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��to it. Mem. Advisory Board Florence Crittenton Home; advisory mem. Ladies' Com. Mass. Infant Asylum; mem. Exec. Com. Mass. State Con- ference of Charities; Exec. Com. Mass. Com. for the Protection of the Feeble-Minded. Favors v/oman suffrage. Unitarian. Mem. Eugenics Educational Soc, Am. Breeders' Ass'n, Mass. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, several social clubs and Monday Evening Club (for social workers). SHEIFIKLD, Flora E. Matteson (Mrs. Benja- min Belcher Sheffield), 2213 Aldrich Av., South Minneapolis, Minn.

Lawyer; b. Faribault, Minn., Sept. 29, 1S61; dau. Halsey M. and Mary (Eldred) Matteson; ed. Wellesley Coll., A.B. 'S2 (Shakespeare Soc); Univ. of Minn., LL.B. '93; m. Faribault, Minn., May 7, 1903, Benjamin Belcher Sheffield. Ad- mitted to practice, 1893, by Supreme Court of Minnesota, and in 1895 by Supreme Court or City and County of New York. Mem. Minne- apolis Woman's Club, Am. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumna. Episcopalian. Favors woman suf- frage.

SHEFFIELD, Kena Cary (Mrs. Justus P. Shef- field), 180 Madison Av., N.Y. City. Writer, art p'a&t-ogra.phcr; b. Uniontown, Pa_; dau. Curtis and Victorlr.s (Cary) Hunt; ed. St. Gabriel's School, Peekskill, iV.Y., Brook Hall Sem., Media, Pa. (grad. with honors); m.. N.Y. City, Oct. 5, 1SS3, Justus ?. ShoiBeid; children: Nelson Meredith, Barbara Sheffield. Interested in the study of psychology. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The" Golden Hollow (novel); also writer of magazine stories and verses. Episcopalian. Member Poetry Society of America, Pen and Brush Club. In photography makes a specialty of children in their home surroundings, and her art photographs have appeared in the leading magazines.

SHELDON, Caroline, 927 High St., Grinnell, la. Teacher, writer; i. PotsGam, N.Y., Jan. 22, 1860; dau. Noah Buttolph and Maria (Billings) Sheldon; ed. State Normal School, Fctsdam, N.Y.; Grinnell (Iowa) Coll., A.B. (Phi Beta Kappa) '93; A.M. '95; studied in Paris, Italy and Spain. Teacher of English literature and French W. Des Moines High School, 1393-1S02; registrar and professor of Romance Languages, Mills Col- lege, Cal., 1902-04; teacher French, (ierman and Spanish, Seattle, 1904-06; instructor in French, 1906-08; ass't professor modern languages Grin- nell Coll., 1908-11; associate professor, 1911—. Dean of Women, Grinnell Coll., 1S08-10. Lec- turer on history education. Kindergarten Dep't Drake Univ., Des Moines, la., 1900-02. Instructor In teachers' institutes in Iowa. Has taught classes in English literature in Y.W.C.A. in Des Moines. Author: Pioneers and Pilgrims in Eng- land, 1904; also Sunday-school Lessons, short stories, chiefly religious and literary. Congrega- tionalist. Favors woman suffrage. SHELDON, Edith Dudley, 3312 Hamilton St.; Philadelphia Y.W.C.A., ISOO Arch St., Phila- delphia, Pa.

Religious director of Y.W.C.A. of Philadelphia; b. Colorado Springs, Cole, April 12, 1877; dau. Winthrop Dudley and Elizabeth M. Sheldon; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. 1900; special student of bacteriology two years in Laboratory of Hygiene of Univ. of Pa.; grad in normal course in do- mestic science, Drexel Inst., Philadelphia, 1905; ptudent three years in Baice School of Ex- pression, Philadelphia. Director domestic science dep't of Bersan Manual and Industrial School, Philadelphia, 1904-05; instructo* in cookery, Drexel Inst., 1905-06; lecturer in dietetics, M.E. Hospital, Philadelphia, 1905-06; religious director of Philadelphia Y.W.C.A. since 1911. Volunteer worker in College Settlement one year; teacher in Mission Sunday-school in foreign quarter two years: district visitor of Soc. for Organizing Charity six months; social worker among fac- tories in connection with Y.W.C.A., 1907-10, also volunteer religious worker 1907-10 in Philadelphia Y.W.C.A. Congregationalist. Mem. College Club of Philadelphia, Alumni Ass'n of the Boice School of Expression, Philadelphia; Alumnje Ass'n of Smith Coll., and the Ne.w Century and Social Workers' Clubs of Philadelphia.

