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��Waukon (Iowa) High School, '90; later took spe- cial work in music and languages in Dubuque, Iowa; m. Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 3, 1894, Dr. George Coleman Skinner; children: Stephen Bowen (now deceased), George Coleman. Inter- ested in the local philanthropic, civic, church and social life. Has served as member of local Y.W.C.A. Board; vice-pres. 1909-10, 1910-11, of Home Missionary Soc. of Presbyterian Church. liOcal worker in missions, Parent-Teachers' Ass'n, Anti-Tuberculosis Movement and mem. of Health Com. of Iowa Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem._ Woman's Club, Wednesday Shakespeare Club,' Cultus Club, all of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Charter mem. of Woman's Club (pres. 1910-11 and 1911- )2). Pres. Wednesday Shakespeare Club, 1909-12. ..Vssisted in introducing public playground move- iient in Cedar Rapids.

SKINNER, Henrietta Channing Dana (Mrs. Henry Whipple Skinner), care of Second Na- tional Bank, N.T. City.

Writsr; b. Cambridge, Mass.; dau. Richard Henry Jr. and Sarah (Watson) Dana (father was the author of Two Years Before the Mast; grand- father, Richard Henry Dana Sr., was a poet and essayist) ; from seventh to twelfth years shared studies of Mr. Longfellow's youngest daughters with English governess; two years at school in Stuttgart, Germany; one year in Convent of Assumption, Paris; three years private schools in Boston; two years at Radcliffe Coll.; studied music in Germany, Paris and United States; m. Cambridge, Mass., June 25, 1S92, Henry Whipple Skinner; one son: Richard Dana, b. April 21, 1903. Author: Esperitu Santo (novel), 1899; Heart and Soul (novel), 1901; also magazine arti- cles: A Queen at School (Scribner's), 1878; What French Girls Study (Atlantic), 1892; Love Songs of the Tuscan Peasantry; Italian Harvest Scenes; Don Jaime's Honeymoon; A Montauk Incident fpoem; Catholic World), 1894-98; Pancho's Happy Family (Harper's Magazine), 1898; Our Revolu- tionary Diplomacy (Harper's), 1902; also several articles in Sacred Heart Review. Mem. Colonial Dames of Mass., D.A.R. ; active mem. of Tues- day Musicale Soc. of Detroit, Mich.; for five and one-half years was governor general (national pres.) of Order of the Descendants of Colonial Governors. Recreation: Music. Roman Catholic since 1878; was brought up an Episcopalian.

SKINNER, Laura, National Arts Club, 15 Gra-

mercy Park, N.T. City.

Born Washington, Ohio; dau. Alfred and Mary J. (Virtue) Skinner; ed. Maryland State Normal School, Barnard Coll. Was principal Pikesville School, Baltimore, Md., for six years; later taught academic classes for girls in N.Y. City for four years; pres. Harrington Park Villa Sites four years; pres. Woman 'Taxpayers' Ass'n of N.Y. City; mem. Internat. Pure Milk League, Knickerbocker Relief Club. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Equal Franchise League of N.Y. City. Was for several years reader and transla- tor for N.Y. publishers; originated and for some time edited The Week in New York. Pres. Daughters of Ohio (N.Y. City); recording sec. D.A.R. (Manhattan Chapter). Formerly vice- pres. Md. State Teachers' Ass'n and pres. Balti- more County Reading Circle, while resident in Maryland. Recreations: Golf, tennis, rowing, driving; extensive traveler in U.S. and Europe. Mem. National Arts Club, Minerva Club.

SKINNER, Lilian Marchant, Westfleld, N.T.

Social worker; grad. Smith Coll., B.A. '91: stu- dent of economics, Univ. of London, 1900-01; fellow in sociology, Univ. of Pa., 1907-08, A.M. '08. Resident of College Settlement, N.Y. City, 1893-94; teacher Minneapolis, Minn., 1894-95; Ox- ford (N.Y.) Acad., 1895-97; teacher of history, Bryn Mawr Preparatory School, Baltimore, 1898- 1900. In charge of work of Octavia Hill Ass'n, Philadelphia (management of tenement houses), 1901-05: resident of College Settlement, Philadel- phia, 1901-05; special agent U.S. Congressional Immigration Commission, 1908-09. In charge of social work among Italians, Christ Church House. Salem St.. Boston. Mass., since 1911.

��SLAI>E, Annie Malcom, "Karlsruhe," Nepper-

hau Heights, Yonkers, N.T.

