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��SMAXLWOOD, Eleanor Stanley (Mrs. Claude

Smallwood), Pleasonton, Cal.

Teacher; b. Worcestershire, Eng., Aug. 22, 1876; dau. Charles H. and Maxy Elizabeth (Wells) Stanley, ed. Lros Angeles Normal School and Univ. of Cal.; m. July 6, 1898, Claude Smallwood; children: Stanley C, Genevieve Elizabeth, Katherine Edith. Vice-pres. Woman's Club of Bisbee, Ariz., 1900-02; pres. Woman's Improvement Club, 1911-12; chairman of Com. on Legislation. Favors woman suffrage. Prot- estant. Progressive Republican. Mem. Order Eastern Star and church societies. Recreation: Tennis. SMAKT, Isabella Thompson, 101 W. Eightieth

St., N.Y. City.

Physician; b. Jersey City, N.J. ; dau. James Eraser and C. Louisa (Green) Smart; ed. public and private schools of Jersey City and Monmouth Co., N.J.; Coll. Preparatory, West Chester, Pa.; graduate and post-graduate diploma, N.Y. School of E.\pression (honor student); N.Y. Univ., M.D.; N.Y. Med. Coll. and Hospital for Women, Univ. State of N.Y. (honor student medical jurispru- dence); post-graduate medical study in Vienna, Zurich, London and in Yale Univ. Teacher of science. Coll. Preparatory Schools for Girls; supervisor physical training, N.Y. City; licensed Bupervisor, evening recreation centers, N.Y. City; lecturer, N.Y. Hospital; physical diagnosis, N.Y. Med. Coll. for Women; special lecturer, N.Y. Normal School of Physical Education; medi- cal examiner and lecturer, Yale Univ. Summer School, 1905-06; medical examiner of mentally feeble children, Dep't of Education, N.Y. City; examiner in lunacy, N.Y. City. Has traveled in Europe for study of social problems. Presby- terian. Mem. Marble Collegiate Dutch Reformed Church. Mem. Alumnse Ass'ns N.Y. Med. Coll. for Women, N.Y. School of Expression; mem. Am. Physical Educational Ass'n, Playground Ass'n of America, Internat. Congress of School Hygiene, Internat. Congress on Tuberculosis, Soc. Moral and Sanitary Prophylaxis, Am. Acad. of Political and Social Science, Nat. Ass'n for the Feeble Minded (England), Nat. Educational Ass'n, Am. Hygiene Ass'n, Epsilon Tau fra- ternity. Am. Nat. Red Cross.

SJIEETH, Jennie Harwood (Mrs. Edwin Elliott Smeeth), 472 Kenilworth Av., Oak Park, 111. Born Chicago, Aug. 19, 1869; dau. John and Mary A. (Merrill) Harwood; ed. Chicago; ta. Chicago, Nov. 18, 1S93, Edwin Elliott Smeeth; children: Harwood, Elliott, Merrill. Favors wo- man suffrage; mem. Suburban Civic and Equal Suffrage Club. Liberal in religion. Mem. Nine- teenth Century Club of Oak Park (pres. 1910-12). Mem. Board of Education of Oak Park.

SMICK, Helen Godwin (Mrs. W. A. Smlck),

Roseburg, Ore.

Teacher:" b. Fonda, N.Y. ; dau. Henry and J. Anna (Peters) Godwin; ed. Gloversville (N.Y.) Sera., Highland Univ., Kan.; Albany Coll., Ore., normal course; m. Roseburg, Ore., June 4, 1873, Rev. W. A. Smirk; children: Edith, Lewis, James, Robert. Teacher for over 25 years; grad. N.E. Coll. of Music, Salem, Ore.; also studied art. Active in philanthropic work. Favors woman suffrage. Contributor of poems and articles to newspapers and periodicals. Presbyte- rian. Republican. Mem. of church societies, W.C.T.U. and Order Eastern Star; mem. '95 Mental Culture Club, Commercial Club, Roseburg Ladies' Auxiliary State Fed. of Clubs.

SMILEY, Lill-an Fletcher (Mrs. George H.

Smiley), Minnewaska, N.T., and De Land,

Fla. .

Born Newport, N.H., Dec. 10, 1861; dau. Charles Franklin and Martha Jane (Wilmarth) Fletcher; cd. Newport High School (valedictorian), '79; Colby Acad, (salutatorian), '84; Colby Univ. (sec- ond honor, Latin oration), A.B. '88 (Sigma Kappa); m. Newport, N.H., June 7, 1S89, George H. Smiley; children: Alfred Fletcher, Charles Edward, Interested in church, Sunday-school, missions, temperance and all reforms. Favors woman suffrage. Baptist. Mom. W.C.T.U. and American Woman's Republic. Recreations: Driv- ing, rowing, reading, indoor games.

