��tures, musicals, travel, walking, bicycling. Mem. Woman'3 Dining Club, Athenaum, Suf- frage Club of Kansas City. Writes papers read before mtdical societies; also articles tor clubs and on various pbllanthropic, social and re- formatory movements, especially temperance and suffrage.
SMITH, Barbara Stella, 2019 N St., Washing- ton, D.C.
Born Hearts Content; Newfoundland, 18S8; dau. Rev. C. Ernest Smith, D.D., D.C.L., and Flora (Woods) Smith; ed. public school, Baltimore, Md.; Gunston Hall, Washington, D.C. Interested in church work. Protestant Episcopalian. Rec- reations: Automobiling, riding, tennis. Mem. Woodville Dramatic Club. Against woman suffrage.
SMITH, Bertha Helena, 2019 N St., Washing- ton, D.C.
Born Aquasco, Md., Feb. 12, 1892; dau. Rev. C. Ernest Smith, D.D., D.C.L., and Flora (Woods) Smith; ed. Baltimore public school, Nat. Cathedral School, Washington, D.C; King's Hall, Compton, P.Q., Can.; St. Mary's School, Raleigh, N.C. Interested In and a teacher In the Ministering Children's League work. Prot- estant Episcopal. Mem. Epsllon Alpha Pi Lit- erary Soc. Recreations: Horseback riding, ten- nis, skating. Mem. Woodville Dramatic Club. Against woman suffrage.
SMITH, Caroline Lackland (Mrs. C. V. Hunt- ington Smith), 4437 McPherson Av., St. Louis, Mo.
Born Saratoga, N.Y., June 7, 1885; dau. Edgar C. and Elise M. (Kayser) Lackland; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis; Farmington, Conn.; m. Oct. 10, 1911, C. V. Huntington Smith. Episcopalian. SMITH, Carrie Josephine, Fort Atkinson, Wis.
Teacher, merchant; b. Oakland, Wis., Oct. 11, I860; dau. George Cornish and Lamlra (Blanch- ard) Smith; ed. high school. Fort Atkinson, Wis. Teacher in high school. Fort Atkinson, Wis.; State Normal School, River Falls, Wis.; Co. Training Schools of Alma and Manitowoc, Wis. ; State sec. D.A.R. ; mem. Tuesday Club (liter- ary). Music Study Club and Town Improvement Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Mod- ern Business English; Practical Dictionary; Na- ture and Life Readers; The Story of Wisconsin. Congregatlonalist.
SMITH, Catharine C. (Mrs. Clarence Bishop Smith), 150 E. Sixty- third St., N.Y. City. Born N.Y. City, Nov. 6, 1879; dau. Edward Mitchell and Mary A. (Sprague) Cook; ed. by governesses and in Brearley School; m. Jan., 1902, Clarence Bishop Smith; children: Alexander Mackay, Carleton Sprague, Eunice Stoddard, Catharine Innes. Chairman Yorkvllle branch Women's Municipal League, 1911-12; interested In bookbinding, education, eugenics. Against woman suffrage. Mem. Consumers' League of N.Y., Diet Kitchen Auxiliary, Women's Muni- cipal League, Drama Soc. Recreations: Drama, books, writing, walking, bicycling, needlework. Mem. Wednesday Afternoon Club, Women's Cosmopolitan Club.
SMITH, Clara Alzins Hapgrood Higglns (Mrs. Frank Sullivan Smith), The Plaza, N.Y City. Born Rushford, N.Y.; dau. Orrln Thrall and Lucia Cornelia (Hapgood) Higglns; ed. Bryan School, Batavia, N.Y.; Remy School, Berlin, Germany: lectures In Univ. of Berlin, (jermany; Bendel Conservatory of Music, Berlin; m. Oct., 1877, Frank Sullivan Smith, LL.D., of N.Y. City, and "Sunnycroft," Angelica, N.Y. Mem. of the Committee on Mental Hygiene, and active in other movements for prevention of insanity and welfare work. Delegate to International Chari- ties Conference, Vienna, 1910. Interested in many patriotic and social organizations. Favors woman suffrage. Eipiscopalian. Mem. State CJharlties Aid Ass'n; life mem. Charity Organi- zation Soc, Nat. Conference Charities and Cor- rection, Women's Auxiliary to Tuberculosis Clinic, N.Y. Dep't of Health; Peace Soc, Work- ing Girls' Ass'n, Am. Acad. Political and Social Science, N.Y. Library Ass'n, Women's Auxiliary Scenic Soc, Nat. Soc. Colonial Daughters of Aim. Patriots and Founders, N.Y. Genealogical
��and Biographical Soc, the Municipal Art Soc, Nat. Soc. D.A.R., Am. Forestry Ass'n, Am. Red Cross, and others. Mem. Teuton Club, Shakespeare, No Idle Hour, the Barnard, Hamil- ton Country Club, Beechwood; hon. mem. Prog- ress Club; hon. mem. N.Y. City Chapter D.A.R., and hon. vice-regent Catherine Schuyler Chapter D.A.R. SMITH, Clara Eastman (Mrs. Sheridan I.
