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��Me., Apr. 15, 1889, Don Carlos Seitz; children: Mildred, Mabel Gertrude. Interested in child rescue work; mem. Long Lisiand Soc. Daughters of Revolution, Brooklyn Soc. New England Wo- men. Cluhs: Chlropean, Cambridge, Winter's Night Call. Favors woman suffrage. SELDEN, Elizabeth Bodman, 111 N. Fifth St.,

Richmond, Va.

Writer and miniature painter; b. Richmond, Va. ; dau. Charles and Bessie Temple (Taylor) Selden; ed. Miss Mary Johnson's School, Miss Janet Stanard's, Richmond High School, Rich- mond Art School of the Art Club. Episcopalian. Mem. D.A.R., Daughters of the Confederacy, Junior Hollywood Memorial Ass'n, Ass'n for the Preservation of Va. Antiquities, Junior Auxiliary. Mem. Woman's Club, Wednesday Club. SELINGEB, Emily (Mrs. Jean Paul Seling-er),

711 Boylston St., Boston, Mass.

Artist, writer; b. Wilmington, N.C.; dau. James and Elizabeth Otis (Payne) MoGary; ed. Provi- dence High School; School of Design, Cooper Inst., N.y. ; pupil of Margaret Roosenboom, Smalia Rocchi, Paul de Uongpre; m. Providence, Oct. 9, 1882, Jean Paul Selinger (distinguished painter of portraits and child life; now de- ceased). Lived and traveled extensively in Eu- rope; was for several years special art corre- spondent in Europe of the Boston Evening Tran- script. Writer of prose and poetry, monologues, short stories, negro and child dialect stories, which are used by leading platform readers; poems of love, pastoral subjects and spiritual thought, published in the magazines. In art especially distinguished as a flower painter. Mem. New England Woman's Press Ass'n, hon- orary art member Professional Women's Clu'b of Boston. SELLERS, Mary Morley (Mrs. Frank Harroid

Sellers), 1210 Astor St., Chicago, 111.

Born Fort Scott, Kan., June 18, 1870; dau. John R and Catherine Bidwell (McVay) Morley; ed. Wesley School, Philadelphia; Mrs. Piatt's, Utica, NY.; m Saginaw, Mich., Doc. 20, 1899, Frank Harroid Sellers. Mem. Immigrant Protective League Chicago; Juvenile Protective League; organizer and sec. Saginaw (Mich.) Anti-Tuber- culosis Soc; chairman of House Com. of Indiana House and instrumental in erecting new building for same; mem. Social Service Com. of the Chil- dren's Memorial Hospital of Chicago. Mem. Woman's City Club of Chicago. Recreations: Civic betterment work, nature studies. Against woman suffrage. SELOVEB, Lola Herd (Mrs. Cornelius S. Selo-

ver) 1958 E. Seventy-first St., Cleveland, O.

Born Cleveland, O., Oct. 26, 1859; dau. Judge J. K. and Eleanor (Spooner) Hord; ed. in public school and Ladies' Sem., Cleveland; m. May 26, 1878 Cornelius S. Selover; children: Morna (Mrs. Hart) Hannah (Mrs. Miles). Instructor in par- liamentary law; has been a teacher for 10 years. Chairman of Com. on LegislaUon and State In- stitutions of the Ohio Fed. of Women's Clubs. Episcopalian. Pres. Cleveland Sorosis Club five years- treas. Ohio Federation of Women's Cluibs two years; vice-pres. and director of Woman's Club, Cleveland, five years. SELS, Helen Adelaide van Loben (Mrs. Maurlts

C. C. van Loben Sels), Vorden, Sacramento Co Cal

Born Yonksrs, N.Y., April 13, 1882; dau. Will- iam Webster and Helen Yale (Smith) Ehsworth; grad Horace Mann School; Cornell Coll. of Agri- culture for three years (Kappa Kappa Gamma); m Maurlts C. C. van Loben Sels; children: Helen Adele Elizabeth, Lucy Lois, Maurits Just. Recreations: (Jountry sports. Universalist. Fa- vors woman suffrage. Progressive Republican. , SEMBOWEK, Alta Brunt (Mrs. Charles Jacob Sembower), 708 N. College Av., Bloomington,

Magazine writer; b. Erie, Kan., Aug. 13, 1878; dau. John Rich and Lois (Van Laningham) Brunt; A.B. Indiana Univ. "01; m. June 26, 1901, Charles Jacob Sembower. Contributor, since 1901, of short stories to Harper'is Magazine, Col-

��lier's Weekly and other magazines. Congrega- tionalist. Mem. Kappa Kappa Theta.

