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Goodrich House, Cleveland; associate headworker, Philadelphia College Settlement; headworker, Minneapolis Unity House and Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae Settlement, Albany, N.Y. Sociological librarian, N.Y. State Library, 1902-06; librarian, Russell Sage Foundation Library, N.Y. City, 1906-13; head worker Franklin Street Settlement, Detroit, Mich., 1913—. Mem. Ass'n of Collegiate Alumnae, Am. Economic Ass'n.

BATES, Juanita Breckenridge (Mrs. Frederick E. Bates), 310 N. Aurora St., Ithaca, N.Y.

Clergyman; b. Hopewell, Ill., Dec. 31, 1860; dau. Hugh and Mary (Watson) Breckenridge; ed. Rock Island High School, Wheaton Coll. B.S., Oberlin Theol. Sem. B.D.; mem. L.L.S. of Oberlin; m. Hopewell, Ill., Sept 27, 1893, Hon. Frederick E. Bates; children: Juanita, Abraham. Applied to Cleveland Congregational Conference for license to preach in Spring, 1890; her case was made the test case to determine the policy of the denomination and the license was granted at the fall conference, 1890, after six months of discussion. Ordained at Brookton, N.Y., June, 1892. Interested in Sabbath School, The Social Service League, Y.W.C.A. work and both home and foreign mission work. First vice-pres. Ithaca Political Study Club. Congregationalist. Mem. Susquehanna Ministerial Ass'n, N.Y. State Congregational Conference, director in N.Y. State Federation of Women's Clubs, Ithaca Woman's Club, Political Study Club, City Federation of Women's Organizations of Ithaca. Recreations: Music, violin, piano, voice, riding and walking. Favors woman suffrage.

BATES, Katherine Lee, 70 Curve St., Wellesley, Mass.

Teacher, writer; b. Falmouth, Mass., Aug. 12, 1869; dau. Rev. William and Cornelia Frances (Lee) Bates; grad. Wellesley High School '74, Newton High School '76, Wellesley Coll., B.A. '80, M.A. '91; grad. student at Oxford, Eng., 1890-91 (mem. Phi Sigma). Taught in Natick High School, 1880-81; classics, Dana Hall School, 1881-85; Instructor Wellesley Coll., 1885-88; associate prof., 1888-91; prof. English literature, 1891- . Director International Institute for Girls in Spain; mem. Mass. Audubon Soc., Nat. Ass'n of Audubon Socs., Nat Soc. for Humane Regulation of Vivisection, N.Y. Anti-Vivisection Soc., Am. Ass'n for Labor Legislation, Consumers' League of Mass., Malone Soc, Phi Beta Kappa, Boston Authors' Club, Am. Poetry Soc, Drama League. Author: The English Religious Drama, 1893; American Literature, 1898; Spanish Highways and Byways, 1900; From Gretna Green to Land's End, 1907; Chaucer's Canterbury Pilgrims, 1909; America the Beautiful, and Other Poems, 1911; Translator (with Cornelia Frances Bates) Becquer's Romantic Legends of Spain, 1909. Editor of a score of English classics, etc. Progressive in politics (but not a voter). Recreations: Travel, out of doors, books, friends (including a golden collie).

BATES, Louise (Mrs. Francis E. Bates), Oak Lawn, R.I.

Genealogist; keeper of graduate records Brown Univ.; b. Myster, Conn., May 13, 1857; dau. John Gardner and Maria Louise (Palmer) Prosser; ed. Boston Univ., A.B. 1881; Brown Univ., A.M. 1893; m. Providence, R.I., May 3, 1882, Francis Eliot Bates; children: Winthrop Haydon Bates, Marion Bates, Hope Angell Bates (first two deceased) Pres. Providence Children's Friend Soc. Congregationalist.

BATES, Margaret Holmes (Mrs. Charles Austin Bates), 106 Central Park West, N.Y. City.

Writer; b. Freemont, Ohio, Oct. 6, 1844; dau. Christopher and Julia (Ensninger) Ernsperger; ed. public schools of Ohio; m. Rochester, Ind., June, 1865, Charles Austin Bates; one son: Charles Austin. Books: The Chamber Over the Gate; Marieton; Jasper Fairfax; In the First Degree; Silas Kirkendown's Sons; Paying the Piper; Shylock's Daughter; The Price of the Ring; Hildegarde and other Lyrics; also short stories, business articles, book reviews, etc. Episcopalian. Mem. Daughters of Ohio in N.Y., Daughters of Indiana in N.Y., Browning Soc, Playgoers Club. Favors woman suffrage.

