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��months at Hull House, 1896-97. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Chicago Woman's City Club, Parents' Ass'n; pres. Woman's Club of Austin; ex-pres. Chicago Ass'n of Coll. Alumna;; acting chairman Com. on Ed'Jcaticn, Nat. Fed. Com. on Education; chairman Com. on Education, 111. Fed. Women's Cl'jbs, 1905-07. Favors woman suSrage. Author: Summary of Laws flelating to Compul- sory Education and Child I»abor, 1901; pamphlet on Industrial Sducation, and editorials in Chicago newspapers. Unitarian. Independent In ^wlitics. Mem. Chicago Peace Sec. Recreation: Trips i,o various places of interest.

SILL,, Louise Morgan, care Harper Bros., Frank- lin Square, N.Y. City.

Editor; b. Honolulu, H.I. ; dau. Gen. Morgan L. and Louise Genella Smith; ed. private school; m. Washington, D.C., George Imbrie Sill, from whom she obtained divorce in 1908. Was ou editorial staff of Harper's Magazine, but re- signed in 1910 and is now living abroad. Con- tributor to Harper's, Century, Scribner's, Nortn American Review, London Athenaeum, etc. Author (poems): In Sun or Shade, 1906; Sunny- field, 1909.

SLLLLMAN, Blanche Goodman (Mrs. Charles Herbert Silliman), 418 Central Park West, N.Y. City, and Hollins, Va.

Artist; b. Auburn, Cumberland Co., ,Va., Sept. 22, 1865; dau. Robert T. and Frances Alexander (Smith) Goodman; grad. Hollins (Va.) Coll., '84, having taken seven diplomas; studied painting and drawing in Chicago, New York, London (mem. Euzelian Soc, 1883-84); m. (1st) Bonham, Tex., Dec. 23, 1890, Frank Brazelton; (2d) Fort Worth, Tex., April 21, 1903, Charles Herbert Silli- man; one son: Frank Reese Brazelton, b. Jan. 10, 1892. Teacher of art (painting and drawing) in seminary, Anderson, S.C; Carlton Coll., Bonham, Texas; Fort Worth (Texas) Univ. Has written letters of travel for newspapers, various articles and pamphlets. Mem. D.A.R., United Daughters of the Confederacy, Interdenominational Council of Women for Christian and Patriotic Service, N.Y. City. Life mem. of Confederate Memorial Library Soc. which governs the Confederate Museum In Richmond, Va., and regent of the Solid South Room, or Library, of that Museum; mem. Dixie Club and Texas Club (N.Y. City). Recreations: Painting, music. Baptist. Against woman suffrage. Democrat.

SILSBEE, Martha, 115 Marlbora St., Boston, Mass.

Artist; b. Salem, Mass., 1858; dau. John Board- man and Martha (Shepard) Silsbee. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Boston. Mem. Water Color Club, Chilton Club, Mayflower Club (Boston).

SIMKHOVITCH, Mary Kingsbury (Mrs. Vladi- mir G. Simkhovitch), 26 Jones St., N.Y. City. Born Chestnut Hill, Mass. ; dau. Isaac F. and Laura D. (Holmes) Kingsbury; ed. Boston Univ.; Radcliffe Coll.; Berlin, Germany and Columbia Univ.; m. N.Y. City, Jan. 7, 1899, Prof. Vladimir G. Simkhovitch; two children. Adjunct prof, of social economy, Barnard Coll., since 1907, and Teachers' Coll., Columbia Univ., since 1910; lecturer in School of Philanthropy. Head worker of College Settlement, 1898-99; of Friendly Aid House, 1899-1903; of Greenwich House since 1903. Mem. of Mayor's Recreation Commission; pres. of the Greenwich Village Improvement So- ciety. Mem. Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Playground Ass'n of America, Parks and Play- ground Ass'n of N.Y., Ass'n of Neighborhood Workers, Woman's University Club. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Franchise Soc. SLMMONS, Emma Brown (Mrs. John Stuart Simmons), Hutchinson, Kan. Born Hoi ton, Ind., Mar. 23, 1861; dau. Capt. George W. and Harriet (Shew) Brown; under- graduate Baker Univ., Baldwin, Kan.; m. 1886, John Stuart Simmons (attorney and statesman, having been a number of times representative and two terms speaker of the Kansas House of Representatives); children: Harriet Elizabeth (Mrs. L. D. Ferguson), John Stuart, Emma Ada, Catherine Irene. Mem. W.C.T.U., Woman's Re- lief Corps, D.A.R., State Federation of Women's Clubs. State Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Woman's

