��leges; m. Mt. Vernon, Ind., June 25, 1S85, Ed- ward E. Shepard; children: Helen May, Edna Everett. Lecturer for teachers' institutes. Fed- eration of Clubs, reform organizations and for many Chautauquas all over the country. State pres. W.C.T.U. ; has always been active in all young people's work as a State Sunday-school primary sup't; State Junior Christian Endeavor sup't; for ten years had charge of all the work at the State prison for the uplift of the prisoners; has always worked for the moral uplift in Salt Lake City; has been in evangelistic work with Dr. French E. Oliver. Mem. Order Eastern Star, D.A.R., Woman's League, Monday Night Club. Recreations: Study of flowers, traveling into un- frequented byways. Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage; has been lecturing in the interest of suffrage for several years; spent six weeks in the Missouri campaign, four months in the Ohio campaign and ten days in Philadelphia, summer of 1912. Prohibitionist.
SHEPAKD, Marruerite, Westfield, N.T.
Y.W.C.A. secretary; b. Forestville, N.Y., Oct. 21, 1879; dau. Hiram P. and Sarah M. (French) Shepard; grad. Forestville Free Acad., '97; Syra- cuse Univ., '05, Ph.B., Phi Beta Kappa; Nat. Training School of Y.W.C.A., '10 (mem. Alpha Gamma Delta). Teacher of English in Troy Conference Acad., Poultney, Vt., 1905-07; In Sara- toga Springs (N.Y.) High School, 1907-09. Gen. sec. Y.W.C.A., Westfield, N.Y., since September, 1910, to present. Favors woman suffrage; second vice-pres. of local suffrage ass'n. Mem. Meth- odist Episcopal Church. Mem. D.A.R., Women's Civic League; officer of Chautauqua County Sunday-school Ass'n; mem. various church so- cieties, Monday Club (literary).
SHEPHERD, Grace M., Boise, Idaho.
State superintendent; b. Ottumwa, la.; dau. Thomas K. and Melissa (Whitcomb) Shepherd-; ed. Hastings Coll., A.B. '94; Kansas State Nor- mal, '95; post-grad, work in Univ. of Chicago. Elected State Sup't of Public Instruction, 1910—. Elected treas. of the Nat. Educational Ass'n, 1912. Has done much to raise the standard of the teachers and to introduce vocational work into the rural schools of the State. Organized potato clubs and sewing clubs over the State.
SHEPHERD, Temperance Elizabeth Caulk (Mrs.
Jesse L. Shepherd), Middletown, Del.
Born Sassafras, Kent Co., Md., June 17, 1874 dau. B. F. H. and Arabella V. (Ford) Caulk; ed, public school and grad. Western Md. Coll., '91 m. Sassafras, Feb. 19, 1896, Jesse L. Shepherd one daughter: Jessie Caulk. Interested in Woman's Home Missionary Soc, identified with various religious, social and philanthropic ac- tivities. Against woman suffrage. Mem. Meth- odist Episcopal Church, Middletown New Cen- tury Club. SHERBURNE, Mary Patterson Harris (Mrs.
John Henry Sherburne), 92 High St., Brook- line, Mass.
Bom Baltimore, Md., April 6, 1878; dau. Will- iam Hall and Alice (Patterson) Harris; ed. the Misses Hall's School, Baltimore; Goucher Coll., Baltimore (Delta Gamma); m. Baltimore, Nov. 26, 1901, John Henry Sherburne: children: John Henry. Alice Sherburne, Elizabeth, Sidney Hall. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Boston Ass'n of Goucher College Alumnae, May- flower Club of Boston. SHERIDAJV, Sarah MacDonald (Mrs. Charles
Sheridan), National Arts Club, N.Y. City.
Concert singer; b. Upson Co., Ga. ; dau. James and Theresa (Pendarvis) MacDonald; ed. Shorter Coll., Rome, Ga., 1886; m. Rome, Ga., Charles Sheridan; children: Mark, Lilliao. Studied abroad under George Henschel, Jean de Reszke; made concert debut in London and Paris; sang for educational concerts in the South, Philadel- phia and N.Y. City. Mem. Civic Club, College Club (Philadelphia), National Arts Club, Twi- light Club (N.Y. City). Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage; mem. of the William Lloyd Garrison Suffrage League, also Woodro^ Wilson- Marshall organization (mem. Exec. Com.). In- terested In study ol political science.
��SHERK. Florence Nightingale vMrs. J. M.
Sherk), Box 415, Fort William, Ont.
