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��SEABCBY, Catharine BeKinai "Resthaven,"

Mendon, Mass.

Teacher; b. N.Y. City; dau. Rev. Samuel Sea- bury, D.D., of Gen. Theological Sem., N.Y. City, and editor of the Churchman, and Mary A. Schuyler (Jones) Seabury — daughter of Hon. Samuel Jones, chancellor of the State of N.Y., and Catherine V. R. (Schuyler) Jones of Rhinebeck, N.Y. ; special student, Bryn MawT Coll., 1S97-98; special student, Radcliffe Coll., 1898-90. Reader in English dep't at Wellesley Coll., 1900-01; head of St. Agnes School, Albany, N.Y., 1901-12; since 1912 conducting private classes for girls at her own farm, Resthaven, Mendon, Mass. Episcopalian.

SEAMAN, Laura Rice (Mrs. William Grant Sea- man), University Place, Mitchell, S.Dak. Born Springfield, Mass., Sept. 11, 1876; dau. Rev. Charles F. and Miriam O. (Jacobs) Rice; ed. Cambridge (Mass.) Latin School, Vassar Coll., A.B., Phi Beta Kappa; m. Newton, Mass., June 28, 1907, William Grant Seaman; children: Miriam, b. July 10, 1908; WUliam Rice, b. Sept. 3, 19u9; Cniarles Francis, b. June 16, 1912. Direc- tor Springfield, Mass., Y.W.C.A., 1900-04; head of children's dep't; interested in church, educational and philanthropic work. Against woman suffrage. Methodist Episcopalian. Mem. Associate Alum- nae of Vassar Coll., Nat. Child Labor Com., Edmund Rice (1638) Ass'n. Mem. Indiana Vassar Club, Woman's Club, Greencastle, Ind. ; Art Club, Greencastle, Ind.; Springfield (Mass.) Col- lege Club. Husband president of Dakota Wes- leyan Univ.

SEAMAN, Margaret Liajirie (Mrs. William Henry Seaman), P.O. box 466, Glen Cove, Nas- sau Co., N.Y.

Born Jericho, N.Y., Nov. 14, 1869; dau. William W. and Frances F. (Seaman) Laurie; grad. Swarthmore Coll., Pa., A.B. (classical course), '89; received from Univ. of State of N.Y. coim- mission as Regent's Examiner for Friends' Acad., Locust Valley, L.I. ; m. Brooklyn, N.Y., June 7, 1S93, William Henry Seaman; one son: William Laurie, b. July 26, 1894. Mem. Board of Trustees of Friends' Acad., Locust Valley, N.Y.; Local Visiting Com. of State Charities Aid Ass'n for Nassau Co. ; sec. of Glen Cove Village Improve- ment Ass'n; chairman Glen Cove Reading Room Com.; mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae. Mem. Religious Society of Friends. Favors woman suffrage.

SEARING, Anne Eliza Pidgeon (Mrs. John W. Searing), 27 W. Eleventh St., N.Y. City. Author; b. Brooklyn, N.Y., Mar. 12, 1857; dau. Francis and Mary E. (Orr) Pidgeon; ed. at home and two years at Vassar Coll.; m. Saugerties, N.Y., Mar. 20, 1880, John W. Searing. Favors woman suffrage. Mem. N.Y. State Woman Suf- frage Ass'n, Equal Suffrage League of City of N.Y., William Lloyd Garrison Equal Rights League. Contributor of short stories, articles and verses to various publications. Author: "The Land of Rip Van Winkle; A Social Elxperiment. Mem. Barnard Club.

SEARING, Laura Catherine Bedden (Mrs. Ed- ward W. Searing), pen name "Howard Glyn- don," Santa Cruz, Cal. ; summer, Fairbanks, Alaska.

Poet and authoress; b. Somerset, Md. ; dau. Littleton James D. Redden; ed. Mo. Inst, for Deaf; Clark Inst., Southampton, Mass.; was Prof. Alexander Grahame Bell's pupil; m. N.Y. City, 1876, Edward W. Searing, lawyer; one daughter: Mrs. Elea S. McGinn. Engaged In editorial work on religious paper at 18; Wash- ington correspondent of Missouri Republican dur- ing Civil War, for New York Times in Italy, 1866; wrote for Dep't Agriculture; war corre- spondent for N.Y. Tribune during Franco-Prus- sian war; wrote for N.Y. Mail; contributor to leading periodicals. Author: Idyls of Battle; Sounds from Secret Chambers (poems) ; Notable Men In the House of Representatives. Transla- tor (from French): A Little Boy's Story; El Do- rado (poems), etc.

SEABLE, Edith MacDonald, 443 Riverside Drive, N.Y. Clly.

