��eOLATER, Elsie Pomeroy McElroy (Mrs. H. D. Slater), B20 Prospect Av., El Paso, Tex., and 1412 Avenue of the Presidents, Washing- ton, D.C.
Born Sidney, Ohio; dau. Johu and Elsie (Pomeroy) McElroy; ed. Toledo and Washington public schools; grad. Washington High School; m. Rl Paso, Texas, H. D. Slater; one son: John McEIroy Slater. Engaged in newspaper work. Interested in charities, especially baby-saving in EI Paso. E)plscopalian. Reipubllcan. Favors woman -suffrage.
SLATEE, JeamJe E., 152 W. Forty-ninth St., N.T. City.
Singer, teacher; b. Battle Creek, Mich.; dau. Zophar Thiers Slater (M.D.) and E. Elvira (Packer) Slater; studied with 1,. A. Phelps of Chicago, Luigl Vannuccini of lilorence, Italy; Alberto Randegger of London, Eng. ; Rsinhold Herman of Berlin, Germany. Decorat&d by Socleta. Filarmonica Fiorentina. Mem. Tonkiinst- ler Soc. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise Soc. Clubs: MacDowell, Minerva. SI.ATER, Mary White (Mrs. James W. Slater), Ironton, O.
Writer; b. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1870; dau. James and Harriet (Harrison) White; ed. Cincinnati public schools; Cincinnati Normal School; Chi- cago Univ.; .Columbia Univ.; m. Ironton, Ohio, October, 1889, James W. Slater. Began life work as a training teacher of Ironton, Ohio. Active in club work, civic improvement, library promo- tion, suffrage and literary lecture work. Favors woman suffrage; pres. Ironton Suffrage Ass'n. Wrote stories (contributed to The Cosmopolitan Magazine): The Reverend Robert North; The Story of Judith; The Birthday; The Spinster; The Superman; also child poems in Cosmopoli- tan, Delineator, Nash's Magazine, London, Eng- land; Good Housekeeping, Designer, etc. First work accepted by Kate Fields, Washington. Recreations: Automobiling, walking. Mem. Monday Club, Century Club, Civic Improvement Ass'n, Suffrage Ass'n, all of Ironton, Ohio. SLAUGHTER, Gertrude Eilzabeth Tayior (Mrs. Moses Stephen Slaughter), 633 Francis St., Madison, Wis.; Summer, Hancock Point, Me. Born Cambridge, Ohio, Nov. 29, 1870; dau. Hon. Joseph Danner Taylor (Congressman) and Elizabeth Ann (Hill) Taylor; ed. McDonald-Ellis School, Washington; Centennial Collegiate Inst., Hackettstown, N.J.; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '93; m. Cambridge, Ohio, June 28, 1^3, Moses Stephen Slaughter, prof, of Latin; children: Elizabeth Hill, b. May 16, 1898; Gertrude Taylor, b. Feb. 13, 1902. Mem. of various local organiza- tions, civic and literary. Favors woman suf- frage. Author of articles of Poet-Lore: Pascoli and Recent Italian Poetry; A Tale of Arion. SLAUGHTER, Mrs. Winston Henry — see Waln- wrlght, Marie Page.
SLEESMAN, Male Close (Mrs. C. C. Sleesman),
898 Boulevard, Bayonne, N.J.
Musician, vocalist; b. N.Y. City, 1855; dau. Joseph B. and Ellen M. (Norcross) Close; ed. private teachers, Hudson River Inst, N.Y.; m. Millerville, Pa., May 22, 1886, C. C. Sleesman; children: Eloise, Gertrude Adelaide, Ellen. Voice teacher at Dr. Wright's Sem., Pough- keepsie; directress of music, Waynesburg Coll., Pa.; Lebanon, Tenn. ; Greenwood Sem., Coll. of Sisters of Bethany, Topeka, Kan. Directress of music at State Normal School, Millerville, Pa. Favors woman suffrage; was pres. Political Study Club of Bayonne (later vice-pres, now cor. sec). (Composer of several unpublished com- positions; also Safe and Sane March, played by the bands upon occasion of the first public pa- rade on the Safe and Sane Fourth of July held by the Woman's Political Club of Bayonne, 1910. Mem. Ladies' Auxiliary of proposed new Y.W.C.A. Recreations: Opera, lectures, recep- tions. Elected 3-year director on the first board of N.J. State Fed., 1895. Mem. Athena Club (former pres.). Musical Study Club (former pres.); active in the first club started In Charleston, W.Va., "The Easy Chair." Mem. many years of Jersey City Women's Club and Mary Arden Shakespeare Club of N.Y. City.
