��SMITH, Mary Iconise Riley (Mrs. Albert Smith), 241 W. Seventy-fourth St.. N.Y. City. Author; b. Rochester, N.Y., May 27, 1842; dau. Justin and Abby (Hageman) Riley; ed. Tracy Inst., Rochester; Brockport Collegiate Inst.; m. Rochester, N.Y.. Mar. 31, 1869, Albert Smith; one son: Clarence Albert, b. March, 1874 (died May 6, 1896). Chairman Bird Com. Conserva- tion Dep't Gen. Fed. Women's Clubs; director and mem. Exec. Com. of Audubon Ass'n of New York for the Protection of Birds. Author books of poems: Sometime and Other Verses; Cradle and Armchair; The Inn of Rest; also many booklets; pen-name. May Riley Smith. Mem. Poetry Soc. of America. Pres. Sorosis Club, Barnard Club, the Meridian. Episcopalian.
SMITH, Mary Prudence Wells (Mrs. Fayette
Smith), Greenfield, Mass.
Author; b. Attica, N.Y., 1840; dau. Dr. Noah S. and Esther Nims (Coleman) Wells; grad. Greenfield (Mass.) High School. '58; Miss Draper's Female Sem., Hartford, Ckjnn., '59; m. Cincin- nati, O., 1874, Judge Fayette Smith (died 1903). Pres. Greenfield Woman's Club, Greenfield Branch Unitarian Women's Alliance; mem. Greenfield School Board; hon. pres. Conn. Valley Associate Alliance Unitarian "Women; hon. mem. Cincinnati Woman's Club. Author: Jolly Good series of juveniles (eight volumes), 1875-1895; Miss Ellis' Mission, 1886; The Young Puritan Series of historic stories of the Conn. Valley (four volumes), 1897-1900; Four on a Farm, 1901; 'The Deerfield Series, for young people (four volumes), 1901-09.
SMITH, Mary Virginia Agate (Mrs. Wlnthrop Smith), Llewellyn Park, West Orange, N.J. Born N.Y. City; dau. Frederic K. and Sarah Katharine (Jackson) Agate; ed. Miss Graham's School, N.Y. City; Miss Masters' School. 1899- 1901, Dobbs Ferry; m. N.Y. City, 1903, Wlnthrop Davenport Smith; one daughter: Virginia Agate Smith. Mem. Orange Orphan's Home, Visiting Nurses' Settlement, West Orange Improvement Bureau of Associated Charities Ass'n. Presby- terian. Mem. Essex County Country Club.
SMIT-i, Minna Caroline, 38 South Dearborn St.,
Chicago, III.
Author; b. Monterey. Cal. ; dau. Rev. William Nelson and Jane (Letts) Smith; ed. Harvard Annex (now Radcliffe Coll.). Mem. editorial staff of Boston Transcript for nine years. Author: Mary Paget, A Romance of Old Bermuda; Red Top Ranch, in Fruitful Lands; also numerous translations from Spanish and French.
SMITH, Minnehaha Lovell McKinlay (Mrs.
Charles Wilson Smith), 108 W. Seventy-ninth
St.. N.Y. City.
Lawyer; b. Dubuque, Iowa; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '88; N.Y. Univ.. LL.B. '95. LL.M. '97; m. N.Y. City, May 1, 1889, Charles Wilson Smith; one sou. one daughter. Admitted to N.Y. State Bar. 1S95. and since then engaged in practice in N.Y. City. BMITH, Muriel, 1719 Green St., Philadelphia,
Teacher; b. Rochester, N.Y., 1881; dau. John Nathaniel and Mary (Badger) Smith; ed. Cornell Univ.. A.B. '02; Univ. of Rochester, '09; Univ. of Pa., 1910-12, graduate work (mem. Alpha Phi). Now h^ad of mathematics dep't, West Phila- delphia High School for Girls. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Recreations: Walking, motoring, boating, reading. Mem. College Club of Philadelphia.
SMITH, Nora Archibald, "QulUcote-on-Saco."
Hollls,. Me.
Writer, educator; b. Philadelphia. Pa.; dau. Robert N. and Helen E. (Dyer) Smith; ed. at home and subsequently grad. Santa Barbara Coll., also grad. Cal. Kindergarten Training School. Kindergarten and training teacher In San Francisco. 18S1-94. Interested in free kin- dergarten societies, village improvement societies and settlement work. Author: Juvenile Stories — Under the Cactus Flag; Nelson, the Adventurer; Three Little Marys; The Adventures of a Doll; also Educational Essays (three vols.); Works on
��the Kindergarten (in coUaborttlon with Kate Douglas Wiggin) (five vols.). Edited volumes for children, of poetry, fairy tales and fables (In collaboration with Kate Douglas Wiggin) (eight vols.). Unitarian. Mem. Wednesday Afternoon Club of N.Y. City.
