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��tist. Mem. Woman's Baptist Social Uiiion of

Boston, W.C.T.U., Auxiliary of Y.M.C.A., and

various church and missionary societies; mem.

German Club (Des Moines, Iowa), Woman's Club

(Akron, Ohio), Woman's Club (Melrose, Mass.),

Boston College Club, Wellesley College Club.

SCBIBNES, Helen Culbertson Annan (Mrs.

Arthur Hawley Scrlbner), 39 E. Sixty-seventh

St., N.Y. City (summer address, Highflelds,

Mount Kisco, N.Y. ).

Born Cincinnati, C; dau. John E. and Eliza- beth (Culbertson) Annan; ed. Mrs. Comegy's and Miss Bell's School, Chestnut Hill, Pa.; Bryn Mawr Coll., B.A. '91; Columbia Univ., M.A. '97; m. N.Y. City, 1900, Arthur Hawley Scribner, pub- lisher. First vice-pres. Women's University (Jlub, 1901-03; manager of same, 1901-10; manager Music School Settlement, 1902-12. Delegate from West- chester County to Progressive State Convention at Syracuse, N.Y., 1912. Clubs: Women's Uni- versity, Women's Cosmopolitan. Favors woman suffrage; Liem. Collegiate Equal Suffrage League. SCRIBNER, Josephine Eleanor Pittnian fMrs. George Henry Thomas Scribner), 1307' Univer- sity Court, Indianapolis, Ind. Born Bloomington, ind., Oct. 8, 1869; dau. Jere- miah Francis and Sarah Emily (Simpson) Pitt- man; grad. Indiana Univ., A.B. '90; Emerson Coll. of Oratory, Boston, Mass., 1890-91 (mem. Kappa Alpha Theta) ; m. April 20, 1892, George Henry Thomas Scribner; children: Richard George, Edmund Charles, Benjamin Frankftn. Teacher of elocution and physical culture, 1891- 92; professional reader. Mem. board of directors of Woman's Franchise League of Indiana. Has written a few selections for recitation. Presby- terian. Mem. Indiana branch of Ass'n of Colle- giate Alumnae. Recreation: Gardening. Mem. Fortnightly Literary Club, Zeta Alumnae of Kappa Alpha 'Theta, Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter D.A.R., 'Woman's Department Club (has charge of the drama section of Literature dep't.

i^CKIPPS, Helen Knappen (Mrs. Herman Charles Scripps), 205 Ingham St., North Al- bion, Mich.

Dean of women; b. Kalamazoo, Mich., Oct. 30, 1865; dau. Ashmun A. and Sarah Jane (Stafford) Knappen; ed. high schools of Grand Rapids and Hastings, Mich.; Albion Coll., Ph.B. '87, A.M. '06 (mem. Delta Gamma); m. Albion, Sept. 23, 1891, Rev. Herman Charles Scripps (died (1901) ; chil- dren: George W., Charles Knappen, Catherine Harriet. Principal of high school. Mason, Mich., 1887-91; dean of women in Albion Coll. since 1902. Methodist; mem. State Cabinet of Epworth League, State Com. Y.W.C.A. ; active in Wom- en's Foreign Missionary Soc. and Woman's Home Missionary Soc. of Methodist Episcopal Church, and in W.C.T.U. Favors woman suffrage. SCRIPTURE, INIay Kirk (Mrs. Edward Wheeler Scripture), 99 Lafayette Av., Brooklyn, N.Y. Writer; b. Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 24, 1864; dau. Robert Taylor and Mary (Garvie) Kirk; ed. N.Y. City public schools, N.Y. Normal Coll. (grad. 1883), Univ. of Leipsig, 1889-90, and Univ. of Ziirich, 1890; also studied music in Germany; m. Leipzig, Germany, Apr. 22, 1890, Prof. Edward Wheeler Scripture, M.D., Ph.D.; children: Wini- fred, b. 1891; Elsa, b. 1894; Edward W. Jr., b. 1900. Lived in Germany, France and Switzerland, 1902-06. Author (under pen-name "May Kirk"): The Baldwin Primer; also various contributions to magazines on pedagogical subjects. Episco- palian.

8CRIVER, Delia M. (Mrs. Hiram Scriver), Northfield, Minn.

Born Geneseo, N.Y., 1855; dau. John O. and Helen M. (Reed) Vanderbilt; ed. Oswego Normal School; m. Northfleld, Minn., 1886, Hon. Hiram Scriver. Teacher in Geneseo Normal School for ten years. Mem. Irondequoit Chapter of D.A.R., Monday evening class of Geneseo, N.Y. Congre- gationallst. Favors woman suffrage; mem. Geneseo Ekjual Suffrage Club.

