��Upsilon Gamma). Was first woman called for jury service in a district court in Kansas; ex- cused from service by the judge because of her opinions on the question of woman suffrage. Methodist Episcopal. Against woman suffrage. S]>nTH, Eleanor, 12 "W. "Walton PI., Chicago,
111.; studio, 709 Fine Arts Building, Chicago,
Composer, teacher of music; b. Atlanta, 111., June 15, 1858; dau. WUlard Newton and Matilda (Jaspersen)" Sanith; grad. Cook Co. Normal School; student at Hershey School of Music; pupil of -Frances A. Root and P. G. Gleason, Berlin, 1887-91; Moritz Mozskowsky and Julius Hey. One of the founders of Hull House Music School, first settlement music school in U.S.; music instructor Cook Co. Normal School; head Dep't of Music, 'School of Education, Univ. of Chicago, 1901-10. Favors woman suffrage. Au- thor: Songs for Little Children (No. 1 and No. 2), five songs; Songs for a Little Child's Day; Modern Music Series (six volumes); Song Pic- tures; Twelve Songs for Twelve Boys; Eleanor Smith Music Series (six volumes); The Golden Asp (cantata); Wedding Music (No. 1 and No. 2); Trolls' Holiday (operetta) ; Twelve Songs. Epis- copalian. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Chicka- ming Country Club, North Side Brancn Equal Suffrage League, Audubon Soc, etc.
SMITH, Elisabeth HoweU (Mrs. Edward Laban
Smith), Nevada, Mo.
.\uthor; b. Clarksville, Tenn., 1854; dau. John W. and Henrietta Adeline (Donaldson) Howell; ed. Clarksville (Tenn.) Acad., Bethel Female Coll., Hopkinsville, Ky., B.Mus. '79; lived in Colorado several years; m. 1894, Edward Laban Smith. Lecturer on literary subjects before women's clubs; was for several years field sec- retary for Cottey College, Mo. Favors woman suffrnge. Has written and spoken in favor of woman sutl'rffage. Author: Desultory Tales of Colorado: In Social Quicksauds; 'fongues in Trees. Religion: New Thought. SMITH, Elise Bennett (Mrs. Thomas Jefferson
Smith), Frankfort, Ky.
Federation president; b. Richmond, Ky., Sept. 9, 1872: dau. James and Sarah Lewis (Clay) Ben- nett; ed. Univ. of Mich., Ph.B. '94; special studies Wellesley; studied in Germany (mem. Sorosis, Collegiate); m. Richmond, Ky., Feb. 3, 1898, Thomas Jefferson Smith; children: Elsie, Tom. Pres. Ky. Fed. of Women's Clubs. Mem. Madi- son Co. Suffrage Ass'n. Methodist. Mem. Nat. Education Ass'n, Ass'n Coll. Alumnae. Recrea- tions: Swimming, all out-door sports. SMITH, Elizabeth Anne O'Linn (Mrs. Clarence
Cinclair Smith), Chadron, Neb.
Librarian, teacher; b. Blair, Neb., Jan. 4, 1876; dau. Daniel Henry O'Linn, M.D., and Frances M^axia (Brainard) O'Linn; ed. Chadron High School, Drexel Boulevard Acad., Chicago; m. Omaha, Dec. 25, 1890, Clarence Cinclair Smith; children: Frances Minerva, Henry Holden. Librarian of Chadron Public Library; elected October, 1913, pres. Nebraska State Library Ass'n; had charge of Children's Dep't of Libraries at nineteenth annual convention of that ass'n, Omaha, Neb., Oct., 1913. Sup't Sun- day-school, Grace Episcopal Church. Mem. Chadron Wuman's Club, Culture Club. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Republican. Mem. Eastern Star, D.A.R. Recreations: Trav- eling, riding. Cor. sec. Woman's Club of Chad- ron, chairman Neb. Patrons Ass'n, 1st vice-pres. Neb. State Library Ass'n, chairman Neb. Fed. of Woman's Clubs for Dep't of School Patrons of the National Educational Ass'n.
SMITH, Elizabeth Hight, Agricultural Experi- ment Station, University of California, Berke- ley, Cal.