��SHELDON, Emily Evans (Mrs. Ralph Edwarfl Sheldon), Center Ave., Bryn Mawr Road, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Born Easton, Pa., Dec. 14, 1881; dau. Morris and Katharine (Evans) Evans; ed. Maryland public school; Goucher Coll., A.B. '04; Cornell Univ., A.M. '06; m. Aug. 13, 1908, Ralph Edward Sheldon; one son: Evan Herbert. Episcopalian.

SHELDON, Grace Carew, S19 Bird Av., Buffalo,


Journalist, writer; b. Buffalo, N.Y. ; dau. Judge James and Sarah (Carew) Sheldon; grad. Wells Coll., 1878; special student of music, vocal, in- strumental and thorough-bass. Founded May 1, 1886, and pres. Internat. Woman's Exchange, which accepts work only from self-supporting women in U.S. Has traveled extensively; mem. of staff of Buffalo Courier, 1890-1900; delegate to Internat. Press Congress, Bordeaux, September, 1895; corresponded from France to Buffalo Cour- ier. Went to South America, February, 1896, on assignment during the gold mine controversy; visited the Orinoco country. Northern Venezuela, Curacao, Hayti, and the West Indies, from which countries wrote special correspondence to N.Y. City and Buffalo papers; now department editor Buffalo Times and special writer for various papers and magazines in U.S. Talks to clubs, etc., in Buffalo and elsewhere on Scott and his novels, on European capitals and on art. Founder and proprietor of Mental Clearing House for writing and handling MSS. and in- struction i-n journalism, play writing, etc. Author: As We Saw It in '90, 1891; From Pluckemin to Paris, 1899.

SHELDON, Helen Mary, 551 Fullerton Parkway,


Born Washington Co., N.Y. ; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '84; student of music. New England Con- servatory, Boston, 1885-86; English literature and language, Cornell Univ., A.M. '92. Teacher of English, Lasell Sem., Auburndale, Mass., 1886-88; Norfolk (Va.) Coll., 1888-91; private school. Providence, R.I., 1892-95; head of English dep't. Lake View High School, Chicago, since 1897. Mem. Smith College Alumnae Ass'n.

SHELDON, Jennie Maria Arms (Mrs. George

Sheldon), Deerfleld, Mass.

Teacher, writer; b. Bellows Falls, Vt. ; dau. George Albert and Eunice Stratton (Moody) Arms; grad. Greenfield (Mass.) High School; special student Mass. Inst, of Technology, class of '81, Boston; special student of natural science in Laboratory of Boston Soc. of Natural History; m. Boston, 1897, George Sheldon (his- torian of Deerfield and writer). Special teacher of biology and geology for 18 years in Boston schools; pupil and ass't of Prof. Alpheus Hyatt in museum of Boston Soc. of Natural History 25 years. Interested in civic betterment. Fa- vors woman suffrage; mem. Equal Suffrage Ass'n for Good Government, Boston. Author: Guide for Science Teaching; Insecta (collaborating with Alpheus Hyatt), 1890; Life of a New Eng- land Boy, 1896; Concretions of the Champlain (;iays of the Connecticut Valley, 1900; Newly Exposed Geologic Features Within the "8,000- Acre Grant" (with George Sheldon), 1903; Guide to the Invertebrata in the Synoptic Collection in the Museum of Boston Soc. of Natural History, 1905; Historical Papers in Proceedings of Po- cumtuck Valley Memorial Ass'n of Deerfield. Curator of Museum of Pocumtuck Valley Me- morial Ass'n of Deerfield. Free Thinker; mem. Free Religious Ass'n of America. Republican. Mem. Boston Soc. of Natural His.tory, Naples Table Ass'n for Promoting Laboratory Research by Women; trustee of Deerfield Acad.; mem. George Washington Memorial Ass'n, Washington, D.C.; Mass. Inst, of Technology Ass'n of Women Students.

SHELDON, Nettie Mae (Mrs. George M. Shel- don), Tomahawk, Wis.

Born Miles, Iowa, May 10, 1878; dau. F. A. and Belle S. Hanover; ed. Merrill High School; mu- sical instruction from Prof. Carl Kern; m. Mer- rill, Wis., 1897, George M. Sheldon; children: Leander F., Loella May. Has been a teacher ol music. Vice-pres. Tuesday Literary Club; sec


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