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the Illinois State Library School (Univ. of Ill.)

Urbana, Ill. Was director of the Summer School of Library Science, Univ. of Wis., 1895 and 1896. Lecturer on library economy in Univ. of Chicago, 1896. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n (vice-pres. 1898 and 1907), Ill. State Library Ass'n (pres. 1903–04); fellow Am. Library Inst.; 2nd vice-pres. Lake Placid Club.

SH.-UIP, Mary S. (Mrs. Arthur Russell Sharp), 52 Commonwealth Av., Boston, Mass.; sum- mer: Oakland Farm, Taunton, Mass. Born Taunton;- Mass., April 14, 1876; dau. Will- iam E. and Harriet A. (Mason) Sparks (paternal grandparents, Jared Sparks, historian and pres. of Harvard Coll., and Mary Crowinshield (Silsbee) Sparks; ed. private schools in Philadelphia and Bos^ton; m. Taunton, Mass., Oct. 31. 1900, Arthur Russell Sharp (treas. of large cotton mills in Lowell and New Bedford); children: Arthur R. Jr., William E., Charles L. Episcopalian; mem. of several church societies. Woman's Welfare Dep't of Nat. Civic Federation. Against woman suft'rage; mem. of Mass. Ass'n Opposed to Suf- frage for Women.

SHARPE, Julia Graydon, 2111 N. Delaware St,

Indianapolis, Ind.

Artist; b. Indianapolis, Ind.; dau. Joseph Klnne and Mary Ellen (Graydon) Sharpe; ed. In Indian- apolis private schools; Chegary Inst., Philadelphia; Indiana Schcol of Art; Art Students' League and Chase Art School, N.Y. City. Member Indianapolis Flower Mission, T.W.C.A.. Wom- an's Progressive League, societies of Presiby- terlan Church, Brookvilie Historical Soc., Actors' Church Alliance of America. Interested In all social activities. Favors woman suffrage. Ex- hibitor in leading exrhibitions. Presbyterian. Progressive. Mem. D.A.R. (Caroline Scott Har- rison Chapter), N.Y. Art League, Women's De- partment Club, Artists' Portfolio Club, Sketching Club.

SH-ITTUCK, Harriett© Robinson (Mrs. Sidney Doane Shattuck), 35 Lincoln St., Maiden, Mass.

Author; b. Lowell, Mass., I>ec. 4, 1850; dau. William Stevens and Harriet (Hanson) Robinson (mother well-known author, who died Dec. 22, 1911) ; ed. public and private schools of Mass, ; m. Maiden, Mass., June 11, 1878, Sidney Doane Shattuck. Distlngnished as parliamentarian; served as assistant clerk of Hous« of Represen- tatives of Mass. In session of 1872. Author: Story of Dante's Divlna Commedla; Little Folk East and West; Woman's Manual of Parlia- mentary LaAv; Shattuck's Advanced Rules of Parliamentary Law.

SHATTUCK, Helen Barnes, University of Ver- mont, Burlington, Vt.

Librarian; b. Nashua, N.H., 1878; dau. Oilman Covant and Estelle (Barnes) Shattuck; ed. pub- lic schools of Nashua, and Smith Coll., A.B. Library organizer, 1903-04; head cataloguer Forbes Library, Northampton, Mass., 1905-07; head cataloguer Univ. of Minn., 1907-09; librarian Univ. of Vt., 1909 — . Congregatlonalist; mem. Am. Library Asa'n, Klifa Club. Recreations: Snow-shoeing, canoeing.

SHATTUCK, Lillian, Pierce Building, Copley

Square, Boston, Mass.

Violinist, violin teacher; educated in music in U.S. and abroad; was leader of the first ladies' string quartette ever organized In this country; now has largest violin class in Boston. SHAVER, EmUie H. (Mrs. Plenry C. Sharer),

709 Garden St., Cceur D'Alene, Idaho.

Bom Elmore, 0., Feb. 2, 1869; dau. Rer. B. F. W. and Zelora (Carter) CoEler; ©d. Simp- son Coll., Indianola, la. (PI Beta Phi); m. Col- fax, la., June, 1893, Henry C. Shaver; one son: Seymour. Active in club work. Pres. Woman's Club; mem. Public Library Board; chairman Publicity Com. Civic Improvement Club; pres. Ladies' Aid Soc. of M.E. Church. Favors woman suffrage. Methodist. Republican (voter). SHAW, Adele Marie, care Albert J. Shaw, 11

Pine St., N.Y. City.