��SMILLIE, Alice Marjorie Adanuon (Mrs. Shel- don Smillie), Aspen, Colo.

Artist; b. Ktnosha, Wis., Feb. 2, 1882; dau. Martin and Mary (Berry) Adamson; grad. Kenosha High School and Chicago Art Inst. ; m. Central City, Colo., Feb. 5, 1905, Sheldon Smillie, mining engineer; children: Helen Louise, Sheldon, Natalie Sheldon, Kathleen. Against woman suffrage. Catholic. Recreations: Riding, dancing, hunting.

SMTLLIE, Helen (NeUie) Sheldon Jacobs (Mrs. George H. Smillie), etudlo, 156 E. Thirty- sixth St., N.Y. City.

Artist; b. N.Y. City; dau. Samuel J. and Helen (Sheldon) Jacobs; ed. private schools, N.Y. City; art education in Cooper Union; Nat. Acad, of Design, also private tuition with J. O. Eaton and James D. Smillie; m. N.Y. City, June 28, 18S1, George H. Smillie; children: Sheldon, Charles Van v., Gordon Swift. Unitarian. Mem. Ameri- can Vv^ater Color Soc.

SIVITLI-IE, Irene Rose, 640 Piedmont Av., At- lanta, Ga.

Artist; b. Savannah, Ga. ; dau. Robert Thomas and Harriet F. (Crandell) Smillie (formerly of Newark, N.J.); educated in the public schools of Atlanta, Georgia; grad. with first honor from coll. preparatory course at Washington Sem., Atlanta; Art Dep't, School of Technology, New- ark, N.J. ; art student under A. Jahn, Marshall Fry, Miss Maude Mason and Mrs. Anna B. Leonard, of N.Y. City. Painter of miniatures on ivory for several years until eye strain com- pelled a broader line of work, when she became interested in ceramics and overglaze decoration. Interested in woman's development; leader of several study clubs, both of artistic development and in history and civic work. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. Mem. Exec. Board of City Fed. of Women's Clubs of Atlanta, Ga. ; pres. Reviewers' Study Club; mem. Washington Sem. Alumnte and other study and social clubs. Has traveled in Europe and the U.S.

SMITH, Abbie Nora, Coalinga, Fresno Co., Cal. Writer; formerly music teacher; b. Monroe- ville, Huron Co., Ohio, Oct. 14, 1856; dau. Isaac and Elizabeth (Piatt) Smith; ed. Monroeville, Huron Co., Ohio; grad. Monroeville (Ohio) High School, 1876; Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, Beatrice, Neb., 1890; followed the Bay View course of reading for three years; then took up writing stories. Was mem. B'd of Directors of Y.W.C.A.. Lansing, Mich.; later interested in Humane Society, Y.W.C.A., W.C.T.U. and civic lines of work at Houston, Tex. Mem. Westmin- ster Presbyterian Church of Houston. Con- nected with these branches of work, as far as they exist in Coalinga, Fresno Co., Cal., since 1911. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Bobtail Dixie; King Gobbler (humane studies used as supplementary readers in the public schools and also as gift books); Truthful Thomas, and other humorous articles in Judge, etc. Presby- terian. Progressive. Mem. Missionary Soc, Anti-Gamblers' League, Sunshine Soc. Recre- ations: Attending social functions, club meet- ings, letter writing. Mem. Young Folks' Social and Literary Club (Monroeville, Ohio), C.L.S.C. (Naugatuck, Mich.), C.L.S.C. (Beatrice, Neb.), Musical and Literary Soc. (Glen EUyn, III.), Arthena C.L.S.C. (Angola, Ind.); Women's Club (Grand Rapids, Mich.), Unity Club (Lansing. Mich.), Improvement Club, Pen Women Club (Houston, Tex.), Texas Women's Press Ass'n, Women's Club of Coalinga, Cal. Was active during the recent successful equal suffrage cam- paign in California, distributing literature, etc.

SMITH, Adelaide, 2430 Channlng Way, Berke- ley, Cal.

Instructor in mathematics; b. Boone, Iowa, Dec. 3, 1870; dau. Allan and Adelaide (Butler) Smith; ed. Kirkland School, Chicago, 1SS6-SS; Wellesley Coll., B.S. '93; European Fellowship Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, '99; Univ. of Gbttin- gen, Germany, 1899-1901; Univ. of Cape of Good Hope, B.A. '05; Univ. of Cal., M.S. '11. Prof, of mathematics. State Coll. of R.I.; Huguenot Coll., Wellington, Cape Colony, South Africa; assistant in mathematics. Univ. of Cal.; actlas;


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