Smith), Wells River, Vt.
Editor, amateur artist; b. South Newbury, Vt. ; dau. Charles Wesley and Elizabeth Chastlna (Abbott) Eastman; grad. Montehello Inst., New- bury, Vt., '77 (stood 100 In «very examination) ; m. Lyndonville, Vt., 1888, Sheridan I. Smith: one eon: Wendell Phillips, b. Sept. 17, 1892. Taught six years, two in Home Mission school in the South. Lecturer for the W.C.T.U. Has written articles for educational, reform and religious journals, and occasional poems. Editor of Ver- mont Home Guards, official organ of Vt. W.C.T.U. Active in missionary, Sunday-school and church work. Favors woman suffrage; was charter mem. Vt Woman Suffrage Ass'n. Mem. Evangelical CJhurch. Prohibitionist. Mem. Home Missionary Soc. Recreations: Nature study, painting. Club: Women's (federated). SMITH, Claribel, 152 Argyle Av., Ottawa, Can.
Educator; b. Cobourg, Ontario, Canada; dau. Lleut.-Col. William S. and Eliza (Kelly) Smith; grad. Toronto Univ., B.A. '93. Was head teacher of Miss Veal's School in Toronto; for several years past has been principal of the Carleton School for Girls at Ottawa, Canada. Anglican. SMITH, CoUie Jackson (Mrs. William H. Smith),
The Snuggery, Parkersburg, W. Va.
Born Parkersburg, W.Va. ; dau. of John Jay and Jane (Gardner) Jackson; ed. Parkersburg private school, Patapsco Inst., Md.; Virginia Female Inst., Staunton, Va. ; m. Parkersburg, W.Va., 1875, William H. Smith. Diocesan cor- respondent Church Periodical Club of Protestant EpiscoT>al Church; chairman of State Com. on the Prevention of the Desecration of the Flag; delegate from W.Va. to the Pan-Anglican Con- gress, London, Eng., 1908. State regent D.A.R.; mem. Wcuman's Club. Protestant Episcopal. Favors woman suffrage. SMITH, Mrs. Draper, Omaha, Neb.
Born Liberty, Ohio; dau. Clement K. and Mary A. (Taylor) Woodward; m. 1876, Draper Smith (died 1909). Pres. Neb. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; pres. Omaha Woman's Club, 1898-1900; Neb. Fed. of Women's Clujbs, 1901-03; leader Political and Social Science Dep't, Omaha Woman's Club, 1905-10; now one of five Neb. child labor inspec- tors by appointment of the Governor. Mem. Exec. Com. Neb. Ass'n for the Study and Pre- vention of Tuberculosis, Legislative Com. State Conference Ciarities and Correction; chairman Juvenile Court Com. of Douglas Co. by appoint- ment of judges of District Court; sec. and mem. Board of Directors of Associated Charities of Omaha; mem. Board of Directors Omaha Social Settlement Ass'n, Board of Directors of Play- ground Ass'n of Omaha; vice-pres. Mothers' Pension League. Actively interested in political and social reforms, especially those affecting women and children. SMITH, Edna Kenderdine, 1822 S. Fourteenth
Av. ; business, 28-29 Watts Building, Third Av.
and Twenty-first St., Birmingham, Ala.
Artist; b. Rockford, ill., Jan. 4, 1879; dau. Charles Henry and Jennie Coleman (McConnell) Smith; ed. Birmingham, Ala., public schools and Academic Julian, Paris, France. Portrait paint- er; exhibited in Salon of 1900; since return to Ala. has painted portraits for State of Ala., Dep't of Archives and History, Univ. of Ala., and Ala. Polytechnic Inst., and other places. Founder and director of Birmingham School of Art. Interest- ed in school educational work. Protestant Epis- copal.
SMITH, Edna Leah, 218 E. Central Av., Eldo- rado, Kan.
Choir singer, concert singer; b. Rosalia, Kan., -Mar. 16, 18S9; dau. Houston Bartlett and Mary Eleanor (Ashcraft) Smith; ed. High School, ESdo- rado, Kan., 1907; Uberty Ladiea' Coll., 1909 (Eta