��SCOTT, iDinma Look (Mrs. Henry M. Scott), 410
Sixth Av., N., Nashville, Tenn.
Born Greensburg, Ind., Oct. 31, 1858; dau. George Hopkins Look (lawyer) and Mary B. (Armstrong) Look; ed. Greensburg High School; m. 1881, Henry M. Scott, of Scott, Ky.; children: Harold L. Scott, b. 1883; Edward E. Scott, b. 1889 (died 1890). Author: Old Glory (historical); while resident of Kentucky conducted special de- partments in magazines and periodicals, besides contributing in a general way and writing feature stories for newspapers; as special staff writer for the New Age Magazine of Washington wrote a series of historical articles on Tennessee. Treas. Tenn. Women's Press and Authors' Club; mem. Tenn. Historical Ass'n, I^adies' Hermitage Ass'n.
SCOTT, Fanny Elizabeth (Mrs. S. W. Scott),
Haskell, Tex.
Born Fort Worth, Tex., Nov. 27, 1876; dau. Arch H. and Zafferine (Lacy) Tandy; ed. North Tex. Female Coll., Sherman, Tex., M.B.L. ; m. Haskeii, Tex., Oct. 29, 1896, S.W. Scott; children: Elsie, Archie, Marian, Walter. Interested in library and civic activities. Favors woman suf- frage. Mem. Southern Methodist Church, W.C.T.U., Epworth League, Church Society, Rathbone Lodge. Recreations: Camping, auto- ing. Mem. Mothers' and Teachers' Club, Maga- zine Club.
SCOTT, Florence Bucklin (Mrs. John Winfleld Scott), 110 Carnegie Av., East Orange, N.J. Born South Framingham, Mass., Dec. 28, 1860; dau. Lawrence and Ellen Pollard (Goodale) Buck- lin; ed. private schools and high school, Spring- field, Mass.; Monroe School of Elocution, Boston; School for the Training of Kindergartners (Mrs. John Ogden, principal), Worthington, Ohio; m. Cleveland, Ohio, 1887, John Winfleld Scott; chil- dren: Emma Witt Harris, Florence Bucklin Scott 2d, John Winfleld Scott Jr. Against woman suffrage. Baptist. Mem. Woman's Club of Orange, Nat. Soc. of New England Women.
SCOTT, Frances Gage (Mrs. Z. D. Scott), 2125
E. First St., Duluth, Minn.
Born Lyon, Mich., Mar. 18, 1849; dau. David and Malinda (Brown) Gage; ed. NorthvUle School, Albion Coll. (to junior year), Univ. of Mich., B.S. '72; m. Lyon, Mich., June 1, 1875, Z. D. Scott; children: Ruth Gage, Alice Brooks. Mem Women's Council, Y.W.C.A., Ass'n of Col- legiate Alumnae. Clubs: Twentieth Century, Outlook. Baptist. Favors woman suffrage.
SCOTT, Helen (Mrs. Edward B. Scott), Batavia, Clermont Co., O. ,, ,,
Born Batavia, Ohio, Dec, 1851; dau. David M. and Mary (Caldwell) Way; ed. BaUvia schools; m Batavia, Ohio, Dec. 27, 1871, Edward B. Scott; one son: James Blain, b. Nov. 25, 1879. Mem. Order Eastern Star; mem. Public Library Com. for several years, Batavia Woman's Club (charter mem). Presbyterian. Favors woman suffrage.
SCOTT, Ida Gray (Mrs. W. W. Scott), College Av and Thirty-eighth St., Indianapolis, Ind. Musician (vocalist); b. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 4 1860; dau. R. P. Gray and Lucinda W. (Clarke) (Jray musical education from teachers In In- dianapolis, New York and Europe; m. Maumee, O Aug., 1878, W. W. Scott. Began as soloist In church choir at the age of twelve and sang in choir a.s soloist until 1905; was prima donna with the Hinrichs Opera Co. in Philadelphia, 1895; has sung all over the U.S. in concert, oratorio, and as operatic singer in vaudeville; went to Honolulu as soloist at the May festival there in 1905; was teaching and singing in San Francisco at the time of the earthquake. Interested in the study of economics, working for the economic inde- pendence of woman, and the Social We fare movement. Has written work on Voice Culture, articles on Woman Suffrage, Socialism and on musical subjects for papers and magazines. Mem Monday Club; director of the Music Dep t of the Woman's Dep't Club of Indianapolis; chairman of the Music Com. of the SUte Fed. of Woman's Clubs; director of the Franchise League. Recreations: Books, walking.
