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��Coll., '94. Mem. Newport Charity Organization

Soc, Woman's Hospital Aid Ass'n, Civic League

of Newport, Rhode Island Ass'n Opposed to

Woman SufErage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal


BMITU, Helen Florene, Iowa State College,

Ames, la.

Teacher; b. Penn Yan, N.Y., Sept. 2, 1877; dau. James M. and Sarah E. (Bushnell) Smith; ed. Penn Yan Aoad., Cornell Univ., A.B. '02. In- structor of mathematics in Iowa State Coll. since 1907. Interested In the work of the Y.W.C.A. and the Student Volunteer Movement for Mis- sions. Baptist. Mem. Cornell Univ. Alumnae Ass'n, Y.W.C.A. Recreations: Walking, rowing, swimming.

SMITH, Hilda Josephine, Shirley Hotel, Denver,


Pianist, composer, lecturer on music, teacher of piano, harmony and history of music; b. Deil Rapids, S. Dak., Dec. 1, 1880; dau. Ole Hendrik and Jacobine (Olsen) Smith; ed. All Saints School, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.; Wolfe Hall, Den- ver, Colo. ; the Miss Wolcott School for Girls, Denver; Univ. of Chicago; grad. Chicago Mus. Coll., '04. Professional name: Josephine Hilda- smith. First appearance as concert pianist and lecturer on music, 1912; prize in art drawing. World's Fair; active in musicals, theatricals and all school entertainments; at All Saints School, editor first school paper, 1893; at Wolcott School, managing editor first school paper, the Lariat; school organist; at Univ. of Chicago, library work; mem. Music Com. of Woman's Union; at Chicago Mus. Coll. won scholarship in com- petitive examination; at Chicago, contributor to magazines, church organist; at Denver, writer of special feature stories. Mem. St. John's Cathedral, Denver, Colo. Mem. All Saints School Alumnae Ass'n, Social Center and Day Nursery, Denver; Rocky Mountain Club of Uaiv. of Chi- cago Alumni Ass'n (also chairman Music Com.). Recreations: Travel, riding, swimming, tennis, books. Episcopalian. Republican. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman's Non-Partisan League, Denver, 1912; mem. Woman's Republi- can Party, Woman's Senatorial League.

SMITH, Ida B. Wise (Mrs. Malcolm Smith),

1022 Third Av., Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Former teacher; b. Philadelphia, Pa., July 3, 1871; dau. Robert E. and Eliza A. (Piper) Speak- man; ed. Hamburg (Iowa) public schools, Univ. of Neb. (undergraduate), Kindergarten Normai School; m. (1st) Sept. 3, 1889, James A. Wise (died 1S92); one son: Carl Edwin Wise; (2d) Aug. 15, 1912, Malcolm Smith. Taught fourteen years. Interested in Bible School; taught Bible class In University Christian Church eight years; lec- turer and State cor. sec. of W.C.T.U. eleven years. Mem. Woman's Club, Browning Club, and lecturer on purity work. Favors woman suffrage, and lecturer through W.CXT.U., State Political Equality Ass'n and Popular Lyceuia Bureau. SMITH, Ida Kendrick (Mrs. Alexander Wyly-

Smlth), 954 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga.

Born Amerlcus, Ga. ; dau. Samuel Stlllman and Emily H. (Fryer) Kendrick; ed. private schools; m. Atlanta, Sept. 10, 1885, Alexander Wyly- Smlth; children: A. W. Jr., Eether Kendrick, Theodore H., Clarke Kendrick. E5pls«opallan. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, D.A.R.

SMITH, Ida Spooner (Mrs. Horace W. Smith),

925 W. Tenth St., Riverside, Cal.

Born Cincinnati, O. ; dau. William L. and Catherine (Smith) Spooner; ed. Mt. Auburn Sem., Cincinnati; m. Cincinnati, 1884, Horace W. Smith; one son: Caleb B. Favors woman suffrage. Epis- copalian. Republican. Mem. Riverside Woman's Club.

