��nard; The Confounding of Camella; The Rescue; Paths of Judgment; The Shadow of Life; A Fountain Sealed (published In England as Valerie Upton); Amabel Channlce; Franklin WLnslow Kane; Tante. Writes under maiden name, Anne Douglas Sedgwick. Recreations: Walking, garden- ing. Mem. Church of England. Favors woman suffrage, but strongly opposed to militancy. SEDGWICK, Mary Asplnwall Bend (Mrs. Theo- dore Sedgwick), 103 E. Twenty-first St., N.T. City.
Born St. Paul, Minn., July 22, 1878; dau. Will- iam Bradford and Isabella (Tomes) Bend; public school education in St. Paul; m. St. Paul, May 4, 1903, Rev. Theodore Sedgwick; children: Theo- dore, Edith Ludlow, Harold Bend, Charles. In- terested In church activities of the Protestant Episcopal Church, especially in husband's par- ishes, St. John the Evangelist, St. Paul and Calvary Church, N.Y. City. Favors woman suffrage.
8EKLY, Bertha Warner, 600 Lexington Av., N.T. City.
Sec. Y.W.C.A.; b. Cummington, Mass., Sept. 19, 1883; dau. Charles D. and Susan L. (Warner) Seely; ed. Brockport (N.Y.) State Normal School: Bryn Mawr Coll., A.B. '05. Private sec. Bryn Mawr Coll., 1905-07; sec. Horace Mann High School, N.Y. City, 1907-12; sec. Dep't of Conventions and Conferences of Nat. Board of Y.W.C.A., 1912-13. Mem. Woman's Trade Union League, Caroline Club for Social Workers. Con- gregationallst.
SEELY, Florence Corinne, business address, High School, Rome, N.Y. ; permanent, 26 Joslyn Place, Rochester, N.Y. Teacher; b. Syracuse, N.Y., April 12, 1865; dau. George B. and Clymena (LlUibridge) Seely; ed. Cornell Univ., LiU.B. (Phi Beta Kappa), '85; freshman year at Syracuse (mem. Gamma Phi Beta). Was teacher at Fairport, Gouverneur, Auburn, N.Y., Charleston, B.C., and now at Rome, N.Y. High School (English dep't). Inter- ested in Y.W.C.A., in the position and develop- ment of the negro. Mem. Cornell Alumnae Ass'n of Utica. Recreations: Walking, reading, social functions. Presbyterian.
SEEL YE, Anne Ide Barrows (Mrs. Walter Clarke Seelye), 66 William St., Worcester, Mass.
Grad. Smith Coll., B.L. '97, M.A. 1900; student of biology, Brown Univ., 1897; Marine Biologi- cal Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., 1898; Univ. of Munich, 1902; Stazione Zoologica, Naples, Italy, 1903; m. June 11, 1904, Walter Clark Seelye; children: Arthur, b. Apr. 27, 1905; Ed-win Bar- rows, b. Feb. 22, 1907; Harriet Armington, b. May 28, 1908; Laurenus Clark, 2nd., b. Jan. 26, 1911. Teacher of geography. Miss Bowen's School, Providence, R.I., 1897; ass't in zoology. Smith Coll., 1898-1902; instructor Smith Coll., 1902-04; ass't In physiological laboratory, Boston Univ. Med. School, 1898-99. Trustee Bancroft School, Worcester. Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Smith College AJumnse Ass'n. SEELYE, Elizabeth Eggleston (Mrs. Elwynn Seelye), Joshua's Rock, Lake George, N.Y. Author; b. St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 15, 1858; dau. Rev. Edward Eggleston, A.M., S.T.D., L.H.D. (distinguished 8uthor), and Elizabeth (Smith) Eggleston; during childhood, when her father was a Methodist minister, lived in several West- ern towns, attended schools at Evanston, 111., but educated chiefly at home and by private teachers; m. Nov. 21, 1877, Ehwynn Seelye. Contributor of short stories to the magazines. Author: Sara- toga and Lake George In History; The Story of Columbus; The Story of Washington. Also (in collaboration with Edward Eggleston), Brant and Red Jacket; Montezuma and the Conquest of Mexico; The Story of Pocahontas; Tecumseh and the Shawnee Prophet.