Plant pathologist; b. Brookline, Mass., Jan. 12, 1877; dau. Obed Francis and Emily Margaret (Simpson) Smith; grad. Newton public schools, '96; Smith Coll., A.B. 1900; Mass. Agricultural Coll., M.S. '05. 'Teacher in public schools, Mass., 1901-04; in Univ. of Cal., ass't in plant pathology. 1905-11; instructor plant pathology, 1911 — . Fa- vors woman suffrage; mem. College Equal Suf- frage League. Cal. Civic League. Author: A
��N0W Fungus of Economic Importance (with ti. E. Smith, Botanical Gazette, Sept,, 1906); The Blos- som and Rot of Tomatoes (Technical Bull. No. 3, Mass. Agricultural Experiment Station, 1907); also Cal. Agricultural Experiment Station Bul- letins: Nature of the Brown Rot Fungus; The Peach Blight Fungus; California Plant Diseases (with R. E. Smith). Congregationalist. Repub- lican. Mem. Am. Phyto-pathological Soc. SMITH, Elizabeth Laban (Mrs. Laban E. Smith), 359 Marion St., Denver, Colo. College field sec; b. Apr. 22, 1856; dau. John W. and Adeline (Donaldson) Howell; ed. Bethel Coll., Hopkinsville, Ky., B.M.; m. Cripple Creek, Colo., Laban E. Smith; one daughter by former marriage: Adeline Hollaway. Field sec. of Cot- ter Coll.; has been college field secretary for ten years. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Desultory Tales of Colorado; In Social Quick- sands; "Tongues in Trees. Christian Scientist. Democrat.
SMITH, Ella May Dunning (Mrs. Dan Laws Smith), 60 Jefferson Av., Columbus, O. Teacher of singing, piano and musical history; b. Uhrichsville, Ohio, March 12, 1860; dau. Rufus Libbie and Sarah Ann (Price) Dunning; ed. pub- lic schools, tutors and private instruction under Caleb Croswell, Paula de Branco de Olivera, M. Segund du Sape; m. Uhrichsville, Ohio, Nov. 7, 1878, Dan Laws Smith; children: Ralph Bryce, Roy Brooke, Alan Bronson, Helen Bertram. Three years mem. of faculty of Phelps Collegiate School, Columbus, Ohio; pres. Women's Music ClU'b for past ten years; dean of Wallace Col- legiate School and instructor in musical history. Has written many poems and short stories and a large number of songs; fifteen years music editor of Ohio State Journal and Columbus Evening Dispatch; Columbus correspondent for N.Y. Mu- sical Courier. Mem. D^.R., Old Northwest His- torical and Genealogical Soc, New England His- toric-Genealogical Soc, Neiw England Soc. for the Preservation of Antiquities, Broad St. Metho- dist Church, Sorosis Literary Soc, Women's Press Club of N.Y., Women's Press Club of 111., Columbus Art Ass'n. Recreations: Travel, so- ciety, family. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Eoual Suffrage Soc. of Columbus. SMITH, Ellen Cyr (Mrs. Ruel P. Smith), 78 Hawthorne St., Flatbush, Brooklyn, N.Y. Born Montreal; dau. Narcisse and Ellen (Howard) (jyr; ed. Cambridge, Mass.; m. Hart- ford, Conn., June 19, 1896, Ruel P. Smith; children: Eleanor, Howard, Edith Cyr, Reed Stevenson. Author of Eight-book Literature Series, three books of art and two books dra- matic for Ginn & Co. Baptist Mem. Flatbush Fortnightly Club.
SMITH, Emma Adelia EUnt (Mrs. George Wil- son Smith), 149 Madison Av., N.Y. City. Historian and genealogist; b. Southold, Suffolk Co., N.Y. ; dau. William Henry and Adelia A. (Youngs) Flint; ed. New Haven (Conn.) public and private schools; m. New Haven, Jan. 20, 1875, George Wilson Smith (executor and trustee Tilden estate, trustee N.Y. Public Library). Author: Washington's Headquarters, the Morris House and Jumel Mansion; The Tilden Genealogy (in preparation); contributor to genealogical journals and magazines, also local histories of Conn, and Long Island towns. Episcopalian. Democrat. Mem. Mary Washington Colonial Chapter D.A.R., the Washington Headquarters Ass'n D.A.R. ; vice-regent-at-large of the Pocha- hontas Memorial Ass'n; mem. New York Genea- logical and Biographical Soc; mem. Board of Managers of the N.Y. Home for Convalescents. Favors woman suffrage.
S>IITH, Ethelynde, 458 Cumberland Av., Port- land, Me.
Singer; b. Portland, Me., May 28, ISSS; dau. George E. and Harriette E. (Clark) Smith; grad. Portland High School, '06. Concert, recital and oratorio soprano; soloist annual Maine Music Festival, 1911; Rubinstein Club, Waldorf-Astoria, N.Y., 1911. and various concerts and song re- citals in New Bngl-and and N.Y. Interested in various hospitals and philanthropic societies of Portland, and in all literary, musical and artis- tic endeavors.