SEMPLE, Ellen Churchill, 411 Belgravia, Louis- ville, Ky.

Research student; b. Louisville, Ky., 1863; dau. Alexander B. and Emerin (Price) Semple; grad. Vassar, A.B. '82, M.A. '91; student at Leipzig Univ., 1891-92, 1895. Some time lecturer in An- thropo-geography at Univ. of Chicago; lecturer before the Royal Geographical Soc. in London and the Royal Scotish Geographical Soc. in Edin- burgh, Nov., 1912. Books: American History and Its Geographic Conditions, Boston, 1903; Influ- ence of Geographic Government, Neiw York, 1911; also various scientific articles in Bulletin of Am. Geographical Soc., the Geographical Journal, London, and English reviews. Mem. Ass'n of Am. Geographers and Lyceum Club of London.

SEMPLE, Helen Merricli (Mrs. Samuel Semple), Titusville, Pa.

Club and suffrage leader; b. Pennylvania; m. Rev. Samuel Semple. Active in the federated club movement as mem. and some time pres. of Titusville (Pa.) Woman's Club and as pres. of the State Fed. of Pennsylvania Women. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Northwestern Equal Franchise Ass'n of Pennsylvania, and other suf- frage organizations. Presbyterian; identified with church societies.

SEEPELXi, Susan Watldns (Mrs. Goldsborough Serpell), Main St., Norfolk, Va. Artist (painter); b. in California; dau. James Thomas and Susan E. (Owens) Watkins; ed. Muri- son School, Cal.; Gibbons School, N.Y. City; m. Norfolk, Va., Jan. 16, 1912, Goldsborough Serpell. Honorable mention in Paris salon, 1899; gold medal, Paris salon, IMO; silver medal, Louisiana Purchase Exposition; Julia A. Shaw memorial prize, Nat. Acad. Design, 1910; McMillin prize, Woman's Art Club, N.Y. City. Painter of The Fan; The Visit; The Silent Room; The Morning Room; The Miniatures; best known as painter of interiors; interiors owned by Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney, Mr. Booth Tarkington, Mr. Johnson, of Philadelphia, Mr. Behr of New York. Associate mem. of Nat. Acad, of Design, N.Y. City (1912). Mem. Woman's Art Club of N.Y. City. Epis- copalian.

SETHNESS, Helga Midling (Mrs. Charles O. Sethness), 4309 N. Forty-second St., Chicafjo, 111.

Born Christiania, Norway, Aug. 27, 1865; dau. Anker and Hilda D. (Nacker) Midling; ed. Chi- cago high schools, finishing at Leipzig, Germany, in muviic; traveled extensively; m. Dec. 14, 1882, Charles O. Sethness; children: Henry, Ralph F., Walter D., H. Elva. Mem. of Klio Ass'n (oflicer 1906); mem. Exec. Com. Irving Park Sorosis; pres. Aid and Loan Ass'n of Irving Park, or- ganized to extend charity; mem. Mothers' Re- lief Ass'n, Drama League, (Country Club of Irving Park. Recreations: Traveling, fishing, hunting (has country estate in Winona Lake region of Indiana). Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage. Democrat.

SETON, Grace Gallatin (Mrs. Ernest Thomp- son Seton), Greenwich, Conn., and 151 E. For- tieth St., N.Y. City.

Writer, book designer; b. Sacramento, C!!al. ; dau. Albert and Nemie A. (Rhodes) Gallatin; ed. Chicago Female Coll., Packer Collegiate Inst, Brooklyn, and privately; m. Marble Collegiate Church, N.Y. City, June 1, 1896, Ernest Thcmp- son Seton, artist, author and lecturer; one daugh- ter: Ann Seton, b. Jan. 23, 1904. Concerned with the general book make-up (designs of cover, title-page, etc.) of all the Thompson Seton books. Interested in Boy Scout movement and Camp Fire Girls of America. Has lectured oc- casionally on occult, philosophical and mystical subjects before groups of students on these mat- ters. Author: A Woman Tenderfoot; Nimrod's Wife; also of song. If I Were You, Sweetheart, and magazine articles. Active suffragist; State vice-pres. Conn. Woman Suffrage Ass'n; vice- pres. Greenwich Equal Franchise League; mem. Woman Suffrage Party, N.Y. City; Woman's Political Union. Has spoken for suffrage occa- sionally. Liberal Christian Mystic in religion.


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