Born Fall River, Mass., June 8, 1878; dau, Charles Malcom and Annie Evelyn (Battey) Slade; ed. Morgan Street School, Fall River, Mass.; Bissell School and public school, Mont- clair, N.J. ; Dwight School, Englewood, N.J. ; Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '01. Favors woman suf- frage; mem. College Equal Suffrage League, Yonkers Woman Suffrage Ass'n, chairman Dist. Organization Com. in 10th Ward. Baptist. Rec- reations: Gardening, horseback riding, travel.

SLADE, Charlotte Keach Boone (Mrs. Louis Pal- mer Slade), North Stanley St., New Britain, Conn.

Born Fall River, Mass., Aug. 27, 1874; dau. John Henry and Charlotte M. M. (Wrightington) Boone; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '96; m. Fall River, Mass., April 2, 1901, Louis Palmer Slade, A.M. (now principal Public High School, New Britain, Conn.); children: Virginia, b. Feb. 13, 1903; Benjamin, b. April 11, 1905; John Milton, b. May 17, 1307; Harry Boone, b. Dec. 19, 1911. Principal's assistant of the Borden Grammar School, Fall River, Mass., 1896-1900. Congrega- tionallst.

SLADE, Emma Maleen Hardy (Mrs. William Gerry Slade), 332 W. Eighty-seventh St., N.Y. City.

Society organizer; b. Lowell, Mass., Jan. 11, 1847; dau. Walter and Ruth Merrill (Clark) Hardy; ed. private schools and private tutors; m. N.Y. City, Feb. 22, 1871, William Gerry Slade; one daughter: Harriet (married William Murray Crombie). Founder and organizer Nat. Soc. Now England Women; pres. 18 years and organizer Nat Soc. of U.S. Daughters of 1812; pres. N.Y. State Soc. of Nat. Soc. of U.S. Daughters cf 1812, whose latest work is the fountain at en- trance of Washington bridge, N.Y, City. Founder and pres. Order of Americans of Armorial Ances- try (genealogical, biographical and historic). Mem. Manorial Soc. of London. Baptist. Mem. Am. Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Aninials, Colonial Dames, D.A.R., Puritan Soc, Ipswich (Mass.) Hist. Soc., Jackson Hemitage, N.Y. Hist. Soc, Home for Convalescents, New England Genealogical and Biographical Soc, Nat. Genea- logical Soc, V/omen's Auxiliary of the Branch Y.M.C.A., Nat. Soc. Patriotic Women, Navy League of Am., Navy Relief Soc, Old Planters' Soc, Mass.; Red Cross, Colonial Daughters of 17th Century, Pioneer General Fed., Washington Headquarters Soc, George Washington Memorial, Martha Washington Memorial, Southern Indus- trial Educational Soc, N.Y. State Washington Soc, First Family Ass'n, New England Antiqui- ties Ass'n, Cavendish Whist Club, Prison Martyrs Soc, Am. Floral Emblems Soc of Mass., Nat. Daughters Founders and Patriots of Am., Women's Luncheon Club, Am. Flag Ass'n, Lincoln Farm Ass'n, Pocahontas Memorial Ass'n, Frances Scott Key Memorial, Bally Family As:s'n, Emery Family Ass'n, Soc. of Genealogists (London), Broader Education Ass'n, Am. Whist League. Holds offices in several of these societies. Recreation: Travel.

SLAGLE, Anna Riemann (Mrs. Robert L.

Slagle), Brookings, S. Dak.

Born Albany, N.Y., May 23, 1868; ed. Girls' Normal School, Philadelphia; State Normal Col- lege, Albany, N.Y.; Cornell Univ., honors: junior prize in English literature, junior prize in English granted by Shakespeare Soc. of London, England (Alpha Phi); m. May. 28, 1896, Robert L. Slagle. Pres. Woman's Club two terms; mem. Advisory Board State Y.W.C.A.; treas. Episcopal Guild. Recreations: Travel, reading (history, literature, philanthropical essays), mu- sic, drama.

SLATER, Caroline 1. A. (Mrs. Samuel S.

Slater), 565 W. 144th St., N.T. City.

Born Waterloo, N.Y., July 23, 1869; dau. Eu- gene F. and Mary A. (Ingersoll) Adsitt; grad. Cornell, Ph. B. '91 (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Ithaca, N.Y., June 30, 1896, Samuel S. Slater; children: Carolyn, b. 1899; Katharine, b. 1900. Favors woman suffrage.


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