��SMITH, Eugenie Marie Raye (Mrs. Alexander
Godfrey Smith), 519 Garfield Av., Richmond
Hill, L.I., N.Y.
Lawyer, lecturer, editor; b. Brooklyn, N.Y. ; dau. Frangois Jean and Mary Frances (Marsh) Raye; ed. public school. Girls' High School, Brooklyn, N.Y. (first honors); N.Y. Univ. Law School (first honors, Elliott F. Shepherd scholar- ship) ; also Woman's Law Class, N.Y. Univ. (first prize, $350 scholarship); m. Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 17, 1906, Alexander Godfrey Smith. Appointed to lecture to Woman's Law Class of N.Y. Univ. EkJitor Women Lawyers' Journal. Mem. Mem- bership Com. of Brooklyn Juvenile Probation Ass'n; interested in legislation to better condi- tions in Juvenile Courts of N.Y. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Collegiate Equal Suffrage League and William Lloyd Garrison Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Author: Equal Suffrage Song Sheaf. Protestant Episcopal. Mem. St Faith's Soc. of Church of St. Mark, Brooklyn (which she founded) ; mem. Alumnee Ass'n of Woman's Law Class of N.Y. Univ. Recreations: Music, singing, guitar. Mem. Women Lawyers' Club, Portia Club, Legislative Com. of N.Y. City Fed. of Wo- men's Clubs. Mem. Vocational Guidance Com. of N.Y. City Fed. of Women's Clubs. SMITH, Eva Augusta Ford Cline (Mrs. A. O.
Smith), 1101 Michigan Av., Portland, Ore.
Artist; b. Northfield, Vt. ; dau. Abraham and Mary (Cady) Ford; ed. pu'blic schools in North- field, Vt. ; public schools in Marysville, Cal. ; St. Helen's Hall, Portland, Ore.; PorUand Acad.; m. (1st) June 13, 1S74, John P. Cline; (2d) Jan. 2, 1909, A. O. Smith; one son. Dr. Cline, b. Apr. 21, 1877 (now pres. Oregon State Dental Examining Board). Pupil of H. M. Walcot of N.Y.; Frank Vincent DuMond of N.Y., and of Clyde Cook of Munich; won the Corbett cash prize for the best work in oil at the Art Club's ExhibitiO'n given at the Art Museum, Portland, Ore., 1900; also won other prizes at competitive exhibits. Taught penmanship in Portland Acad, and in St. Helen's Hall; has taught drawing, oil and water color painting in her home for the past 25 years; has illustrated two books, one of poems, one in ■prose, in pen-and-ink drarwings. Mem. of Port- land Art Ass'n, the Patton Home for the Aged; was sec. of th% Home for 13 years, on the roll as hon. mem. Acted for several years with Port- land City Board of Charities and Friendly Visi- tors, Ladies' Aid of Unitarian Church. Mem. Portland Sketch Club. Recreations: Reading, out-door sketching, breeder of fancy poultry. Mem. First Unitarian Church (Church of Our Father). SMITH, Eva Jane, 40S Market St., Warren, Pa.
Born Tidioute, Pa.; dau. Levi ajid Jane CGeor^e) Smith; ed. Oberlin Coll., Oberlin Con- servatory, Mus.B. ; studied in Leipzig, Germany, Paris, and piano with Krause in Berlin. Iden- tified with various religious, social and philan- thropic activities, especially with the societies of the Presbyterian Church. Mem. W.C.T.U., N.Y. City Fed. of Women's Clubs. Recreations: Golf, tennis, dancing, rowing. Favors woman suffrage; ass't capt. 25th Assembly District of the Woman Suffrage Party, N.Y. City; leader of the Woman Suffrage Party in Warren Co., Pa. ; pres. Warren Equal Suffrage League; mem. Equal Franchise Soc, N.Y. City; Women's Political Union, N.Y. City; N.Y. State Suffrage Ass'n, Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n. SMITH, Eva Munson (Mrs. George Clinton
Smith), 910 W. Edwards St., Springfield, 111.