Writer, teacher; b. Concord, N.H. ; dau. Jud- son Wade and Anne Dana (Barrows) Shaw; ed.

��Smith Coll., A.B. '87 (mem. Alpha). Teacher of English, Girls' High School, Brooklyn, N.Y., 1894-1902; on staff of World's Work, 1903-04; series of articles on First Hand Studies of the Public School System of the United Slates. Author: The Coast of Freed-jm (with Albert Judson Shaw); The Lady of the Dynamos (with C. BecK- with) ; also short ctorica and magazine articles. Episcopalian. Pvccreations: Walking, camping, out-door l.fe. Mem, Woman's University Club (N.Y. City). Much interested In Young Citizens' Loyal League, founded by her father, Judson Wade Shaw. Favors woman suffrage.

SHAW, Agmes Morton, 609 W. 127th St., N.Y.


Social service; b. Carver, Mass.; dau. Marcus Morton and Jane Elizabeth (Cobb) Shaw; ed. Woburn (Mass.) High School; Wellesley Coll., B.A. '92; Columbia Univ., M.A. '13. Teacher 14 years in various places: in Woburn High School, St. Johnsbury, Vt. ; Gordon School, Philadelphia; Washington Irving High School, N.Y. City; now director of educational work, Internat Inst., N.Y. City (which deals with Immigrant girls and women). Favors woman suffrage. Congrega- tlonalist. Mem. N.Y. Wellesley Club (formerly of Boston Wellesley Club), Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae.

SHAW, Anna Howard, Moylan, Pa.

Clel-gyman, suffrage leader; b. Newcastle-on- Tyne, England, Feb. 14, 1847; dau. Thomas and Nicolas (Stott) Shaw; ed. in America since four years of age, Albion Coll., Mich., and Boston Univ., grad. in theology '78, and medicine, M.D. '85. Licensed to preach as local preacher in Methodist Episcopal Church, 1872; refused ordi- nation by New England Conference of M.E. Church on account of sex (decision confirmed by Gen. Conference, 1880); ordained an elder in Methodist Protestant Church in Tarrytown, N.Y., Got. 12, 1880, being first woman ever ordained by that church. Associated with Frances Willard in the temperance movement for several years, also in social settlement work in Boston. Served aa pastor of three different churches In Mass. Became lecturer for Mass. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1885; sup't of Franchise Dep't Nat. W.C.T.U., 1886-92. National lecturer for Nat. Am. Woman Suffrage Ass'n, 1886-1904; vice-pres. at large, 1892-19&4; pres. since 1904. Mem. Methodist Prot- estant Church. Recreation: Farm work. SHAW, Caroline Budd GalUudet (Mrs. Alexan-

ander D. Shaw), 10 W. Slxty-flrst St., N.Y.


Born N.Y. City, May 9, 1848; dau. Rev. Thomas Gallaudet, D.D., and Elizabeth Reynolds (Budd) Gallaudet; ed. Miss Haines' private school, N.'?. City; m. Apr. 21, 1869, Alexander D. Shaw of N.Y. City; children: Mabel (married Gen. Birk- beck, C.B.C.M.G. of English Army), and Munson G. (married Miss N. C. McGuire of N.Y. City). Lived on Staten Island, 1S69-1903, and was prom- inent in all local charities and social duties; was pres. of the Ladies' Tennis Club for five years; vice-pres. of Sot. of Decorative Art of N.Y. City for three years. Now mem. of the e.xec. com. of the Woman's Branch of the Nat. Civic Fed.; also on B'd of Managers of the Gallaudet Home for Aged Deaf and Dumb at Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Against woman suffrage. Protestant Episcopal.

SHAW, Clara Hathorne, George School, Bucks Co., Pa.

Dietitian; b. Lexington, Ky. : dau. Hiram and Harriet E. (Martin) Shaw; ed. Science Hill School, ShelbyvUle, Ky., 1888-1902; Wellesley Coll., A.B. '97; Univ. of Chicago, 1S99-1901; studied German In Hamburg Summer School, 1909; studied at Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ. (mem. Phi Sigma, Wellesley). Ass't to. manager of Univ. Commons, Univ. of Chicago, 1S99-1906; purveyor Goucher Coll., 1906-09; dietitian and teacher of domestic science, George School, Pa,, 1911. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. 8UAW, Elizabeth Garman (Mrs. Charles Thax-

ter Shaw), 310 Peel St.. Montreal. Can.

Born Dexter, Me., 1S58; dau. Charles and Elizabeth Garman (Pujberts) Shaw; ed. Mrs.

Hayes' School, Boston, 1873-74; Vassar CoU.,

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