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��Acad, of Fine Arts, 1912. Presbyterian. Mem. Pa. Soc. of Miniature Painters (honorary so- ciety). Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman Equal Suffrage Ass'n. Recreations: Swimming, sliating, dancing. Mem. Plastic Club (Women's Art Club of Philadelphia).

SIMPSON, Flsle Carson (Mrs. John H. Simp- son), 306 Washington Av., Loveland, Colo. Bom Butler, Pa., Not. 9, 1872; dau. David Clark and Nancy Maria (Pollack) Carson; ed. public school, Huntsville, 0. ; grad. from high school, '91; grad. Caton Coll., Cleveland, O.; m. Cleveland, 1S99, John K. Simp-son; children: Pauline, John Carson. Has done social settle- ment v/ork; prcs. Woman's Club of Liovciand, Colo., two years; on State Exec. Board of Wo- men's Clubs, three years; represented the State at Nat. Fed. of Women's Clubs; delegate to many State conventions. Favors woman suffrage. Prcsbytenan. Republican. Mem. D.A.R., W.CT.U., all church societies, Nat. Missionary Soe. Recreations: Automobiling, golf. Clubs: Woman's, Women's Republican, (3ivic Extension. SIMPSON, Frances, I^ibrary School, University of Illinois, Urbana, III.

Teacher; b. Burtonsville, N.Y., 1863; dau. James Nelson and Elizabeth (Diefendorf) Simp- son; grad. Northwestern Univ., B.L. '84, M.L. '88; Univ. of 111., B.L.S. '03 (Phi Beta Kappa, Kappa Kappa Gamma). For 10 years high school teacher in N.Y. and 111.; instructor Univ. of III., lSOl-03; ass't prof, and reference librarian since 1903. Ass't director Library School since 1912. Author: Syllabus of History of Development of the Li- brary in Europe and America, 1903, also various periodical articles on subjects connected with librarianship. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alnmnas, 111. State Library Ass'n. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church.

SIMPSON, Frances May, 47 St. George St., To- ronto, Can.

Sculptor; b. Levis, Quebec, Mar. 17, 1875; dau. W. E. and Sarah Frances (Montgomery) Simp-v son; ed. Quebec High School; studied art under private tuition. Favors woman suffrage. Writes literary articles for newspapers. Anglican. Lib- eral in politics. Mem. the Women's Business Canadian Club. SIMPSON, Grace Sybrandt (Mrs. Robert W.

Simpson), Moncton, New Brunswick, Can.

Journalist, writer; b. Birkenhead, England; dau. Charles Fitz Henry Campbell, M.D., and Charlotte Augusta (Nevine) Campbell; private education; m. June, 1S98, Robert W. Simpson, C.E., ass't engineer Intercolonial Railway, Monc- ton, N.B. For many years past has been con- nected with the St. John (N.B.) Progress, first as Moncton correspondent, later literary editor, now editor of woman's department. Against woman suffrage. Writer of reviews, short stories and articles under pen name of "Geoffrey Cuthbert Strange." Anglican. SIMPSON, Helen An^nsta, 174 W. First St.,

Mansfield, O.

Teacher of French; b. Hayesville, 0., Feb. 21, 1868; dau. John and Millie (Stringer) Simpson; ed. Wooster Univ., 0.; Cornell Univ.. B.L. '91; M.L., with high distinction, '92; studied in Paris, 1898; one year European travel, 1900-01. Mem. Kappa Alpha Thsta. Presbyterian. Recreations: Riding, dancing, brtflge. Mem. Westbrook Coun- try Club. SIMPSON, Josephine Sarles (Mrs. David F.

Simpson), 2244 Nicollet Av., Minneapolis.

Social service; b. Necedah, Wis., Feb. 14, 1862; dau. Simeon Benton and Catherine (Lewis) Sarles; B.L., Univ. of Wis., gumma cum laude, 83 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Jan. 14, 1S86, David F. Simpson; children: Donald Sarles, Har- old Goodsir, John Douglas. Charter mem. Wom- an's Club of Minneapolis; mem. Pure Water Com- mission (appointed by mayor of Minneapolis); he.id of Social Survey for Minneapolis; honorary mom. Men's Civic and Commerce Ass'n; head of Com. on Day Nursery at Univ. Settlement; mem. The Hostesses, Woman's Welfare League, La- fayette Club (social). Unitarian. Favors woman BUffrage.