��SCOTT, Jeanette, 1111 B. Geneaee St., Syracuse,
Artist, university professor; b. Kincardine, Bruce County, Ont., Sept. 26, 1864; dau. John and Jeannette (Brown) Scott; ed. in public schools. School of Applied Design for Women and Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, Philadelphia; stu- dent of art in Paris, 1889-94; hon. A.M., Syracuse Univ., 1909. Painted in Paris until 1894 and again 1902-03, exhibiting at the SocietS Nationale des Beaux Arts; prof, painting since 1894; head of dep't of painting since 1902 in the Coll. of Fine Arts of Syracuse Univ. Has exhibited at Pa. Acad, of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Nat. Acad, of Design, N.Y. City, and at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. SCOTT, Jnlia Green (Mrs. Matthew T. Scott),
Bloomlnyton, 111. (office. Memorial Continental
Hall, Washlngrton, D.C.).
President Gen. Nat. Soc. D.A.R. ; b. Danville, Ky. ; dau. Rev. Lewis Warner, D.D., LL.D., and Mary Peachy (Fry) Green; ed. private schools in Richmond, Va., and N.Y. City; m. Matthew T. Scott, of Lexington, Ky., and Bloomington, 111. (died 1891). After death of her husband took personal charge of estate of 12,000 acres of rich agricultural lands. In Central Illinois and Iowa, which she is farming in accordance with the latest scientific methods. Pres. McLean County Coal Co. of Bloomington, 111. Especially interested in measures for the education and general welfare of the mountain whites of the Southern Apalach- lan range, and, as a memorial to her husband, has built and malntalaa the Matthew T. Scott Institute, at Phelps, Ky. Interested also in pa- triotic and historic conservation; pres. Fort Massac CommlMion; pres. -general National So- ciety of D.A.R. since April, 1903. Presbyterian (former sec. Presbyterian Home Mission Board of Illinois). Former pres. Woman's Club (Bloomington). SCOTT, I^eslie Grant (Mrs. R. T. M. Scott), 64
Delaware Av., Ottawa, Ont., Can.
Author; b. Chicago, 111., Dec. 28, 1886; dau. George Rosewell and Genevieve G. (Jones) Grant; studied witb Miss Seeberger, Chicago; took sev- eral years of private tuition abroad; grad. Dear- born Sem., Chicago; finished at the Graham School, N.Y. City; m. Chicago, Jan. 23, 1907, Capt. R. T. M. Scott, of Ottawa, Can.; one son: R. T. M. Scott Jr. Interested in art, drama and psychology; collector of antiques of all kinds, but especially interested in collecting the old gods of the Eastern religions. Favors woman suffrage. Author: The Light of Genius. Mem. Church of England. Mem. Graham Alumna; (N.Y. City), Art Ass'n (Ottawa), Woman's Council, Woman's Canadian Club. Recreations: Automo- biling, motor-boating, skating. Spent several years in the East, living in India, Burma and Ceylon, and while In the East studied the East- em religions, psychology, and also bacteriology in connection wltb tropical diseases. SCOTT, Lilian 8., Baldwin, Kan.
Teacher; b. Winterset, Iowa; dau. John G. and Eliza (Darnall) Scott; ed. Baker Univ., Baldwin, Kan., Ph.B. '94, A.M. '09. Sup't of several city schools in Kansas; prin. of Academy, Olathe, Kan.; prof, of pedagogy. Baker Univ., since 1894. Mem. of State Com. of Y.W.C.A. for many years; first vice-pres. Kansas State Teachers' Ass'n; 1912-13. Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. Re- publican.
SCOTT, Lucy Jameson (Mrs. O. W. Scott),
Lunenburg, Mass.
Author, editor; b. Irasburg, Vt; dau. Alexan- der and Sarah Knowles (Locke) Jameson; grad. Newbury (Vt.) Seminary and Collegiate Inst., with honors, 1866; m. Newbury, Vt., 1867, Rev. O. W. Scott. Engaged as district school teacher during summer vacations from seminary. Since marriage active in the missionary activities of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mem. W.C.T.U. Author: Compound Interest and Other Stories; The Gilead Guards; Nettie and Her Friends; Santa Claus Stories; Twelve Little Pilgrims Who Stayed at Home, and many leaflets and mission- ary booklets. Editor of the Junior Missionary Friend, publication of the Woman's Foreign Mis- sionary Soc. of the M.B. Church. Methodist.