Writer, composer; b. Monkton, Vt., July 13, l.S43;^dau. William Chandler and Hannaii (Bailey) Munson (mother related to Hannah Bailey of Revolutionary fame); ed. LaGrange Coll., Mo.; Mary Sharp Coll., Winchester, Tenn.; Rockford (111.) Coll., '64 (wrote class song, and in 1877 wrote and read the alumnse essay at commence- ment); m. Nebraska City, Neb., July 13, 1869, George Clinton Smith. Taught vocal music, elocution, piano, organ and guitar for 25 years. Was one of the Temperance Crusaders In Topeka, Kan. (led the singing); pres. seven years of North End W.C.T.U. and nine years of Central W.C.T.U. at Springfield, 111. Begaji giving ora- torical contest medals with the dilldren In 1886,
��continued them in Pronibition movement for six years; then for five years carried on the suffrage or Susan B. Anthony contests; since then in W.C.T.U. contest work. Compiler: Woman in Sacred Song, 18S5; The Field Is the World, 1877. Writer of numerous poems, of which The Last Command (blank verse) is one of the best known. Composer of 35 published pieces; songs in sheet music and books; instrumental pieces. Charter mem. Woman's Relief Corps (former chaplain and pres.); formerly for eight years pres. of Dlst. W.C.T.U. and of Sangamon Co. W.C.T.U., of which is now vlce-pres. Former vice-pres. Authors' Club of Springfield. Presbyterian. Pro- hibitionist. Favors woman suffrage; pioneer woman suffragist in Springfield, 111.; began to write and speak for the cause about 1877; pres. Springfield Equal Suffrage Ass'n 20 years; vice- pres. 111. State Woman Suffrage Soc. 10 years.
SMITH, Frances Gordon Burton (Mrs. Burton
Smith), Atlanta, Ga.
Lecturer; b. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 27, 1870; dau. Gen. John B. Gordon (one of most distinguished Confederate commanders) and Frances (Haral- son) Gordon; ed. Atlanta and Washington, D.C.; m. Atlanta, June 19, 1888, Burton Smith; chil- dren: Gordon Burton, b. June 26, 1S89 (died Aug. 20, 1909); Hildreth Burton (daughter), b. Dec. 19, 1893. Semi-professional lecturer on Home Eco- nomics, Domestic Architecture, Home Decoration, etc. Active worker in Atlanta Woman's Club and other organizations for social service; vice- chairman of Ck)m. on Home Economics of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1908-09. Favors woman suffrage. Contributor at times to Popular Science Monthly, Good Housekeeping; editor of Gen. Gor- don's Reminiscences and author of sketch of his life. Episcopalian. Mem. Colonial Dames, D.A.R., Daughters of the Ck>nfederacy. Recrea- tions: Travel in Europe and at home, reading, social intercourse. Club: Atlanta Woman's; hon- orary mem. Atlanta History Class.
SMITH, Frances Gist (Mrs. B. Holly Smith),
1007 Madison Av., Baltimore, Md.
Born Dorchester Co., Md.; dau. William Con- well and Anna Maria (Keene) Hopkins; ed. at home, finishing at Md. State Normal School with the first honor in 1875; m. Baltimore, Md., 1883, Dr. B. Holly Smith; children: B. Holly Jr., William Conwell, Frederick Janney, Francis Noel. Interested in home and foreign mis- sions, local organized charities, social hygiene, W.C.T.U. work. Consumers' League, prison re- form and civil service reform. Favors woman suffrage; treasurer of Just Government League of Baltimore Co. Congregationalist. Recrea- tions: Reading, social intercourse and good plays. Mem. Baltimore Country Club, Glyndon Country Club, Arundell Club, Mothers' Club, Glyndon Porch Club.
SMITH, Frances Grace, Smith College, North- ampton, Mass.
Teacher; b. Springfield, Mass.; dau. George B. and Mary L. (Stebbins) Smith; ed. Smith Coll., B.A. '93; M.A. 1900; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D. '06. Consecutively ass't instructor and now assoc. prof, botany. Smith Coll. Contributor of scien- tific papers to scientific publications, chiefly Botanical Gazette. Baptist. Fellow A.A.A.S. ; mem. Botanical Soc. of America, Sigma XI (Chi- cago chapter). Phi Beta Kappa (Smith Coll.), Nat. Geog. Soc, Ass'n Collegiate Alumni. Active in work for Chinese In Springfield. Favors woman suffrage.
SMITH, Frances Stanton (Mrs. Charles Bennett Sinlth), 392 Porter Av., Buffalo, N.Y., and Congress Hall Hotel. Washington. D.C. Writer, musician; b. Buffalo, N.Y., June 21, 1871; grad. Acad, of the Holy Angels, Buffalo, 1SS9; m. June 10, 1902, Charles Bennett Smith. Writer for magazines, 1890-94. In charge musical dep't, Buffalo Express, 1895; musical editor, Buffalo Courier, and editor women's page, Buffalo Enquirer. 1S97-1902. Mem. Women's B'd of Managers. Pan-American Exposition, 1901 (sec. com. of publicity). Active worker in educational movements and musical circles, Buffalo and else- where. One of the founders of the Catholic Summer School of America. Mem. Congressional