��Philosophical Soc; vice-pres. Aristotelian Soc. ; mem. Chicago Woman's Club; hoc. mem. Lake View Woman's Club; mem. the Athena. SHERMAN, Ellen Amelia, McGregor, la.
Physiciaji; b. Clayton Co., Iowa, Nov. 29, 1?49; dau. Mark Bacheldor and Melissa (Clark) Sher- man; grad. Oberlin (Ohio) Coll., A.B. 'li; Univ. bt Mich., M.D. '79 (L.L.S.). Physician for women for several years in Independence Hospital for the Insane, Independence, Iowa. Author of papers read before medical societies: Diseases of Women as Causes of Insanity; State vs. County Care of the Insane; When Should We Advise Operative Treatment for Fibroid Tumors of the Uterus; Immaterial Remedies and Their Uses in the Regular Practice of Medicine. Mem. Am. .Mea. Ass'n, State, County and Women's Med. Societies. Congregationalist. Favors woman suffrage.
SHERMAN, Ellen Burns, 25 Chestnut St., Bos- ton, Mass.
Writer, tutor; b. Montgomery, Vt, May 4, 1867; dau. Ezra Wright and Harriet (Chase) Sherman; grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '91 (mem. Alpha Soc.). Author (essays): Taper Lights; Words to t)ie V/ise and Others; also contributor of essays, stories arid poems to curren*. inaj;a- zines. Christian. Democrat. Mem. College Club of Boston. Favors woman suffrage; free-lance contributor on the subject.
SHERMAN, Helen, 176 Mason St., Milwaukee, Wis.
Micro-analyist; b. Dec. 1, 1879; dau. Dr. Lewis and Mary R. (Tuttle) Sherman; grad. Univ. of Wis., B.S. in Pharmacy '02, M.A. '05; scholarship to Am. Woman's Table at Zoological Station, Naples, winters of 1905-06; Leipzig Univ., spring 1906. Ass't in botany laboratory, Univ. of Wis- consin, 1903-05; Herbarium ass't, 1906; instructor in chemistry, Milwaukee High School, 1906-07; botany and chemistry, Milwaukee Downer Coll., 1907-12; micro-analyst. Bureau of Chemistry, U.S. Dep't of Agriculture. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. A.A.A.S., Central Botanists of America, Wis. Acad, of Science, Arts and Letters, Wis. Natural History Soc, Mycological Soc, Nat. Geographic Soc, Equal Suffrage Ass'n, Collegiate Alumnce Ass'n, Y.W.C.A., College Women's Club of Washington, D.C., Alpha Phi Sorority. SHERMAN, Juliet Durand (Jlrs. Frank Demp- ster Sherman), 158 W. 105th St., N.Y. City. Born Boonton, N.J., Sept. 15, 1868; dau. Rev. Cyrus B. and Sarah (Mersereau) Durand; ed. Dr. Hague's School, Hackensack, N.J.; St. Gabriel's Acad., Peekskiil, N.Y.; m. Peekskill, N.Y., Nov. 16, 1887, Prof. Frank Dempster Sherman; one son: Dempster Durand Sherman. Mem. (Christ Episcopal Church, Darrach Home for Crippled Children, Needlework Guild, Girls' Friendly Soc. Against woman suffrage.
SHEKSIAN, Leora Chase (Mrs. Valentine Sher- man), 1708 i'lacc, Minneapolis, Minn. Born De Soto, Wis.; dau. Capt. R. J. and Marv (na,ker"i Chase; ed. Univ. of Wis., class of '87 (Cramma Phi Beta); m. Sioux City, la., 1891, Valen'Jne Sherman; children: Valentine, John R., Leora M., Sarah. Chiefly occupied with Fifth Di::t. Fed. of Clubs of Minn. (54 clubs) of which is pres. Favors wonian suffrage. Congreg.-ition- alist. Recreations: Music, walking. Clubs: Wo- man's, Ladies' Shakespeare, College Woman's, Thursday Musical, Political Equality, Lewis Parliamentary Law (Minneapolis); Woman's Welfare League, Minneapolis; Improvement League (honorary mem.).
KHEUSIAN, Mary XsabeUa, 116 Quarry St.. Ithaca, N.Y.
