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��N.Y., June 1, 1903, Clarence Po'well Scofleld; one daughter: Anna McDougall Scofield. Favors woman suffrage. Presbyterian. Mem. Smith Coll. AlumnaB Ass'n, Smith Coll. Club of Chicago, Col- lege Settlement 'Ass'n.

SCOTT, Alberta Garber (Mrs. Alva Roy Scott),

128 Cumberland St., Bangor, Me.

Gen. sec. Associated Charities; b. near Butler, Ohio, Mar. 15, 1869; dau. Washington Leedy and Ann Amanda (Rummel) Garber; ed. Ohio State Univ., B.Ph. '89, A.M. '90; training with Asso- ciated Charities, Boston, 1897-99 (mem. Kappa Kappa Gamma) ; m. Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 21, 1901, Rev. Alva Roy Scott. In institutional church work, 1896-97; ass't sec. Associated Charities, Minneapolis, 1899-1901; gen. sec. Associated Char- ities, Bangor, 1909. Delegate to Nat. Conf. of Charities and Correction at Cincinantl, Topeka and Boston. Pres. Woman's Alliance of Bangor Unitarian Church. Director for eastern Maine of Nat. Woman's Alliance of Unitajlan Church, 1907. Mem. Tuesday Club, Colorado Springs, Qo-lo., 1901-04. Favors woman suffrage. Has written addresses and papers on charitable and religious subjects. Unitarian. Mem. Woman's Club of Colorado Springs, and chairman of Social Sci- ence Dep't, 1902-04, until elected pres. Helped to organize tenement libraries in Cincinnati, Ohio, ISbi; Tuberculosis Clinic in Bangor, 1908; District Nursing in Bangor, 1913.

SCOTT, Anna B. (Mrs. Irwin E. Scott), 845 N.

Sixty-third St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Journalist; b. N.Y., Nov. 14, 1856; dau. Louis and Dorothea (Bable) Storck; ed. Philadelphia public schools; m. Boston, Aug. 1, 1877, Irwin E. Scott; one son: Louis Wilson. Mem. staff of Philadelphia North American, (cooking ex- pert). Interested in social betterment and uplift of the working girl; active In Girls' Friendly so- cieties, Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A. Favors woman suf- frage. Episcopalian. Mem. Consumers' League, Home and School Ass'n, Girls' Friendly Sec, Associated Clubs of Domestic Science. SCOTT, Anna Grace, Seattle General Hospital,

Seattle, Wash.

Trained nurse; b. Ottawa, Can., Nov. 11, 1880; dau. Charles Stlnson and Margaret (MacAgy) Scott; ed. Ottawa Collegiate Inst., Victoria Coll., Univ. of Toronto; grad. Methodist Episcopal Kospital, Brooklyn, N.Y., post-grad. Johns Hop- kins Hospital, Baltimore. Private nursing in N.Y. City for five years; since 1909 ass't sup't of Seattle General Hospital. Mem. Alumnae Ass'n ef M.E. Hospital. Recreation: Traveling (has traveled In America, Europe, Japan, China and Pbilipjiines). Methodist. Favors woman suffrage. SCOTT, Bertha Drake (Mrs. Henry Clarkson

Scott), 31 Westminster Place, St. Louis, Mo.

Born St. Louis, Apr. 30, 1866; dau. George Silas and Bertha V. (Malloy) Drake; ed. Mary Inst., St. Louis; Farmington, Conn (Miss Por- ter's School); m. Feb. 14, 1S93, Henry Clarkson Scott; children: Hugh, Nancy Warburton, George, Alice Marion. Sec. of the Home of the Friendless (Old Ladies' Home); vice-pres. of Woman's Club of Christ Church Cathedral (set- tlement work); chairman of woman's com. of Holy Cross Mission (settlement work). Episco- palian. Mem. the Imperial Soc, St. Louis Coun- try Club, Florissant Valley Country Club, Belle- rive Country Club. SCOTT, Bertha Lane (Mrs. William Forse

Scott), G30 N. Broadway, Yonkers. N.T. Born Cincinnati, O. ; dau. Col. P. P. and Sophia (Bosworth) Lane; ed. Cincinnati, Boston, New York, and incidentally, variously In Europe; m. Cincinnati, O., June 1, 1891, William Forse Scott; one son: Philip Lane Scott. Mem. Exec. Beard Civic League, Yonksrs, N.Y. ; chaii-man Educational Com., Yonkers; National Industrial Education Ass'n. Author: Woman in Relation to Government; Practical Limitations of Democracy; Addresses in Public Edur:ation; Lecture on the Development of the Ballad; Lectures on English Literature; Addresses on Woman's Social Status and Woman Suffrage. Mem. Soc. for the Study of Anthropology, Round Table (educational). Clubs: Woman's Cosmopolitan, Wednesday After-

��noon, Fortnlgbtly (N.Y. City). Against woman suffrage; mem. Exec. Board and chairman Pub- lication Com. N.Y. Ass'n Opposed to Woman Suffrage. SCOTT, Betty, 304 Second Av., N.T. City.