SEGER, Sarah Ilardenbergr (Mrs. George F. Seger), 188 Orange St., Riverside, Cal. Bom Cattaraugus Co., N.Y., Feb. 4, 1851; dau. David and Maria (Brinkerkoff) Hardenberg; grad. Univ. of Wis., Ph.B. (with first honors) '71; m. Lone Rock, Wis., Oct. 29, 1874, George F. Seger; children: Mary Isabel, Georgia Hope, Sarah Helen, Josephine Maria, Gertrude Hardenburg,
��Dorothy. Taught in the public schools of Wiscon- sin four years, in Kansas one year. Sup't Sun- day-school, assisted in church work, served on school board, worked for temperance. Mem. Board of Y.W.C.A., Aurantia Chapter of D.A.R., connected with the Associate Coll. Alumnae; mem. Coll. Comer Club of the Riverside Y.W.C.A. Recreations: Music, reading, lei-tures, out-of-doors. Congregatlonallst. Favors woman suffrage.
SEIBERLXNG, Gertrude F. (Mrs. Frank A. Sel- berling), 158 E. Market St., Akron, O. Born Willoughbly, Ohio; dau. James W. and Elsie (Ferguson) Penfleld; ed. Luselle Sem., Auburadale, Mass., 1886; m. Oct. 12, 1887, Frank A. Seiberling; children: John Frederick, Irene H., Willard Penfleld, James Penfleld, Virginia Gertrude, P'ranklin A. Jr. Has sung In con- certs, principally oratorio and song recital, in a semi-professional way and for many years has done solo work In church. Interested in Akron Settlement Ass'n, Louise Sumner Home for the Aged, Children's Home in Summit County, Tues- day Musical XDlub (one of founders In 1887), first club of the name in U.S. Recreations: Study of vocal music, water color sketching, tennis, sail- ing. Lutheran. Believes in equal suffrage; votes on school questions.
SEIBEBT, Gertrude Woodcock (Mrs. Robert S.
Selbert), Orblsonia, Pa.
Writer; b. Altoona, Pa., Nov. 16, 1864; dau. Samuel M. Woodcock (lawyer) and Elizabeth (Etaier) Woodcock; grad. Altoona High School, '80; Wellesley Coll., B.S. '85; m. Altoona, Pa., Sept. 18, 1890, Roibert S. Selbert (now pres. East Broad Top R.R. Co., Rockhill Iron and Coal Co., Shade Gap R.R. Co.). Since 1894 engaged in undenominational Bible study, private lectures on religious topics, contributions to various news- papers (religious articles exclusively), writing religious poems and hymns; preparing questions for Bureau of Bible Study since 1894. Compiled Daily Heavenly Manna for the Hoxisehold of Faith, now in 150,000th in English, and translated into German, Swedish and Norwegian; complied Instructor's Guide and Berean Topical Index for Berean Bible, 1907; booklet, Sweet Brier Rose, 500,000 printed, 1909; compiled Poems of Daiwn, 1912. Has done considerable art work in line of decorated and illustrated motto, cards; one de- sign of chestnut burrs, illustrating In Due Time, edition of 15,000 printed in 1905; booklet (illustrated form): In the Garden of the Lord. Active mem. of the International Bitle Students' Ass'n. Undenominational. Opposed to woman suffrage on Scriptural grounds.
SETLEB, Alice Faye, American University
Park, Washington, D.C.
Teacher of home economics; b. Shawnee. O., Oct. 27, 1881; dau. Albert Pierce and Alice Eliza- beth (Carpenter) Seller; ed. public schools, high school (classical course), Mansfield, O. ; Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1901-03; Univ. of 111., 1907-09; Coll. of Science, Household Science, A.B. (Kappa Alpha Theta). Teacher home economics in public schools, Washington, D.C. In 1910 organized 3- year course of home economics In Placer Co. High School, Aubum, Cal. Now serving second term as pres. of the Home Economics Ass'n, of Wash- ington, D.C, which la affiliated with the Ameri- can Economics Ass'n. Mem. M.E. Church, Order of the Eastern Star, Alumni Ass'n of University of Illinois, Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority, Special Child Club, Washington, D.C; Home Economics Ass'n of Washington, D.C, American Home E>;o- nomica Ass'n; mem. ot permaneat committee ap- pointed by commissioners for clean city crusade 01 Washington; mem. Y.W.C.A. of Washington. During collegiate course at University of Illmois was member of Household Science Club, treas. and member Advisory Board, Y.W.C.A., member Alethenae Literary Society and Woman's League. Recreations: Tennis, golf, croquet, music (piano). Favors woman sutfrage.
SEITZ, Mildred E. (Mrs. Don Carlos Seltz), 239
Hancock St., Brooklyn, N.T.
Born Portland, Me., May 8, 1862; dau. John H. and Sarah A. (Moseley) Blake; ed. Deering High School, Gorham Normal Coll.; m. Deering,