children: Marion Lee, b. 1884, now Mrs. Justice Wilson; Richard, b. 18S9 (died Nov. 25, 189-1). In- terested in philanthropic affairs of community; helped establish City Library, and for 30 years mem. Board Trustees; mem. local and State Charity Board, local and State missionary socie- ties. Established two playgrounds and im- proved two private parks. Favors woman suf- frage. Has written many articles for special works, such as playgrounds, club magazines, etc. Presbyterian. Mem. Playground Soc, Nat. Am. Civic Ass'n, Conservation Congress, Nat. Muni- cipal League, D.A.R. Recreations: Tennis, out- door pageants, etc. Mem. 1890 Club of Tiffin; 2nd vice-pres. Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs; pres. Ohio State Fed., 1902-04.
SNEDEKER, Caroline Dale (Mrs. Charles H. Snedeker), St. George's Rectory, Hempstead, L.I., N.Y.
Writer; b. New Harmony, Ind., Mar. 23, 1871; dau. Charles A. and Nina Dale (Owen) Parke; ed. in Miss Armstrong's School, Cincinnati; graduated with honors at Coll. of Music, in piano and musical composition, under Albino Gorno; also private study in N.Y. City under Bruno Oscar Klein; m. Apr. 29, 1903, Charles H. Snedeker, Episcopal clergyman. Author: The Coward of Thiermopylae (historical novel) ; also short stories: Elena's Captive and The Master Hand (St. Nicholas); Breakfast Time in Camp (Outlook); The Paschal Lamb (Delineator). Epis- copalian. Favors woman suffrage.
SNELL, Nellie C. (Mrs. Millard F. Snell), Madison, Conn.
Former teacher; b. Schuyler Falls, N.Y. ; dau. William W. and Sara E. Parrish Conger; ed. at Plattsburgh and Saranac, N.Y. ; m. Dannemora, N.Y., May 1, 1878, Millard F. Snell. Teacher Sarnac, N.Y., and Plattsburgh, N.Y. Interested in village improvement in Madison, Conn., caring for elm trees and raising funds for making side- walks. Favors v/oman suffrage. Congregation- alist. Mem. Fellow Workers' Soc, Sunshine Soc. and Fortnightly Club of Madison (federated).
SNOW, Agnes Kuné (Mrs. William C. Snow), Basin, Wyo.
Eom Chicago, Ill.; dau. Julian and Elizabeth (Galloway) Kuné; ed. Chicago public and private schools; m. 1895, William C. Snow, lawyer; children: Julian B., Katherine T. Was very active during the first years of work of Chicago Associated Charities; has been in most movements for city betterment in present home town. Has worked to establish County library and Is the one woman on the library board; mem. and now chairman of the Library and Literary Extension Com. of the Wyoming Fed. Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage, votes in primaries and elections; active in city civics, twice placed a woman on School Board. Unitarian. Volunteer officer Wyo. Soc. of Child and Animal Protection, and through her initiative humane work is systematically taught in the grammar schools. Recreation: Reading. Mem. Woman's Club.
SNOW, Elinor Kimball Bruce (Mrs. William Brackett Snow), 106 Elm St., Stoneham, Mass. Born Ashtabula, O., July 14, 1871; dau. Charles Emerson and Eliza Ann (Stone) Bruce; ed. Mai- den High School, Wellesley Coll.. A.B. '92 (mem. Phi Sigma); m. Maiden, Nov. 30, 1898, William Brackett Snow; children: Bruce. William, Elinor, Wallace MacDonald. Congregationalist. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, Wellesley Coll. AIumnEE Ass'n; director Stoneham Woman's Club. Recreation: Camp life in Maine.
SNOW, Ellen Frances Jewell (Mrs. Marshall S. Snow), McMillan Hall, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.
Born Grauger, O., June 5, 1862; dau. Hiram and (Page) Jewell; ed. Exeter; m. EJceter, N.H., July 9, 1867, Marshall S. Snow.
SNOW, Erva Goodwin (Mrs. William C. Snow), Le Sueur, Minn.
Born Exeter, N.H.; dau. Asa and Theodate Martha (Swan) Goodwin; ed. Medina (Ot) public schools and a short time at Mankatl (Minn.) Normal; m. Le Sueur, Minn., William Chauncey Snow; children: Howard Raymond, Herbert Don- ald, Clarence Julian. Teacher several years in Le Sueur, Minn. Presbyterian. Mem. Monday Club, Le Sueur, Minn. SNOW, Julia Warner, Northampton, Mass.