Science teacher in high school; b. Carthage, III., June 13, 1S52; dau. Jason Haven and Rebecca Stowe (Kendall) Sherman (father a lawyer, editor and student; was seventh in descent from Capt. John Sherman, who came to Boston 16.'?2; her mother seventh from Francis Miles Kendall, who cam.-^ to Boston about 1334); ed. lyorribard Coll. (Galesburg, Hi.), B.S. '74; Philadelphia tchon! of Design for Women, 1875-77; post-grad, work Coruell Univ., '75; home econnmics, .'thort course diploma, Cornell Univ., 1910-11. Taught in high school at Ithaca, N.Y., 1877-1S08; all the sciences and history the first 10 years, after that science
��only. Mem. Social Service League, Ithaca, N.Y. Unitarian. Recreations: Forest, stream mountain and all the travel she can afford. SHERMAN, Ruth Bartlett Mears (Mrs. Stuart
Pratt Sherman), 1016 Nevada St., Urbana, 111.
Born Amherst, Mass.; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '99, A.M. 1900; m. Willlamstown, Mass., Dec. 25, 1906, Stuart Pratt Sherman, A.M., Ph.D. (prof. English, Univ. of 111.); one son. Teacher Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 1901-03; Troy, N.Y., 1903; Quincy, Mass., 1905-06. SHERWIN, Isabel Eiske (Mrs. Thomas Sher-
win), 150 Commonwealth Av., Boston, Mass.
Born Keene, N.H., Dec. 25, 1845; dau. Hon. Thomas M. K. and Mary Hart (Fiske) Edwards; ed. private schools; m. Keene, N.H., Jan. 18, 1870, Thomas Sherwin; children: Eleanor, Thomas E., Mary K., Robert W., Ann I., Edward V. For five years pres. of the Mass. Consumers' League; head of a dep't in the Women's Muni- cipal League of Boston. Mem. Chilton Club. Unitarian. SHERWOOD, Grace Slabel, 324 Laurel Hill Av..
Providence, R.I.
Director Legislative Reference Bureau R.I. State Library; b. W. Buxton, Me., Oct. 24, 1884; dau. Rev. Benjamin Atherton and Elizabeth May (Murray) Sherwood; ed. Classical High School, Providence; Brown Univ., A.B. (mem. Alpha Beta). Interested in amateur dramatics. Has written the lyrics for several amateur musical productions; interested privately in the Italian immigrant child. Favors woman suffrage. Au- thor: The Veto Po'wer in the Several States; Summary of Banking Laws of the States; Offi- cers, Boards and Commissions of Rhode Island; also articles of the nature of reviews of legisla- tion to Political Science Review and other like magazines. Baptist. Mem. Brown Univ. Alumnae Ass'n, Consumers' League of R.I., Social Work- ers' Club. Recreations: Tramping, canoeing, sailing. SHERWOOD, Jean (Mrs. John B. Sherwood),
1505 Monroe St., ChicaEO, III.
Born Oberlin, 0., Jan. 11, 1848; dau. David and Sarah (Potter) Wirt; ed. Oberlin Col!.; m. June 5, 1871, John B. Sherwood; one daughter: Eva. Interested in philanthropic work and the better- ment of the conditions of girls and women in Holiday Home Ass'n, in promoting the study of art, and in music for the masses of highest char- acter. Author: Little Stories of Art. Recrea- tions: Travel, mountaineering, horseback riding, music and art. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Altrua Circle, West End Woman'? Club, Poly- technic Soc. of Chicago, Public School Art Soc, Municipal Art League. SHERWOOD, Josephine — see Hull, Josephine
SHERWOOD, Katherine Brownlee (Mrs. Isaac R. Sherwood), 2133 Ashland Av., Toledo, O. Author; b. Poland, Ohio, Sept. 24, 1841; dau. Judge James and Rebecca (Mullen) Brownlee; ed. Union Sem., Poland, Ohio; m. Poland, Sept. 1, 1859, Isaac R. Sherwood (brevet brig. -gen. U.S. v.; prominent journalist and now Congress- man from Ninth Ohio Dist.). Active in Woman's Relief Corps as national organizer and was second pres. of national organization; mem^ Nat. Council of Women of U.S., chairman Citi- zenship Com.; hon. pres. Ohio Newspaper Women's Ass'n. Author: Camp Fire and Me- morial Poems; Dream of the Ages; also of va- rious poems which are included in various anthologies and collections, songs and contribu- tions to magazines and newspapers. Sec. Toledo Univ. Extension Centre; director Clara Barton Memorial Ass'n; mem. Public Ownership of Monticello Advisory Board, D.A.R., also several local clubs.
SHERWOOD, Margaret Pollock, Wellesley Col- lege, Wellesley, Mass.
Professor English literature, Wellesley; b. Ball- ston, N.Y.; dau. Thomas Burr and Mary Frames 'Beattie) Sherwood; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '86: studied in Zurich, Oxford, Har- vard and Yale, Ph.D. '98. Teacher 1889-96; assoc. prof. English literature, Wellesley Coll., 1898-1912; prof. 1912—. Author: Drjden's Dramatic Theorj