��SHAYNE, Margrsret A. Sloan (Mrs. Christopher C. Shayne), 582 West End Av., N.Y. City. Born Pomeroy, Ohio; dau. Duncan and Maria (Harris) Sloan; ed. private schools of Ohio; m. Pomeroy, Ohio, Oct. 1, 1868, Christopher C. Shayne; one son: Percy Duncan, b. Jan. 17, 1870. Presbyterian. Vice-pres. the Little Mothers' Aid Ass'n (active worker); mem. the Stony Wold Ass'n; charter mem. the Daughters of Ohio in New ifork (pres. two terms).
SHEARD, Virginia (Mrs. Charles Sheard), 314 Jarvls St., Toronto, Can.
Author; b. Cobourg, Ontario; dau. Eldridge Stanton; of English descent and United Empire Loyalist stock; ed. In schools of Cobourg and Toronto, Ontario; m. Toronto, Ontario, 1885, Dr. Charles Sheard. Engaged In literary work since 1898. Author (novels): Trevelyan's Little Daugh- ter; A Maid of Many Moods; By the Queen's Grace; also short stories and verse in various periodicals. Anglican.
SHEARER, Frances Burritt (Mrs. Charles M. Shearer), 112 E. Elmwood PI., Minneapolis, Minn.
Born Shelburne, Vt. ; dau. Andrew J. and Clarissa A. (Lake) Burritt; ed. high school, Bur- lington, Vt. ; grad. Acad., Shelburne, Vt.; grad. Sauveur School of Languages, Burlington, Vt. ; credits in Univ. of Minn.; m. Shelburne, Vt., June 26, 1901, Charles M. Shearer. Teacher of town schools in Shelburne, Vt. ; grade schools of La Crosse, Wis., and Minneapolis, Minn. Active in Plymouth Congregational Church, Woman's Welfare League, Woman's Club and work of as- sociated charities. Favors woman suffrage. Congregationalist. Democrat. Former mem. Tourist Club, also Travelers' Club, Minneapolis. Interested in philanthropic and social activities. SHEARER, Mary Butler, 905^ N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md.
Born Baltimore, Md., 1871; dau. Thomas Shearer, M.D., and Harriet Josephine (Fox) Shearer; ed. by tutors, also Merchants' School, Edinburgh, Scotland; musical education In Paris and Milan. Interested In humane work. Favors woman suffrage with a property qualification for women voters. Roman Catholic. For years pres. of Women's Branch Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Pres. of the Maryland Soc. for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Women's Civic League. Recreation: Riding. Mem. Baltimore Country Club. SHEARIN, Ruth Marguerite (Mrs. Hubert G. Shearinl, Lexington, Ky.
Born Jersey City, N.J. ; dau. George and Mary (Collins) Bene; ed. Jersey City public schools, Bridgeport (Conn.) High School, New Haven Normal School, Transylvania Univ., Lexington, Ky. (mem. Delta Delta Delta); m. Nichols, Conn., Sept. 21, 1303, Hubert G. S'aearin. Chair- man of Dep't of Literature of Ky. Fed. of Wo- inen's Clubs, chairman of Bureau of Information of same; mem. Y.W.C.A., Chrlatlan Women's Board of Missions. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Christian Church. Vice-Regent of Bryan Station Chapter of D.A.R. ; mem. Lexington Civic LeagTje, Mermaid Literary Club. Recrea- tions: Boating, bathing, chess, tennis. Mem. Woman's Club of Central Ky. (head of dep't of Literature, 1908-10; sec. 1910).
SHEARMAN, Margaret Hillee, 1600 W. Seventh St., Wilmington, Del.
Born Philadelphia, 1873; dau. Isaac and Susan Watson (Hilles) Shearman; ed. Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '95, and Univ. of Pa. post-graduate course in sociology. Educational sec. Woman's Auxiliary, Diocese of Delaware; sec. and later pres. Con- sumers' League. Favors woman suffrage. Prot- estant Episcopal. Mem. New Century Club of Wilmington, College Club of Philadelphia. SHEARS, Jessie E. Hnnter (Mrs. George F. Shears), Hotel Metropole, Chicago, III. Physician; b. Owen Sound, Ont., Can.; dau. Ale.xander William and Barbara (Andrew) Hun- ter; ed. Oshkosh (Wis.) public schools, also Wayland Acad., Beaver Dam, Wis.; grad. from Hahnemann Medical Coll., Chicago, M.D. '84; m. 1884, Dr. George F. Shears (died 1909). Was one of the first women to do work in a public sur-
��gical clinic; received the first surgical prize given to a woman in the Hahnemann Med. (5oll. ; was physician to Home for Juvenile Offenders; physician to Margaret Etter Creche. Treas. of Com. for Vocational Training in the Public Schools. Favors woman suffrage. Translator from the French and Italian for medical use; has also written many club papers. Unitarian. Recreations: Travel, languages, music. Mem. Chicago Woman's Club, Friday Club, Chicago Political Equality League, Drama League of America, Woman's City Club, Twentieth Cen- tury Club, Everyday Club.
