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Mighty Men of Old; also articles in educational magazines and religious periodicals. Congregationalist. Mem. Religious Education Ass'n. Recreation: Chess playing.

BEARD, Harriet Elizabeth, 179 East Av., Norwalk, Conn.

College instructor; b. Syracuse, N.Y.; ed. in schools of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Vassar Coll., A.B. '97. Teacher Cascadilla School, Ithaca, N.Y., 1897-98; Hillside School, Norwalk, Conn., 1898-1901; Vassar Coll. since 1901.

BEARD, Lina, 127 S. Parsons Av., Flushing, L.I., N.Y.

Author, artist; b. Cincinnati, O.; dau. James Henry Beard, N.A. (celebrated painter of portraits and animals), and Mary Caroline (Carter) Beard; ed. Miss Collins' private school, Covington, Ky.; Wesleyan Sem., Cincinnati, O.; Dr. West's Brooklyn Heights Sem., Brooklyn, N.Y.; studied art at Cooper Union and Art Students' League, N.Y. City, N.Y. Interested in nature, art, handicrafts. Founder and chief pioneer of nat. organization of Girl Pioneers of America (sister organization of Boy Scouts of America). Greatly interested in equal franchise; mem. Equal Franchise Soc. of Flushing, L.I. Author (with sister, Adelia Belle Beard): American Girls' Handy Book; What a Girl Can Make and Do; Things Worth Doing; Little Folks' Handy Book; Recreation for Girls; Home Mission Handy Craft (for Sunday-schools); contributor to magazines and newspapers. Recreations: Out-door life, travel, picture galleries, social functions. Mem. New Church (Swedenborgian). Single-taxer. Founder of Good Citizenship League of Flushing, L.I.

BEARD, Mary Ritter (Mrs. Charles A.), New Milford. Conn.

Suffrage leader; b. Indianapolis, Aug. 5, 1876; dau. Eli F. and Narcisso (Lockwood) Ritter; ed. De Pauw Univ., class of '97 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Indianapolis, March 8, 1900, Charles A. Beard (now prof. politics in Columbia Univ.). Mem. Woman's Trade Union League (mem. legislative committee), Woman's Political Union; former vice-chairman for Manhattan of the Woman Suffrage Party of N.Y., editor of The Woman Voter until June, 1912. Has resigned from Woman's Municipal League and other societies to devote herself to suffrage.

BEARD, Vida Fleming (Mrs. William K. Beard), Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa.

Born Columbia, S.C.; dau. Robert G. and Annie R. (Boatwright) Fleming; ed. Savannah, Ga.; m. Savannah, Dec. 6, 1893, William K. Beard; children: Robert Fleming, John, William K. 3d, David F., Donald Swan, Milton Courtright. Pres. Philadelphia Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy; mem. Kate Barry Chapter D.A.R. Episcopalian.

BEARDSLEY, Emily Call Griffith (Mrs. Arthur M. Beardsley), Greenleaf Farm, Roxbury, Conn.

Farmer; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1851; dau. Walter Scott and Caroline (Call) Griffith; grad. Vassar Coll., B.A. '73; m. Utica, N.Y., 1900, Arthur M. Beardsley. Teacher until marriage. Interested in Consumers' League and municipal activities, while living in Utica, especially in clean streets. Mem. Woman's University Club, N.Y. City. Favors woman suffrage.

BEATLEY, Clara Bancroft (Mrs. James A. Beatley, 11 Waban St., Roxbury, Mass.

Teacher, lecturer; b. Shirley, Mass., Jan. 12, 1858; dau. Edmund Dana and Mary Park (Morse) Bancroft; ed. Bridgewater State Normal School, advanced course (class valedictorian); m. Boston, Dec. 27, 1887, James A. Beatley; children: Margaret, Catherine, Ralph, Bancroft. Teacher in public schools of Newton, Lawrence, Boston and Cambridge; for seventeen years principal of Disciples School, Boston, Mass. Chairman Com. on Education, Church of Disciples, Boston, Mass.; chairman Conference Com. on Normal Education; director Children's Mission; director Tuckerman School; mem. Education Committee Mass. Federation of Women's Clubs; director of Boston Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Author: Apples of Gold (anthology); Forget-Me-Not (daily reading); Joys Beyond Joy (prose and verse); Treasures New and Old (commemorating one hundredth anniversary of the birth of James Freeman Clarke). Unitarian; life mem. Unitarian Ass'n; director Home and School Ass'n; mem. Roxburghe Club. Recreations: Seashore interests at summer home, Croftsmere, Boothboy Harbor; also books and music.