Story-teller, impersonator, specialist; b. St. Cloud, Minn.. Jan. 28, 18S6; dau. Franklin E. and

��Ida (Davis) Pearle; ed. Burnham School; grad. Emerson Coll., Boston; special work at Teachers Coll., Columbia; pupil of Edith Colwin Noyes of Boston and Pilar Morin of Paris (mem. Phi Mu Gamma). Mem. N.Y. Soc. of Teachers of Speech Arts, Emerson Club. Recreations: Golf, swim- ming, skating. Unitarian. Opposed to woman suffrage. SEARLE, Helen Marshall (Mrs. Stephen N.

Searle), Newport, N.H.

Teacher; b. Mt. Union, Ohio, Oct. 10, 1880; dau. James R. and Anna (Neely) Marshall; ed. Syracuse Univ., 1904, A.B. (cum laude) ; m. Sept. 1, 1909, Stephen N. Searle. Latin teacher for seven years. Worker in Newsboys' Club it3 Syra- cuse, N.Y. Mem. Woman's Club, Newport, N.H. Recreations: Rowing, lawn tennis. Mem. Metho- dist Episcopal Church. Favors woman suffrage; elected pres. of Equal Suffrage Club of New- port, N.H. SEABLES, Helen McGaffey, South Hadley, Mass.


Professor of Latin; b. Barre, Can., Feb., 1856; dau. Henry Rogers and Delia A. (McGaffey) Searles; ed. Lake Forest Univ., A.M. '94; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D. '98; Cornell Univ. Teacher Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 1899-1904; Pa. Coll. for Women, 1898-99; prof, of Latin, Mount Holyoke Coll., 1899 — . Mem. Ass'n Collegiate Alumna, Archaeological Inst, of America, Am. Philological Ass'n, College Club of Boston, D.A.R. Recrea- tions: Walking, travel. Episcopalian. Favors woman suffrage.

SEABS, Anna Wentworth (Mrs. Joseph Ham- blen Sears), "The Other House," Oyster

Bay, L.I.

Daughter Charles and Rebecca (Tucker) Cald- well; ed. abroad and in New York; m. N.Y. City, 1891, Joseph Hamblen Sears; one daughter: Pe- nelope. Against woman suffrage. Has written several short stories, published in Harper's Maga- zine, etc. Episcopalian. Mem. Colony Club. SEABS, Harriet Bobinson Harrington (Mrs.

Walter P. Sears), 202 Gage St., Bennington, Vt.

Teacher; b. Bennington, Vt; grad. Vassar Coll., A.B. '72; m. Bennington, Vt., Oct. 22, 18S5, Walter F. Sears (now deceased); one son, one daughter. Teacher N.Y. City, 1872-75; Nassau Inst., Brooklyn, 1875-85; Harrisburg (Pa.) High School, 1894-36; Bennington High School since 1896. ^EABS, Julia Seton (Mrs. Franklin Warren

Sears), 110 W. Thirty-fourth St., N.Y. City.

Physician, writer, lecturer;, b. Illinois; dau. Israel Marion and Jane Rhoda (Dickerson) Seaton; ed. Cleveland, Ohio; Boston, Mass.; grad. Gross Med. Coll., Denver, Colo., M.D. '94; post- graduate work at Tufts Coll., Boston, 1902-03; m. Denver, Colo., Nov. 16, 1903, Franklin Warren Sears. Pastor of New Thought Church, N.Y. City. Mem. Am. Med. Ass'n, Denver Med. Soc., Colorado Woman's Med. Ass'n; pres. New Thought School, N.Y. City and Boston, Mass. Mem. Silver State Circle 7, Women of Woodcraft. SEABS, Louise A. Boesche (Mrs. Charles Wll-

ber Sears), 1214 N. Twenty-third St., South

Omaha, Neb.

Born Council Bluffs, la. ; dau. Herman R. and Walpurga (Jaeger) Boesche; ed. State Univ. of la., Ph.B. (Phi Beta Kappa, Pi Beta Phi); m. Council Bluffs, Feb. 27, 1901, Charles Wilber Sears; children: Stillman Boesche (deceased), Mary Emma, Melvin I.«onard. Teacher of Latin and German in high school of Council Bluffs, la., until marriage. Is now, together with rector's wife, in charge of the children's or Junior Aux- iliary of St. Martin's Episcopal Church. Mem. Pan-Hellenic Soc. of Omaha, Century Literary Club (in two dep'ts, household economics and Am. literature). Episcopalian. SEABS, Lulu Jean Ledje.-wood (Mrs. Frank

Erastus Sears), Putnam, Washington Co., N.Y.

Bom Putnam, N.Y., June 9, 18S3; dau. Edgar and Janet (Law) Ledgerwood; ed. district school, Putnam; grad. GloversvUle High School, 1900; Cornell Univ., A.B. '05; m. Putnam, Jan. 20, 1909, Frank Erastus Sears; children: Frances Lulu, Janet Emily. United Presbyterian. Be- lieves in educational suffrage for both sexes.


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