SMITH, Isabel E. (Mrs. F. Carl Smith), 1739 Seventeenth St., N.W., Washington. D.C. Miniaturist and water-color artist; b. Crieffe, Scotland; dau. Alexander and Rachel (McClain) Smith; ed. Western Coil. Oxford, O.; m. London, 1895, F. Carl Smith. Painted miniature of Queen WUhelmina of Holland, President Felix Faure of French Republic President McKlnley. several

��marquises, a baroness In Paris, and many of our well-born Americans. Mem. Sorosia Club, League of Am. Pen Women, Indian Auxiliary, Junior Republic, Tuberculosis Auxiliary, Colum- bia Heights Art Club, Foreign and Home Mis- sionary societies. Women's Rivers and Harbors Ass'n, Archaeological Soc, Nat. Geog. Soc. Fa- vors woman suffrage; mem. College Women's Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Has written articles In various art journals. Presbyterian. Republican. SMITH, Ivy May, University Heights, Indian- apolis, Ind.

Musician; b. Irvlngton, Ind., May, 1874; deu. George M. and Delphlna (Barnard) Smith; ed. Irvlngton public schools, Butler Coll., St, John's Music Acad., Indianapolis Metropolitan School of Music. Dean of music dep't in the Central Univ. of Indianapolis; leader in Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A.; also In musical dramatic art. Organizer of the St Cecelia Club of Indianapolis, a musical club. Mem. Disciple Church. Favors woman suffrage. SMITH, Jane Lnella Dowd (Mrs. Henry Hadley Smith), 533 Warren St., Hudson, N.Y. Author; b. Sheffield, Mass., June 16, 1847; dau. Almeron and EUnUy (Curtiss) Dowd; ed. parents* schools, public schools. South Egremont Acad., Westfleld Normal School, North Granville Ladles' Sem. (valedictorian); m. Westfleld, Mass., May 18, 1875, Henry Hadley Smith, M.D. Sup't Sun- day-school; officer in D.A.R., W.C.T.U., Humane Soc, Home and Foreign Missionary Soc. ; worker for suffrage and charity; director Needlework Guild. Mem. N.Y. State Woman Suffrage Asa'n, Hudson Com. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; chairman School Suffrage Com. for Columbia Co. Author: Wayside Leaves; Wind Flowers; Flowers from Foreign Fields; Ways to Win; The Value of the Church, from a Woman's Point of View. Uni- versallst. Prohibitionist. Mem. Columbia Branch of the Mohawk and Hudson River Humane Soc, Nat Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, Independent Order of Good Templars, Ladies of the Macca- bees, Consumers' League, Audubon Soc, Red Cross Soc. Has written during a period of 25 years for the Nat. Temperance Soc. and publica- tion house; children's stories for the Youth's •Temperance Banner and has written irregularly for many papers and periodicals. SMITH, Jane Noyes (Mrs. Henry I-eaviti Smith), 201 W. Fifty-fllth St., N.Y. City. Born Jan. 18, 1848; dau. Rev. Dr. Daniel James Noyes (professor in Dartmouth Coll.) and Jano M. (Aiken) Noyes; ed. private schools and at Wheaton Coll., Norton, Mass.; m. June 1, 1871, Hanover, N.H., Henry Leavitt Smith. Inter- ested in various church, social ana philanthropic activities. Against woman suffrage. Presby- terian.

SMITH, Jeanie Oliver Davidson (Mrs. Horace Edwin Smith), Johnstown, Fulton Co., N.Y. Author, magazine contributor; b. Troy, N.Y.; dau. Richard and Margaret Oliver (Amos) David- son; ed. Troy and Schenectady, and also In Edinburgh, Scotland, with honors of various prizes for books and literary compositions; m. Hon. Horace Edwin Smith, LL.D.; children: Agnes Temple, Margaret Elizabeth, Horace Davidson. Honors from litterateurs In many parts of the literary world. Started a children's library before the introduction of the Carnegie Library, In which was aided by some relatives of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and It became known as the Cady Library of Johnstown, N.Y. ; later the books were presented to the Johnstown His- torical Soc. Writer under pen-names. Temple Oliver and Jeanie Oliver Smith. Author: Echo Bank; Day Lilies; Sonnets of Life; Story of Blackie; Blackle's Diary; Blackle's Coimpanions; A Forest Idyl. Presbyterian. Republican. Mem. Aldlne Soc; one of guests of the men's Authors Club of N.Y. City; mem. Authors League of America. Recreation: Writing essays on Nature in a summer camp In the Adirondacks. SMITH, Jennie Cora Morse (Mrs. Edgar Burr Smith), 44 Green St., Brattleboro, Vt Born Arlington, Mass.; grad. Smith Coll., B.A, '84; m. Arlington, Mass., June 27, 1895, Edgar Burr Smith, (A.B. Amherst), principal BratUe- boro High School; children: Janette Leonora, b.


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