BEATTIE, Eva Townsend (Mrs. John J. Beattie, Salem, N.Y.

Club president; b. Hebron, N.Y., Jan. 16, 1853; dau. Horace J. and Harriet (Hannibal) Townsend; ed. Salem High School; m. Salem, N.Y., Dec. 19, 1877, John J. Beattie. Mem. First Presbyterian Church. Pres. Monday Club; mem. Whist Club (Duplicate), Five Hundred Club.

BEATTIE, J. Isabella Macklin, Ancon, Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama

Journalist; b. Mobile, Ala.; dau. Gerard Macklin and Elizabeth Stevens (Colby) Beattie; ed. at home with tutors and private schools. Went to Panama in 1907, and affiliated with the woman's club movement, which was inaugurated at that time by order of the Sec. of War, Mr. Taft; has been connected with the official organ of the Isthmian Canal Commission, The Canal Record, as editor of the social section, entitled The Social Life of the Zone, since its establishment in 1907; head of the women's movement in the Zone; organizer and general adviser; pres. of the Canal Zone Fed, of Women's Clubs, 1910-13; sec. Canal Zone Chapter, Am. Nat. Red Cross, 1909-11; director in the Canal Zone Humane Soc, 1908-09; has lived and traveled abroad, being permanently resident of Berlin, 1899-1907; traveled extensively in Europe. Interested in the women movements and industries. Has contributed to Harper's Bazar, the Youth's Companion, and other publications. Recreations: Travel, study of art. Episcopalian.. Favors woman suffrage.

BEATTY, Anne Meem Peachy (Mrs. Frank E. Beatty), Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.

Born Mt. Airy, Shenandoah Co., Va.; dau. William Dangerfield and Leila Russell (Meem) Peachy; ed. Acad, of the Visitation, Washington, D.C; m. Washington, D.C, April 29, 1891, Lieut. (now Real Admiral) Frank Edmund Beatty, U.S.N., children: Emily Appleton, Frank Edmund Jr. Pres. District of Columbia Auxiliary of the Navy Relief Soc; late treas. Army and Navy League. Episcopalian.

BEATTY, Cora B. Hamnett (Mrs. John W. Beatty), Richland Lane, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Born Blairsville, Pa., Oct. 26, 1860; dau. John and Elizabeth (Shurick) Hamnett; ed. Blairsville Sem., Pa.; m. Pittsburgh, Pa., Dec. 12, 1883, John W. Beatty, M.A.; children; Helen M., John W., William H., Katharine E. Presbyterian.

BEATTY, Edith Graves (Mrs. William C. Beatty), Elephant Butte, N.Mex.

Born Ithaca, N.Y., Sept. 22, 1878; dau. Howard Taylor and Audera (Ellis) Graves; ed. Cornell Univ., A.B.; m. Ithaca, N.Y., Oct. 30, 1905, William C. Beatty; one son: William C. Beatty Jr. Presbyterian. Mem. College Women's Club of Los Angeles, Cal.; Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae.

BEATTY, Nellie Griswold (Mrs. W. H. Beatty), 1345 Tennessee St., Lawrence, Kan.

Librarian; b. Lawrence, Kan., 1862; dau. Jerome Francis and Helen Mary (Hewitt) Griswold; ed. Kan. Univ. (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta); m. Lawrence, Kan., 1885, W. H. Beatty; one son: Jerome Griswold Beatty. Sec. Kan. State Library Ass'n, 1907-08; pres. Kan. State Library Ass'n, 1912-13. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Independent Republican. Mem. Kan. State Library Ass'n, American Library Ass'n, Order Eastern Star. Mem. Friends in Counsel.

BEAUCHAMP, Frances E. (Mrs. James H. Beauchamp), Lexington, Ky.

Lecturer, writer, editor; b. Madison Co., Ky.; dau. J. W. Estill; ed. Science Hill, Shelbyville, Ky.; m. James H. Beauchamp, lawyer. State president of the Kentucky Woman's Christian Temperance Union; State chairman Prohibition Party; mem. Nat. Committee Prohibition Party; has done much in interest of prison re-

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