachers' Publication, Council of Supervisors' Year Book. Mem. Eastern Art and Manual Training Teachers' Ass'n. Recreation: Travel.


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