��SIMPSON, Kathrine Woodford (Mrs. Louis Wright Simpson), 6 3 Robie Av., Buffalo, N.Y. Lecturer on Dante; b. Jamestown, N.Y. ; dau. John Vosburgh Filmore and Caroline (Prather) Woodford; ed. Mrs. Johnston's private school. High School at Jamestcnvn, N.Y. ; Cornell Univ., A.B. '94 (mem. Alpha Phi); m. Warren, Pa., Aug. 24, 1898, Louis Wright Simpson. Ex-pres. ol Highland Park Literary Club; hon. mem. of Literary Club of the Church of the Messiah; director of Woman's Educational and Industrial Union; pres. Cornell Women's Club. Favors woman suffrage. Director of Woman Suffraga Headquarters, Buffalo, N.Y. ; chairman of Eighth Judicial District of Erie Co., N.Y., organization. Attends Westminster Presbyterian Church. Pro- gressive in politics; organized the Eighth Judi- cial District of Women for the Progressive Party. Mem. Nat. Peace Soc, Natural Science Soc, Buffalo Historical Soc, Friend of Albright Art Gallery; associate mem. Soc of Artists; mem. Guild of Allied Arts, Country Club, Twentieth Century Club.

SIMPSON, Lizzie M., Mexico, N. Y.

Teacher; b. Mexico, N.Y. ; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '98, A.M. '99. Vice-prin- cipal Southampton (N.Y.) High School, 1900-05; teacher E>mma Willard School, Troy, N.Y., since 1906.

SIMPSON, Willie Perry (Mrs. Thomas Leonard

Simpson), Fredonia, Kan.

Osteopathic physician; b. Hardin Co., Ky., July, 1872; dau. Gen. William F. Perry, brigadier- general in Confederate Army and relative of Commodore Perry of Lake Erie fame, and Ellen Douglass (Bro^n) Perry; ed. Potter Coll., Bowl- ing Green, Ky; private school, Louisville, Ky. ; Southern School of Osteopathy, Franklin, Ky., D.C; m. Oklahoma, 1904, Thomas Leonard Simp- son; children: William Perry Simpson, Eleanor Dearing Simpson. Practised first two and a half years in Neosho, Mo.; sines marriage has prac- tised at Fredonia, Kan. Mem. Daughters of the Confederacy. Favors woman suffrage. Has written many scientific articles for professional magazines, also writes for newspapers on cur- rent topics. Presbyterian. Democrat

SIMRALL, Josepliine Price, 4 Hedgerow Lane,

Clifton, Cincinnati, O.

Lecturer, special teacher of literature and stories of Cincinnati Kindergarten Training School; b. Covington, Ky., July 19, 1869; dau. Charles Barrington and Isabella Downing (Price) Simrall; ed. Covington High School (salutator- ian), Bartholomew English and Classical School, Clifton, Cincinnati; Wellesley Coll., B.S. '93; coarse In Cincinnati Kindergarten Training School (diploma); mem. Phi Sigma. Pres. College Club twice; pres. Christ Church Woman's Club nine years; pres. Kindergarten Alumnse Ass'n one year; pres. Bartholomew-Clifton School Alumnae Ass'n; board mem. Visiting Nurses' Ass'n; mem. Cincinnati Woman's Club (chairman dep't of literature, 1912-13); mem. (former board mem.) Consumers' League; mem. The Quills, Social Workers' Clubs; first vice-pres. Board of Wo- man's Club House Company; mem. Nat. Child Labor Ass'n. Favors woman suffrage. Has writ- ten occasional short stories and magazine verse. Presbyterian. Mem. Wellesley Alumnse Ass'n, Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Recreations: Read- ing, writing, traveling.

SINCLAIK, Aileen Cleveland Higgins (Mrs. John Archibald Sinclair), 2510 E. Si-xth St., Duluth, Minn.

Writer: b. Perry, 111., Dec. 7, 1882; dau. James R. and Mary Louise (Cleveland) HiggLns; ed. Leland Stanford Jr. Univ., 1890-92 (mem. Gamma Phi Beta); Northwestern Univ., 1902-04; Univ. of Leipzig, 1907-08; m. June 14, 1911, John Arch- ibald Sinclair. Author: Dream Blocks, 1908; Thekla, a Drama,. 1908; A Little Princess ot Tonopah, 1909; A Little Princess of the Pines, 1910; A LitUe Princess of the Patio, 1911; A Lit- tle Princess of the Rio Grande, 1912; also short stories and verse in the magazines. Protestant Episcopalian.


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