Singer; b. Pittsburgh, Pa., Mar. 6, 1874; dau. Jajnes B. and Anna (Jacobus) Soolt; ed. St. Margaret's School, Waterbury, Conn,, 1893-94; Wellesley, B.A. '98 (Phi Sigma). Studied singing In France, Germany and Italy six years. Inter- ested In Associated Charities and Visiting Nurse AiK'n. Favors woman suffrage; chairman Pub- licity Com. Equal Suffrage League, Waterbury, Conn. Mem. Hospital Aid Soc., Waterbury; Wellesley Coll. Alumnae Ass'n; Historical Soc., Waterbury. Recreations: Tramping, camping. Clubs: College, Social Service (Waterbury, Conn.).

SCOTT, Charlotte Angas, Bryn Mawr, Pa,

Mathematician, college professor; b. Lincoln, England, June 8, 1858; dau. Rev. Caleb Scott, D.D., and Eliza Ann (Exley) Scott; grad. in honors, Girton Coll., Cambridge, England, 1880; Univ. of London, B.Sc. '82, D.Sc. '85. Lecturer on mathematics, Girton Coll., 1880-84; lecturer in connection with Newnham Coll., Univ. of Cam- bridge, England, 1880-83; came to U. S. 1885, and ever since head of mathematical dep't, Bryn Mawr Coll. Contributor to mathematical jour- nals; edited American edition of Lock's Arith- metic for Schools. Author: An Introductory Ac- count of Certain Modern Ideas an-d Methods in Plane Analytical Geometry, 1894; Cartesian Plane Geometry, Part I (Analytical Cones), 1907. Mem. Am. Mathematical Soc, London Mathematical Soc, Mathematical Soc of Edinburgh, Scotland, Deutsche Mathematlker Verelnigung, Clrcolo Matematico di Palermo; hon. mem. Mathematical Soc. of Amsterdam, Holland.

SCOTT, Cornelia Porter Leland (Mrs. Robert Scott;, WtlUamston, Mass., and De Land, Fla. Born Bath, Steuben Co., N.Y., Nov. 11, 1844; dau. Ziba A. and Abby E. (Porter) Leland; ed. MechanicvUle Acad., Vassar Coll., A.B. '68; m. Waterford, N.Y., Oct. 23, 1889, Rev. Robert Scott. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Vas- sar Alumnse Ass'n, the Nantucket Maria Mitchell Ass'n, Woman's Auxiliary to the Board of Mis- sions, D.A.R., Woman's Club (De Land, Fla.). Protestant Episcopalian.

SCOTT, Eda Vemaz (Mrs. Winifred Walter Scott), Crow Agency, Mont. Born Warrensburg, Mo., Feb. 2, 1870; dau. Pierre and Colette (Pythond) Vemaz; ed. State Normal School, Warrensburg, Mo. ; m. May 16, 1894, Winifred Walter Scott; one daughter: Wini- fred Wood, b. July 17, 1900. Established Chau- tauqua Club (now pres.), also a free public li- brary. Active Episcopalian; living on Indian reservation of which husband Is in charge; active in missionary work. Mem. Daughters of the King. Favors woman suffrage. The Chautau- qua Club at Crow Agency Is the only woman's club on an Indian reservation; In connection with the club established a free public library, 1911, which has 400 volumes, which go out to cowboys and others who never had the advantage of a public library; only one of its kind on a place like this agency.

SCOTT, Emily Maria Spafard (Mrs. Charles Scott), 142 E. Eighteenth St., N.T. City; sum- mer, Quaker HlII, N.T.

Artist; b. Springwater, N.Y. ; dau. Thomas Lawrence and Almlra (Baldwin) Spafard; ed. Ann Arbor, Mich.; m. Manchester, Mich., Mar. 1, 1853, Charles Scott, who died May 2, 1865. Ed. In painting in Paris. Pictures In Metropolitan Mu- seum, Brooklyn Museum, Cleveland Library; medals from Atl.inta, Ga.,' and Buffalo (Pan- American) Expositions. Interested In art mat- ters. The Water-Color Club. Pen and Brush Club were formed In her studio. Interested In philanthropic work among struggling artists. Writer of magazine articles. Mem. National Soc. of New England Women, Historical Soc. at Pawling Quaker Hill, and private literary so- cieties. Clubs: National Arts, Pen and Brush, Woman's Art, Water Color (N.Y. City). Presby- terian.


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