SCRUGGS, Mary Isabel! Dial (Mrs. James Bris- co Scruggs), Park Hotel, Dallas, Tex. Writer; b. Marshall, Texas; dau. Garlington

Coker and Pamelia (Scogen) Dial; ed. privately;

��m. Major James Brisco Scruggs of Dallas, Tex. Writer of short stories; contributor to Beau Monie and Dall; s Morning News. One of the organizers of tie Girls' Cooperative Home, Dallas, Tex.; sec. and treas. of the Woman's Home; was first viee-pres. at large for State of ' Texas of the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago. Mem. Texas Press Ass'n; pres. State Oratorical Contest held at Dallas, Tex. Charter mem. and organizer of the Standard Club, Dallas, Tex.

SCUDDEB, Janet, 1 rue de la Grande Chau- ml§re; address: Care Morgan, Harjes et Cle, Paris, France.

Sculptor; b. Terre Haute, Ind., 1S73; dau. Will- iam Hollingshead and Mary (Sparkes) Scudder; ed. Terre Haute High School, Cincinnati Art Acad., Chicago Art Inst, Vittl and Collarossl Acads., Paris. Notable works: "Frog" fountain (Metropolitan Museum, N.Y. City); •'I^htiiig Boys" fountain (Chicago Art Inst.); Medallion portraits (Musee des Luxembourg, Taris) ; statue "Japanese Art" (Paris); fasade Brooklyn Museum of Arts and Sciences. Mem. Nat. Arts Club, Nat. Sculpture Soc., Colonial Damea (N.Y. City). Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.

SCUDDEE, Vida Dutton, Leighton Iload, Wt les-

ley, Mass.

Professor, writer; dau. David Col! and Harriet I. (Dutton) Scudder; grad. Smith Co.k, B.A. '84, M.A. '86; student (English literature) O.xford, Eng., 1884-85; (French literature) Univ. of Paris, 1892-93. Instructor (1888-92), t .sociate prof. Eng- lish literature (1894-1910), since then prof. E^nglish literature, Wellesley Coll. Actively interested in settlement work and Socialist propaganda. Au- thor: The Life of the Spirit in the Modern Eng- lish Poets; The Witness of Denial; Social Ideals in English Letters; The Disciple of a Saint; In- troduction to the Study of English Literature; A Listener in Babel; Socialism and Character. Editor: Selected Letters from St. Catherine of Siena (translated) ; Lord Clive (by Thomas Bab- ington Macaulay) ; Introduction to the Writings of John Ruskin; Shelley's Prometheus Unbound; also two vols, in Everyman's Library; works of John W^oolman and Bede's History of England. Episcopalian. Socialist. Recreations: Photogra- phy, gardening, mountain climbing. SCULL, riorence Prall (Mrs. William Ellis

Scull), Leighton PI., Overbrook, Pa.

Born in New Jersey; dau. Edwin Theodore and Rachel Moore (Thomson) Prall; ed. in Geneva and Paris; m. Paterson, N.J., William Ellis Scull; one daughter: Margot Ellis. Manager of the Midnight Mission of Philadelphia and of the House of the Good Shepherd at Rosemont, Pa. Mem. Colonial Dames of America, Civic Club of Philadelphia, the Acorn Club, Sedgeley Club, La Moviganta Club. Episcopalian. SCULLIN, Stella Wade (Mrs. Charles SculUn),

4451 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo.

Born St. Louis, May 24, 1884; dau. Festus J. and Katherine (Kennedy) Wade; ed. Convent of Sacred Heart, Mary Institute, St. Louis; m. Oct. 24 1905, Charles ScuUin; one daughter: Marie Lenore. Catholic.

SEABROOK, Ava Gould (Mrs. Ephraim Hamil- ton Seabrook), Gillmore St. and Riverside Av.,

Jacksonville, Fla.

Born Williamsport, Pa., Mar. 13, 1870; dau. Col. Robert and Margaret (Norcross) Gould of Philadelphia, American ancestry dating from 1680; ed. French convent and by -tutors; m. Philadel- phia, June 6, 1888, Ephraim Hamilton Seabrook (son of cotton planter of Charleston, S.C); chil- dren: /..va, Leonia Hamilton. Linguist, historian, artist. Contributor to press and magazines; lec- turer. Episcopalian. Prominent in club, church and social life; mem. several clubs and guilds; and has served as chairman three departments: Literature, art, travel. Has devoted six years to travel in every European country and a great part of Asia, Africa and North America. Now planning (1913) to start to South America. Op- posed to equal suffrage. Interested in encourage- ment of art, municipal beauty, patriotism, higher education. Recreations: Walking, swimming, horseback riding, cards.


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