��Kansas Day Club, Kansas Authors' Club, Hutchinson Woman's Club. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church and of its various auxiliary societies. Active in religtous, social, philan- thropic interests and advancement. In 1908 was appointed pres. of the Woman's Kansas Day Club, a club organized for the preservation of Kansas history. Had the distinction of being the only woman ever invited to speak to a joint session of the Kansas Legislature. As pres. of Kansas Day Club secured the transfer of the historical Pawnee Rock to the State of Kansas as a memorial, raising the sum of $5,000 for park improvements and erection of grand memorial shaft, which the owner of the rock had made a condition precedent to the transfer by gift.

SLMMONS, Hannah Coralynn, 7 Jacques Av.,

Worcester, Mass.

Physician; b. Thompson, Conn., Feb. 14, 1877; dau. Rev. Charles E. and J. Victoria (Waldron) Simmons; ed. Worcester (Mass.) grammar and high schools. Tufts College Med. School, M.D. '02 (Alpha Delta). Resident physician, Massachu- setts Reformatory Prison for Women, 1901-02. Lecturer in physiology, home economics, hy- giene, bacteriology, care and feeding of children and care of the sick, at the Worcester Domestic Science School, and before various societies, mothers' meetings, shops and factories. Mem. of faculty of Worcester Domestic Science School, 1905; instructor Y.W.M.C. ; mem. of various com- mittees and societies working for the welfare of girls and children. Mem. Order of Eastern Star, Rebecca's, Women's Relief Corps, Am. Med. Soc, Mass. Med. Soc, Worcester District Med. Soc, Tufts Med. Alumnae Ass'n, Worcester Col- lege Club, Levana Club, Caberfeidgh Club. Rec- reations: Swimming, walking, baseball, basket- ball. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage.

SIMMONS, Lessie Southgate (Mrs. Thomas J.

Simmons), Brenau College, Gainesville, Ga.

Director, teacher; b. Louisburg, N.C., July 5, 1863; dau. James and Delia Haywood (Wynne) Southgate; ed. Staunton (Va.) Wesleyan Female Inst., Grand Conservatory of Music, N.Y. City; private pupil of Murio-Celli, S. B. Mills, Samuel P. Warren, New York; in Berlin studied voice with Frau Nicholas Kempner; in Paris with E. Delle Sedie, of whom she is one of the best known representatives; m. Durham, N.C., Nov. 11, 1891, Thomas J. Simmons, LL.D. Before marriage was director of the Durham School of Music, Durham, N.C. ; director of music in her husband's college in Eufaula, Ala., 1893-98, and at the same time musical director of Georgia Chautauqua, Albany, Ga. ; director of music in Dr. Simmons's Coll. in Rome, Ga. (Shorter Coll.), 1898-1910, and since 1910 director of music in his college in Gainesville ,Ga. (Brenau Coll.). Active mem. of Methodist Church; lecturer oij various topics: Mission Work, Ancient Religions, Temperance, Art, Music. In preparation: Musi- cal History; Voice Method; Piano Pedagogics. Recreation: Traveling, especially In Oriental countries. SIMMONS, Lncretia Van Tuyl, RlchmondvlUe,


Teacher of German; b. N.Y. City; dau. Dr. G. W. and Elizabeth (Van Tuyl) Simmons; grad. Cornell Univ., Ph.B.; Pa. State College, A.M.; Ph.D. Univ. of Wis.; studied at Columbia Univ.; Sorbonne, Paris; Univ. of Marburg; Univ. of Leipzig. Ass't prof, at Pa. State Coll.; fellow in German, Univ. of Wis. Mem. Woman's Club of State College, Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Madi- son, Wis. Interested in civic improvement. Fa- vors woman suffrage; mem. Dane Co. (Wis.) Equal Suffrage League.

SIMMONS, Medora Aiken (Mrs. Guy Andrew Simmons), Hendrix College, Conway, Ark. Born in Miss.; dau. James E. and Bessie (Tay- lor) Aiken; ed. Greenville (Miss.) High School; Peabody Coll., Nashville, Tenn. (degree L.I.); private Instruction in French and (>erman; m. Greenville, Miss., 1904, Guy Andrew Simmons; children: Guy Andrew, Bessie Chandler, Thomas James, Nannie Louise. Prof, science, (Sreenville High School, 1902-05; prof, science in McFerrin Training School, Martin, Tenn., 1905-06. Pre*.


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