BEALL, Nannie Lewis (Mrs. Henry D. Beall), 1514 Thirtieth St., Washington, D.C.
Born Lynchburg, Va.; dau. Henry Harrison and Lucy (Schoolfield) Lewis; belongs to the Lewis, Schoolfield and Harrison families of Virginia; ed. in private schools of Lynchburg, Va.; m. Col. Henry D. Beall of the Confederate States Army and later of editorial staff of the Baltimore Sun; one daughter: Louise Harrison Beall (m. Dr. W. C. Gaynor, of Washington, D.C). Mem. D.A.R. (Emily Nelson Chapter), United Daughters of Confederacy. Episcopalian. Recreation: Motoring. Against woman suffrage.
BEALS, Anna Maria Bourne (Mrs. Charles Elmer Beals), 107 Fourth St., Bangor, Me.
Born Maine; ed. high school, Bangor, Me.; Bryn Mawr Coll., 1899-1900; m. 1907, Rev. Charles Elmer Beals. Tutor in Latin, algebra and history, 1900-01; student in Teachers' Training Class, Bangor, 1902-07.
BEALS, Jessie Tarbox (Mrs. A. T. Beals), 159 E. 33d St. (business, 71 W. 23d St.), N.Y. City.
Photographer; b. Hamilton, Can., Dec. 23, 1870; dau. John N. and Marie A. (Basset) Tarbox; ed. Hamilton, Can.; m. Greenfield, Mass., Sept. 2, 1897, A. T. Beals; one daughter: Nannette Tarbox Beals, b. June 8, 1912. Teacher for several years in Mass.; special photographer for newspapers in Buffalo, N.Y.; official press photographer at St. Louis Exposition, 1904 (received medal for work). Magazine photographer for Vogue, Town and Country, Ladies' Home Journal, Country Life in America, Harper's Bazar; also engaged in expert home portraiture.
BEALS, Katharine McMillan (Mrs. James Burril Beals), Public Library, St. Paul, Minn.
Reference librarian; b. Pittsburgh, Pa.; dau. Samuel J. R. McMillan (chief justice of the State Supreme Court of Minnesota, and U.S. Senator, 1875-87) and Harriet E. (Butler) McMillan; ed. private schools; m. St. Paul, Minn., Apr. 28, 1875, James Burril Beals (died Dec. 31, 1888); children: Walter Burges, James Burril. Occasional contributor to magazines. Presbyterian. Mem. Minnesota State Library Ass'n; charter mem. D.A.R.
BEALS, Othilia Gertrude (Mrs. Walter Burges Beals), 1707 Sunset Av., W. Seattle, Wash.
Lawyer; b. New Orleans, La.; dau. P. P. and Sarah J. (Talbott) Carroll; ed. Seattle private schools and Wash. State Univ., LL.B. '01; m. Seattle, July 14, 1904, Walter Burges Beals. First woman to engage in active practice of law in Seattle. One of the incorporators of the Seattle Fruit and Flower Mission, charity devoted to the care of the indigent sick. Pres. of the Univ. of Washington Alumnae. Favors woman suffrage. Catholic. Republican. Mem. United Daughters of the Confederacy. Recreation: Tennis. Mem. Seattle Tennis Club.
BEALS, Rose Fairbank (Mrs. Lester Hayes Beals), Wai, Satara District, India.
Medical missionary; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '95; Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, M.D. 1900; m. Sept. 27, 1905, Lester Hayes Beals. Since 1900 medical missionary in India.
BEAMAN, Jane Witter Stetson (Mrs. David Webster Beaman), 8 Anthony St., New Bedford, Mass.
Former teacher; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '99; m. June 25, 1902, David Webster Beaman; two children; both died in infancy. Teacher of English literature in Mattapoisett (Mass.) Grammar and High School, 1899-1901; teacher of literature and French in New Bedford (Mass.) Evening High School, 1899-1900.
BEAN, Mary (Mrs. Jordan N. Bean), Bridger, Mont.
