��SEARS, MUUcent Lnra, Syracuse, N.T.
Instructor; b. Syracuse, N.Y.. May 20, 1881; dau. William and Rhoda (Minor) Sears; ed. Syracuse High School and Univ., Oread Inst, of Domestic Science, Teachers College of Colum- bia Univ., and by study and travel in Europe. Gives lectures on domestic. science before wom- en's clubs of New England; special officer for State Board of Charities, Boston, 1907-09; teacher of domestic science, 1909-13; established the first school of household arts in a whole house, under the public Bchoo) system, teaching applied sci- ence in the homa. Mem. Conn. Equal Franchise L-eague. Kas written, lei-tures and occasional magazine articles. Christian Scientist Mem. New England Aiumnffl Ass'n of Syracuse Univ., IMuoational Club of South Manchester, Conn., Nat. l^eague for Medical Freedom, Conn. Fed. of Women's Cluks. W^nmen's Relief Corps.
SE.4IIS, Sarah Choate (Mrs. Joshua Montgomery Sears), 12 Arlington St., Boston, Mass. Artist; b. Cambridge, Mass., May 5, 1858; dau. Charles Francis Choate (late pres. Old Colony Railroad) and Elizabeth W. (Carlile) Choate; ed. in private schools; studied in Cowles Art School and in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; m. Cambridge, Mass., Sept. 18, 1877, Joshua Mont- gomery Sears. Has had pictures and won honors in various exhibitions, including William T. Evans prize, 1892; medals from World's Colum- bian, Pan-American, Charleston and Louisiana Purchase Expositions, and honorable mention in Paris Exposition of 1900. Mem. Boston Water Color Club, N.Y. Water Color Club.
SKATH, Kthel, 229 Victoria Av., •Wastmount,
Montreal, Can.
Artist and illustrator; b. Montreal, Can., 1X79; dau. Alexander and Lizetta Annie ^Foulds) Seath; fid. private schools in Montreal; studied art at Monument National, Montr^a!. Jolnevl staff" of the Montreal Star as a newspaper artist. Presby- terian. Mem. Montreal Art Ass'n. Among her important works are an oil painting of the in- terior of St. Patrick's Church, Montreal, bought and presented to Cardinal Logue at the time of the Eucharistic Congress; also etching of another view owned by St. Patrick's Church, and other paintings and etchings owned by various private individuals in Montreal, London and Quebec. SEAVKB, MaiT ratterson (Mrs. John Wright
Seaver), 11409 Glenwood Av., Cleveland, O.
Born Allegheny, Pa. ; dau. John B. and Jane Tassey (Davis) Patterson; ed. Bishop Bowm^an Inst., '85; Pittsburgh School of Design, '90; m. Allegheny, Pa., Feb. 19, 1S91, John Wright Seaver; children: John Tassey, Charlotte de Beaumont, Hugh Davis. Trustee tor the Rain- bow Cottage for Convalescent Childrea, Mem. Fortnightly Musical Club. Recreation; QoU. Episcopalian. Favors woman sufirage, SEA'VTEBNS, Clara I. (Mrs. George A. Seavems),
Lake Forest, 111.
Born Lynn, Mass., Aug. 5, 1866; dau. Benjamin W. and Louise C. (Martin) Currier; ed. high school, Lynn, Mass. ; Miss Ireland's School, Bos- ton; m, Dec. 30, 1886, George A. Seavems Jr.; children: Louis Currier, b. Oct. 27, 1887; George A. 3d, b. Feb. 1, 1890. Has been on the Board of the Chicago Orphan Asylum for about 15 years (three years pres.); nearly 15 years on Board of Old People's Home; connected with the Students' Fund of the Chicago Univ.; sec. of Three Arts Club. Universalist
SEAWELL, MoUy Elliot, 1767 P St., Washing- ton, D.C.
