��and Practice (thesis for Ph.D.); An Experiment in Altruism; Henry Worthington, Idealist; Daphne, an Autumn Pastoral; The Princess Pourquoi; The Coming of the Tide; A Puritan Bohemia; The Story of King Sylvain and Queen Aimee; contributor of fiction and verse to magazines, particularly the Atlantic and Scribner's, and was for three years the Atlantic's reviewer of fiction. Mem. Consumers' League of Mass., Nat. Vivi- section Reform Soc, Anti-Vivisection See. of N.Y., Phi Beta Kappa (Mu of N.Y.).
SHERWOOD, Mary. The Arundel, N. Cbarles St., Baltimore, Md.
Physician; b. Ballston Spa, N.Y. ; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '83; Univ. of Ziirich, Switzerland, M.D. '90. Teacher Vassar Coll., 1883-85; Brooklyn, N.Y., 18S5-86; engaged in prac- tice of medicine in Baltimore, Md., since 1890. Lecturer and visiting physician, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1894-99; physician to Bryn Mawr School, Baltimore, 1894-1913. Mem. Medico-Chirurgical Faculty of Md. ; exec, com, of Nat. Ass'n for Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality; mem. B'd of Trustees of Wilson Sanitarium, Baltimore Public Baths Com., Public Health Com. of Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; vlce-pres. Maryland State Fed. of Women's Clubs. Favors wocnan suffrage; vice-pres. of Just Government Leagua of Maryland.
SHERWOOD, Mary C, Hotel Walnut, Cincin- nati, O.
Hotel proprietor; b. Pomeroy, Ohio, June 8, 1839; dau. James and Nancy (Hoyle) Radford; ed. public schools; grad. Pomeroy Acad., '57; m. Aug. 31, 1862, Capt. John W. Sherwood (died 1879). Taught school five years. Shortly after her husband's death moved to Cincinnati and opened the first Ehiropean hotel in the city. Charter mem. of first suffrage club in Cincin- nati; life mem. of State Exec. Com. of Suffrage Organization. Interested in charity and aided greatly in organizing mothers' clubs in public schools. Mem. Folk-Lore Soc.
SHERWOOD, Rosina Emmet (Mrs. Arthur Mur- ray Sherwood), 251 Lexington Av., N.Y. City. Artist; b. N.Y. City, Dec. 13, 1854; dau. William J. and Julia Colt (Pierson) Emmet; general edu- cation in N.Y. schools; student in art of William Chase, N.Y. City, and the Academic Julien, Paris, France; m. N.Y. City, June 1, 1S87, Arthur Murray Sherwood; children: Arthur Murray Jr. (Harvard '10), Philip H., Rosamond, Robert Emmet. Exhibitor at the Internat. Exposition in Paris, 1889 (silver medal) and 190€; Chicago, 1893 (medal); Buffalo, 1901 (two bronze medals); St. Louis, 1904 (silver medal), and other exhibi- tions In New York and other cities. Has illus- trated for books and magazines. Associate of National Academy of Design. Mem. Am. Water Color Soc, N.Y. Water Color Club. 8HERZER, Jane B., Oxford College, Oxford, O. President Oxford College; b. Franklin, Ohio; dau. Jacob Weindland and Mary Ellen (Forman) Sherzer; grad. Univ. of Mich., Ph.B. (Phi Beta Kappa') '93 (mem. Gamma Phi Beta) ; Univ. of Berlin, M.A., Ph.D. '02; student in Jena, Ger- many, 1891; in Ziirich, Switzerland, 1892; in Paris, France, 1894; in Univ. of Berlin, 1899-1902. Principal of high school, Franklin, Ohio, 1882-85; Instructor in English 1889-91, dean 1892-94; prin- cipal of Acad, for Young Women, Jacksonville, 111., 1895-99; prof. English philology and dean of women. 111. Coll., Jacksonville, 111., 1903-04; pres. Oxford Coll., since 1905. Has written many ad- dresses, newspaper letters and articles. Edited: The He of Ladies. Presbyterian. Mem. Modern Language Ass'n; life mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Recreation: Walking. Pres. Century Club of Oxford Coll., College Women's Club of Oxford, Cincinnati Woman's Club. Favors woman suffrage.
SHIEK, Harriet L. (Mrs. Frank N. Shiek), Wheatland, Wyo., and 2019 Park Boulevard, Long Beach, Cal.