Editor, author ; b. Ridgeway, Ont. ; dau. Samuel Horner (educator) and Elizabeth (Walker) Hor- ner; ed. public high schools, Ont.; private schools, Baltimore, Md.; specialist in primary work; m. Stratford, Ont., 1882, J. M. Sherk (United Empire Loyalist stock) of Sherkston, Wellaud Co., Ont.; one son: James Hardy Sherk (law student, St. John's Coll., Winnipeg, Man.). Principal Ogden School, Fort William, 1897-1907. Originator of methods of teaching civics in pub- lic schools by pictures, illustrating How Caaada is Governed, now introduced in Canadian and English schools. Received letter from Queen Mary and pictures in recognition of school work in civics. Anti-suffragist; has written several articles against: Why I Am Opposed to Woman Suffrage, etc. Author (under pen-name "Gay Page"): Sir Conrad Bon Cceur; The Broken Pledge; For Valor; Beauties of New Ontario; Civics in the Public Schools. Poems most widely published are: The Work Shops; After School; Christmas Lights; Muskola. Episcopalian. Mem. Daughters of the Empire, Council of Women, Canadian Women's Press Club (pres. local branch, 1911), Woman's Canadian Club. Has been editor Eve'.s Empire, the woman's page of the Morning Herald, Fort William, since 1907; held similar position on Port Arthur Daily News; associate editor Times-Journal, Fort William.
SHERMAN, Dr. A. Josephine, Trowmart Inn.,
Abingdon Square, N.Y. City.
Physician; b. Castile, Wyoming Co., N.Y. ; dau. George and Sarah Jane Lewin (Llewellyn) Sher- man; ed. public schools of N.Y. aad Pa.; high school, Westfield, N.Y.; Gainesville (N.Y.) Sem. ; grad. Rochester City Hospital Training School for Nurses; Women's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirmary (stan-diag second in class of 20), M.D. '90; full course in the N.Y. Post-Grad. Med. School, '93. Resident physician N.Y. Infant Asylum, one year (200 obstetrical cases) ; resident physician and gynecologist State Hospital for Insane, Middle- town, Conn., 18 months' service (890 women pa- tients). Mem. of Conn. State Med. Soc, by invi- tation, being first woman to join the society. Visiting physician to Florence Crittenton Mis- sion, N.Y. City, three years. Clinical instructor Women's Med. Coll. of N.Y. Infirrriajy, class in general medicine. Clinical instructor N.Y. Post- Graduate Med. School class in gynecology. Mem. Woman's Med. Ass'n, N.Y. City; first vice-pres. Woman's Med. Ass'n of N.Y. City, 1905. Attend- ing physician Demilt Dispensary for 17 years; evening class for skin, surgical, neurological diseases and electro-therapeutics. Sup't of medi- cal Temperance and Anti-Narcotics work for N.Y. County W.C.T.U. Mem. and vice-pres. of the Joan of Arc Suffrage Club, N.Y. City. Mem., vice- pres. and sup't of the dep't of inebrity, de- generacy and crime, the Betterment League, N.Y. City. Writer of articles on Nursing in Rochester City Journal of Nursing, oa Legal Status of the In,sane in Betterment League Maga- zine for Mar., 1912. Mem. Calvary Baptist Church of N.Y. ; mem. and recorder of Calvary Baptist Church Literary Soc. Conducted a pri- vate hospital for nervous and mental diseases 15 years in N.Y. City; now resident physician in Trowm.Trt Inn, Abingdon Square, N.Y. City, a hotel for working girls with capacity for 250 to 300.
SHERMAN, Caroline Kempton (Mrs. John Sherman), 6500 Minerva Av., Chicago, 111. Bom E<^gartown, Mass., Jan. 19, 1842; dau. Silas S. and Lydia Davis (Smith) Kempton; ed. private instruction; grad. New Bedford (Mass.) High School, 1859, and from Wheaton Sem. (now Coll.), Norton. Mass., 1861; m. New Bed'ord, Ma.<;s., June IS, 1S87, John Sherman: children: Le Roy Kempton, Anna W. (now Mrs. Theodore T. Butzow), Ozro Gould. Instructor in Haverhill High School, 1862-66. On editorial staff Ch'cago Chronicle, 1900-06. Lecturer at Concord School of PMio.<iophy, 1885; Chicago Dante School, Mil- waukee Goethe School. Mem. of Chicago Board of Education, 1893-96, 1897-W03. Favors wtman suffrage. Author: Dante's Vision of God; con- tributor to various magazines. Mem. Chicago