Associate professor of botany; b. La Salle, 111., Aug. 30, 1863; dau. Norman Guito and Charlotte D. (Warner) Snow; grad. Cornell, B.S. '88; fellow Cornell, 18S8-S9; M.S. '89; fellow Ass'n College Alumnae, 1891-92; Ph.D. Zurich, '93; Univ. of Basel, 1896-97; Sigma Xi Soc. (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta). Ass't U.S. Fish Commission Biolog'cal Survey of Lake Erie, summers, 1898-1901; teacher ot science in Am. College for Girls, Constanti- nople, 1S94-96; ass't in botany, 1897; Instructor in botany, 1898-1900, Univ. of Mich.; instructor biology, Rockford Coll., 1900-01; ass't in botany, 1901-02; instructor in botany, 1902-06; assoc. prof, botany since 1906, Smith Coll. Author: The Con- ductive Tissue ot the Monocotyledonous Plants; The Plankton Algse of Lake Erie, and short articles on Fresh Water Algae. Congregation- alist. Mem. Botanical Soc. of America. SNOW, Mary S., 38 West Thirty-second St.,
N.Y. City.
Research sec; b. Bangor, Me., Apr. 15, 1857; dau. George Weston and Elizabeth (Savage) Snow; ed. Bangor public schools; hon. Ph.M. for dis- tinguished service in education in the State of Me.; Univ. of Me.; Sup't of Schools, Bangor, Me., 1887-99; supervisor of teaching practice, Pratt Inst., Brooklyn. N.Y.; supervisor of household arts, Chicago public schools, 1909-13; now re- search sec. Intercollegiate Bureau of Occupations. Mem. Nat. Home Economics Ass'n (councilor); pres. Me. Teachers' Ass'n; pres. New England School Superintendentts' Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Socialist. SNOWDEN, Madeline Gaston (Mrs. Clifford
Snowden), 26 Moody St., Portland, Me.
Public reader and lecturer; b. Ottumwa, la.; dau. Judge Abia William and Katherine (Rus.-jell) Gaston; grad. Grinneli (la.) Coll., Ph.B. ; Emer- son Coll. of Oratory, Boston (mem. Pi Beta Phi) ; m. Ottumwa, la., 1901, Rev. Clifford Snowden, Ph.D., of Portland, Me. Instructor in dramatic art, Bethany Coll., Topeka, Kan.; Kirkland Sem., Chicago. Public reader under management ol Elastern Lyceum Bureau, Boston, and New Eng- land Music and Lecture Guild, Boston. Mem. College Equal Suffrage League of America; favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Vice- pres. Portland College Club; mem. Portland Literary Union. SNIVELI', Mary Agrnes, St. Catharines, Ont.,
Nurse, hospital sup't; b. St. Catharines, Ont.; dau. Martin and Susan (Copeland) Snively; ed. in schools of St. Catharines, Ont., and in N.Y. City. School teacher for several years; became lady sup't of Toronto General Hospiiai and sup't of Training School for Nurses in same (resigned J^cccmber, 1909). Pres. Canadian Nat. Ass'n of Trained Nurses, 1911, councillor Nat. \s"?'n of Superintendents. Was delegate of Canadian Nat. Ass'n cf Traineil Nurses, 190'\ and in tlifcir be- half secured permission of King Edward VII. to place a wreath upon the tomb of Queen Victoria at Frogmore. Presbyterian. Mem. Woman's Canadian Club, Toronto. SNYDER, Kmma Morrill (Mrs. W. H. Snyder),
1534 Los Palmas A\., Hollywood, Cal.
Born Norwood, Mass., Feb. 4, 187G; dau. Ed- ward H. and Jane E. (Moores) Morrill; grad. Wellesley Coll., A.B. '97; m. Norwood. Mass., 1S98, Dr. W. H. Snyder; children: Louise May, Ruth, William Henry Jr.. Emma Jane. Baptist. SNYDER. Eva Smith (Mrs. Charles Earl Sny- der). 403 Church St., Herkimer, N.Y.
Born Wlnfield, N.Y., Aug., 1862; dau. Samuel Lyman and Ann (Saunders) Smith; grad. Cornell Univ., B.S. '86 (with honors for general excel- lence); (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Winfleld, N.Y., Nov., 1888, Charles Earl Snyder; children: David BJarl, Evalanna. Mem. Progressive Club of Herkimer, Cornell Alumnae Club of Utica, Herkimer County Cornell Club.