BATES, Martha Frances Sutphen (Mrs. F. S. Bates), Sixth and Park Sts., Middletown, Ohio.

Born Middletown, O., Feb. 9, 1857; dau. Carlton Waldo and Elizabeth Cochran Sutphen; ed. Middletown (O.) High School; m. Middletown, O., Jan. 23, 1878, C. M. Bates; children: Charles J., Thomas Sutphen, Carlton Waldo Bates. Pres. Woman's Century Club, The Woman's Club, D.A.R. Mem. Methodist Episcopal Church. Favors woman suffrage. Republican.

BATES, Mary Elizabeth, 144 Winthrop Av., Wollaston, Mass.

Born Massachusetts; grad. Boston Normal School of Gymnastics, '93; graduate student in same, 1901-02; student in biology and German, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1893-96. Ass't in gymnasium, Bryn Mawr Coll., 1893-96; director of gymnasium in Miss Florence Baldwin's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1895-1901; director of physical training of the women, Swarthmore Coll., 1902-11. Mem. Council of Philadelphia branch of Consumers' League, 1906-10.

BATES, Mary Elizabeth, Suite 524 Majestic Bld'g, Denver, Col.

Physician and surgeon; b. Manitowoc, Wis., Feb. 25, 1861; dau. William Wallace and Marie (Cole) Bates; grad. Woman's Med. School of Northwestern Univ., M.D. '81; grad. of Cook Co. Hospital, Chicago, 1882; first woman admitted interne (competitive) to that institution; after graduation from Cook Co. Hospital studied in Vienna and Germany one and one-half years. Prof. Anatomy Woman's Med. School, Northwestern Univ., Chicago, 1883-90. Went West for health 1889; settled in Denver Jan., 1891. Pres. Humane Education Soc; lectured in behalf of Humane Soc; initiated and assisted in drafting and lobbied to passage in Colorado Legislature the law making felony the taking of indecent liberties with children, 1905; present Colorado age of consent law, 1907; present Colorado law for Examination and Care of Public School Children; present Colorado White Slave law; secured passage of amendment to game laws compelling fish and game commissioner to feed starving deer, elk and antelope; also school bill and many others. Has written various articles, medical and sociological, for medical societies and publications. Protestant (no church). Independent in politics. Mem. Denver Co. Med. Soc, State Med. Soc, Am. Med. Ass'n, Humane Education Soc; chairman School Health Com. of School Patrons' Dep't of Nat. Educational Ass'n. Recreations: Sociological work, gardening, vacations (East or West). Mem. Denver Woman's Club.

BATES, Mary Russell, 31 Loomis St., Burlington, Vt.

Librarian; b. Newbury, Vt, Sept. 9, 1872; dau. Samuel Lysander and Marion E. (Walker) Bates; ed. Univ. of Vt., Ph.B. '94 (mem. Phi Beta Kappa; Kappa Alpha Theta). Principal of Shelburne (Vt.) High School, 1895-98; cataloguer and ass't librarian Library of the Univ. of Vt. since 1898. Mem. Klifa Club, U.V.M. Alumnae Club, Am. Library Ass'n. Congregationalist.

BATES, Roxie Ellen, M.D., Wauseon, Ohio.

Physician; b. Chesterfield, O., Sept. 22, 1855; dau. George W. and Mary G. (Carver) Bates; ed. public school, Univ. of Mich. Medical Dep't, M.D. '87. Engaged in general practice 25 years. Mem. Church of Christ. Favors woman suffrage.

BATES, Sarah Glazier (Mrs. John Mallory Bates), 1730 A St., Lincoln, Neb.

Born Hartford, Conn., Mar. 7, 1846; dau. Carlos and Phoebe (Walker) Glazier; grad. Hartford High School, '63; Vassar, A.B. '68, A.M. '72 (Phi Beta Kappa); later studied under professors at Univs. of Chicago and Harvard before those universities gave degrees to women; m. Hartford, Conn., Oct. 10, 1876, Rev. John Mallory Bates; children: Luke' Manning, George Whitney, Sarah Louise, Carlos Glazier. First prof, of mathematics and astronomy appointed for Wellesley Coll., 1872, continuing until marriage. Interested in questions of sanitation, eugenics, etc Mem. D.A.R. , Ass'n Collegiate Alumnae, Graduate Club of Univ. of Neb.

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