Born Leicester, Mass., Sept. 18, 1873; dau. James A. and Harriet (Laraway) Smith; ed. Home School, Verona, N.Y., and Worcester (Mass.) High School, Boston Cooking School, class of '95; Univ. of Nevada, fecial course in
��bacteriology, '98; m. Longmont, Colo., Nov. 22, 1S99, Frank N. Shiek. Favors woman suffrage. Episcopalian. RepiLblican. Mem. D.A.R. Rec- reations: Arts and crafts work, china painting, needlework. Mem. W.T.K. Club, Wheatland. Wyo. (was its organizer; pres. 10 years); first pres. Wyoming State Fed. of Women's Clubs, 1904-07 (now hon. pres.); director gen. Fed. oi Women's Clubs, 1906-OS, and cor. sec. 1908-12; mem. Ebell Club, Long Beach, Cal. SHIELDS, Charlotte Elliott, Lewisburg, Pa,
Librarian; b. Lewisburg, Pa., 1880; dau. Will- iam and Katharine (Angeny) Shields; ed. public schools; Bucknell Univ., A.B.; one year Corcoran Art School. Since 1906 librarian of W. D. Him- melreich Memorial Library. Interested in church work. Recreation: Art. Presbyterian. SHTMER, JFlorenec Henry (Mrs. H. W. Slilmer),
2 Albemarle Chambers, Boston, Mass.
Bom Sax:ramento, Cal., Sept. 24, 1S79; dau. Dr. A. G. and Mary F. (French) H<inry; grad. Cort- land State Normal School, '97; Cornell Univ., A.B. '01; Columbia Univ., A.M. '02 (mem. Clionian at Normal, Sennightly at Cornell); m. Cortland, N.Y., June 1, 1904. H. W. Shimer. Co- worker with husband in paleontological research and publication. Theosophist. Independent in politics. Mern. Malacological Soc. (Boston). Rec- reations: Walking, swimming, tennis, German. Mem. Women's Cornell Club of Boston, Boston Equal Suffrage Ass'n for Good Government. SHINN, Anne O'Hagan (Mrs. Francis A. Shinn).
15 S Waverly Place, N.Y. City.
Writer; b. Washington, D.C. ; dau. John and Mary (Fennell) O'Hagan; ed. Washington public schools, high school, and Boston Univ., A.B.; m. N.Y. City, Mar. 7, 1908, Francis A. Shinn. Re- porter N.Y. World and Journal; editorial staff of Munsey's, 1892-1902. Mem. Board of Directors of Collegiate Equal Suffrage League of N.Y. ; second vice-pres. Woman's Suffrage Study Cluh (N.Y. City); mem. Equal Franchise Soc: Wo- man's Suffrage Party, Woman's Municipal League of N.Y. ; N.Y. branch of Ass'n of Coll. Alumnse. Recreations: Walking, golfing, farm- ing. Mem. Women's University Club, Women's Cosmopolitan Club of N.Y. SHINN, riorence Scovel (Mrs. Everett Shinn),
112 Waverly PI., N.Y. City.
Illustrator; b. Camden, N.J. ; dau. Alden Cort- landt and Emily (Hopkinson) Scovel; ed. in Philadelphia; studied art at Pa. Acad, of the Fine Arts; m. Philadelphia, Everett Shinn. Il- lustrated among other hooks: Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch (Mrs. Rice); Lovey Mary (Mrs. Rise) ; Coniston (W'mston Churchill). SHINN, Miliccnt Washburn, Niles, Cal.
Born on farm near Niles, Cal., Apr. 15, 1858; dau. James and Lucy Ellen (Clark) Shinn; ed. in elementary country school, Centerville, Cal. ; High School. Oakland, Cal.; Univ. of Cal., A.B. 'SO; Ph.D. '98. Editor San Francisco Commercial Her- ald, 1880-551; editor Overland Monthly, 1883-94. In- terested in child study, pre-elementary education (nursery education), school and higher education, civics, literary criticism, historical and literary Bible study, local improvements. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Notes on the Development of a Child; Tha Development of the Senses; The Biography of a Baby; also fugitive articles, poems, stories, chiefly in Overland Monthly. Attends Congregational Church. Independent Democrat, 1912 (old "mugwump"). Mem. local Univ. of California Club, local anti-saloon organization, College Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Ass'n Coll. Alumnse. Recreations: Reading, gardening. Honorary mem. Country Club, Washington Township (local). SHIPLEY, Antoinette Cary (Mrs. Frederick W.
Shipley), Washington University, St. Louis,
Born Elyria, O., June 10, 1871; dau. Samuel Avery and Anne Maria (Cook) Cary; ed. Welles- ley Coll. and the Univ. of Chicago, E.S. ; m. Elyria, 0., Mar., 1899, Frederick W. Shipley; children: Frederick Cary, Walter Cleveland. In- terested in child welfare. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Social Service Conference of SL Louis, St. Louis Eaual