��Mem. Psychological Ass'n of U.S. Mem. Onteora Club (Catskill Mountains, N.Y.).
SMITH, Margaret Nichols (Mrs. wmiam He- mans Smith), 114 Arlington Av., East Or- ange, N.J.
Born Milwaukee, Wis., Apr. 30, 1875; dau. Gideon Parsons and Delia B. Nichols; ed. Bing- hamton High School, Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '97; m. Binghamton, N.Y., Aug. 31, 1904, William Hemans Smith; children: Delia, Margaret, Wil- liam, Marshall. Taught in high school, Bing- hamton, N.Y., 1898-1904. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Progressive.
SMITH, Margaret Vowell, Alexandria, Va.
Bom I^ulsvllle, Ky., Mar. 2, 1839; dau. Francis Lee and Sarah Gosnell (Vowell) Smith; ed. Va. Female Inst., Staunton; studied languages at Mme. Segoign^'s School, Philadelphia, 1855-56. Has devoted much time to historical research, especially in the early colonial history of Va. Wrote: The Governors of Virginia, 1493-1892; Notes on the History of the Constitution of Vir- ginia, also magazine contributions on historical topics. Mem. Colonial Dames of Va. (historian), D.A.R., Soc. United Daughters of the Confed- eracy, vice-pres. Ass'n for Preservation of Va. Antiquities.
SMITH, Marion Conthouy, 434 William St., East
Orange, N.J.
Writer; b. Philadelphia, Pa.; dau. Henry Pratt and Maria Couthouy (WUliams) Smith; ed. private schools, Philadelphia. Interested In State and local work for the Nat. Progressive Party. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Electric Spirit and Other Poems; The Road of Life and Other Poems; also contributions to magazines, chiefly in verse. Mem. Woman's Club of Orange, Mosaic Club of East Orange; mem. Authors' League of America.
SMITH, Marion Parris (Mrs. William Roy Smith), Low Buildings, Bryn Mawr, Pa. College professor; b. N.Y. City, 1879; dau. Hon. Edward Lowden and Mary (DuBols) Parris; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01, Ph.D. '08; m. N.Y. City, June, 1912, William Roy Smith, prof, of history in Bryn Mawr Coll. Mem. Consumers' League, College Settlement, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnse, Bureau of Occupations for Trained Women. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Am. Economic Ass'n, Am. Acad, of Politi- cal Science.
SMITH, Martha Jane, 16 The Alexandra, 404 N.
New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Physician; b. Salem, Ind., July 4, 1867; dau. Stephen Hohl and Mary Ann (Hoar) Smith; ed. public schools; Eikosl Acad., Salem, Ind.; North- western Univ. Woman's Med. School, M.D. '91, class '91; music at St. Mary's Acad., Indianapolis. Physician to Indiana Girls' School, 1898-1909; physician Indiana Woman's Prison, 1898-1912; examining physician Girls' Clinic" of the Indian- apolis Juvenile Court; med. inspector public schools. Mem. Y.W.C.A., Board of Directors of Summer Mission for Sick Children, Fairview Park, Indianapolis. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Effects of Modern Dress on the Health of Women, 1894; paper on the Etiology of Dis- eases Peculiar to Women, 1896 (Am. Med. Ass'n Journal); Drug Addictions in Public Institutions, 1894; Syphilis in Women, 1912. Presbyterian. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Indiana State Med. Ass'n, Indianapolis med. societies. Recreations: Music, theatre. Clubs: Indiana Nature Study; formerly mem. Matinee Musical, Indianapolis.
SMITH, Mary .Alice, La Crosse Public Library,
La Crosse, Wis.
Librarian; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '97; student N.Y. State Library School, Albany, 1900-02. Ass't librarian, Worcester (Mass.) Public Library, 1897-1900; N.Y. State Library, 1901-03; Carnegie Free Library, Duquesne, Pa., 1903-04; La Crosse (Wis.) Public Library, since 1904.
SMITH, Mary Almira, 33 Newbury St., Boston,
Physician; b. Westfleld, Mass., 1850; dau. Henry Bates and Almira Lee (Mather) Smith; ed. Mt.
