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prof, of mathematics. Mills Coll., Cal. Favors Western Pa. Author: Book of Rhymes, and

woman suffrage. Author: A Little Journey to many separate poems. Past-pres. Woman's

South Africa. Episcopalian. Socialist. Mem. Club of Pittsburgh; honorary pres. Woman's

Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Short Story Club Club of Kiskinimetus Valley (chronicler). New

of Berkeley, Cal. Era Club of Western Pa., chairman of literary

SMITH, Adeline Avery (Mrs. Frank L. Smith), and library extension in three clubs. Mem.

rhcenix NY Playground Ass n. Civic Club of Allegheny Co. ;

Born Central' Square, N.Y., Mar. 18, 1862; dau. founder and pres of Emerson Club. Recrea-

Charles W. and Harriet E. (Woodin) Avery; ed. t""is: Reading, travel. Presbyterian. Favors

Phcenix Academy and Cornell Univ.; m. Sept. Y°™^° suffrage. Mem. of Anthony Memorial

27, 1900, Frank L. Smith. Against woman suf- ^.ss n.

frage. Congregationalist. SMITH, Annie Morrill (Mrs. Hugh Mont-

SMITH, Alice Josephine Bristol (Mrs. Charles gomery Smith), 78 Orange St., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Thomas Gray Smith), 844 Thirteenth St., Oak- Cryptogamic botanist; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb.

land, Cal. 13, 1856; dau. Henry Edwin .Morrill (M.D.) and

Teacher; b. Waterloo, la.; dau. George D. and Cynthia (Langdon) Morrill; ed. Packer Coll. Inst., Philah Ann (Griffin) Bristol; ed. Cornell Univ.; Brooklyn; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., June 9, 1880, Hugh grad. Stanford Univ., B.L. '99; Univ. of Cal., Montgomery Smith. Edited and published for 10 M.L. 1912 (Delta Gamma); m. June 12, 1912, years The Bryologist, a journal devoted to study Charles Thomas Gray Smith. Taught in Oakland of mosses, hepatics and lichens; has also con- high schools. Teacher of English in Mills Coll. tributed to other botanical publications. Helped Favors woman's suffrage. Republican. Mem. organize the SuUivant Moss Soc, 1898, and ever Rebekah Soc, Order Eastern Star. since an officer (nov/ treaa.). Congregationalist; a-njrirt^Mi * Tx •« /nT „ Tj ,„n„„t.^., o,v,^^v,^ sec. Plymouth (Church) Women's Foreign Mis- SMI'TH. Anna Harris (Mrs. Huntington Smith), gjonary Soc; mem. Y.W.C.A.; interested in kin-

ueanam, Mass. t „ r(„=.f„„ . k dergarten work, etc. Against woman suffrage.

President Animal Rescue League, Boston b j^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^ Botanical Dep't Brooklyn

Dorchester, Mass.; dau William and Anna j^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ Sciences, Torrey Botanical Club;

(Clapp) Harris; ed. public scho9ls New Bng- ^ ,j ^.A.A.S. Club: Brookl/n Woman's,

land Conservatory, and by private teachers, ^

specializing in French and music; m. Dorchester, SMITH, Annie Shaw (Mrs. J. Stanley Smith),

Mass., July 19, 1884, Huntington Smith. As- Farmville, N.C.

sociate editor Boston Beacon, 1889-99; founder Music teacher; b. Winslow, Me.; dau. Henry

Animal Rescue League, 1899; pres. since 1900; H. and Mary (Hawes) Shaw; grad. St. Mary's

editor Our Fourfooted Friends; writes and lee- School, Raleigh, N.C, 1879, first distinction in

tures extensively on humane topics. Author: music; two years in Peabody Inst., Baltimore;

Golden Words for Daily Counsel; A Longfellow m. Tarboro, N.C, Dec. 23, 1892, J. Stanley

Calendar, 1906; A Tennyson Calendar, 1907; Four- Smith; children: Stanley Shaw, Henry Harrison,

footed Friends, a book of stories for children, Eleanor Hawes, John Burton. Favors woman

1913. Mem. Am. Peace Soc; director Am. Hu- suffrage. Episcopalian. Organist. Pres. Ladies'

mane Ass'n; director Am. Humane Education Magazine Club, Farmville, N.C; Interested in

Soc; vice-pres. New England Anti-Vivisection civic and liter.^ry work.

Soc; honorary vice-pros. Animal League of SMITH, Arta Morris (Mrs. Edgar Howes Smith),

London, Eng. Recreations: Music, gardening, Corning, la.

bird study, travel. Favors woman suffrage (but gonj ug^r Corning, la., Oct. 6, 1856; dau. John

not militant); mem. New England Woman y^_ ^qj Cglja (Burton) Morris; ed. Corning High

Suffrage Ass'n. School; taught school two years; m. Sept. 21,

SMITH, Anna Tolman, 1335 Twelfth St., N.W., 1875, Hon. Edgar Howes Smith of N.Y. (two

and U.S. Bureau of Education, Washington, terms mem. of Iowa Legislature); children:

D.C. " Grace (artist), Herbert (science teacher), Elsa

Educator; b. Boston, Mass.; dau. Tolman Gore Fern (Mrs. Thomas N. MacBurney, of Chicago),

and Abigail (Dyer) Smith; ed. Boston High and Favors woman • suffrage. Mem. of the County

Normal School, Albion (N.Y.) Female Sem. ; W.C.T.U. for 20 years. Methodist. Republican,

special studies under private tutors. Since 1879 Mem. Aid Soc of Methodist Episcopal Church,

attached to U.S Bureau of Education as special- Village Improvement Soc, Ladies' Auxiliary to

ist in foreign educational svstems. Mem. Jury of Hospital, Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc,

Awards of Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1900, Bay View Reading Circle, Taka Art Club,

and of Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, SMITH, Aurine Williams (Mrs. Ira L. Smith),

1904; received from French Government, 1900, 222 E. Sixteenth St., Hopklnsville, Ky.

decoration of Off icier de I'lnstruction Publique; Born Cusseta, Ala., Mar. 1, 1863; dau. Jona-

was departmental editor of the Cyclopaedia of than William and Rebecca (Dozier) Williams;

Education. Regular contributor to the annual re- gd. Peabody Normal Ck)ll., Univ. of Nashville,

ports of the Bureau of Education, the American A.B.; received Peabody medal each year for

Year Book and on educational subjects to home three years for highest standing; valedictorian

and foreign publications. (Girls' Chapter of Peabody Coll.); m. Hopkins-

SMITH, Annie Dawson (Mrs. A. M. Smith), ville, Ky., 1S88, Ira L. Smith; children: Ira D.,

Paris, Ark. Thomas L., Evelyn. Taught for six years in

BornBarbour Co., Ala., Dec, 1868; dau. Charles Hopklnsville public schools. Former pres. Wo- Bingley and Fannie D. (Rivers) Florence; ed. man's Home Missionary Soc. of Methodist Epis- country schools and State Normal, Florence, copal Church for several years; sec. Foreign Ala- m. Golden City, Ark., June 23, 1897, Dr. Missionary Soc; pres. Civic Improvement League A M Smith; children: Velma, John Frank, of Hopklnsville; former pres. Treble Clef Musi- Charles McDaniel, Jane. Methodist. Mem. Mis- cal Club, Magazine Club. Favors woman suf- slonary Soc School Improvement Soc frage. Methodist. Recreations: Theatre, col- SMITH, Annie E. (Mrs. Samuel P. Smith), 6334 lege sports and games, reading.

Howe St., Pittsburgh, Pa.; Winter home, Eus- SMITH, Avis E., Commerce Building, Kansas

tis, Flau City. Mo.

Born Plttsiburgh, Pa.; dau. Jacob Freetly (law- Physician; b. Roscoe, 111., 1851; dau. James

yer) and Fannie McKee (Boggs) Freetly; ed. Harris and Huldah (Howland) Smith; ed. Univ.

public and private schools; grad. Chautauqua of 111., B.A. and M.S.; grad. Northwestern Wo-

Literaiy and Scientific Circle and Univ. Exten- man's Med. Coll., M.D. '83. Has held chair of

slon courses- took Garnet seal, 1889; m. Samuel physiology and hygiene 20 years in Scarritt Bible

P Smith- one daughter: Mrs. Robert D. Coard. and Hospital Training School; held chair of

Chairman' Grant Vacation School, Pittsburgh, Pediatrics in Woman's Med. Coll. of Kansas

1903-05 Started the movement of sending books City, chair of pathology in Coll. of Physicians

to colored libraries in the South, enlisting co- and Surgeons; was physician in charge of Ma-

cperatton of Apollo, Hanover and Wllkes-Barre ternity Hospital, Kansas City, and manager

libraries and securing many hundreds of books of Woman's and Children's Hospital of Kansas

from women's clubs; chairman of Library Ex- City, Mo. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian.

Unaion Work In Congress of Women's Clubs of Mem. Univ. Extension Soc. Recreations: Lee-


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