SHEDD, Agnes Jeffrey (Mrs. Frederick Shedd), 1440 E. Broad St., Columbus, O. Born Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 16, 1875; dau. Joseph Andrew and Celia (Harris) Jeffrey; ed. public schools; Smith Coll., A.B. '97; m. Colum- bus, Ohio, Nov. 23, 1S9S, Frederick Shedd; chil- dren: Marion, Joseph Jeffrey, Elizabeth, Agnes Jeffrey. Congregationalist. Mem. D.A.R., Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, College Woman's Club of Columbus.
SHEDD, Alice M. (Mrs. William E. Shedd), 38 Ridge Av., Newton Centre. Mass. Bom Somerville, Mass., July 29, 1870; dau. George H. and Juliette (Haggett) Jones; ed. Wel- lesley Coll., B.A. '93; m. Somerville, Mass., Oct. 12, 1893, William E. Shedd; children: William E., Margaret S., Arthur F. Mem. the Benevolent Society of First Church in Newton, the Mothers' Rest. Congregationalist. Mem. Wellssley Alum- nae Ass'n; mem. Newton Centre Vv^oman's Club, College Club of Boston.
SHEDD, Jeannette Bell (Mrs. Solon Shedd), 300 Montgomery St., Pullman, Wash. Born Little Rock, Ark.; dau. Rev. J. R. N. and Margaret (Kirk) Bell; ed. Oregon State Normal School; m. Corvallls, Ore., 1907, Dr. Solon Shedd. Against woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Repub.i- can. Mem. Order of Eastern Star, Eisther Chap- ter, Baker, Ore. Mem. Mazama Mountain Climb- ing Club, which ascended to summit of Mount Hova, 1898; Alpha Literary Club (Baker, Ore.), Fortnightly Literary Club of Pullman, Wash. Pros. Fortnightly Club, mem. Exec. Board of Washington State Fed. Women's Clubs. SHEEHAN, Blanche Cecilia Bellamy (Mrs. William F. Sheehan), 16 E. Fifty-sixth St., N.Y. City.
Born Buffalo, N.T., July 27, 1868; dau. Michael and Maria B. (Grogan) Bellamy; ed. private school; grad. Grey Nuns' Convent, Buf- falo, N.Y., '86; m. Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 27, 1889, William F. Sheehan (lawyer; Lieut. -Gov. of N.Y. 1S92-95).
SHEETS, Emily Churchill Thompson (Mrs. Frederick Hill Sheets), 1930 Sheridan Road. Bvanston, 111.
Born Chicago, 111., Sept. 4, 1875; dau. William H. Thompson Jr. and Jane (Churchill) Thomp- son; ed. Univ. of Chicago, A.B. 1897 (honors in Latin and graduate scholarship in Greek, Phi Beta Kappa), A.M. 1900; m. Chicago. 111., June 11, 1907, Rev. Frederick Hill Sheets. Branch officer in Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc. of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Favors woman suffrage. Author: In Kali's Country; Tales from Sunny India, 1910. Methodist. Recreation; Camp life in Canada. Almost her whole time has been given to the Interest of foreign missions; with Mr. Sheets (who is a special secretary of foreign missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church) made a world tour in 1909. visiting foreign missdows of that church and since then has spoken widely upon this subject. SHETTIELD, Ada Eliot (Mrs. Alfred D wight Sheffield), 60 Shepard St.. Cambrldee, Mass. Administrator of charity; b. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 30, 1869; dau. Henry Ware and Charlotte C. (Stearns) Eliot; ed. Mary Inst, of St. Louis; Radcllffe Coll. (special student), three years; m. St. Louis, .May 16, 1905, Alfred Dwight Shef- field. Entered Boston Associated Charities in March, 1S97, remained till November, 1900; en- tered N.Y. Charity Organization November, 1900, began work as probation officer a year later; appointed m-sm. Mass. State Board of Charily in June 1909; still on boaxd and gives most of time