Novelist, playwright; b. Gloucester Co., Va., 1860; dau. John Tyler Seawcll (a nephew of Presi- dent Tyler) and Francos (Jackson) Seawell. Began as writer of stories in 1S90; won with Little Jar- vis the Youth's Companion $500 prize tor the best story tor boya and was twice winner of N.Y. Herald prizes in story competitions — one of $3,000 for best novelette with The Sprightly Romance of Marsac (winning against more than 1,000 com- petitors, including such celebrities as O. Henry and Jack London), and one of $1,000 for a short story, John Mainwaring, Financier; contributor of short stories to the principal magazines. Books: Throckmorton; Midshipman Paulding; Paul
��Jones; Maid Marian, Decatur and Somers; A Strange, Sad Comedy; A Virginia Cavalier; The Rock of the Lion; Gavm Hamilton; The House of Egremont; Papa Bouchard; Francezka; Chil- dren of Destiny; The Footings of Fifl; The Chateau of Montplasir; The Victory; The Secret of Toni; The Berkeleys and Their Neighbors; The History of Lady Betty Starr; Hale- Weston; Laurie Vane and Other Stories; Quarterdeck and Fok'sle; Through Thick and Thin; Twelve Naval Captains; The Great Scoop; Strange Stories of the Revolution; The Loves of the Lady Arabella; The Last Duchess of Belgrade; The Marriage of Theodora; Tlie Ladies' Battle; The Jugglers; A Son of Columbus; Young Heroes of Our Navy, etc. Plays: Maid Marian; The Sprightly Romance of Marsac. Mem. Chevy Chase Club. Usually spends summers in Europe. Catholic. Recrea- tions: Walking, driving, music. Against woman suffrage.
SEBBELOV, Gerda, 63 Perry St., N.T. City.
Anthropologist; b. in Denmark, Sept. 25, 1885; dau. NIcolai Ferdinand and Julie Augu5ita (Niel- son) Sobbolov; ed. by private tutors; Copen- hagen Girls' IiLst. , Columbia Univ. (philosophical dep't). In governmental work in Greenland, 1901-04; ass't curator of Pa. Univ. Museum, 1911; nat. sec. of the Camp Fire Girls of America, 1912. Interested In education and anthropology. Favors woman suffrage. Dist. chairman of the Woman's Franchise League tor the 13th Dist. of Indiana; mem. Board of Directors of State Suf- frage League, Indiana; Equal Franchise Soc, N.Y. Author: The Osage War Dance (Pa. Mu- seum .Journal) ; The Social Position ot Men In East Malekula (Anthropologist); Why We Need Symbolism (The Association Monthly). Mem. Anthropological Ass'n, Folk-Lore Soc. Recrea- tions: Horseback riding, roTving, motoring, walk- ing, swimming, playing chess.
SEBRING, Emma Goodeve, 607 W. 113th St.,
N.Y. City.
Principal private school; grad. Smith Coll., A.B. '89; Columbia Univ., A.M. '94; Teachers' Coll., diploma '94; fellow in sociology and edu- cation, Columbia, 1897-98. Teacher in Girls' School, 1891-92, instructor 1894-96; associate prof, psychology and history ot education in Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ., 1894-97; principal St. Agatha's School, N.Y. City, since 1898. Mem. Smith College Alumnae Ass'n.
SEBKING, Harriet McPherson (Mrs, Theron T.
Sebring), 486 Fourth St., Manistee, Mich. Bom Litchfield, Mich., Jan. IB, 1862; dan. Dr. John B. McPherson (brigade surgeon in Civil V/ar) and Susaa M. (Quinlan) McPherson; ed. Kalamazoo (Mich.) High School; Oberlin Coll., Ohio; m. Manistee. Mich., Oct 15, 1889, Theron T. Sebring; children: Marjorle Harriet, b. Feb. 22, 1892; John Edmond, b. Apr. 26, 1895 (died May 21, 1961). Sec. Ladles' Library Club, Kalamazoo, 1889-92; pres. Manistee Lakeside Club, 1890; chairman Waterways (3om. Mich. State Fed. Wo- men's Clubs (appointed 1909); treas. Manlste« (Congregational Social Union four years; teacher in Congregational Sunday-school; organist Meth- odist Church in Kahunazoo. Favors woman suf- frage; very active In successful campaign of 1912. Society editor of Manistee Daily News three years; prepared Tarious addressee on nat- ural resources of U.S., with special reference to waterways, water power possibilltlee, etc. CoBgregatlonalist. Republican. Mem. Congre- gational Social Union, Woman's Home Mission- ary Society. Recreations: Bridge, yachting. Clubs; Lakeside, Browning, Shakespeare, (Coun- try. SEDGWICK, Anne Douglas (Mrs. Basil de Selin-
court), Ear End, Klngham, Chipping Norton,
Oxfordshire, England.
Novelist; b. Englewood, N.J., Mar. 28, 1873; dau. George Stanley and Mary (Douglas) Sedg- wick; ed. in England, at home; m. London, 1908, Basil de Selincourt Studied painting In Paris; published first novel when 24, since then haa written novels. Has been interested for a good many years in philosophy, sees a great many people in London; interested in modern problems of social reform. Author: The Dull Mlas Archl-