��SLEIGHT, Mary Brecli, 159 E. Sixty-second
St., N.Y. City.
Author; b. N.Y. City; dau. Henry C. and Jane (Keese) Sleight; ed. Geneseo (111.) Sem. Has been editorially connected with several leading periodicals. Author: Prairie Days; Knights of Sandy Hollow; Flag on the Mill; An Island Heroine, etc. Maternal granddaughter of late John D. Keese, and great-granddaughter of Major John Keese, a member of Washington's staff, and a charter mem. of the Soc. of Cincinnati. Her father, Henry C. Sleight (son of Col. Henry Sleight, aide-de-camp to Gen. Greene in the Revolution), was a midshipman in the War of 1812, and in 1826 established the Rochester Dai'.y Advertiser, first daily paper west of Albany, later becoming head of a large publishing house in Astor Place, N.Y. City. Congregationalist and Presbyterian (combined); interested in Sunday- achool work.
SLIGH, Edith Clarli (Mrs. Charles R. Sligh),
31 Terrace Av., Grand Rapids, Mich.
Born Cedar Springs, Mich., Nov. 25, 1869; dau. Isaac M. and Mary (Jewell) Clark; ed. Houghton Sem., Clinton, N.Y.; Smith Coll., A.B.; m. Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. 1, 1905, Charles R. Sligh; children: Charles Robert Jr., Gertrude EJrhelyn. Episcopalian. Clubs: Ladies' Literary, Woman's University, Kent Country. SLOAN, Anna M. (Mrs. John Sloan), 61 Perry
St., N.Y. City.
Born Philadelphia, Pa., July 28, 1876; dau. Patrick and Mary (Connor) Wall; ed. Philadel- phia public schools; m. Philadelphia, Aug. 5, 1901, John Sloan, artist. Delegate to the Cen- tral Com. Socialist Party from local New York; mem. City Executive Com., Socialist Party; or- ganizer. Branch One, Socialist Party; mem. In- dustrial AVorkers of the World (I.W.W.). As a mem. of Lawrence Strike Com., assisted in re- ception and distribution of the children of the striking textile workers of Lawrence, Mass.; treas. and business manager of The Masses (illustrated). Socialist satirical monthly maga- zine. Recreations: Socialist summer campaign street meetings, dancing, skating. Favors wo- man suffrage; mem. Women's Com., Socialist Party. SLOAN, Frances Blake (Mrs. John T. Sloan),
Columbia, S.C.
Born Spartanburg, S.C, Oct. 28, 1873; dau. William K. and Marina Gregg (Jones) Blake; ed. Lauder Coll., then at Williamston, now at Green- wood, S.C; m. Spartanburg, S.C, 1894, Dt. VvMl- iam C. Gilliam, who lived, only a few weeks after their marriage; m. 1904, Col. John T. Sloan; lost two babies, but has three Sloan stepchildren, who are devoted to her. Pres. Woman's Guild of Trinity Church, Columbia, S.C; on Board of Managers Woman's Exchange. Mem. Civic League Hospital Ass'n, United Charities, King's Daughters. Deeply Interested in all elevating and uplifting work. Has published some news- paper articles and a few poems. Episcopalian. Historian of William Capers Chapter D.A.R. ; mem. Nat. Historical Com. D.A.R. Recreations: Fishing, horseback riding, mountain life, golf, painting. Pres. the New Century Club; mem. S.C. Fed. of Women's Clubs. SLOAN, Marianna, Fort Washington, Pa.
Artist; b. Lock Haven, Pa.; dau. James Dixon and Henrietta E. (Ireland) Sloan; ed. Phila- delphia public and high schools; studied art at the Philadelphia School of Design under Robert Henri and Elliot Daingerfield. Associate mem. of Fellowship of the Acad, of Fine Arts, Phila- delphia; mem. Philadelphia Water Color Club, N.Y. Water Color Club. Recreations: Walking, out-of-door sketching. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Socialist. SLOCOMB, Florence White Seaver (Mrs. George
A. Slocomb), 769 Main St., Worcester. Mass. Born Walpole, N.H., 1867; dau. Rev. Nathanael and Marii-tta M. (White) Seaver; ed. Smith Coll., A.B. '89; m. Leicester, Mass., 1895, Dr. George A. Slocomb. Interested In civic work, current events, writing and lecturing to clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Writer of short stories in va- rious magazines. Unitarian. Mem. League of