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campaigns of Nebraska in 1883, and of Wisconsin Vorst Sewell, artist. Professionally engaged as in 1912. Author; A Historical Resume of the artist from 1886, specializing in portraiture. First World's Congress of Representative Women (two exhibits of painting were in Paris at the Salons vols.) ; History of the International Council of of 1886, 1887 and 1888. Has also exhibited at Nat. Women from 1899 to 1904 (two vols.); also many Acad. Design, N.Y. City (Dodge prize 1888, Clarke monographs, pamphlets, magazine and newspaper prize 1903); received bronze medals at World's articles. Led in the movement resulting in the Columbian Exposition, 1893; Pan-American Ex- organization of the General Federation of position, 1901, and Louisiana Purchase Exposi- Women's Clubs; was its first vice-pres. at large tion, 1904; medal from Charleston (S.C.) Exposl- and mem. of organizing comaoiittee which drew tion, 1902. Associate of Nat. Acad, of Design; up Its first constitution. Was pres. of World's mem. Woman's Art Club.

Congress of Representative Women (Chicago, seymOUB, Elizabeth Day, 141 Linden St., New

1893). Reprtsented Indiana at Internat. Cotton Haven, Conn.

Exposition, New Orleans, 1881, and was mem. of bq^u jvjg,^ Haven, Conn.; dau. Thomas Day

Indiana Board of Commissioners to World s Seymour, LL.D. (prof. Greek, Yale Univ., 1880-

Columblan Exposition, 1893, and by appomt- 1907) ^nd Sarah M. (Hitchcock) Seymour; ed.

ment of President McKinley was a special rep- Hillhouse High School, New Haven; Bryn Mawr

resentatlve to congresses held in connection with coll., A.B., A.M. '97; Yale School of Fine Arts,

the Paris Exposition of 1900. Mem. Societe j^g^ Haven, 1897-1901; graduate student, Yale

Psychologique (Paris), Am. Historical Soc, Univ., 1904-05. Instructor in Greek, Lake Erie

Soci6t6 des Lettres (Paris), Am. Peace boc. coll., Painesville, Ohio, 1901-03. Hon. corr. sec.

and of many other national and international (^f Bryn Mawr Coll. for New Haven.

societies. Recreations: Walking, the theatre^ SEYMOUK, I.uda WeUs (Mrs. Lewis Seymour).

Mem. Sorosis Club (N.Y. City), Contemporary North st Binshamton NY

Club Women's Club (Indianapolis), Lyceum ^^n" Chicago ifl; dau.' I^ederlck Chapin

ILonaonj. ^^^ Clara (Latimer) Wells; ed. Kirkland School,

SEVTABD, Janet Watson (Mrs. William Henry Chicago, 111.; m. May 20, 1908, Lewis Seymnun-

Seward), Auburn, N.Y. Episcopalian. Mem. Friday Club (Chicago), Mon-

Born Auburn, N.Y., Nov. 18, 1839; dau. Robert day Afternoon Club (Binghamton, N.Y.).

and Margaret (Standart) Watson; ed. Alburn gEYMOUB, May, Lake Placid Club. Essex

private schools; Miss Anabel's Boarding School, county N.Y.

Philadelphia, Pa.; m Auburn, _ N.Y., June 27, Librarian,' bibliographer; grad. Smith Coll.,

1860, William Henry Seward (bngadier-general) , g^ .^. gtudent Columbia Coll. School of

children: Cornelia Margaret b Sept. 11, 186^; Library Economy, 1887, 1888-89. Teacher St.

William Henry, b. Nov. 10 1864; Frances Janet lquIs^ j^o., 1881-82; Englewood, N.J., 1882-86;

b. July 13, 1880. Mem. Women s Educational dassifier and cataloguer, Osterhout Free Library,

and Industrial Union, Auburn, N.Y.; the Home wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1887-88; cataloguer, Columbia

for the Friendless, Cayuga Co. Orphan Asylum, ^.^^^^ Library, 1888-89; classifier, N.Y. State

Seymour Library Ass'n. Presbyterian. Mem. Library, 1888-91; education librarian, N. Y. State

Soc. of Mayflower Descendants of N.Y. Soc. of nbrary, 1891-1906. Mem. Am. Library Ass'n,

Colonial Dames of N.Y., D.A.R., Mary Washing- collegiate Alumnae, Smith College Alumnas Ass'n.

h°^-.^^rc^i,Z%'ll:\^w\TM^^^^^^ ^^^OVJ^, Nan GUbert. 129 E. Seventeenth St..

f°"^} \.H%nffraSsr'^"^ ^"' °' '"'"'" PhysicJin; b. Peekskill. N.Y.. Aug. 4, 1875; dau.

