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��Shakespeare Club, Conway, Ark., 1911-13. Mem. M.E. Church, South.

SIMON, Mrs. Hiram EsU, 370 Irving St.. To- ledo, Ohio.

Born Tiffin, Ohio, Nov. 1, 1860; dau. Michael and Mary (Rinker) Wall; ed. Tiffin public schoolp; m. Toledo, Ohio, May 14, 1879, Hiram E. Simon. Teacher of organized adult Bible class of men; active mem. Athena Art Class, Juvenile Court, King's Daughters, Art Ass'n, Women Artists of Toledo; pres. Sorosis, Educational Club, First Emerson Class, Suffrage League, all of Toledo. Recreation: Painting. Mem. Meth- odist Episcopal Church. Favors woman suffrage; chairman of Finance Com. of Lucas Co. (Ohio) Suffrage League; during campaign of summer of 1912 made speeches In many places and worked Incessantly for Votes for Women. Progressive. 8IMONDS, Martha Rumsey (Mrs. Ossian Cole

Slmonds), 929 Montrose Av., Chicago, 111.

Born Grand Rapids, Mich., Aug. 15, 1857; dau. James A. and Cornelia L. (Stone) Rumsey; ed. Grand Rapids High School; Univ. of Mich.; m. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1881, Ossian Cole Simonds; children: (Jertrude E., Herbert Rumsey, Mar- shall Garfield, Donald, Robert Ossian. Pres. Woman's Soo. of the Ravenswood Congregational Church. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. D.A.R., UnlT. of Mich. Alumnse, Ravenswood Woman's Club, Chicago City Club, Out-door Art League. SIMONS, Emo^ene Sanford (Mrs. Fred B.

Simons), 5 Madison PL, Albany, N.Y.

Examiner N.Y. State Education Dep't; b. Vol- ney, N.Y., May 4, 1880; dau. Asa B. and Mary J. (Ward) Sanford; ed. Fulton High School, '96; Cornell Univ., A.B. '02; m. 1901, Fred. B. Simons. Teacher for three years; examiner In English, N.Y. State Education Dep't, since 1903. Theoso- phlst. Pres. Harmony Lodge of Albany, The- osophlcal Soc. ; mem. Cornell Women's Club of Albany. Favors woman suffrage; charter mem. Equal Suffrage Club of Albany; mem. of Com. on Drafting of Constitution; mem. of Press Com., 1910-12. Author: First Year English for High Schools (text-book), 1906; magazine articles in Am. Education and Woman's Home Companion. SIMONS, Grace Churchyard (Mrs. Seward

Adams Simons), 1107 Buena Vista St., South

Pasadena, Cal.

Bom Buffalo, N.Y., June 6, 1866; dau. Joseph and Ruth (Bartlett) Churchyard; ed. Buffalo Sem.; Smith Coll., B.L. ; m. Buffalo, N.Y., Sept. 5, 1SS8, Seward Adams Simons; one son: Seward Churchyard. Sec. Pasadena Associated Charities; director Soc. for Prevention of Tuberculosis; mem. Social Service Com. of the County Hos- pital. Mem. Nat. Peace Ass'n, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnse, Southern Cal. Civic League, Friday Morning Club (Los Angeles), Soufi Pasadena Woman's Improvement Ass'n, Los Angeles City Club, Pasadena Civic League, Southern California Smith College Club. Recreations: Gardening, music, theatre. Unitarian. Favors woman suf- frage; sec. of first suffrage organization in Buf- falo, N.Y. ; mem. College Ekjual Suffrage League; pres. Political Equality League of Cal.; chair- man of the Suffrage Com. of Southern Cal. Civic League. Republican. SIMONS, Helen Savage (Mrs. MInot Simons),

1S67 Crawford Road, Cleveland, O.

Born Hannibal, Mo., July 25, 1873; dau. Mlnot J. and Ella A. (Dodge) Savage; ed. Boston pub- lic schools; Miss Ireland's private school In Bos- ton; m. Boston, Dec. IS. 1894, Minot Simons; one son: Langdon Savage Simons. Interested in church work activities and all social and philan- thropic work; particularly active In Consumers' League. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Woman Suffrage Party (active in com. work). Unitarian. SIMONS, Jessie Vanderbilt (Mrs. Charles Dewar

Simons, Jr.), Dongan Hills, Staten Island, N.Y.

Born Staten Island; dau. James McNamee and Clara (Vanderbilt) McNamee, dau. of Jacob H. Vanderbilt; ed. Staten Island; m. N.Y. City, Feb. 12, 1901, Charles Dewar Simons Jr.; one son: Charles Dewar Simons 3d, b. April 26, 1903. In- terested in Civic League of Staten Island. Pres- byterian. Composer of songs', words, music. Mem. Richmond Co. Country Club, Staten Island.