Born near Richland Center, Wis., Nov. 26, 1869; dau. William S. and Katherine (Akan) Bean; ed. in common schools of Wis.; m. West Lima, Wis., Sept. 9, 1888, Jordan N. Bean; children: William N. and Robley Bean. Has lived in Montana since 1888. Interested in various charities. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Order Eastern Star; past matron of home chapter and grand representative of State of Montana for State of Oregon. Recreation: Driving. Was pres. Woman's Club of Bridger.
BEAN, Theodora, 70 W. Forty-sixth St., N..Y. City.
Writer; b. Anoka, Minn.; dau. Martin Van Buren and Louisa Jane (McFarland) Bean; ed. Anoka High School, Carleton Coll. Writer of sports, Chicago Record; special writer Evening Telegram, N.Y. City; feature work and foreign correspondence for N.Y. Morning Telegraph; mem. Sunday staff Morning Telegraph. First woman in this country to be employed on the daily staff of a sporting department of a metropolitan newspaper. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Woman's Political Union, Woman Suffrage Party. Episcopalian. Recreations: Reading, walking, traveling.
BEANE, Mary Ellen Smith (Mrs. Samuel C. Beane), 2 Ripley Place, Worcester, Mass.
Born Waterbury, Vt, 1870; dau. John Downer and Mary Jane (Camp) Smith; ed. Green Mountain Sem.; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '94; m. Waterbury, Vt., 1901, Rev. Samuel C. Beane Jr. Mem. Woman's Aid Soc, League of Unitarian Women. Favors woman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. Worcester Woman's Club, Leicester Shakespeare Club, Twentieth Century Club, Unitarian Club, Wellesley Club, College Club.
BEAR, Olive May, 1404 N. Water St., Decatur, Ill.
English teacher; b. Decatur, Ill., Mar. 6, 1870; dau. Ephriam and Susanna (Hamsher) Bear; ed. Knox Coll., Galesburg, Ill., B.S.; Cornell Univ., and Univ. of Chicago. Engaged in teaching since graduation. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist.
BEARD, Adella Belle, 127 S. Parsons Av., Flushing, N.Y.
Artist, author; b. Painesville, O.; dau. James Henry Beard, N.A. (celebrated artist), and Mary Caroline (Carter) Beard; ed. Mrs. Collins' private school in Covington, Ky.; Cooper Union and Art Students' League, N.Y. City; water color from Rhoda Holmes Nichols; oilcolor from William M. Chase, First picture painted, accepted by N.Y. Acad. of Design, hung on line and sold immediately; title of picture, In the World but Not of the World. Mem. of Authors' League of Com. of One Hundred on National Health; founder of building fund for Good Citizens' League of Flushing, L.I.; mem. Child Labor Organization. With her sister, Lina Beard, wrote and illustrated: American Girls' Handy Book; Recreation for Girls; What a Girl Can Make and Do; Things Worth Doing; Little Folks' Handy Book; Home Mission Handy Craft (this last book for Sunday-schools); contributor to magazines and newspapers. Inventor, designer, illustrator and author of The Beard Birds; these birds are life size, look-alive birds, and have been endorsed cordially by William Hornaday, director of the Zoological Gardens of N.Y., also by the Audubon Soc., which, by request, were supplied with a sample of birds for exhibition in office. Mem. Good Citizenship League of Flushing, L.L Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of Equal Franchise Soc. of Flushing, L.I. With sister, Lina Beard, worked out plans now embodied in the national organization of Girl Pioneers of America, sister organization to the Boy Scouts of America, and is executive secretary of the organization. Recreations: Travel, nature study, out-door life, handicrafts.
BEARD, Frederica, 14 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.
Born Clapham, England; dau. Richard and Anne (Olding) Beard; ed. by private instruction; Training School of Chicago Free Kindergarten Ass'n; post-grad, special courses in the Univ. of Chicago and Columbia Univ. Kindergartner in Chicago, 1886-90; training teacher in Normal Schools of Norwich and New Haven, Conn., 1890-96; institute lecturer, 1896-1900; educational writer. Supervisor of training of teachers and associate editor Educational Dep't of Congregational Sunday-school and Publication Soc, Boston, 1912. Interested in educational, religious and philanthropic movements. Author: The Kindergarten Sunday-school; Wonder Stories from the Gospels; Manual for Teachers on Old Testament Stories; Journeys and Adventures of