SMITH, Pearl Long (Mrs. Clifford Lewis Smith),
138 Broad St.. La Grange, Ga.
Born Greenwood. Fla., Nov. 23, 1871; dau. N. B. and Annie (Leslie) Long; ed. La Grange Female Coll., A.B.; Chicago Univ.; studied art at Art Students' League, N.Y. City, and in London and Paris; m. Apr. 2, 1893, Clifford Lewis Smith. Has done miniature painting and illustrating. Pres. La Grange Woman's Club.
SMITH, Mrs. Bichmond (Constance Callaway Marston). 2 Castleton Park, St. George, Staten Island, N.Y.. or Lyceum Club, Picca- dilly. London. England; summer, Grindstone Island. Rideau Lake, Ont.. Can. Writer; b. Montreal, Can.; dau. Charles Fred- erick and Charlotte (Savage) Richardson; de- scendant of Puritan Richardson family settled in Boston, 1630; ed. Girls' High School and McGill Univ., Montreal; m. (1st) W. Beaufoy Marston (deceased); (2nd) Buffalo, N.Y., Jan. 29, 1910. William Richmond Smith, well-known news- paper correspondent and journalist. Sub-editor Montreal, Can., Daily Star. 1899-1909; editor woman's section Toronto Saturday Night, 1909-10; has written much for periodicals and magazines in America and Europe. Much interested in child welfare, establishment of children's courts, child labor laws, etc. Favors woman suffrage. Eipiscopalian. Mem. Women's Antiquarian Soc. Montreal; Imperial Order of Daughters of the Empire (N.Y. State). Mem. Lyceum Club, Lon- don. Eng. ; Women's Club, Montreal, Can.
SMITH, Ruby Green (Mrs. Albert W. Smith), 15
East Av.. Ithaca. N.Y.
Lecturer; b. Knightstown. Ind.; dau. Alpheua W. Green, M.D., and Marcella J. (Hayes) Green; ed. public schools. Knightstown, Ind.; Stanford Univ.. Cal.. A.B.. A.M. (mem. Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi) ; university instructor after graduation (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta) ; m. Stan- ford Univ.. Albert W. Smith; children: Alpheus W., Dorothy M., Ruth A. Instructor in bionom- ics, Stanford Univ., 1902-05; candidate Ph.D. Cornell Univ.; lecturer in natural history. Chau- tauqua, summer of 1913. Mem. Entomological Soc. of America. Actively interested in local branch of Camp Fire Girls of America; organ- izer of Ithaca Consumers' Cooperative Ass'n; pres. Ithaca Housewives' League; deeply in- ested in Peace Movement. Favors woman suf- frage. Contributor of scientific papers to bio- logical periodicals; lecturer on natural history, evolution, peace movement, cost of living and home interests. Presbyterian (not orthodox). Progressive in politics. Mem. Nat. Housewives' League, Synopsis. Recreations: Reading, nature study, out-door sports. Mem. Cornell Univ. Campus Club, Cornell Univ. Jugatce Club, Cor- nell Univ. Stanford Alumni Club. Cornell Univ. Child Study Club. Cornell Univ. Theta Alumni Club.
SMITH, Sarah Effie, Mount Holyoke College,
South Hadley, Mass.
Prof, mathematics; b. Salmon Falls. N.H., Nov. 15, 1863; dau. Henry A. and Roxie B. (Burgess) Smith; grad. Mt. Holyoke Coll., S.B. '91; stu- dent Univ. of Mich., Univ. of Chicago. Univ. of Berlin. Prof, mathematics Mt. Holyoke Coll. Mem. Am. Mathematical Soc. Ass'n of Mathe- matics Teachers in New England. Baptist
SMITH, Sarah Katharine, 1305 Franklin £t.,
Wilmington. Del.
Artist, illustrator; b. Rio Vista. Cal.; dau. Prof. George H. and Rachel (Mooar) Smith; ed. Wheaton (111.) Coll. Art Inst., Chicago; studied with Howard Pyle in Wilmington and in Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Congregationalist. Mem. Plastic Club. Philadelphia; exhibited at N.Y. Water Color Club. Am. Water- Color Soc, Chi- oago Art Inst., Water (^lor Exhibition, Boston, and Plastic Club Exhibition of Illustrations.