��Holyoke Coll., A.M. '03, D.Sc. 1912; Univ. of Zurich, Switzerland, M.D. '80. Surgeon to the New England Hospital for Women and Children, Boston; consulting surgeon to Women's Memorial Hospital, Concord, N.H. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. nat. and four State societies. Has written frequently for medical magazines. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Mass. Med. Soc, New England Hospital Med. Soc, Boston Med Library. Rec- reation: Automobillng. Mem. Pentagon Club, Bostonian Society.
SMITH, Mary Bartlett, 22 Abbott Road, Welles- ley Hills, Mass.
Statistician; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '97; stu- dent of biology, Smithsonian Institution, Wash- ington, D.C., 1897-98; Framingham (Mass.) Normal School, 1899-1900; student of institutional management, Simmons Coll., Boston, 1904-05. Teacher of English and geometry in private school. Media, Pa., 1898-88; North Andover (Mass.) High School, 1900-02; Prospect Hill School, Greenfield, Mass., 1902-03; statistician, on statistics of commercial, financial and industrial conditions in U.S. with firm of Roger W. Babson, Wellesley Hills, Mass., since 1907. Mem. Smith Coll. Alumnae Ass'n.
SMITH, Mary Eleanor Diehl (Mrs. Edward lilngerich Smith), care of Charles Smith & Sons, 303 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Born Philadelphia, Pa. ; dau. "Thomas J. and Margaretta (Wetherill) Diehl; ed. Miss Agnes Irwin's School, Philadelphia; Paris, Munich, Switzerland; m. Philadelphia, Dec. 1, 1880, Ed- ward liingerich Smith (deceased); children: Syd- ney Wetherill, b. Aug. 26, 1883 (died an infant); Edward lungerioh Jr., b. Dec. 12, 1887. Was first regent and formed Philadelphia Chapter of D.A.R. In 1892, regent four years; vice-regent two years. Episcopalian. Mem. Pa. Soc. of Colonial Dames of America, Pa. Chapter Nat. Soc. Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America, Philadelphia Chapter D.A.R., Mary Washington Soc. Acorn Club, College Club and Philadelphia Cricket Club (Philadelphia).
SMITH, Mary Emma Colby (Mrs. Malcolm How- ard Smith), 43 North Fullerton Av., Montclair, N.J.
Bom Manchester, Mass.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '69; elected to Phi Beta Kappa; m. N.Y. City, May 23, 1876, Malcolm Howard Smith; one son. two daughters. Taught in Rutgers Female Coll., N.Y. City, 1869-70, and in Vassar Coll., 1871-72.
SMITH, Mary Emmons (Mrs. Henry Ashley Smith), 12 Belmont St., Lowell, Mass. Bom Franklin, Mass., Sept. 15, 1864; dau. Wil- liam and Sarah Bacon (Metcalf) Mann; ed. Franklin and Lowell (Mass.) schools; m. Lowell, June 30, 1886, Henry Ashley Smith. Interested in district nursing, playgrounds, penny savings in public schools, Y.W.C.A. Favors woman suffrage. C!ongregationalist. Recreations: Golf, mountain climbing, automobillng. Pres. Middle- sex Woman's Club, 1909-12.
SMITH, Mary I'rances Dibble (Mrs. Everett Smith), 1533 Eighteenth Av., Seattle, Wash. Born Connecticut; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '81; m. Seymour, Conn., July 3, 1888, Everett Smith, lawyer (Yale, B.A. '83, LL.B. -'So); children: Harold Vincent, b. Mar. 19, 1890 (B.A., Yale, '12); Everett Jr., b. Sept. 11, 1892; Irwing Dibble, b. Jan. 30, 1897. Engaged as teacher, 1881-88. Con- gregationalist. Prohibitionist. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Smith College Alumnte Ass'n, W.C.T.U. Favors woman suffrage.
SMITH, Mary Erazer, Wellesley College, Welles- ley, Mass.
Born West Chester, Pa.; dau. George Fair- lamb and Anna Elizabeth (Hickman) Smith; ed. private schools in West (jhester and Philadel- phia, Wellesley Coll., 1893-96, B.A. '96. Teach- mg, 1885-92; studying, 1892-96; grad. work and teaching, 1898-1900; secretarial work, 1900-01; sec. to the dean of Wellesley Coll., 1901—. Presby- terian. Mem. Boston College Club. Boston Wel- lesley College Club, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae.