��Ladles' Aid Soc, Program Com. of Monday Mu- sical Club: pianist at Eastern Star Lodge. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Has written and published instrumental selection: Red Bandanna. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Progressive Re- publican. Mem. Order Eastern Star, Helping Hand, Merrill Musical Club, Wis. Music Teachers' Ass'n. Recreations: Dancing, cards, skating, hunting. Clubs: Tomahawk Tuesday, Monday Musical. Has been active In starting a library of which the city is taking charge. SHELDON, Pearl Gertrude, Cayuga Heights,
Ithaca, N.T.
University lecturer; b. Lisle, N.Y., Sept. 26, 1885; dau. Herbftrt Clayton and Rose iKeed) Sheldon; ed. Cornell Univ., A.B. '08; A.M. '09; Ph.D. '\i; fellow in geology, Sigma Xi. Favors woman suffrage. Author: Some Observations and Experiments on Joint Planes. Mem. Seismo- logical Society of America. SHELMJLRE, Lucy Cope (Mrs. William H. Shel-
mlre, Jr.), Sixty-ninth St. and Lawnton Av.,
Oak Lane, Philadelphia, Pa.
Born near West Chester, Pa., 1854; dau. John and Caroline (Baldwin) Cope; ed. private schools In and near Philadelphia; grad. Mt. Holyoke Sem., '77; m. Toughkenamon, Pa., 1882, William H. Shelmire Jr. Interested in religious, social and philanthropic Quaker activities; school vis- itor; mem. Board of Visitation; mem. of Ad- visory Board of Occupational Bureau. Mem. Friends Historical Soc, Friends Foreign MIs- Eionary Soc, Alumnae Ass'n of Mt. Holyoke Coll. (pres.), College Club of Philadelphia. Quaker. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Coll. Equal Suffrage League. BHELTON, Jane de Forest, Derby, Conn.
Born Derby, Conn.; dau. Edward Nelson and Mary Jane (de Forest) Shelton; ed. schools of Derby, Conn. Author: By the Way; An Idler's Diary: The Salt Box House; also various con- tributions to magazines. SHELTON, Mary Howe (Mrs. Arthur Wilfred
Shelton), 123 E. Davenport St., Rhinelander,
Born Porter, Rock Co., Wis., Nov. 7, 1860; dau. Isaac and Sarah (Ide) Howe; ed. Univ. of Wis., B.S. '84, M.S. '92; m. Oct. 6, 1886, Arthur Wilfred Shelton (died Nov. 1, 1908); one daughter: Mar- garet, b. Mar. 27, 1889. Sup't of schools, Oneida Co., 1888-94; vice-pres. Board of School Directors of Rhinelander, 1895-1904. Sec. Rhinelander (Wis.) Building and Loan Ass'n; treas. Congregational Ladies' Aid; mem. Library Board of Directors, 1897-1904; treas. Political Equality League of Oneida Co., Wis. Congregationalist. Democrat. Mem. D.A.R., Monday Club; charter mem. Woman's Club; mem. Book Club. SHEI.TON, Bosalie Tomlinson (Mrs. Charles
W. Shelton), 94 East Av., Norwalk. Conn.
Bora Huntington, Conn., Jan. 8. 1S61; dau. Joseoh and Annie 'Tappan (Brewster) Tomllnsor ; ed. Derby (Conn.) High School, 1875-79; Yale Art School, New Haven, 1879-81; m. Birmingham (now Derby), Conn., Mar. 2, 1881, Rev. Charles W. Shelton, D.D.; children: Rosalie Winona, William Brewster. Instructor In art in Yank- town (S.Dak.) Coll., 1883-84. Instructor and lecturer on art in Sanford School, Redding Ridge, Conn., 1907-09. Associated with her hus- band in religious and educational work among American Indians, the Southwestern negroes and people on American frontier; lecturer for 25 years on these subjects. One of the founders and vice-pres. of Anti-TuberculoPis Ass'n and Free Dispensary in Norwalk, Conn. Favors woman suffrage. Editor of Civics Bulletin, a paper published by Civic League, Norwalk, Conn, (as- sociated with Mrs. John S. Seymour, also an editor), and writer of magazine articles, usually on subject of American Indians. Congregation- alist. Mem. Am. Civic Ass'n. Nat. Consorvation Ass'n, Conn. Chapter Daughters of Founders and Patriots (has been pres., vice-pres. and treas.). Civic League of Norwalk (has been vice-pres. and treas.), D.A.R., Derby and Norwalk, Conn. Rec- reations: Travel, boating, camera. Mem. Gen. Fed. of Women's Clubs; Conn. State Fed. of Women's Clubs (has been rec. sec. and treas.); "Woman's Club, Norwalk, Conn. Cpres.).
��SHEPARD, Annie Bartlett (Mrs. Frederick
Johnson Shepard), East Derry, N.H.
Born Nottingham, N.H. ; dau. Thomas Brad- bury and Victoria Williams (Cilley) Bartlett; ed. public schools of Haverhill, Mass.; Lasell Sem., Auburndale, Mass.; m. Nottingham, N.H., Sept. 27, 1887, Frederick Johnson Shepard; chil- dren: Frederick Johnson, Alan Bartlett, Henry Bradbury. Mem. Derry School Board eight years. East Derry Village Improvement Soc, Soc for Protection of N.H. Forests, N.H. Con- ference of Charities and Correction, Mercy Home; chairman Beard Directors of N.H. Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suffrage; pres. Derry League Opposed to Woman Suffrage. Congregationalist. Mem. N.H. Soc Colonial Dames, D.A.R. (founder and first regent of Molly Reed Chapter of Derry), State regent of N.H. (1908-09) Derry Woman's Club; vice-pres. N.H. State Fed. of Women's Clubs. SHEPARD, Ellie Josephine (Mrs. Frederick J.
Shepard), 17 Pearl PI., Buffalo, N.Y.
Born Worcester, Mass., Mar. 9, 1854; dau. Will- iam and Marlon J. (Howard) Sumner; ed. Oread Collegiate Inst., Worcester; m. Worcester, Mass., Nov. 10, 1881, Frederick J. Shepard. Served 15 years as recording sec. Women's Educational and Industrial Union; mem. Consumers' League, D.A.R., Chromatic Club and the Phlybyenytie Club. Against woman suffrage. Christian Scien- tist. Recreation: Music
SHEPARD, Harriett Elma (Mrs. Edward Mar- tin Shepard), 1403 Benton Av., Springrfleld, Mo.
Educator, clubwoman; b. Fort Hunter, N.Y., Jan. 16, 18.53; dau. Stephen Van Rensselaer and Nancy Record (Clark) Ohlen; ed. Vassar Coll., A.B. '74; m. June 2.S, 1881, Dr. Edward Martin Shepard; children: Isabel Violet, Edward Martm, Jr. Prof, natural science, Milwaukee Coll., 1875-78. Head of Woman's Dep't, Drury Coll., 1878-81. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae (director of Ozark Branch, 1908—); A.C.A. School patron- ess for Mo. of Nat. Education Ass'n, 1908-10; vice-pres. at large, 1907-09; pres. 1909-13 Mo. Fed. of Women's Clubs; Mo. delegate to Am. Civic Ass'n, 1910; mem Exec. Com. Mo. Conservation Ass'n, 1911 — ; mem. Board of Managers, Car- negie Library, Springfield, Mo., 1912; delegate to Nat. Conservation Congress, 1911; mem. Am. Lyceum Club (Nat.), N.Y. City. Favors woman suffrage. Contributor on educational and literary subjects to various journals; gives travel lec- tures. Congregationalist. Mem. Springfield Sat- urday Club.
SHEPARD, Helen Miller Gould (Mrs. Finley J.
Shepard), "Lyndhurst," Tarrytown-on-Hud-
son, N. Y., and 579 Fifth Av., N.Y. City.
Philanthropist; b. N.Y. City, June 20, 1868; dau. Jay and Helen Day (Miller) Gould; ed. in private schools; honorary degrees of L.H.M. from N.Y. Univ. and LL.D. from Am. Coll. for Girls. Constantinople, Turkey; m. Tarry town-on-Hud- son, N.Y., Jan. 22, 1913, Finley J. Shepard. Ac- tive in charitable and philanthropic work for years, both in personal service and by gifts, among which are included over $300,000 for a library building for N.Y. Univ., $50,000 to the Xaval branch of the Y.M.C.A. In Brooklyn, and other benefactions for the benefit of sailors and soldiers in U.S. service. During the Spanish War she donated $100,000 to the Government for war purposes and was active In the work of the Women's Nat. War Relief Ass'n and gave $50,000 to the work for the relief of sick and wounded soldiers at Camp Wyckoff, L.I. at the end of the war. Has aided colleges and various philan- thropic institutions, the Bowery Mission, the Railroad Y.M.C.A., Bible Teachers' Training School, various charities for women and chil- dren, etc. Mem. St. Nicholas Collegiate Re- formed Church. SHEPARD, Lulu Loveland (Mrs. Edward E.
Shepard), 354 Third East St., Salt Lake City,
Lecturer: b. Hubbardsville, Tenn.; dau. Phil- ander Cook and Lucy E. (Condrey) Loveland; ed. Mt. Vernon (Ind.) High School; has taken course! in psychology and child culture at several col"