(pres.). Anti-sunragisi. Frederick and Cornelia S. (Clarke) Seymour; ed.

SEWABD. Mary Coggeshall (Mrs. Theodore F. Cornell Univ., A.B. '97, M.D. '02. Served as resi-

Seward)", 11 Webster Place, East Orange, ^ent physician and surgeon in Methodist Episco-

N.J. pal (Gen.) Hospital, Philadelphia, 1902-03; Gouv-

Parliamentarian; b. New London, Conn., July erneur -Hospital Tuberculosis Clinic. Attending

9, 1839; dau. William H. and Sarah Latham physician in charge of St. George's Church Tuber-

(Ashbey) Coggeshall; ed. Female Acad., New culosis Class since 1907. Attending physician

London, Conn. ; m. June 12, 1860, Theodore Fre- Salvation Army Rescue and Maternity Home.

linghuvsen Seward; children: Mary Josephine Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, N.Y. County and N.Y.

(died 1882), Theodora Mason (m. Thomas Gilbert state Med. Societies, Nat. Ass'n for Study and

Holies), William Van Heemstra (died 1882). prevention of Tuberculosis, Am. Soc. Sanitary

Writer of poems published in current literature; an^ Moral Prophylaxis. Charter mem. Woman's

has also published words with music as songs, univ. Club; mem. Cornell Alumnae Club.

Mem. Internat. Sunshine Soc. (first vice-pres. sey]M0CR, Mrs. Robert Morris, 2008 E. Fifth

general; pres. of its department for the_ blind). g^ ouiuth Minn

Clu^: Sorosis (N.Y City), the Woman s Club - director; b. Chippewa Falls, Wis.; dau. of Orange (P/^s. 1892-94). National Society of j^^^ ^^^ g^j.^^^^ (Joslin) WatermaA; ed. Marl- New England Woroen (pr^. ^A^^e 1896-97, borough School of Girls, Los Angeles, Cal.; Univ. 1906-07). OhrisUan Scientist Favors woman suf- ^^ Arkansas; student of art under Arthur W. frage. Dow of Columbia, Denman Ross of Harvard and SEWELI-, Anne B., 215 Fifth St., Stoughton, Henry Turner Bailey; m. Chippewa Falls, Wis., ■Wis. 1893; one daughter: Dorothy Osgood. Appointed Secretary; b. Madison, N.J., Jan. 11. 1837; dau. to governing b'd. Minnesota State Art Soc.. 1904; Rev Robert and Elizabeth (Bolt) Sewell; grad. State representative, Drama League of America, Roc'kford, 111.. Female Sem. (now college) 1851 1912; ass't director St. Paul Inst of Arts and (with valedictory). Taught in Fox Lake, Wis., Sciences. 1913. Interested in Industrial art move- for seven years, later head of private school in ment in Minnesota; recreation and development Oconomowoc for seven years and later taught of more taste and charity in small towns and several years in the high school of Stoughton, villages. Mem. Welfare League of St. Paul. Wis. Sec. Wisconsin Branch of the W.B.M.I. Mem. Daughters of the Revolution, State His- since 1882; has had large correspondence in dif- torical Soc. of Wisconsin. Drama League of ferent parts of the world. Mem. Congregational America, Festival Soc. of America. Recreations: Church; interested in its activities in the whole Music, art, theatre, dancing, mountain climbing, State; Sunday-school, missionary and W.C.T.U. walking. Mem. Woman's Club of Minneapolis. Reports printed each year; articles prepared each Lectures on dramatic structure, art history, art month for church papers and other miscella- appreciation, Bible history, applied psychology, neous matter. Recreation: Summer assemblies. shACKEI^FORD. Elizabeth Pntnam, 149 Union SEWELL (Lydla) Amanda Brewster (Mrs. Rob- Av., Saratoga Springs, N.Y. ert Van Vorst Sewell), "Fleetwood House." Born Newark, N.J. ; dau. John Wragg and Oyster Bay L.I.. N.Y. Elizabeth Peck (Putnam) Shackelford; ed. Hell- Artist- b Essex' Co., N.Y. ; dau. Benjamin T. muth Ladies' Coll., London, Ont. Active in and Julia Ann (Washburn) Brewster; art educa- work of Protestant Episcopal Church; manager tion in N Y City in the Art Students' League, in the Albany diocese of the Woman's Auxiliary and In Paris at Academic Julian and the atelier to the Board of Missions; associate Girls' Friend- ot Carolus Duran; m. Apr. 12, 1888. Robert Van )y Society; associate of St Mary's Sisterhood;


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