��SIMONS, May Wood (Mrs. Algle M. Simons),

23i9 Sherman Av., Evanston, 111.

Lecturer, writer; b. Baraboo, Wis.; dao. Philip A. and Anna (Bliss) Wood; ed. University ol Chicago, Ph.B. (with honors) '05; studied in France and Belgium; Northwestern Univ., A.M. '10; winner of Harris prize in economics, 1909 (mem. Pi Beta Phi); m. BarabO"j, Wis., 1897, Algie M. Simons; children: Lawrence Wnnd, Miriam Eleanor. Ass't editor Chicago Dally World, four years; four years a high school teacher; two years instructor in economics at Ruskin Ckill. Mem. of the White Rats (Actors' Union). Favors woman suffrage (Socialist). Author: Woman and the Social Problem; Indus- trial Education in Chicago (in Pedagogical Semi- nary); Education in the South (,'ournal ol Sociology). Chairman Nat. Sociahst Educational Com.; mem. of the Nat. Socialist Woman's Com.; mem. Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation; delegata to Internal. Socialist Congress at Copenhagen in 1910; delegate to Nat. Socialist Conventions, 1908, 1912. Recreations: Music and dramatic reading. Associate editor of Chicago Daily Socialist foui and one-half years. Lecturer for Interccllegiata Socialist Soc., also for Nat, Socialist Lyceum Bureau.

SIMONS, Sarah Emma, 1528 Corcoran St.,

Washington, D.C.

Teacher; b. Washington, Jan. 11, 1867; dau. Frank A. and Emma H. (Ciomstock) Simons, ed. Stanford Univ., A.B. '97; A.M. 1900; elected to Phi Beta Kappa Soc. Mem. Board of Examiners for teachers In the public schools of Washington, D.C. Contributor to Am. Journal of Sociolgy, Annals of the Am. Academy, Pedagogical Semi- nary, Educational Review, English Journal. Au- thor (in collaboration with C. I. Orr) : Dramatiza- tion of High School Classics. Editor (with notes and Introduction): Huxley's Autobiography and Selected Essays. Mem. Ass'n Coll. Alumnae, Am. Sociological Soc., Nat Council of Teachers of English.

SrSIONTON, Ida Vera, 245 W. Fifty-first St.,

N.Y. City.

African traveler, lecturer, writer; b. Pitts- burgh, Pa.; dau. Jefferson Wilson and Dydia Ellen (Hoover) Simonton; ed. in Pittsburgh; has spent several years at different times in Europe, making a general study of life and a particular study of women; has visited many parts of Africa; staff lecturer on Africa for the B'd of Education of Greater N.Y. City, and is con- sidered an authority on savage women and chil- dren of the West African jungles; some of her African scenes are perpetuated in window trans- parencies in the Negro Wall of the Am. Museum of Natural History, N.Y. City. Author: Hell's Playground; Housekeeping in the African Jungles; also numerous short stories and special magazine articles.

SIMPSON, Belle Bucltinghain (Mrs. William S.

Simpson), 2110 Lafayette Av., St. Louis, Mo.

Born St. Louis, Mo. ; dau. Edward MilldoUar and Emma (Marlow) Buckingham (descendant from Thomas Buckingham of London— died 1576 — through his son Thomas, who came to Mass. and founded the Buckingham family In America, also of Capt. Florence Croly, who fought In the Revolutionary War); ed. St. Louis, Mo.; m. St. Louis, 1876, William S. Simpson; children: Will- iam S. Jr., Lila Simpson Frazer, Mrs. Grace Simpson Taylor, Eklgar R., Virginia. Mem. of I'resbyterian societies, D.A.R. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.

SIMI'SON, Edna Huestis (Mrs. Dwlght Swain Simpson), 1710 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Miniaturist; b. Troy, N.Y., Nov. 26, 1SS2; dau. George A. and Mary (Dorrance) Huestis; grad. Emma Willard School, Troy, N.Y.; Cornell Univ.; Art Students' League, N.Y. City; at Emma Wil- lard School won Moore's and Winder prize and L. E. Gurley prize, and at Art Students' League, N.Y., won scholarship prize for miniature paint- ing (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma); m. Troy, N.Y., May 5, 1909, Dwighl Swain Simpson. Elected to membership In Pa. Soc. of Miniature Painters, 1907; served on jury of selection for annual ex- hibition of Pa. Soc. of Miniature P{U^ters at Pa.


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